A child bit his lip during anesthesia - what to do?

Dental treatment in childhood is in many cases accompanied by local anesthesia, as a result of which sensitivity disappears not only in the causative tooth, but also in half of the jaw, including the lips. Children are unable to adequately assess their condition, and the sensation of painless biting is of considerable interest, so situations when children bite their lips until they bleed happen very often.

The child bit his lip

Infectious process

The patient the next day after visiting the dentist may notice that the lip is swollen or pulled to the side if infectious complications have developed both after pain relief and the operation itself.
In case of infectious inflammation, swelling of the lips will be accompanied by pain at the injection site or along the nerve fiber. The lip will be hot and tight to the touch. Body temperature may rise, and symptoms of intoxication will appear: weakness, chills, dizziness, nausea. Due to the proximity of the oral cavity to the brain and other vital organs, if the symptoms described above appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid progression of the infection.


In addition to the above symptoms, the inflammatory process can cause pain and discomfort in the area, and bad breath. The patient may also observe other damage and defects of the mucous membrane, as well as possible accumulation of pathological fluid or pus in the formations.

Many people are interested in what to do if the lip is swollen due to mechanical damage.

As a rule, inflammation develops after household interventions in the mucous membrane (aggressive oral hygiene, squeezing pimples, biting lips), as well as as a result of injuries (cuts, punctures, dissection, tissue rupture). Often, purulent inflammation develops precisely after cosmetic procedures - injections of hyaluronic acid and Botox, area piercing, permanent makeup, etc.

Sometimes ordinary alcohol tinctures, antibacterial compresses and healing ointments help to cope with the problem. However, in the case of the development of purulent abscesses and their improper puncture, the pathological fluid can enter the blood, causing intoxication of the body.

To reduce pain, apply a compress with menthol or propolis, novocaine solution.

Treatment for a bitten lip

The best way to deal with the fact that a child has bitten his lip is prevention - before going to the dentist, parents should explain what will happen after treatment and teeth and warn against chewing their own lips. It is important to closely monitor your child, especially for preschoolers, as children of this age quickly forget about parental warnings. It is advisable to stay nearby throughout the entire period of anesthesia wearing off, observing and constantly reminding you of the danger of careless movements.

If a child does bite his lips, then you should not panic - the oral mucosa has a high regenerative ability, and saliva has disinfecting properties due to the content of lysozyme, so the healing process will take place quite quickly.

During this period, the child should carefully monitor oral hygiene, thoroughly brushing the teeth twice a day and rinsing the mouth after each meal. As you know, there are a huge number of opportunistic microorganisms in the oral cavity, so it is recommended to use antiseptics.

Today there are many different drugs in various forms of release - Sprays, solutions, lozenges. The most common solutions include Furacillin, Miramistin, and Chlorhexidine. Faringosept lollipops also contain an antiseptic component and at the same time have a pleasant taste.

To accelerate tissue regeneration, it is recommended to use “Solcoseryl” - this is a gel that helps accelerate metabolic processes and improve the trophism of damaged tissues, as a result of which healing occurs faster.

The drug should be applied to the cleaned surface of the wound, so you must first rinse the mouth.

In addition to medications, medicinal herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula - help relieve inflammation and swelling. They should be poured with boiling water and left to infuse until the required concentration, after which you should make oral baths - put the solution in your mouth and hold for a minute and a half.


During the recovery period, it is recommended to adjust the diet - exclude spicy and salty foods, as they have a strong irritating effect on the mucous membrane. The same goes for hot and cold drinks - a sharp change in temperature slows down the healing process of a bitten lip.

Local anesthesia in dentistry is needed to accompany diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Anesthesia in children is carried out according to indications. The anesthetic allows the doctor to perform all necessary manipulations even in younger patients. During the action of the anesthetic drug, the child can damage the soft tissues of the oral cavity with his teeth.

If the child does bite his lips, cheeks, or tongue, then after eating and before bed:

    treat the mucous membrane with a cotton swab with chlorhexidine or miramistin; Apply a thin layer of dental adhesive paste with a healing effect (solcoseryl) with a cotton swab.

Treatment can last about a week. Usually this period is sufficient for epithelialization.

If your child behaves restlessly, refuses to eat, or has a fever, consult a doctor in person.

https://guideseo. ru/pokusannaya-guba-posle-anestezii/

https://eseseymabibu. info/chto/nakusal-gubu-posle-anestezii-chto-delat/

https://vseoperacii. com/faq/rebenok-nakusal-gubu-posle-anestezii-chto-delat. html

Therapeutic measures are aimed at ensuring that an open wound, regardless of its location, does not get infected, as well as at speedy healing.

To do this, use (if the lip is broken on the outside):

  1. Zinc ointment, treatment is carried out up to 4 times a day.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil.
  3. Solcoseryl.
  4. Healer.

If the lip is broken from the inside, then only rinsing solutions can be used as therapeutic procedures. A prerequisite is to rinse after eating or drinking. Also during this period, the child should not eat nuts, seeds or crackers; small particles of food can get into the wound and cause complications.


Procedures throughout the day should be carried out as often as possible, using the following solutions as solutions:

  • chlorhexidine and similar drugs;
  • propolis on water;
  • chamomile decoction.

Often, after visiting the dentist, children whose medications have not worn off feel that their lips are swollen after anesthesia. This condition causes babies to unconsciously bite their swollen lips to test the effect of the medicine. Unfortunately, this leads to such undesirable consequences for the baby as a swollen lip and adjacent tissues.

Here the mother’s main task is to prevent damage to the oral cavity. After the operation, it is necessary to monitor the child so that he does not bite his tongue. It is strictly forbidden to eat solid food.

But if the lip is swollen after anesthesia, and the baby bites it until white-yellow swelling forms, you should use products that promote healing. When enlarging lips in areas of bites, you can use wound-healing rinsing solutions.

If the gums are swollen after tooth extraction, you need to rinse thoroughly several times a day with an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine 0.5%. But, if the area that is swollen continues to become inflamed, you need to consult a doctor, as an infection may be introduced through the injection.


Local anesthesia wears off within 2 hours, and this time must be completely devoted to the child. If parents are driving him in a car, then another adult should be seated in the back seat next to the child seat so that he can calm the baby and make sure that he does not bite his lip.

If a child goes to kindergarten or school immediately after anesthesia, you need to ask the caregiver or teacher to keep an eye on him. But this is still undesirable, because, firstly, teachers have too many children to focus on one pupil or pupil. And, secondly, if a child has had a tooth treated, then after the anesthesia wears off, his gums may begin to hurt (from an injection or other medical manipulations). If there was an extraction, sometimes the hole begins to ache. And it is better that one of the parents or close relatives is nearby.

What will help get rid of swelling?

A patient may experience a feeling that the lip is swollen if, during anesthesia, a needle enters a vessel and a hematoma forms in the tissues. In this case, the lip will have a local seal; if blood has accumulated near the surface of the skin, a bruise may be visible. The hematoma is accompanied by pain and tenderness when pressed.

The formation of a hematoma does not require treatment; the blood will gradually resolve and the swelling will subside. If pain and swelling persist for several days, their intensity does not decrease or increases, you should consult a doctor, as the bruise may fester.

When a lip injury is accompanied by severe swelling and hematoma, the following measures are taken to eliminate them:

  1. Using badyagi. The drug is sold in any pharmacy, the release form is gel or powder. The drug must be used according to the instructions.
  2. Lead lotion procedure. It uses lead water, which is sold in pharmacies and diluted for lotions.
  3. Applying cabbage leaf. A piece of cabbage leaf of suitable size is applied to the resulting hematoma and swelling on the lip. Leave for two to three hours. To securely fix the sheet to the skin, it should be glued using an adhesive plaster.
  4. A mixture of honey and aloe. A small amount of honey is pre-mixed with fresh, ground aloe leaf. The composition is applied to the formed hematoma and left for 15-20 minutes.

Sometimes you need to show the dentist how your cheek is swollen after having a tooth pulled out. Only he will help avoid negative consequences.

To do this, the doctor will need to rinse the hole in which the bone formation was previously located, put a medicine in it and make a small incision to allow the purulent contents of the gum to come out.

A symptom such as an increase in swelling in size should prompt you to rush to see a dentist.

If the cheek continues to swell, you should not do nothing, because this sign indicates an increase in the inflammatory process and the appearance of a large amount of pus in the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

You cannot put off going to the dentist, otherwise your face will swell up to the area under the eye.

An alarm bell that says you need to see a specialist is acute, incessant pain at the site of tooth extraction.

It is even more foolish to hope for the spontaneous disappearance of painful sensations if it is noticed that they are becoming stronger every hour.

Unbearable pain is a normal phenomenon only in the case when, in order to pull out a tooth, the doctor performed a complex operation and sawed out the bone.

It happens that swelling of the cheek is accompanied by increasing tension in the soft tissues of the oral cavity, an increase in temperature and a deterioration in well-being.

With all this, it is also necessary to immediately contact the dentist who pulled out the wisdom tooth or other bone formation.

There is no point in delaying going to the clinic even if, due to swelling of the cheek, it is difficult to open your mouth and it hurts to swallow.


Emergency measures are also required when a crust - a blood clot - has disappeared in the hole of the torn bone formation.

Perhaps this happened on its own, or the patient himself rinsed out this protective film. One way or another, due to the loss of a blood clot, bone inflammation may develop and severe pain may occur.

To avoid this, the doctor who pulled out the tooth needs to close the hole with a special medicine.

However, in certain situations, a swollen cheek should not be a cause for concern. There is no need to panic and immediately go to the dentist if the side on which the dentist performed the operation is not very swollen.

The fact that there is no reason for concern is indicated by the absence of high temperature and painful sensations, and the preservation of a blood clot in the socket.

True, you need to monitor your condition after tooth extraction for 24 hours. Even with one alarming symptom that suddenly appears, you should make an appointment with a dentist.

It is very important for someone who has left the dentist’s office after having a tooth pulled out to know what to do to prevent almost half of their face from swelling.

For example, a patient who has undergone surgery to remove a bone formation is required to remove the cotton swab from the mouth as soon as he feels that blood is no longer oozing from the wound.

The fact is that by remaining in the hole for a long time, this device can introduce an infection into the soft tissues. Just remove the cotton swab carefully so as not to damage the formed blood clot.

If a patient who has had a tooth pulled out notices that his cheek is beginning to swell, then he needs to apply a cold object to it.

It could be a piece of meat from the freezer, wrapped in cloth. It is necessary to apply something icy to the swollen face for 5 minutes at least 4 times.

Exposure to cold for a couple of hours after surgery to remove a bone formation will reduce the swelling.

If you resort to using ice later, it will have no effect. Under no circumstances should you heat a cheek that has become swollen due to an extracted tooth - this can lead to serious inflammation.

What should a patient whose tooth was removed for a long time due to the complexity of the operation do? Still, this procedure is carried out with cutting out a bone fragment.

In addition, sometimes it can be performed incorrectly, as a result of which the patient is injured in the tissues surrounding the pulled out tooth and develops acute painful sensations.

Pain can be avoided by taking painkillers before the anesthesia wears off.

You should not swallow one tablet after another, noticing that the pain is increasing. In this case, you should check with your dentist for complications.


In general, in order not to harm your health, you cannot do much after tooth extraction.

When you come home from the dentist who has removed a tooth, you should not immediately sit down at the table: you should postpone eating for at least 3 hours.

What to do after removing a bone formation is strictly prohibited, can be seen in the following list:

  • You can’t take a bath right away;
  • you should not engage in sports or heavy physical labor;
  • no need to pick the wound with your tongue or any device;
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages during the day.

Tooth extraction is a serious operation, after which you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations. By following them, you will be able to avoid swelling of your cheek or lip.

But if this does happen, then you need to apply a cold object to your face and observe your condition for 24 hours.

The appearance of alarming symptoms is a reason to quickly consult a dentist.

So, if your cheek is swollen after tooth extraction, what should you do to speed up the healing process? The first remedy for relief is a cold compress. You can apply a bottle filled with cold water or a damp towel to the swollen cheek for 15-20 minutes. Every 3-5 minutes, turn the life-saving device to the other side.

So-called baths help a lot. They differ from rinses in that they do not involve movement of liquid in the oral cavity. That is, the principle of their implementation is as follows: typed - held - spat out. This way there is less chance of washing out the blood clot that protects the bone tissue from the wound. For the same reason, baths are not started immediately, but only 1-2 days after tooth extraction. In each case, it is better to ask your dentist for recommendations.

Every visit to the dentist for both adults and children causes many unpleasant associations: pain during tooth extraction or treatment, swelling at the site of manipulation. They occur even though today all dental interventions are performed under anesthesia, which almost completely relieves pain.

But many people are afraid of this particular procedure, since it is painful in itself and can cause some negative consequences. For example, you can often hear from patients that their lip is swollen after anesthesia or gum swelling has formed at the injection site, or numbness. In principle, this situation is standard and the symptoms disappear after 10-15 hours; if this does not happen, then you should consult a doctor.

Local anesthesia is the most common procedure in dental practice, and local anesthetics are among the most commonly used medications. Most treatment protocols cannot do without these powerful tactical drugs. The issue of anesthesia in children under 4 years of age is especially acute.

Medicine does not have completely safe means of local anesthesia for this age group, so there are cases when, after the administration of drugs, children may have a swollen lip or a numb tongue. As many years of practice have shown, the need to use strong tactical means arises regularly. However, the duration and complexity of the manipulations do not always justify putting the patient under anesthesia.

In this article we will look at what causes lip swelling, the main causes and treatment of this disease. We will also find out why a similar problem can occur in childhood.

In general, this pathology can be caused by a number of different reasons:

  • the presence in the body of systemic diseases of viral, bacterial or infectious origin (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, herpes, etc.);
  • the mucous membrane swells as an individual allergic reaction to a food product or hygiene product, cosmetics;
  • the area was damaged as a result of a bruise, cut or cut, blow, as well as a puncture (including piercing), injured by the sharp edge of a split tooth, incorrectly installed braces or dentures;
  • a person has a bad habit of “chewing” his lips, which is why microcracks and wounds often appear on them;
  • the patient damaged the area while eating after anesthesia (as we know, the oral cavity becomes numb after conduction injections, which reduces sensitivity to mechanical damage);
  • the lips always swell when local anesthesia is applied to the area;
  • negligence of a dentist performing regular preventive procedures or treatment in the gum area;
  • dental diseases (periodontal disease, periodontitis, periostitis, stomatitis) or pathologies;
  • a tumor on the inside of the lip and its blue discoloration may be a consequence of hypothermia;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane can cause insect bites;
  • the modern procedure of permanent tattooing in the lip area also causes their swelling for several days, the same can be said about their increase with the help of Botox injections, as well as other similar events in cosmetology.

How do you feel after anesthesia?

After anesthesia, a zone of numbness in the cheeks, lips, and tongue remains for 2 to 4 hours. The child does not feel the tissue in these areas, so he can bite and injure the soft tissue. It is imperative to ensure that the child does not bite or injure soft tissues. If an injury does occur, it is necessary to treat the damaged area with an antiseptic, apply Solcoseryl or Metrogyl dental paste and consult your doctor.


Budaeva Irina Garmaevna

September 20, 2021

I would like to express my gratitude to dentist Gild Irina Aleksandrovna. This is the first time we have been seeing our child with this doctor. I am the mother of a special child (autism). On the advice of parents of children with similar diagnoses, they contacted the Veronica clinic for dental treatment under medicinal sleep conditions, since with our diagnosis treatment under local anesthesia is not possible. I received detailed advice, and from the first minutes trust and mutual understanding were achieved. The treatment was successful! Special thanks to the anesthesiologist-resuscitator Mikhail Yuryevich Kosobryukhov - a true professional in his field. After the oral cavity sanitation, we were recommended to perform regular professional hygiene. Irina Aleksandrovna established such a trusting contact with our special child, becoming the first doctor who was able to perform prof. hygiene, previously the child was afraid to even sit in a chair, this caused panic. Now we regularly visit our doctor for preventive purposes. We thank Irina Alexandrovna for her sensitive, tolerant attitude towards her patients and high professionalism! We are incredibly glad that we found our doctor. With gratitude, mother Ayura Budaeva. read more…

Morsina Maria

September 18, 2021

Anastasia Mikhailovna is a wonderful doctor!:) She instantly endeared herself to the child (an extremely irrepressible boy of almost 3 years old). She carried out all the necessary manipulations very carefully, carefully and carefully. The child left the appointment happy and said that he would come again. We wholeheartedly recommend it! Thank you! read more…

Yalovenko Ekaterina Andreevna

September 12, 2021

Hello, I would like to express my gratitude to Evgeniy Olegovich Bandrovsky. A wonderful doctor, a professional in his field. I have been to many specialists, but I have never seen such a high level of work and attitude. I was very pleased and would happily recommend it to everyone I know. read more…

Filchakov Vladimir Borisovich

09 September 2021

Many thanks to Anastasia Alekseevna Lyozina and Mikhail Yuryevich Kosobryukhov, as well as to the entire medical team who treated my child’s teeth in a “dream”! Real masters and professionals in their field! THANK YOU! read more…

Pankratova Anna

04 September 2021

We had our teeth treated by Anastasia Mikhailovna Sharipova, we were very pleased, every time the child left the clinic he asked when we would come back to treat his teeth. Now we will observe) read more…

Ilyina Polina

September 03, 2021
I had crowns installed in March 2021 and since then I have been in a lot of pain, it was uncomfortable, it hurt. Only Vladislav Yurievich was able to solve my problem and gave me back the ability to eat and sleep. Thank you for your responsiveness and willingness to always help! For a comfortable atmosphere during the reception and treatment! PS: And thanks to your assistant! read more…

Damage to the nerve trunk

After anesthesia, numbness may persist for several hours

Often the effects of anesthesia continue for several hours after surgery, accompanied by a lack of sensation. In this case, a person can injure his lip by biting it, or cause damage with cutlery or a cup of tea. After the anesthetic wears off, the lip will appear swollen.


As a rule, the patient may notice that the lip is swollen and the face is distorted if, during the process of conduction anesthesia, damage to the nerve trunk innervating the lower jaw and soft tissues of the lower lip occurs. Such an injury will manifest itself as pain in the area of ​​innervation of the damaged nerve; symptoms will persist for a long time (several months). The feeling that the lip is swollen may be accompanied by impaired sensitivity and limited range of motion in the mandibular joint.

Treatment of neuritis and neuralgia of the mandibular nerve is carried out by both maxillofacial surgeons and neurologists. As a rule, restoration of function will require long-term combined treatment with medications and physical procedures.

Why does this happen

Remembering his feelings after anesthesia at the dentist, every person can say that the numb lip seemed to him like a foreign body. It was not perceived by neighboring tissues because it was devoid of any sensitivity. And even if this seems strange and unusual to an adult, what can we say about a child who suddenly feels that something soft is lying on his lower lip, for example. Of course you'll want to bite.

If local anesthesia was performed on the lower jaw, then the lower lip becomes numb. And this is even more strange for a child. It constantly seems to him that drool is flowing from his mouth, and his lip also prevents him from speaking. And the baby begins to bite it mechanically. Moreover, just a few minutes ago some kind of dental procedure was performed, and the child is still experiencing stress.

What does it look like?

Without feeling pain, the child unknowingly harms himself, and a terrifying picture appears before the parents - the bitten lip increases significantly in volume, bleeds, scratches, cuts and even ulcers are visible on it. As tissue swelling increases, the lip turns out, which makes it difficult to eat and drink, and the child’s speech is distorted.

After the anesthesia wears off, the damaged lip begins to bother the child, pain and pulsation appear in the place where the tissue is bitten. The wounds dry out and become covered with crusts - at this stage it is important to prevent additional infection of the wound.

What not to do

Lip biting should not continue during treatment and parents should monitor this. Although, the child is unlikely to do this, because without anesthesia it is quite painful. But you still need to spend as much time as possible with your baby. You should also not do the following:

  • tear off the crust;
  • treat with iodine (it can burn the delicate skin of the lips)
  • apply local medications that were not prescribed by the doctor (the child may simply be poisoned);
  • apply powdered antibiotics to the wound;
  • Allow the child to touch the lip with his hands, tongue and teeth.

If no action is taken, there is a risk that the child will develop complications. Most often this happens when the wound becomes infected. In very young children or in children with weak immunity, a bitten lip can develop into stomatitis with the formation of multiple ulcers throughout the oral mucosa.


After surgery, swelling and tenderness may persist for several days

Tissue swelling is a natural reaction of the body to surgery. If complex treatment or removal of a molar tooth was performed in the oral cavity, extensive surgery on the mucous membrane, swelling of the lip may be a consequence of such intervention. In addition to swelling of the soft tissues, the patient notes pain in the surgical wound. In this case, the symptoms should go away on their own within a few days without consequences.

  1. If the causes of swelling of the lower lip are blisters, ulcers or trauma to the mucous membrane, then apply a compress based on peroxide, furatsilin or a healing ointment (for example, levomekol) to the area.
  2. If the problem is due to tattooing, piercing, cut, puncture or any other household injury, then first of all you should relieve the pain and stop the swelling, for which a compress based on a cold object is used.
  3. To heal and disinfect the swollen area, use essential oils of sea buckthorn, aloe, green tea, propolis, any alcohol solution (for example, horseradish, propolis, turnip, St. John's wort, etc.).
  4. If swelling is observed on the inside of the lip, rinse your mouth with antiseptic rinses or a decoction of herbs (sage, chamomile, yarrow, eucalyptus, oak bark, etc.).
  5. If the swelling is caused by an allergy, then take suprastin, claritin or another antihistamine.
  6. If there is soft tissue swelling after a bite, lubricate the area with rescuer. Also, give up salt and rice, eat more fruit and vegetable juices, which will help remove fluid from the body and eliminate swelling.

So, we have found out that in the treatment of this disease, an important role is played by finding a reliable cause. It is necessary to strictly distinguish between damage to the lips in the event of hypothermia or biting by the patient and swelling due to mechanical trauma or dental disease. A timely response to this symptom will help prevent the development of many pathological processes, both in adults and children.

When should you see a doctor?

If a wound does not heal for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

In most cases, you can deal with a bitten lip on your own by following simple recommendations. The exception is complex situations accompanied by deep wounds, suppuration or a long healing period. Seals and hematomas that do not go away for a long time and cause discomfort require examination by a specialist. Thick plaque, an unpleasant odor and discharge from the wound after injury indicate an infection that requires treatment with antibiotics.

First aid for children who bite their lip

What to do if a child bites his lip? If lip trauma is detected, you should rinse the bitten lips with running water and apply cold to the damaged area as soon as possible - this will help narrow the blood vessels and prevent the development of severe tissue swelling. Ice wrapped in cloth is suitable for these purposes. It is not recommended to use “bare” ice from the freezer, as this can lead to frostbite with subsequent necrosis. It is advisable to immediately give the child a painkiller - it will take effect after the anesthesia wears off and will alleviate the pain.

When the cause is inflammatory processes

The appearance of a tumor, as well as the formation of a hematoma on the lip after an injury, occurs due to disruption of the blood flow process in the injured area. The gradual accumulation of blood in this place causes a slight swelling.

Swelling of a child’s lip cannot occur on its own. There are always reasons for this. The upper or lower lip may swell as a response to any irritant. The simplest and most common reason that a child’s lip is swollen is trauma or mechanical damage. It is not always possible to find out the reasons for this condition on your own.


Why a child's lip may swell:

  1. Allergic reaction to food, surrounding objects.
  2. A bite of an insect.
  3. Teething.
  4. Injury.
  5. Diseases of a viral or infectious nature.
  6. Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  7. After tooth extraction at the dentist.
  8. Swollen lip after anesthesia while visiting a pediatric dentist.
  9. This part of the body may become swollen if stomatitis develops.
  10. A child biting his lips can often cause swelling, especially if pathogens penetrate the wound. This is how the infectious process begins to develop, as a result of which they may swell, and the temperature may rise to subfebrile levels.

A doctor can determine the reason why they are swollen and what to do in each specific case after a preliminary examination. In this case, it is recommended to contact a pediatric dermatologist, pediatrician, or traumatologist. Based on a medical examination, a correct diagnosis can be made. Sometimes you may need to take additional tests - culture, smear.

How hard can you bite your lip?

Sometimes a child manages to bite a numb lip so that after the local anesthesia wears off, he begins to experience severe pain. You can tell by the baby’s nervous behavior and his crying when the “freezing” has ended.

Important! Try to convey to the child that he bit his lip himself. Otherwise, the baby will associate this with going to the dentist, and he will have an additional fear of these doctors.

A lump appears on a heavily bitten lip. Its color is noticeably darker, sometimes it is a full-fledged purple hematoma. Often children bite their lips and cheeks until they bleed, and this does not stop them, but only stimulates them. By biting himself, the baby tries to stop the bleeding, but harms himself even more.

If the lip is swollen after anesthesia, but has hardly changed color, it’s okay. But parents, having noticed this, must make sure that the child does not get carried away and aggravate the situation.

What to do if your lip is swollen from the inside?

If the wound on the lip is located on the inner surface and the child’s lip is swollen, then there is a risk of bacteria getting inside the wound surface. This phenomenon can lead to the formation of pus and increased swelling.

The measures that parents need to take when their baby is injured and has a broken lip and the wound is located on its inner surface are the following:

  • The first thing that is necessary is to wash the broken lip. For what purpose is warm running water suitable, and it is best to completely wash the child’s face using soap. We must not forget about washing the baby’s hands, because in pain he will try to grab the wounded surface, which can cause infection;
  • most often a lot of blood oozes from the wound, since there are a large number of capillaries in the lip area, but you should not pay attention to this and, using a solution of Chlorhexidine or Miramistin, rinse your mouth (if the child is old enough) or wipe the open wound with a swab soaked in the solution;
  • The last thing required is the application of a cold compress. This will help prevent swelling. The duration of the event should not exceed 15 minutes to prevent tissue frostbite if ice or frozen product is used as a compress.

If the lip is broken only on the outside, then the measures necessary to provide first aid are similar, with the exception of one point. It is prohibited to treat an open wound using iodine and brilliant green, as well as the area around it. This may cause tissue burns. It is necessary to treat the injured area with hydrogen peroxide.

Treatment options

What to do if a child bites his lip after anesthesia? First we need to assess the scale of the problem. If there is no hematoma or bleeding, and the sponge is only slightly swollen, then soon everything will go away on its own. Perhaps everything will be fine in the morning.

If a child has bitten the skin to the point of wounding, it needs to be treated. Because a sore lip will interfere with speaking normally and leading an active childhood life with outdoor games and putting anything in your mouth. How to treat?


Cold will help reduce bleeding, eliminate pain and reduce swelling. To do this, you can take ice or a piece of frozen semi-finished product from the freezer, wrap it in a clean soft cloth (a handkerchief, for example) and apply it to your lip for 1-2 minutes. You should not hold it for a long time to avoid tissue necrosis.


They can be used if the child is in great pain and does not allow any medical manipulation to be performed on the lip. Any children's painkillers are suitable: ibuprofen, nimesulide and other analgesics approved for a specific age.

Local antiseptics

Iodine and brilliant green are gradually becoming a thing of the past, and it is definitely not recommended to use them for damaged mucous membranes. It is best to take Miramistin. Its advantages for use with a bitten lip are obvious:

  • does not stain the skin;
  • does not sting;
  • will not cause harm if part of the product gets into the mouth;
  • tasteless.

Miramistin is a liquid solution. You can apply it through a spray bottle, which is included with the purchase of the antiseptic. Or you can soak a cotton swab in it and apply it to the child’s bitten lip.

Miramistin has only one drawback: it is quite expensive. A 150 ml bottle costs from 300 rubles. Its analogue is Chlorhexidine: it can also be used to treat a baby’s damaged lip.

Anti-inflammatory ointments

After treatment with an antiseptic, the wound on the bitten lip must be lubricated. And not all medications can be used, because a child can easily lick off the applied ointment or gel. This means that the product must be safe to swallow. The doctor should select it in accordance with the age of the small patient.

Important! You should also consult a doctor if there is heavy bleeding, severe pain, or the wound does not heal for a long time.

When to call an ambulance

Despite the fact that when a child develops a lip, this does not seem to be a very scary and dangerous phenomenon that can cause significant harm to the baby’s health, there are situations when urgent medical intervention cannot be avoided:

  1. After washing the lips, it becomes noticeable that the tissue is severely cut and surgery and/or suturing is necessary.
  2. A few hours after the incident, the baby developed a fever.
  3. If after some time there is formation of purulent fluid at the site of the lip injury.

If, after treatment of the hematoma and edema, the result does not appear or appears to an insignificant extent, and also if pus appears in the hematoma, then they are treated in a medical institution using the puncture method. After the event, a special antibiotic drug is administered inside the tissue surface.


When is cheek swelling natural?

After certain manipulations performed by a dentist, swelling of the cheek cannot be avoided. Often one side of the face becomes swollen due to a difficult tooth extraction.

If the doctor has to tear out a hard-to-reach bone formation, he may accidentally damage the soft tissue with the instruments.

This involves a lot of effort and a lot of pressure.

The patient does not need to despair and run to the doctor after having his wisdom tooth pulled out if his cheek was swollen even before the operation.

The fact is that when a bone formation that has already caused an inflammatory process is removed, the face almost always swells even more.

This is due to significant damage to the soft tissues in the oral cavity and the fact that inflammation cannot be eliminated instantly.

Swelling of almost half of the face is a natural consequence of the removal of the lower wisdom tooth, which cannot come out of the soft tissues.

This operation is considered traumatic because during it the dentist makes an incision in the gum or even widens the wound to gain access to the bone formation deep in the mouth.

The fact that the cheek is swollen due to the extraction of a wisdom tooth can be blamed on the large number of vessels in the soft tissues around it.

People suffering from arterial hypertension may find that half of their face is swollen after removal of a bone formation.

The same phenomenon threatens a person under whose skin there is a rather dense layer of fatty tissue.


In someone who is overweight, the cheek swells as a result of good blood supply to the hypodermis.

A disease in which pus appears in the socket is called alveolitis. This disease is indicated by a variety of symptoms: painful sensations, terrible odor from the oral cavity, covering of soft tissues at the site of tooth extraction with gray plaque, inflamed lymph vessels and fever.

When alveolitis occurs due to the removal of a lateral bone formation, the cheek swells. If the disease appears due to surgery on the front tooth, the lip may swell.

What should you do if you suspect that the socket is painful and your face is swollen due to tooth extraction? Of course, rush to the dentist.

He will give an injection with an anesthetic and cleanse the soft tissues where the bone formation was previously located from pus.

Perhaps, together with it, the doctor will remove previously unremoved particles of the diseased tooth or cyst, and then sew up the wound.

When can you do without a dentist?

Often swelling of the cheek or lip (in the case of removal of a front tooth) is a sign of the development of an inflammatory process. You should immediately consult a doctor if you notice at least one of the unfavorable symptoms:

  • the cheek has increased in size and continues to swell;
  • pain is pronounced and intensifies;
  • body temperature rises and persists for several days, general health worsens;
  • blood continues to flow from the hole;
  • It becomes more difficult to open your mouth and it hurts to swallow.

In all these cases, medical intervention may be required: washing, adding medicine, opening the suppuration and other professional actions. You shouldn't hope that everything will work out somehow. The slightest delay can lead to a more dangerous condition, which will require surgery, which means that recovery will be seriously delayed.

When a tooth is pulled out and your cheek is swollen, what should you do so as not to worry about possible complications? Carefully examine the affected area. Normally, the tooth socket fills with blood and a clot forms, which protects the bone tissue from inflammation. If there is a clot, healing will most likely proceed without problems.

The occurrence of swelling after the removal procedure may be normal. Perhaps your gums are too sensitive, your tooth is very tight, you suffer from hypertension, or you have a large layer of subcutaneous fat on your face. In all these cases, the appearance of swelling is almost inevitable. Swelling often occurs after the removal of a wisdom tooth, as it may be accompanied by injury to surrounding tissues.

Another parameter to monitor is pain. Normally, it will be faintly expressed and, if everything is in order, it will soon begin to decrease until it disappears completely.

It is also worth paying attention to body temperature. After the procedure, it may rise slightly, especially if the tearing was carried out against the background of inflammation. But the temperature should not be very high - up to 38°C. This is a normal reaction of the body to an injury. In this case, the temperature should gradually decrease. It's worth measuring it every few hours to make sure everything is going as it should.

Types of anesthesia used in modern dentistry


When treating or removing teeth, one of several types of anesthesia may be used:

  • Conductive - used when it is necessary to anesthetize several teeth located in the same row or the tissues adjacent to them. The effect lasts from 30 minutes to several hours. To achieve a greater effect, mandibular anesthesia is performed - trigeminal nerve block. In some people, it causes long-term numbness in the mouth and swelling at the site of needle insertion. Therefore, it is not surprising that many complain that the child bit his lip after anesthesia, that it is swollen.
  • Infiltration block. The injection is carried out in the area of ​​​​the projection of the apex of the tooth root. This procedure is the most popular.
  • Intraligamentous (intraligamentary) blockade. Most patients, especially children, find the mandibular block a rather unpleasant procedure that causes discomfort. Many people complain that their lip is swollen after anesthesia and their tongue is numb. To prevent such symptoms, an alternative method of pain relief is used - intraligamentary anesthesia. When performing, the injection is made through the gingival groove into the dental ligament on one and the other side of the diseased tooth. This method is used to prevent the patient from biting his or her oral tissue.
  • Intraosseous - a puncture is made into the spongy bone, but before it a few drops of anesthetic are injected to reduce pain. This type of manipulation completely eliminates the possibility of side effects, for example, the lip swells after anesthesia as after an injection with hyaluronic acid.
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