Peeling lips: what to do and how to treat to avoid cracks and inflammation

Peeling lips can be painful and irritating. Although the problem is most common in children and pregnant women, it can sometimes affect anyone. Common causes of this condition range from vitamin deficiencies, hormone fluctuations and dryness during fever to allergic reactions to cosmetic products and certain diseases.

For most people, when lips peel, they become very sensitive, causing pain and discomfort when eating or drinking. In children and women during pregnancy, chapped lips can become inflamed, bleed and become infected. It is important that a doctor check the condition as soon as possible and rule out serious causes.


The most common cause of flaking is dryness, which most people experience. This problem is not a life-threatening condition; some people (usually women) use lip balm and the dryness goes away.

Exfoliative cheilitis

Exfoliative cheilitis
This is a chronic skin condition characterized by persistent flaking and dryness of the lips.

If left untreated, continuous peeling leads to other symptoms such as burning, cracking, peeling and pain.

The exact cause of this condition is unknown. However, there are several factors that are thought to contribute to the problem, including an overgrowth of yeast infection, HIV infection, poor oral hygiene, nutritional deficiencies, and having a weakened immune system.


Yeast Infection
Oral thrush, also known as oral thrush, is the cause of dry and flaky lips. Candidiasis is a yeast or fungal infection caused by Candida fungus on the mucous membranes of the mouth. Candida albicans is the most common type of infection in children.

The microorganism that causes candidiasis is not considered dangerous until it invades human tissue when the immune system is weakened. This is in most cases often accompanied by an opportunistic infection.

Signs and symptoms of this infection may include:

  • Burning sensation on lips and mouth
  • Soreness
  • Dryness and flaking
  • Red or white lesions.

Most people do not show obvious symptoms. Thus, candidiasis may be misdiagnosed as burning mouth syndrome, which is a condition characterized by a burning sensation that has no underlying dental or medical cause.

The diagnosis of this disease can only be made in medical institutions. If it is not visually confirmed, special diagnostic methods can be used to detect the presence of Candida species, such as culture or serological tests after a smear or scraping.

Once diagnosed, candidiasis can be treated with a topical antifungal medication. Patients with a weak or compromised immune system may require systemic treatment with oral or intravenous antifungals.


Skin cancer on the lip
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer worldwide. Overt exposure to direct ultraviolet rays is a common cause of the disease. According to research by Dr. William Stebbins and Dr. William Hanke, skin cancer on the lip is not that rare.

There are two most common types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. In addition to ultraviolet light from the sun, consumption of tobacco and strong alcoholic beverages can also trigger the disease.

Other symptoms include the following:

  • Blisters, pain and lesions in the mouth and lips
  • White and red spots on the lips
  • Bleeding from the lips, tongue and mouth
  • Swelling of the jaw
  • Soreness
  • Peeling and chapped lips.

Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body. Once diagnosed, treatment options will vary depending on its stage and type. In most cases, lip cancer can be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.

Skin infection

Herpes on the lips or colds (not to be confused with the common cold)
Lips are very sensitive. They can become dry or cracked simply by being exposed to the sun, wind or cold. Simple skin infections on the face and around the mouth can also cause lips to peel and lose more moisture than usual. Once this happens, the skin becomes tight and begins to split. During an infection such as herpes, it is very tempting to bite into flakes of dry skin. This should be avoided as the lips may bleed and treatment will be slower.

Treating the underlying cause is the best way to get rid of flaking. Regular use of lip balm containing petroleum jelly or beeswax may also help stop the problem. If there is pain, redness, or infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or antifungals to clear the infection.


Dehydration is the excessive and dangerous loss of water from the body. Unlike skin, lips do not have sebaceous glands, which help prevent moisture loss.

Dry lips can be a sign of widespread dehydration. You can prevent this by drinking plenty of fluids, especially water. Severe dehydration can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.

Drooling in children

In young children, drooling is the main cause of dry, peeling lips. Uncontrollable dripping of saliva from the mouth is common in children, but can also occur in adults.


Lip licking is a common cause of dryness, especially in children. If you think that you will moisturize them by licking them, you are mistaken. This habit can turn into a continuous cycle of lip dehydration.

Saliva evaporates and the surface loses more moisture, leaving the skin drier than before licking. The rough, dry and wrinkled top layer of the lips separates from the bottom layer and begins to flake off.

Biting or chewing your lip can have the same effect. To relieve the condition, it will be helpful to apply a mild lip balm. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that a sufficient amount of fluid enters the body.

Reaction to cosmetics or toothpaste

An allergy of the skin of the lips to lip balm, which manifested itself in the form of swelling of the lower lip and dryness with peeling of the upper lip.
Cosmetic products, such as lip balm or lipstick and most toothpaste, rarely contain ingredients that can cause irritation, causing dryness and flaking. But this happens to some people. If the problem is the result of using such products, you should try replacing them.

Instead of harsh, low-quality products that harm your lips, you need to use high-quality products that will keep your lips healthy.


An allergic reaction to foods, supplements, or medications can also cause dry skin. Taking large amounts of vitamin B12 supplements, for example, can cause an allergic reaction to cobalt, causing lips to become dry, peeling, and bleeding.

According to dermatologist Audrey Kunin, some ingredients in products like toothpaste, lip balm and others can cause an allergic reaction that leads to dryness and flaking.

According to a dermatologist, if your toothpaste contains guaazulene, or your lipstick has propyl gallate or phenyl salicylate as an ingredient, peeling lips are likely due to an allergic reaction to these substances.

Other food, drink, or drug allergies may also cause these symptoms. Some forms of allergic reaction can be life-threatening, so urgent medical diagnosis is necessary to identify and stop them.

Environmental reasons

Environmental factors can also contribute to skin peeling. When exposed to the sun, wind or cold, the skin loses a lot of moisture, making it dry and cracked. This explains why dry lips are common in dry, cold weather and periods of high winds.

Internal diseases

Peeling can sometimes be a sign or symptom of an underlying medical cause. An autoimmune disease, for example, can cause lips to become sensitive to the sun, which can cause them to become dry and flaky. Before going outside, be sure to apply lip balm and sunscreen.

Other skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema (atopic dermatitis) and rosacea can also cause dry skin.

When there is an underlying medical cause for a problem, treating or controlling it is the best way to get rid of its symptoms.

Lack of protection

As mentioned, lips are very sensitive. Dermatologists say that more moisture is lost from the lips than from any other part of the body. Its continuous loss leads to dry and cracked lips. To prevent this, be sure to apply a protective layer of balm or sunscreen.

When the drug is contraindicated, side effects

Like any medicine, the ointment has contraindications for use:

  • planning conception, pregnancy, breastfeeding (cannot be applied to large areas of the skin);
  • taking other retinoid drugs to avoid overdose.

With caution, it can be used by persons with chronic kidney and liver diseases, chronic pancreatitis, and severe heart failure.

Undesirable effects may occur during treatment:

  • personal intolerance to the substance and auxiliary ingredients;
  • the appearance of new rashes from the second week of use, redness of the skin, which does not require cessation of therapy.

When used for a long period, increased dryness of the skin with peeling, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane and skin of the lips may occur.

Lack of vitamins

Lack of essential minerals and vitamins can cause your lips to become dry and begin to peel.

A lack of the following minerals can cause them to not only dry out, but also begin to peel, crack, and bleed:

  • Vitamin B For healthy hair, nails and skin
  • Vitamin B Essential for healthy skin. Its deficiency can lead to dry and cracked lips, swollen tongue and dermatitis.
  • Vitamin B deficiency is associated with skin diseases, dermatitis and cracking at the corners of the mouth.

But too much of them can also be harmful, for example, consuming too much vitamin A can cause dryness.

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles

Dermatologists who prescribe Retinoic ointment for the treatment of skin diseases note that as a result of use, the face is further transformed: the face becomes elastic, the skin is tightened and thickened, rashes and wrinkles disappear.

Conducted scientific studies confirm that isotretinoin, when applied systematically, is capable of:

  • have a rejuvenating effect on the skin;
  • increase elasticity and firmness;
  • renew the epidermis due to intensive exfoliation of the dead layer of cells;
  • improve skin tone;
  • make the skin denser and thicker;
  • restore tissue, smooth out deep wrinkles, including around the eyes, creases;
  • indirectly stimulate the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, which smooth the surface and increase tightness.

Thus, having noticed the first age-related changes, such as sagging skin, paleness of the face, wrinkles, start using Retinoic ointment, which can be applied not only to the face, but also to the shoulders, hips and back.

During pregnancy

Lips begin to peel during pregnancy, usually due to hormonal changes that occur in readiness for the birth of a child. This is a common problem among expectant mothers. Hormonal fluctuations strip the skin of oil and elasticity, which help prevent dry skin.

When this is the only reason for peeling lips, then it is considered normal. The condition may be painful, but not harmful. You can simply stop the flaking and reduce the pain by using the simple home remedies discussed at the end of the article.

If your lips get worse, you should see a doctor to determine if there is a more serious problem that may be causing your lips to peel. Avoid licking or picking at them, as this can cause cracking and bleeding.


Treating the problem involves treating the underlying causes that may be causing it. Once the underlying cause is identified, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment option.

When treating the main cause of dryness and cracks, it is necessary:

  • Use a mild lip balm to protect the surface of your lips
  • Use glycerin before bed
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated
  • Do not lick or bite your lips.

What is Retinoic ointment

The main component of the ointment is isotretinoin, its content can be 0.05 g or 0.1 g. The substance is a biologically active form of retinol (vitamin A), which affects the process of cell differentiation.

Excipients include petroleum jelly, glycerin, ethyl alcohol, emulsion wax, dibunol, distilled water and butyloxyanisole.

The product is a yellowish substance of uniform consistency without inclusions. Packaged in tubes of 10 or 15 g, sold in boxes along with instructions.

Folk remedies

There are simple remedies you can use at home to relieve and stop symptoms.

Aloe vera gel

Of all the natural home remedies, aloe vera gel is the most commonly used. It has healing and antibacterial properties that can help prevent infection. After applying the gel, you can get soft and moisturized lips.

  1. Wash and extract the gel-like pulp from fresh aloe leaves
  2. If the product is intended for use by children, add 2 tablespoons of raw honey
  3. Apply the paste to your lip and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing off
  4. Repeat the procedure several times.

Castor oil

Castor oil is another great remedy that can be used to get rid of dryness and flaking. Applying it to the lips, followed by a thin layer of soft Vaseline, can seal in the healing process.


In dry environments, applying glycerin to the skin can help increase moisture levels. It is known as an excellent natural humectant that relieves dry skin while retaining moisture.

Before going to bed or going out into the sun, you can try applying a few drops of glycerin to your lips. The product restores damaged tissue, accelerates the healing process and protects against harsh environmental conditions.

Iron supplements

In cases of anemia, iron supplements can help correct the low red blood cell count that leads to flaking.

If you don't think a vitamin or mineral deficiency is causing this problem, you should ask your doctor to check the condition as soon as possible.


Fresh cream is another effective home remedy that you can use when your lips are peeling. All you need to do is take fresh cow's milk cream, apply it to the affected area and leave it for a few minutes and then rinse with clean water. You need to repeat the manipulations at least twice a day to achieve optimal results.

Sugar scrub

You can also use sugar to restore the natural softness of your lips.

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with a tablespoon of sugar
  2. Gently mix the ingredients to obtain a liquid paste.
  3. Apply the paste to your lips and leave it for a few minutes
  4. Scrub the surface of your lips to get rid of dead skin.


You can find different reviews of Retinoic ointment online. Young people note the effect declared by the manufacturer - acne disappears. Older women confirm that the product helps smooth out shallow wrinkles. Users express their opinion about unpleasant sensations at the beginning of use - tightness and burning.

Reviews from cosmetologists about Retinoic ointment for wrinkles indicate that if you use the product correctly, discomfort will be minimized. The composition perfectly smoothes out unevenness, eliminates acne, and improves skin structure.

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