I bit my tongue badly - how to provide first aid and how to treat it?

Basically, many diseases in the oral cavity occur due to the influence of harmful bacteria, but problems of a different nature often occur, and they arise unexpectedly, for example, when a person bites his tongue. Lesions can be very different - a minor injury while eating or a serious soft tissue injury caused by a fall or blow. When the tongue gets under teeth, which are known to be very hard, even through-and-through damage can occur.

The tongue is one of the most powerful muscles of the body. Every day he is under a lot of pressure. It contains a large number of blood vessels, which is why any injury can pose a serious danger. Particularly large bleeding occurs when the lower part of the tongue is bitten, and also when the injury is severe. But at the same time, even a slight bite often causes very noticeable pain. And it can be injured from different sides: from below, from the side, etc. Therefore, if you notice a wound that is bleeding even a little, you need to take action.

Despite the fact that the mucous membrane has the ability to quickly recover, quick and skillful treatment procedures in such situations are simply necessary to prevent negative consequences. Even if there is almost no blood, an ulcer may subsequently appear, which will fester, be very painful and take a long time to heal. It is advisable to provide assistance immediately. A small bite sometimes takes just one day to heal, but a more complex injury may take a week.

To properly figure out what to do in this case, what medications to use to relieve inflammation, you should consult a dentist. Moreover, you should see this specialist or an orthodontist if there are repeated bites of the tongue, perhaps the reason lies in dental problems.

When you need specialist help

As already mentioned, even a small injury to the tongue after biting can cause pain and anxiety, but it will go away on its own in a short time. But it often happens that the wound becomes inflamed, the pain intensifies, and other undesirable symptoms appear. All this causes a lot of problems. Without feeling pain, a patient can no longer not only pronounce words, eat, but even experience discomfort without performing any actions with the tongue. This is a very serious situation, so it would be best if the patient does not do anything on his own, but contacts a dentist who will take emergency measures. In what cases should you consult a doctor? The most serious reasons are:

  • if, as a result of a bite, a through wound of the tongue occurs;
  • when there is swelling and hematoma at the site of the bite;
  • if there is heavy bleeding from the wound, and it occurs periodically after stopping;
  • when, after a bite, a large wound is formed, in which torn edges are also visible;
  • if at the very beginning a small wound causes severe pain, which does not go away for several days and does not get smaller.

During the examination, the doctor will determine the presence or absence of an inflammatory process. When a wound gets infected, swelling and pain are inevitable companions. In the future, this can lead to purulent formations and possible complications in such cases. The specialist will prescribe treatment that will speed up the healing process.


“I bit my tongue, it hurts. What to do?" - you can often hear from women. Each of us knows that injuries in the oral cavity heal very quickly without special treatment. But in fact, such damage can be very dangerous. If the tongue is bitten very strongly and deeply, it will take a long time to heal. When a wound becomes infected, various complications are possible. We'll look at which ones next.

Glossitis is a pathology in which the tongue changes its structure and color. A person may experience pain, burning and discomfort when chewing food. This complication is dangerous because it can result in a partial loss of taste. If the wound becomes infected, an abscess may develop. This inflammatory process is characterized by severe swelling. The tongue swells so much that it becomes difficult for the victim to speak and swallow.

Another unpleasant complication is phlegmon. This is a very serious inflammation that can impair breathing and swallowing functions. A patient with such a complication requires urgent hospitalization.

First aid

Before touching the wound, you should wash your hands thoroughly using traditional means - warm water and soap. If for some reason these products are not available, use another hand sanitizer, such as alcohol. Otherwise, there is a high probability of infection, because the wound on the tongue is open. For persistent viruses, a bleeding wound is also an excellent opportunity to express itself. After this, you should follow the simple recommendations below:

Apply pressure to the wound. Since the tongue has many blood vessels, in most cases it begins to bleed after being bitten. To slow down bleeding and promote rapid blood clotting, you need to apply pressure to the damaged area. It is advisable to carry out this action immediately after biting the tongue. If the tip is wounded, you need to press it to the sky and hold it for at least five seconds. If necessary, perform several times. You can press it not only to the sky, but also to the cheek from the inside. If you can reach the damaged area, use a piece of ice to carry out this procedure. Either simply apply it to the wound, or apply it to the roof of your mouth and press with your tongue, of course, if such manipulations do not cause pain. You can also apply pressure to the wound with a clean cloth or bandage.

Inspect the bite site. To do this, use a mirror, open your mouth wide, and conduct a thorough examination of your tongue. If the bleeding stops and the wound is shallow, you may not need to see a doctor and continue self-treatment. When you see that the bleeding does not stop or begins to intensify, but the wound is shallow, call the dentist, he will give advice on what to do in this situation, and perhaps suggest putting a suture. Well, if there is severe bleeding, call an ambulance.

Check for other injuries. Quite often, the result of tongue bite is a fall or blow that was received during sports activities or competitions. Check your entire mouth to see if your teeth are damaged or if your gums are bleeding, which often happens when a tooth is damaged. Does pain occur when moving the lower jaw? If additional damage is found, consult a doctor.

Apply a compress. Typically, a severely damaged tongue begins to swell. In this state, it often becomes the cause of repeated injury. To relieve inflammation, you need to immediately apply a cold compress to the damaged area - this, for example, could be an ordinary piece of ice, which should be wrapped in a bandage or clean cloth. You should hold the compress for at least a minute until the tongue becomes numb, only then you can remove the compress from the tongue. If necessary, repeat the procedure for several days. If the injury occurs in a child, then instead of an ice compress, you can use an ice cream fruit bar.

Take medication to numb the affected area. First you need to choose an anti-inflammatory drug that is easily tolerated by the body, for example, Advil. After taking the recommended dose, as a rule, swelling decreases, as well as pain, which are in most cases constant companions of this injury.

Signs associated with a bitten tongue

Our ancestors believed that any event associated with a person has a sacred meaning. What signs are associated with damage to the tongue and the inner surface of the cheeks? If such an injury occurs during a long and intense conversation, this is a sign of an emerging conflict. Remember the popular expression: “It’s time to bite your tongue!” If you damaged it by accident, you should not continue the dispute. A person who bites his lip during a conversation is considered too talkative and not always honest. But the most romantic beliefs are associated with biting the inner surface of the cheeks. Such an injury is considered a harbinger of a passionate, unexpected kiss. If your cheek was bitten in a dream, you may experience failure in love. And yet, no matter what pleasant changes the signs promise, if a person bites his tongue, it is important to provide him with the right medical care in a timely manner.

Rinse recipes

To clean the wound and prevent infection, you should use a mouth rinse. This procedure will be carried out especially if the tongue was bitten while eating. After rinsing your mouth, you need to spit; if there is blood, rinse your mouth several times. Below are the most popular remedies that you can prepare at home:

Saline solution. You will need a glass of water, you can use tap water, but preferably warm. Pour a spoonful of salt into it and stir the mixture. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with this solution for about fifteen seconds and then spit it out. You should rinse at least three times until the wound heals. This procedure is especially effective if used immediately after meals. Salt has the quality of killing harmful bacteria in the mouth. In addition, thanks to this procedure, the wound is cleaned well and the risk of infection is reduced.

Hydrogen peroxide. To prepare this rinse, you need to mix three percent hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts. With the same duration as in the previous recipe, rinse and spit. When performing the procedure, be careful not to swallow the solution. You can rinse with hydrogen peroxide three to four times a day. It is considered an excellent antiseptic and copes well with the growth of bacteria in the mouth. In addition, peroxide will perfectly clean the wound, remove dirt from it, and also ensure the delivery of the required amount of oxygen to the cells, which, in turn, will help stop bleeding. This rinse can also be in the form of a gel, very convenient for lubricating the wound, all you need is a cotton swab and a swab.

Antacid. To prepare the mixture, you will need to take equal proportions of Benadryl - an antiallergic liquid and an antacid, for example milk of magnesia, and mix everything. Rinse for a minute and then spit. Can be performed up to two times. Antacids help lower acid levels in the mouth, which improves healing. Antihistamines will reduce inflammation. The mixture of these products creates a unique and effective rinse. You can prepare the mixture in the form of a paste; this is mainly convenient for those who cannot rinse their mouth for one reason or another and apply it to the wound.

Regular rinses. To perform the procedure, you need to take the dose that is usually recommended and rinse for at least half a minute. It is necessary to use rinses after eating. This will help cleanse the wound of food debris, protect against infection and speed up the healing process. You can also use products such as benzydamine hydrochloride for rinsing. The main thing is that everything is carried out strictly according to indications.

Rule seven: pay attention to the complex of concomitant diseases

As experts say, injuries to the tongue, as well as to the inside of the cheeks and lips, do not always occur in a child due to activity and restlessness. Sometimes they indicate the presence of some undetected diseases, especially if the situation repeats itself again and again. For example, the cause may be the presence of bite pathologies, abnormal attachment of the frenulum of the tongue, paresthesia (decreased sensitivity of nerve receptors). In the first two cases, an orthodontist, dentist, or pediatric surgeon will help solve the problem. If you have paresthesia, you will need to visit a neurologist, endocrinologist, and other specialists.


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How to treat?

During treatment, you should continue to use cold compresses. Prepare ice cubes in a plastic bag and freeze your tongue until the pain subsides. To make it more comfortable, you can wrap the bag with a damp, thin cloth. Try not to consume any acidic foods during this period. You can suck on fruit-based ice cream and drink cold drinks. In this way, it will be possible to stop the bleeding, even if it appears again, and also reduce pain during treatment. There are also other recipes for quick wound healing:

  • aloe vera. This gel can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. Or use a living plant, for example, by cutting a leaf and collecting the pulp from it. Then use it as a compress, applying the pulp to the wound at least three times a day. It is advisable if this procedure is performed after rinsing the mouth and before going to bed. Aloe vera is a natural herbal remedy that can improve blood circulation. In addition, it has bactericidal properties and can suppress certain types of harmful bacteria. When using, be careful to prevent ingestion. This product can also be used in this way: take a small piece of bandage and put the gel on it, then apply it to the wound. Saliva will not dissolve it and this will extend the period of action of the gel.
  • oral gel. It can also be purchased at any nearest pharmacy; it will effectively anesthetize and disinfect the wound. For example, Orajel, which comes in the form of a tube, is popular and convenient in this particular case. To carry out the procedure, just squeeze out a little gel and place it on a sterile cotton swab, then apply to the affected area. It is recommended to repeat the procedure two to four times until the wound begins to heal.
  • adhesive paste. You can use this dental remedy. The effect of use is similar to oral gel. Place a little paste on a sterile cotton swab and then lubricate the wound. Repeat frequency up to four times a day. You don't have to bother putting the gel on the stick, just apply it with your finger. First wash your hands well with soap.
  • baking soda. To prepare the product, you need to dilute a teaspoon of this product until you get a homogeneous paste. You should dip a stick with cotton wool wrapped in this paste and lubricate the affected area. Baking soda helps reduce acidity in the mouth and suppress bacteria, and also reduces swelling and pain when the inflammatory process begins.
  • honey. This procedure is not only simple, but also pleasant. You need to take a teaspoon of the product and lick it, you can just drop some honey on the bite area. The frequency of the procedure is up to twice a day. Honey is an excellent remedy that has an enveloping effect. It will protect the mucous membrane, preventing the proliferation of harmful bacteria. It will only be beneficial if you add turmeric to honey, a pinch is enough. Turmeric is also an excellent antibacterial agent and will help suppress some harmful bacteria, which, when combined with honey, ensures that the wound heals faster.
  • milk of magnesia This treatment method will especially bring a noticeable effect if used after the procedure of rinsing the mouth. Milk is an excellent active antacid. Using this method, the patient will be able to achieve not only the suppression of harmful bacteria, but also create a favorable environment for beneficial microorganisms. To carry out the procedure, soak a cotton swab in milk of magnesia and apply three to four times a day to the wound.

How to speed up tongue healing?

For minor injuries, the mucous membranes and tongue heal within 24 hours. If you bite your tongue hard enough, be prepared for the fact that it will take 2-3 days to heal. Throughout this period, you should carefully monitor your menu. Try to avoid foods that are too hot. Avoid salty, spicy and sour foods. Eating a lot of cold things is also not recommended, since cooling the affected area slows down the healing process. It is advisable not to eat nuts, crackers and other too hard foods that can disturb the wound when chewed. If a person has bitten his tongue, healing can be accelerated by eating properly and variedly. It is also advisable to stop smoking and drinking alcohol during the healing period.

Precautionary measures

Of course, it is impossible to avoid all factors that can affect tongue injury. Especially in sports, and even in case of accidental falls. But precautions must be taken. To prevent tongue biting in avoidable situations, follow these guidelines:

  1. Contact your dentist. You should make it a rule to undergo a routine dental examination at least twice a year. Visit this specialist even when there are malocclusions. A certain category of patients is at increased risk of oral injury. As a rule, this applies to those who suffer from multiple caries or have sharp teeth. Many times, patients who have uneven teeth may bite their tongue. Under these circumstances, the specialist at the reception will tell you how to eliminate the problem and suggest ways to solve it.
  2. Check dentures. You should always carefully inspect the dentures to be sure that they fit tightly to the gums and that they do not have a lot of mobility. Prostheses must have no sharp edges. If you have a chronic bite, you should not delay visiting a doctor to check the suitability of these artificial teeth for you. Also consult your orthodontist about the normal range of motion of an orthodontic appliance. This will make it possible to correct it and avoid tongue injury in the future. In addition, for sharp braces that can injure the tongue, you can come up with something protective. For example, small wax balls.
  3. Don't forget about mouthguards. Those patients who are involved in sports that are dangerous to injury to the oral cavity should take care of protective devices. You should always wear a mouthguard or helmet, as well as other protective items. They will be able to reliably protect the lower jaw during an impact, which in turn will significantly reduce the risk of injuring the tongue and receiving other serious damage.
  4. Remember about safety in case of epilepsy. Patients who suffer from this illness need to know the rules of conduct in case of a seizure and be sure to familiarize others with them so that they can provide effective assistance. You should not place any object in your mouth during an epileptic seizure, as this often causes more harm than good, and this also includes tongue biting. It is necessary to take care of calling an ambulance, and while it is on the way, roll the patient onto his side.

How to get rid of the problem of biting your cheek from the inside?

The only sure way to solve such a problem is to quickly contact a professional dentist.

Options for solving the problem:

  • Grind and polish the sharp edges of the teeth that touch the mucous membrane;
  • Prescribe orthodontic treatment. Mouthguards for bruxism, aligners correcting minor malocclusions. The plate also allows you to reduce the clenching force of the jaws and protects the teeth from rapid abrasion (plates are installed for children under 14 years of age). Install a braces system to correct serious inaccuracies of malocclusion.
  • Correction of the location of wisdom teeth or their complete removal.
  • Restoration of damaged teeth, removal of old ones, reinstallation of fillings, dentures depending on their location in the jaw.


Follow treatment recommendations and basic hygiene rules:

Before performing any oral procedures, wash your hands with soap and water. This will avoid infection of the wound after biting, and you should not put pressure on the sore spot.

Don't stop brushing your teeth, even if it's not easy. Perform this procedure three times a day, replacing the regular bristles of the brush with another, softer one. Be careful not to irritate the bitten tongue.

You should not pour brilliant green or iodine into the wound; it is better to treat the surrounding surface. Also, do not use antibiotics unless prescribed by a specialist.

During the treatment period, you need to limit the consumption of alcohol and smoking tobacco, as well as chewing it - all of this can irritate the wound and will slow down the treatment.

The diet should not contain too spicy and hot foods, as well as drinks that can cause irritation and injury to the tongue.

In the event that you do not notice any improvement within a week, or, on the contrary, the wound has enlarged and gives off a putrid odor, or if the temperature rises, immediately contact your dentist.

Cost of services

Appointment with a dentist260 rub.
Grinding and polishing of teeth990 rub.
Mouthguard for bruxism (1 jaw)RUB 5,350
Alignersfrom 20,000 rub.
Bracket systemfrom 29,150 rub.
Tooth extraction, simple2,900 rub.
Wisdom tooth removal7,250 rub.
Tooth restorationRUB 4,950


For quick healing, if the patient bites his tongue, a strong immune system is necessary. Drink teas from plants that are rich in vitamin C. Excellent raw materials for these purposes can be, for example, rose hips, young shoots and leaves of raspberries and currants. You can also drink warm fruit drink made from berries such as strawberries, cranberries, and lingonberries. In short, during the treatment of a bitten tongue, the patient should not only eat carefully, but also eat foods rich in vitamins.

A significant part of tongue injuries are, as a rule, mechanical in nature, and this can only indicate the patient’s failure to comply with precautionary measures. It is not uncommon to bite your tongue while eating. To avoid such negative consequences, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • do not get lost in thoughts when eating;
  • do not be distracted while eating;
  • do not talk with your mouth full;
  • food should be chewed slowly.

By following all the above tips and recommendations, you will achieve speedy healing of your tongue.

Signs of damage to the tongue and inner cheeks

It is most difficult to identify the type and nature of injuries to the oral cavity in young children. If the baby is unable to explain what happened to him, parents should start with a home examination. In good lighting, ask your child to open his mouth wide and stick out his tongue. The main sign of a recent injury is bleeding. If the baby bit his tongue some time ago, hematoma and swelling may be noticeable. Side symptoms with many injuries to the oral cavity are pain when eating hot, spicy or salty foods.

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