Lip piercing: Types of piercing, procedure and piercing care

There are many ways to show your individuality. An extraordinary hairstyle or original hair color, unusual clothes or tattoos, bright accessories and an informal appearance. Lip piercing is one of the methods of showing individuality and uniqueness. Needless to say that lip piercing is common in both sexes?

What is piercing

The name of this procedure comes from the English “piercing”, which translates as “puncture”, and it is a modification of the body for the purpose of decorating it. The very concept of “piercing” in the modern world can mean not only the procedure, but also the products that are worn in the created hole. For most people today, this is a simple way of self-expression, especially if you take into account subcultures whose members wear a lot of metal (rockers, punks, etc.), but there are several goals in carrying out this invasive procedure:

  • Religious - mainly refers to eastern peoples, in whom piercings of the lips, ears and other areas of the face were performed for spiritual reasons.
  • Aesthetic – more characteristic of young people, who follow the example of Western stars who set the fashion for changes in appearance.
  • Practical - concerned the ancient peoples: this is how some Romans hooked the edges of their cloaks onto rings embedded in the skin.
  • Physiological – concerns decorations on the genitals: piercing the nipples or genitals increases the sensitivity of these areas, which helps to diversify sexual life and brighten sensations during sexual intercourse.

Where to pierce your lips

Due to the structure of the tissues in this area, there are no strict medical recommendations for piercing the mouth area: the degree of pain is determined individually, as well as the regenerative abilities of the skin. The choice of zone depends solely on the person’s willingness to endure discomfort (if you pierce the lip itself, you will have to change your habits) and aesthetic wishes. The most neat decorations are considered to be in the bridles - lower and upper, or in the philtrum.

On the upper lip

This variety has not gained particular popularity, but in terms of the degree of discomfort during healing, it is not the most difficult - the wound heals quickly, and almost does not interfere with eating or speaking. However, the earring can actively contact the teeth, which will cause damage to them, and the number of piercing methods for this area is small. Labrets, rings, and twists are used as decoration.

Lower lip piercing

The most inconvenient option for diction is that it will be impaired within a few weeks. The main decoration for this area is the labret, but a ring or twist can be used. The healing process is long, takes 3-4 months, and is accompanied by swelling. It is important to place the earring between the teeth so as not to damage the enamel. If you decide to remove the jewelry, the scar will not be as noticeable as if you pierced the lip under the lower lip or above the upper one.

Above the lips

The duration of wound healing is about 4 weeks (the period can be extended to 12 weeks), since here saliva minimally affects the tissue and therefore does not provoke unnecessary irritation. When washing, talking or eating food, the skin hardly suffers. The tissue in this area is thin, so pain during the procedure is minimal. Often, the master places a barbell or “banana” above the lip. The advantage of punctures of this type is the minimal discomfort from wearing the earring, the relative safety and accuracy of the jewelry.

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Labial frenulum piercing

If the dress code of an educational institution or office requires hiding any informal body modifications, frenulum piercing can be a big help - the jewelry will only be visible when the mouth is very open. Healing is long, you won’t be able to eat spicy or salty foods for almost 2 months, you will need to rinse your mouth with antiseptics every day. The likelihood of suppuration or swelling is higher than if you decide to have a piercing in or near your lip. A horseshoe or a ring is usually placed in the bridle. For very dense tissues, the procedure can be painful.

Threadlifting – lip augmentation with threads

This is also an outpatient and short procedure, performed under local anesthesia. Biodegradable (absorbable) threads are inserted under the skin. They do not cause allergies and are based on caprolactone. At one end of the thread there is a needle for insertion into soft tissue. The procedure allows for a tightening, thereby increasing the volume. The threads form a strong frame in the tissues and activate collagen production. Over time, collagen completely “envelops” them. Meanwhile, the substance that makes up the threads is gradually eliminated from the body naturally. As a result, your own collagen framework remains, keeping the tissues taut and lifted. This effect lasts up to 2-3 years. Threadlifting goes well with the injection technique described above.

Types of piercing

The ability to understand all types of lip piercing is necessary not only for choosing the piercing area from an aesthetic point of view. Each of the options has its own disadvantages - the jewelry comes into contact with the enamel of the teeth and damages it, the earring clings to the tongue or interferes with habitual gestures. If this is not taken into account, you can get serious consequences from piercing. Main varieties:

  1. Monroe - imitation of the famous Marilyn Monroe mole, piercing above the upper lip on the left side, with a ball at the end of the decoration.
  2. Madonna is an almost complete analogy to the previous option, but on the right side: it also imitates a sexy fly.
  3. Medusa is a ball decoration in the center of the groove above the upper lip.
  4. Vertical labret - from the lower border of the lip to the upper vertical point.
  5. Horizontal labret - placed from left to right at the bottom, can be placed almost on the chin.
  6. Dahlia - small balls on the horizontal midline, almost at the very corners.
  7. Angel bite is an imitation of moles on top near the mouth, close to the corners, with mandatory vertical symmetry.
  8. Cyber ​​bite - in the philtrum and above the dimple above the chin.
  9. A dog bite has symmetrical rings on the sides of the lower lip and balls above the upper. The downside is severe pain.
  10. Spider bite - 2 rings side by side in the lower fleshy part, often on the left.
  11. Shark bite - involves 4 jewelry in the form of rings, located in pairs and symmetrically at the bottom on the fleshy part: 2 on the left and 2 on the right.
  12. Snake bite - symmetrical arrangement of round decorations at the bottom close to the corners.
  13. Labret is any piercing under the lower lip, it can even be located almost on the chin.
  14. Estrum is a horizontal labret-type piercing in the lower lip.
  15. Smile is a piercing of the frenulum of the upper lip, which can only be seen when smiling openly.
  16. Antismile - puncture of the lower frenulum.

What is dangerous about the pathology of the frenulum attachment?

Indications for frenuloplasty arise not because of doctors’ desire to correct an anatomical feature, but for compelling reasons that affect the health and beauty of the smile. A similar defect results in:

  • to the formation of a diastema - an excess gap (gap) between the front incisors, which, moreover, tends to expand. A short frenulum is fixed too close to the edge of the alveolar process and pushes the teeth in different directions;
  • the appearance of a gum pocket - a depression behind the gum due to its injury by the frenulum, where food debris begins to accumulate, tartar forms, and the exposed necks of the teeth suffer from increased sensitivity. Ultimately, this process can lead to periodontitis, loosening and loss of teeth;
  • speech problems - with a short frenulum it is difficult to pronounce many consonants and some vowels (“o”, “u”);
  • bite pathologies - due to improper closure, tooth enamel is erased, teeth grow in the wrong direction, oral hygiene, the quality of chewing food and the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract deteriorate, and at the same time, a short frenulum prevents the correct installation of the braces system;
  • difficulties when performing prosthetics - a short frenulum does not allow the prosthesis to be firmly held in the mouth, and it may fall out while eating or talking;
  • injury during individual oral hygiene and its deterioration in general.

Piercing jewelry

When piercing the face in all areas, the same products are predominantly used: the master almost always starts with a barbell in order to allow the wound to heal calmly and not to injure it by accidentally displacing the piercing. Then you can choose a more interesting shape or diameter. The most used earrings are:

  • A labret is a simple rod (often made of titanium) with balls at the ends. There are several varieties of this jewelry for lip piercing, which are distinguished by the diameter of the barbell (0.6-2 cm).
  • The rod is half a labret: a short tube axis with a single ball. It can be absolutely straight, or it can have a bend - then it will be called a “banana” (such jewelry is used for eyebrows).
  • Lip piercing is a ring - a rod, the ends of which are connected and closed on a ball.
  • A horseshoe is a semicircle with arrows at the ends.
  • Twist - looks like a hybrid of half a ring and a spiral, with small balls wound onto the ends.
  • The tunnel is a wide ring that expands the puncture site and leaves it through.

Manufacturing materials

It is recommended to use bioplastic products as the first decoration that will remain after the procedure until the wound has completely healed: this is the most non-allergenic material, similar to silicone. The shape is a tube with a ball at the end; the length of the rod should be slightly larger than the thickness of the puncture area, since this place will swell. The only drawback of bioplastic is the high price, but the reliability of the material makes up for it. Afterwards, you can use almost any jewelry, except those made of medical steel (contain nickel). Desirable:

  • Gold - purity from 585 and higher, if there is no allergy.
  • Silver.
  • Hypoallergenic plastic (if it reacts to any precious metals).
  • Niobium.
  • Surgical titanium.
  • Zircon.
  • Teflon.

Tips for choosing jewelry

As a first step, it is recommended to purchase titanium or bioplastic lip jewelry measuring 1.2 - 1.6 mm by 8-12 mm. The final length is selected based on the features of its structure. Arc-shaped jewelry (rings, circular rings) should not be installed, otherwise the canal may be deformed and excess scar tissue may form. About a month after the piercing is installed, you can change the jewelry to any other.

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In the first few days of healing, the lip may look swollen, therefore, the first decoration cannot be chosen at the right time - it is better to leave a small margin of length to prevent ingrowth and abscess.

How to do a lip piercing

If you are confident that there are no contraindications to piercing and have chosen a qualified piercer, the procedure will begin with a discussion of the area of ​​the future puncture and rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic - often a Chlorhexidine solution. Afterwards, the master puts on disposable gloves, if necessary, gives the client local anesthesia, and the following actions look like this:

  1. The master makes a mark of the puncture point.
  2. Treats the surface of the skin, the instrument and the piercing itself with an antiseptic.
  3. The needle passes through the catheter, making a puncture.
  4. An earring is placed in the puncture area in place of the removed needle.

How long does it take for a pierced lip to heal?

The minimum period of wound care is 2 weeks: during this time the edges will tighten a little, the ichor will stop secreting, the swelling will subside, and the inflammatory process will stop. However, almost no one experiences complete healing in such a short period: depending on the rate of regeneration in your body, and whether the puncture site was provided with proper care, the wound can take 1.5-2 months to heal. If you do not pull the piercing and provide peace to the disturbed area, after a specified period of time you can change the jewelry and return to your usual rhythm of life.

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Does it hurt to get your lip pierced?

The number of nerve endings and large vessels in the mouth area is significantly lower than in other parts of the body (can only be compared with the earlobe), so for most people who decide to get a puncture here, the degree of discomfort is minimal. However, this will depend on the individual pain threshold and the specific area on which the jewelry is placed. In all cases, the professional will use local anesthesia, so the severity of pain is minimized.

Questions and answers block

If any doubts about lip piercing were left out of our discussion, we suggest you look at experts’ answers to the most common questions.

Is it painful to do?

This depends on many factors: the patient’s pain threshold, the puncture site, the use of painkillers, the professionalism and experience of the master. For example, upper lip or chin piercings are the most unpleasant and require 100% use of lidocaine or any other analgesic. If you are very sensitive to pain, be sure to notify the specialist in advance and ask to use local anesthesia.

How to remove?

If the hole is inflamed or festering, take a pain reliever before removing the jewelry. Rinse your mouth with any antiseptic. Wash and dry your hands. If there are crusts on the puncture, apply a cotton pad soaked in a strong saline solution to it (a tablespoon per glass of warm water). Bite the jewelry with your teeth to fix it in one place. Unscrew the tip. Unclench your teeth

Carefully remove the earring, trying not to twist it, from the inside of your lip. If it gets stuck, drop oily tocopherol or boiled olive oil on it.

Vaseline cannot be used for such purposes. Rinse your mouth again with an antiseptic solution.

How to remove swelling after piercing?

Firstly, this is not a tumor, but edema. Secondly, the most correct option is to wait until this side effect goes away on its own. This usually happens within a week. If the swelling does not disappear after the specified time, be sure to contact a specialist to avoid complications.

If you need to speed up the healing process, follow all the rules for caring for your pierced lip during the rehabilitation period. Apply an ice cube to the swollen area once a day. You can buy lollipops with antiseptic:

  • Septolete Neo;
  • Falimint;
  • Faringosept.

How to remove a hole from a piercing?

If you decide that you no longer need a piercing, follow the recommendations of professionals:

  1. Remove the decoration.
  2. Twice a day, lubricate the puncture with Contratubex and wipe with lotion with salicylic acid.
  3. Twice a week, prepare a scrub of rich sour cream and sea salt for this area.
  4. Once a week, massage using tocopherol oil extract instead of cream.
  5. If the puncture has not healed within six months, the hole will have to be eliminated through plastic surgery. After microdermabrasion, the cosmetologist will sew up the hole.

How long does it take to heal?

From 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the speed of tissue regeneration (it is different for each person) and care of the puncture site.

What to process?

You can treat the wound:

  • weak saline solution;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • miramistin;
  • boric alcohol;
  • salicylic alcohol;
  • calendula tincture;
  • propolis tincture.

Hydrogen peroxide has recently not been recommended for use for such purposes, because it is believed that it causes the formation of scars in the future.

What to do if your lip piercing is inflamed and festering?

Possible causes of suppuration: poor-quality decoration, lack of care for the puncture, incorrect size. What to do if the inflammation has just begun and is not yet severe:

  1. Remove decoration. Examine it for the presence of: additional free space of about 2 mm in each direction, polishing (it can be spoiled by the sample stamp). If necessary, replace the earring.
  2. Apply a cotton pad with Vishnevsky ointment to the puncture for half an hour.
  3. Wash the hole with soap. Dry with a paper towel.
  4. Instill miramistin into the puncture. Use it to moisten the decoration and return it to its place.
  5. Apply Actovegin (Solcoseryl, Baneocin or Contractubex) in a thin layer.
  6. No bandages needed.
  7. Rinse daily with furatsilin solution: 1 tablet per 100 ml of warm water. Fill a syringe and inject into the puncture.

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If the situation is advanced, the wound festers very badly, and the jewelry cannot be removed. You need to fill the syringe with warm boiled water and pass it through the hole. Spit and rinse your mouth with antibacterial lotion. Contact your doctor. Most likely, antibiotics will be prescribed.

Lip piercing is, without a doubt, very stylish, modern and seductive. But in pursuit of the trends of the times and constantly elusive fashion, one should not forget about your health. Before the procedure, weigh the pros and cons in order to later avoid bitter disappointment due to an appearance spoiled by scars.

How to care for a wound

Purchasing an antiseptic (mainly Chlorhexidine, 3% hydrogen peroxide) is the first step, which is advisable to complete before booking a lip piercing. No matter how well the master does his job, for about a month after the procedure he will have to treat the puncture site with an antiseptic every day to prevent infection. Additionally, it is important to follow a few more rules:

  • Do not remove the earring, even for processing.
  • Take food mainly in liquid form, exclude hot, pickled, and spicy foods.
  • Do not wet the jewelry for 3-4 days after the procedure (excluding treatment with an antiseptic).
  • Rinse your mouth after each meal with saline solution or Chlorhexidine (mixed with water).
  • Women should not wear lipstick.
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke for four weeks.

Main risks

The main risks associated with smiley piercings are tooth erosion and gum recession. This potential damage can be caused by poor positioning of jewelry in the mouth. A professional piercer will know how to place the jewelry so that the ball is just below the gum line. Constant friction causes damage to gums and teeth.


A small bridle often rejects the decoration due to the small amount of fabric. Even the slightest of natural lip movements can cause discomfort and damage. You need to find out which jewelry carries the least risk. If the specialist says that the frenulum is too small or thin, the best choice is not to get a piercing.

How to pierce your tongue

A standard tongue puncture is done strictly vertically, in the center of the tongue, extending approximately 12-15 mm from the tip, but with such a condition that while wearing a standard barbell, the lower ball does not put pressure on the hyoid frenulum, otherwise it will take a long and painful time to heal. To make a puncture correctly (after all, most self-piercing cosmetologists do not bother to learn and pierce the tongue as they want: at an angle, crookedly, resting on the frenulum, etc.), the master must feel the client’s tongue as his own, know and predict how the needle will pass, which side to increase the pressure on so that there is no crooked puncture. Multiple tongue piercings - “muliple centre-tongue piercings”, punctures of the tip of the tongue, punctures of the hyoid frenulum - are very complex operations. By piercing the tip of the tongue, we temporarily suppress some taste sensations (salty, sweet). But that doesn't mean you won't taste candy or herring! It’s just that the tastes will be temporarily dulled: after all, we are not cutting off, but just piercing the tip of the tongue.


The washing procedure is a standard rinse with an antiseptic RINSE solution 3-5 times a day or according to the instructions for the solution. Remember that external solutions of C./M. not suitable for rinsing the mouth.

Immediately after the operation, you should not drink alcohol, smoke, or eat food (any kind) for 4 hours. However, you can eat ice cream, and be sure to rinse your mouth after!

Throughout the healing period, you must monitor your diet, limit alcohol intake, and refrain from smoking. You can eat yoghurt, other dairy products, cereals, baked goods, fruits (except citrus fruits) - in a word, gentle food. You cannot eat hot, salty, spicy foods, drink “colored” drinks (coffee, multi-colored juices - your tongue will become colored); alcohol is strictly contraindicated, because its use will lead to the destruction of the protective film and dissolve the newly formed tissue - the wound will open anew. Limit yourself from kissing and oral sex until the piercing is completely healed - this can easily lead to infection.


The main problem is to follow a gentle diet, refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol. When rinsing C./M. The teeth begin to turn yellow, and the tongue becomes covered with a white-yellow coating.

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Practically never occur. Only when wearing low-quality jewelry made from surgical/medical steel or improper care.


If an infection occurs, you must immediately find out the cause (for example, when eating or smoking; due to improper washing; in case of injuries, etc.) and prescribe antiseptic compresses: - in the morning and evening, apply a tampon with C./M. for 1-2 minutes. to the puncture site from below and above. If the infection cannot be eliminated within 5-7 days, then the jewelry should be removed and the puncture healed.


The tongue can be pierced again only in cases where the old canal has completely healed. You cannot do 2 punctures at once, because... During healing, the tissues tighten and the channels prevent each other from forming freely. With a “short tongue” (when the frenulum at the bottom of the tongue is too long), it is recommended to trim it.

This type of piercing (smile piercing) appeared in Europe and entered modern fashion relatively recently, but was very quickly popularized in youth circles. Nowadays, hundreds of young people around the world get this type of piercing.

But why has smiley piercing gained such crazy popularity? Perhaps the whole point is that fashion and convenience are combined here, as they say, “in one bottle.” Technically it's a facial piercing, but it's not on display for the world to see.

It is intended only for a circle of selected and dear people. After all, a smiley piercing can only be detected during a wide, friendly smile. In an educational institution or at work, no one will forbid you to wear it, since your “smile” is hidden from prying prying eyes.

Criteria for choosing a salon and specialist

Doctors remind us that there is a high level of risk in any invasive procedures, so the choice of the person who will perform the puncture and the place where everything will happen must be approached responsibly. Firstly, consider only beauty salons or tattoo parlors - only here you have a chance to get all the conditions and a qualified specialist. Basic points:

  • A good master is a person who has a document of completion of appropriate training and is certified by the Association of Professional Piercers. It is also important to have a medical book, and ideally the master should have a medical education.
  • The salon where the piercer works must have a license authorizing the provision of cosmetology services and medical certificates.

How much does a lip piercing cost?

The price for this service is determined by the level of the salon and the artist; in addition, you need to take into account the cost of the jewelry: some specialists offer to take the earring from them (for which you will have to pay separately). In Moscow, they can charge from 300 to 1000 rubles for such a service. Salons located inside the Ring may set a higher price tag. An approximate picture of prices is shown in the table:

Salon Price
Eden from 300 rub.
Veronica from 300 rub.
KM-Med from 350 rub.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid fillers

This correction technique is also called “contour plastic”. The procedure lasts from 30 to 50 minutes, is easily tolerated, and the recovery period is only 2-4 days. Local anesthesia is used and no complex preparation or hospital stay is required. This is a cosmetic procedure that involves the introduction of fillers into the mucous membrane with the thinnest needles - filler preparations that give volume. Their additional advantage is the base of hyaluronic acid. This substance maintains water balance, makes the skin smooth and elastic. After a contouring session:

  • the corners of the mouth rise;
  • delicate skin rejuvenates, becomes toned, acquires a healthy, “juicy” color;
  • lips become fuller;
  • peeling and purse-string wrinkles disappear;
  • processes of regeneration and metabolism are activated at the cellular level.

How to pierce your lip at home

The number of masters performing piercings (not ears, but other parts of the body) was not so large 10 years ago, so most people who wanted to stand out tried to pierce themselves. However, a home procedure without professional supervision is painful and unsafe. This is done with special tools like this:

  1. Disinfect the instrument, jewelry and puncture area with medical alcohol.
  2. Remove excess moisture from the puncture area with clean gauze.
  3. Puncture the muscle tissue from the inside.
  4. With new force, push the tool further so that the tip comes out.
  5. Place the decoration along the tool mark into the hole created.

Lip piercing at home is easy to do, but keep in mind that you may hit the wrong spot, which will cause too long healing, scarring, and inflammation. Additionally, you should remember about the sterility of the instruments and their correct choice: no sewing needles - only a special medical catheter. The movements should be smooth, ideally the procedure should be carried out by a stranger - a mother, a friend.

Possible complications and consequences

All types of piercing are an invasive procedure, so they do not exclude not only the presence of pain during the process and during wound healing. Firstly, doctors mention allergic reactions, which cannot be insured against - the body may not like any medicines that the master works with, or even the metal from which the jewelry is made. There are also certain risks that you need to consider before getting a lip piercing:

  • Infection - if the instruments were not sterile, pathogenic microorganisms can enter the wound, which can cause suppuration (the simplest option) or, much worse, blood poisoning. Depending on the qualifications and degree of compliance of the master with sanitary standards, the client can get either a mild infection or HIV.
  • Damage to teeth - this is affected not only by the actions of the master during the procedure, but also by the quality of the jewelry, its size (it can touch the enamel), interaction with it, and incorrect attempts to remove it.
  • The appearance of an inflammatory process in the puncture area and swelling is a common consequence (the probability of occurrence is about 30%), and is not the worst thing, since it goes away after using local medications.
  • Scarring of tissue (especially if you make a ring in the middle of the lip), which does not go away even after removing jewelry.

Piercing procedure step by step

Lip piercing is done in the same way in all salons. You need to prepare for the procedure in advance. Firstly, you should not drink alcohol the day before your planned trip to the salon. Secondly, you should eat in advance - 3 hours before the procedure. Thirdly, before going to the dentist, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth.

It is also recommended to do the piercing in winter to avoid getting the unhealed wound wet and heating in the sun. And for girls, it’s better to make an appointment with a specialist in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

The procedure itself takes no more than 5 minutes and consists of the following sequential steps:

  1. The master disinfects the instruments.
  2. Marks the puncture site with a marker.
  3. Disinfects the surfaces of the lips.
  4. Clamps the desired area with special pliers with a hole.
  5. Using a needle with a catheter, makes a puncture.
  6. He pulls out the needle.
  7. Pass the jewelry into the lip through the catheter.
  8. Conducts final treatment of the oral cavity with a disinfectant.

It is better not to repeat this procedure at home. Without the proper skills and tools, the result can be unpleasant and even dangerous to health.

Piercing contraindications

Studies carried out already in the 21st century showed that 30% of people who had piercings, especially on the face, experienced complications, some of which (about 1% of all cases) required hospitalization. For this reason, doctors advise paying close attention to medical contraindications so that the craving for beauty does not become fatal. It is not advisable to resort to this procedure:

  1. During activation of herpes.
  2. Diabetics.
  3. If you have skin diseases.
  4. Persons with poor blood clotting.
  5. When the body is fighting a cold or any viral/bacterial infection.
  6. Pregnant women (relative contraindication, should be discussed with your doctor).
  7. For congenital blood diseases.
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