Ear hurts when chewing


Painful sensations in the ear are called otalgia. Otalgia can be a symptom of a disease of the ear itself and its parts, or a sign of a disease of another part of the body. The nature of the pain varies, from acute to aching. The symptom does not choose the age of the patient, except that children more often suffer from it with infectious diseases, and adults with injuries, diseases of the teeth and throat, damage to the lower jaw and eardrum.

Pain in the ear is an unpleasant sensation, and, if you think about it, also dangerous, because the ear, like the nose, is directly connected to the brain and its membranes. This means that if you do not look for the true cause of the pain, you can get problems not only with the organ of hearing.


Patients who complain of ear pain when chewing food also note the presence of other symptoms. The pain may be constant, aching, or intensified by chewing processes.

Unpleasant sensations may occur during swallowing. Such symptoms are characteristic of diseases of the larynx and oral cavity. Painful sensations begin to develop at various stages of the progression of the disease, so at the first manifestations of the problem you need to contact a specialist for professional help.

Most often, such pain appears during diseases such as acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis. As a result of the progression of such ailments, pain occurs precisely when swallowing, while the patient may feel general malaise, sore throat and other symptoms.

Pain when opening the mouth is diagnosed with mumps, malignant tumors in the larynx or other part of the oral cavity. If a patient is diagnosed with a disease such as otitis media, then pain may be not only in the ears, but also in the jaw. Unpleasant sensations are observed with any form of otitis media. In addition, additional symptoms are observed, which are characterized by an increase in body temperature, a sharp decrease in the level of hearing, malaise of the body and severe pain inside the hearing organ. If you experience unusual sensations in the jaw during otitis media, you should urgently contact a specialist. If you ignore the problem or treat it with traditional methods, there is a high probability that otitis media will develop into a more serious form - purulent. In this case, the pain will be more severe, purulent and bloody discharge will begin to appear from the ear canal, and the process will be accompanied by a very high temperature.

Another serious problem with similar symptoms is labyrinthitis. This is an inflammatory process that is localized in the inner ear of the auditory organ. It is accompanied by the following symptoms: nausea, noise in the hearing organs, dizziness and headache, problems with coordination, a sharp decrease in hearing or its complete loss. Very often, patients complain of pain that radiates to the ears and back of the head.

Pain in the jaw can also be caused by inflammatory processes that affect different groups of nerve endings. If the disease has reached the trigeminal nerve, then the toothache will begin to radiate to the ear, and painful sensations will also be observed during chewing.

If the virus affects the facial nerve, it hurts not only in the ears, but also in the jaw area. Chewing becomes painful. The glossopharyngeal nerve is most often affected by malignant neoplasms, which affect the larynx, oral cavity, tongue and auditory region. A patient, without prior consultation with a specialist, may falsely think that pain when chewing occurs precisely as a result of ear diseases. It is worth noting that the above ailments do not affect the auditory organ, so it remains healthy.

If pain occurs when opening your mouth, the cause may be a foreign object in the ears or an injury. Both sudden changes in pressure and a head injury can damage the auditory organ. They may suffer from frostbite or burns, and dust or small insects can easily get inside the ear canal. In this case, the pain will be intense. Very severe pain occurs if the eardrum has been damaged.

Eustachitis can also cause an unpleasant feeling in the ears. Pain when chewing is not the only symptom. Patients often complain of congestion in the ear canal, the appearance of noise, decreased hearing levels, and the feeling of fluid rolling inside the ear, especially during slow head movements. The pain will be stronger at the moment of pressure drop.


There are several reasons why the ear begins to hurt, especially when chewing. These include external, otitis media and internal otitis, as well as the more serious disease mastoiditis. Pain in the ear during chewing intensifies due to a strong inflammatory process and inflammation of the mucous membrane. When a person is in a calm state and does not expose the muscles of the entire face to unnecessary movement, the pain threshold decreases slightly.

When a patient is diagnosed with otitis externa, he begins to complain of unpleasant pain in the auditory organ. In this case, the pain increases when touching the ears or when chewing food intensively. It is noteworthy that the pain can be felt for several days in a row, after which it quickly passes. If the hearing organs are blown out and there is severe pain radiating to the jaw, then only a specialist will help. It is possible that the patient has otitis externa, which can cause a sharp decrease in hearing levels. In addition to the listed symptoms, the following may also be observed: itching, ringing or noise in the ears, redness of the auricle, as well as various discharges from the ear canal.

With otitis media, the pain will be stronger than with otitis externa. The sensation increases with chewing and swallowing, as well as when pressing with a finger on the ears. With otitis media, it persists for a long time, and if the disease is not treated, the pain can become permanent. Additional symptoms include discomfort and unpleasant sensations inside the auditory organ, an increase in body temperature, and a sharp decrease in hearing level.

With otitis of the inner ear, severe pain occurs already in the first day, and is accompanied by dizziness and problems with coordination. On the second day, an increased pain threshold is observed, especially when turning the head and chewing, as well as a sharp decrease in hearing level.

Mastoiditis is an inflammatory process that is localized in the middle ear and is accompanied by throbbing pain that intensifies at night. There may also be noise in the ear, hearing loss, and discharge from the auditory canal.

If your toothache radiates to your ear, you should see a dentist as soon as possible. Most often, this symptom indicates that caries has begun to actively attack healthy teeth. Simultaneous pain in the teeth and ears is caused by damage to the trigeminal nerve, which connects the auricle and teeth. Most often, pain intensifies at night and before bedtime. The pain may be throbbing and aching.

See also: Blocked ears during pregnancy

The situation in which the ear has a cold, and at the same time the jaw hurts, has not been surprising for a long time among specialists and visitors to specialized forums. Situations when the ear blows out happen very often and can happen to anyone. Such an illness can be provoked by certain factors, as a result of which an inflammatory process begins to occur, from which a person begins to experience very severe pain. Some describe the ear pain as a real torture.

What is otitis externa?

This is an inflammation of the tissues of the external auditory canal, eardrum and auricle. Otitis externa is widespread. It is considered acute if it lasts less than 4 weeks, chronic if it lasts longer and/or occurs more than 4 times a year.

IMPORTANT! Information from the article cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-medication! Only a doctor can prescribe the necessary examinations, establish a diagnosis and draw up a treatment plan during a consultation!


  • At first, you may experience ear congestion and hearing loss. This can occur after a person has spent some time in a draft or cold wind conditions.
  • During the day, pain is practically not observed, but it increases closer to night.
  • The pain may be throbbing or aching. In the worst case scenario, the patient complains of a “shot through” the ear. In this case, the pain is observed almost constantly, and subsides only for a short time;

  • During swallowing of food, stuffing is observed. If such a symptom appears, there is every reason to believe that the inflammatory process has reached the middle ear;
  • The patient complains of general malaise and increased fatigue;
  • Body temperature rises;
  • Lymph nodes increase in size;
  • The patient may complain of toothache, although this effect is false.

When the auditory organ becomes inflamed, symptoms begin to appear very quickly, causing great discomfort to the person. In this case, prompt intervention by a specialist is necessary.

Diagnosis and drug treatment

Only an otolaryngologist can establish an accurate diagnosis of the disease and the reason why the ear and jaw may hurt when chewing. It is impossible to self-medicate without an accurate diagnosis, as this can greatly aggravate the situation. This is especially true for warming up during purulent otitis media.

The specialist will conduct a thorough examination of the affected ear, listen to complaints and ask a number of additional questions that will help him establish the possible cause of the disease. Based on the information received, the specialist may prescribe additional diagnostic methods.

When examining the ear, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • Otoscopy;
  • Microotoscopy;
  • Audiometry;
  • Acoustic impedance measurement;
  • Ear manometry;
  • Condition of the Eustachian tube, etc.

If the patient has recently suffered a head injury, then an additional brain test - MRI - may be prescribed. If there is a suspicion of the formation of inflammatory processes, the patient will need to undergo a general blood test, according to which a specialist will be able to assess the level of leukocytes and their acceptable norm.

Diseases can be treated with creams, ointments, compresses and drops. If bacterial processes are observed, antibacterial therapy will be required, as well as a course of antibiotics. Traditional medicine can be an additional means of treatment, but it is carried out only in consultation with a specialist.

Which doctor treats ear pain?

Diagnosis and treatment are carried out by an otolaryngologist (ENT), who during the consultation analyzes the patient’s complaints, conducts an examination, collects anamnesis, and, if necessary, prescribes additional tests. He determines the causes of ear pain and treats it if the cause of the disease is otolaryngological. If the pain is caused by neurological, vascular or dental diseases, he refers you to a specialized specialist. This could be a neurologist, dentist, therapist or cardiologist.

Treatment methods

Many people ignore the need to visit a specialist, and this is fraught with serious consequences. Only a qualified doctor can accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

If it is not possible to urgently contact a specialist, then you can assess the situation by the presence of discharge from the ear canal. If they are not observed, then most likely the situation is not very difficult, so you can help yourself at home.

  • Warming up. This method is the main one in the fight against the inflammatory process of the auditory organ. In this case, you can use salt or sand, which is wrapped in a fabric bag, or a “blue” lamp. An ordinary heating pad will also come to the rescue. You need to warm up your ear for half an hour several times a day. Important: if any discharge is observed from the hearing organ, warming up the auditory organ is strictly prohibited. This will only worsen the situation, as the disease will receive more favorable conditions for its development;
  • Compresses. The main task of the compress is to warm the ear and maintain the required temperature for it. Any compress is prepared according to the same scheme. The only difference here is its composition. After the compress is installed in the ear cavity, you need to wrap your head well with a scarf to retain the heat longer. A compress based on vodka is very popular (instead of vodka, you can use boric alcohol - the effect will be the same). This product has good warming properties, and therefore can provide beneficial effects throughout the night. The effectiveness of the method can be increased by using alcohol swabs that are inserted into the auricle. This procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to accidentally harm the skin inside the ears. You can also prepare a compress using flour and honey. To do this, mix a spoonful of flour with half a spoonful of honey. The entire mass is placed in a fabric bag and kept on the organ of hearing throughout the night;
  • Drops. To treat ear inflammation, you can use drops based on boric or chloramphenicol. You only need to instill alcohol in a warm state, a few drops at a time, and then put a bandage over your ears to retain heat. The most effective property is provided by drops based on antibiotics. The effect is observed within a couple of days. This method is used if the patient feels very severe pain in the auditory organ. Experts most often prescribe medications such as Otofa and Normax. The first remedy can quickly relieve inflammatory processes, and the second actively fights bacterial microorganisms;
  • Phytocandles. It has an effective treatment method. Despite the fact that this method of treatment involves lighting candles on one side, the method has proven to be effective and safe for health.

See also: At what pressure does your ears clog?

How to prevent otitis externa?

  • Gently blot the ear canal after bathing, but do not wipe the ear canal itself with anything.
  • If water gets into your ear, you can shake it out by jumping on one leg and tilting your head to the same side. You can also dry the water in your ear with a hairdryer, setting it to the lowest setting and holding it about 30-40 cm from the ear.
  • If you know your eardrum has been damaged or punctured, you can use ear drops that will prevent bacteria from growing in your ear once water enters the eardrum.
  • Don't swim in dirty waters.
  • Do not reach into the ear canal with a finger, a stick, a cotton swab or a swab - in a word, nothing.
  • Protect your ears when using hairspray if you know it may irritate the skin inside your ear canal;
  • If you have had ear surgery or ear infections, see an ENT before swimming.

Treatment with traditional methods

In order to relieve the inflammatory process, you can use an onion compress, which is cut into small pieces. A small piece of onion is wrapped in cotton wool and inserted into the auricle.

This method allows you to quickly overcome unpleasant pain.

There is another effective recipe, which is based on the familiar onion and butter. Everything needs to be mixed into a homogeneous paste, and then a cotton swab should be soaked in it. Afterwards it is inserted into the ear.

Chamomile decoction can also be used as a treatment. To prepare the product, you need to take a spoonful of the plant and add hot water to infuse. This decoction after preparation is used as an ear wash.


If ear pain occurs as a result of swallowing, then special attention should be paid to this symptom, since it occurs at the first stage of development of otitis media. The pain does not go away, but only intensifies and takes on a permanent form of impact. To cure the disease and prevent it from becoming chronic, it is necessary to contact a qualified specialist in time. Otherwise, you may lose your hearing forever.

If unpleasant sensations in the hearing organs are accompanied not only by ordinary pain, but also by headache, dizziness, nausea, swelling behind the hearing organs and chills, you need to call an ambulance, as the situation becomes very life-threatening. Otitis media can cause the following complications:

  • Serious damage to the inner ear;
  • Meningitis;
  • Formation of pus in the brain matter;
  • Facial paralysis.


Like any other disease, problems with the auditory organ can arise as a result of weakened immunity, hypothermia, poor personal hygiene, etc.

As medical practice shows, most patients begin to quit treatment immediately after the unpleasant symptoms disappear and the ear no longer hurts. This is not recommended, as this can lead to a chronic form of the disease.

Most often this happens in the case of otitis, the treatment of which should last the prescribed time, and not until the pain disappears. Speaking about preventive measures for ear diseases, the following recommendations can be noted:

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle and strengthen your immune system.
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene: clean the ear canal on time and follow safety rules. Otherwise, you may accidentally damage your eardrum.
  • Dress warmly in cold weather, keep your head in a hat and prevent hypothermia.
  • When treating, follow all recommendations of a specialist.
  • Do not delay visiting a doctor at the first manifestations of any disease.


Since the symptoms of the disease are sometimes disguised as other ailments, a doctor is needed for an accurate diagnosis. Treatment of eustachitis in adults and children should be carried out exclusively by specialists after the diagnosis has been clarified.

To confirm the disease the following are used:

1. Otoscopy.

The doctor uses an otoscope to examine the outer ear, ear canal, and eardrum. The examination reveals characteristic signs of tubootitis:

  • the eardrum is cloudy and retracted;
  • the location of structural components is disrupted;
  • the auditory canal is narrowed.

2. Audiometry.

Measuring hearing parameters with an electroacoustic audiometer and speech tests. With tubo-otitis, a decrease in perception of up to 20-35 dB is detected.

3. Laboratory examination of discharge (smear).

It is done to determine the causative agents of infection or the allergic nature of the disease.

Simple recipes for ear pain

Sometimes it is simply not possible to see a doctor urgently with severe ear pain. But there is no need to despair, because there are several simple recipes that will help relieve unpleasant pain in the ear:

  1. Grind the onions to a paste form. We place a small part of it in gauze, roll it up and apply it to the diseased hearing organ. We knit a woolen scarf over the gauze to keep warm. This compress should be kept for 30 minutes;
  2. Finely grate one clove of garlic. Add a few drops of camphor oil to the resulting pulp. We put the resulting mixture into a napkin, fold it and insert it into the ear. It is worth maintaining it until the pain goes away;
  3. Pomegranate juice is mixed with honey, and the resulting mixture is lubricated on the surface of the ear canal using a cotton swab;
  4. Take 40 ml of ammonia, pour 4 ml of camphor oil into it, and dilute the resulting composition in water with two tablespoons of rock salt. Everything needs to be mixed well. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution and insert it into the sore ear. This solution is very practical, as it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a whole year, so in case of sudden ear pain it will always come to the rescue;
  5. Add 1 teaspoon of hemp oil to boiled milk. The resulting solution should be instilled into the sore ear. Just a couple of drops is enough. This recipe not only warms up the hearing organs well, but also quickly relieves unpleasant pain;
  6. To get rid of ear pain, juice from basil leaves will come in handy. To prepare the juice, basil leaves need to be finely chopped and then squeezed. The resulting juice is instilled into the sore ear using a pipette. Just 3-4 drops are enough to get the desired effect;
  7. Juniper tincture has very good anti-inflammatory properties. To prepare it you need 6 tablespoons of this product and a shot of vodka. Using this recipe, you can also prepare a tincture of golden mustache. The product should be infused in a dark place for one week. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, and therefore will quickly come to the rescue if necessary. You need to moisten a cotton swab in the tincture and rub it on the sore spot. A small piece of cotton wool is well moistened in the tincture and inserted into the ear for one hour.

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Treatment of external otitis

The goal of treatment is to stop the spread of infection and allow the ear canal to clean itself as it normally does.

  • Cleaning and rinsing the ear canal. As a rule, the doctor cleans it with a curette to free it from skin particles, stuck earwax and dried discharge (serous or purulent). This is necessary so that the ear drops can spill to the entire depth of the ear canal.
  • Ear drops prescribed by an ENT or general practitioner (GP). Usually these are drops with antibiotics and/or corticosteroids. For severe pain, analgesics can be used.
  • If there is severe swelling of the external auditory canal, the doctor may first replace the drops with turunda soaked in medicine. When the swelling subsides, the turunda can be easily removed from the ear, and you can continue to be treated with drops.
  • When instilling cold drops, hold them in your palm for a while to reduce discomfort. After the drops are in your ear, lie down on your healthy side for a few minutes so that the drops are better absorbed. You can ask someone to instill drops for you - this is more convenient.
  • If the infection is widespread, the doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics in addition to drops.
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