List of toothpastes without fluoride: “Splat”, “President”, “Rox”, “New Pearl”, “Paradontax”

Few of us know about the benefits and harms of fluoride contained in toothpaste, and how it affects the health of the entire human body.

Today, stores offer a wide selection of products with alternative elements that are effective and harmless for cleaning the mouth and teeth.

So what name should you choose for a toothpaste and why should you give up fluoride?

Features of the composition

The list of fluoride-free toothpastes is constantly expanding. Recently, there has been a trend towards the use of natural hygiene products. As for fluorine, its excess is dangerous to health, and therefore in a number of regions (Ural, Siberia, Tambov, Tver and Moscow regions) pastes without this component are especially popular. However, it is not enough to pay attention to the Without Fluoride label. It is important to carefully study the composition. Toothpaste must contain calcium. It is responsible for strengthening the enamel. In addition, this substance binds excess fluoride, which is contained in running water. It may be present in the paste in the form of one of the following compounds:

  • calcium glycerophosphate;
  • calcium citrate;
  • calcium hydroxyapatite;
  • calcium pantothenate;
  • calcium lactate.

Toothpastes without fluoride require close attention to the composition. The names of the products say less than the components they consist of. So, if you want to know 100% that the toothpaste does not contain fluoride, make sure that the composition does not contain the following compounds:

  • monofluorophosphate;
  • aluminum fluoride;
  • sodium fluoride;
  • aminofluoride (may also be called olaflur);
  • tin fluoride.

What's the harm?

Fluorine is part of more complex elements called fluorides, which are found in soil, water and vegetation.

Fluorides are considered toxic elements, thanks to this property they successfully defeat bacteria and harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity.

Fluoride resists the development of caries, but at the same time it has an aggressive effect on the dental shell itself, slowly killing beneficial bacteria in the mouth.

Fluoride has the following negative effects:

  • in large quantities it is toxic to the body;
  • increases the risk of bone tissue diseases and fluorosis;
  • limits the normal absorption of iodine;
  • accumulates in the thyroid gland;
  • adversely affects the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Excess fluoride and frequent use of “wrong” pastes lead to the accumulation of this element in the body. To avoid this, dentists recommend using such pastes once a week, and residents of some regions of Russia, where fluoride levels in water exceed the norm, completely abandon them.

An increased fluoride content in drinking water, that is, an indicator equal to 1.1 mg/l and higher, is observed in the following regions of Russia:

  • Western part of Siberia;
  • Mordovia;
  • Ural region;
  • Tambov;
  • Nizhny Novgorod Region;
  • Leningrad region;
  • Tver and Moscow regions.

The following video will supplement the information about the dangers of fluoride on the human body:

Toothpaste "President"

The desire to maintain oral health forces consumers to look for the best hygiene products. Thus, President toothpaste is one of the best on the market. It is produced by the Italian concern Betafarma SPA. This is a fairly expensive product, the price of which starts from 200 rubles for 75 ml. The active substances in this product are the following:

  • calcium pantothenate, lactate, glycerophosphate;
  • papain;
  • xylitol

It's worth noting that this is an excellent calcium toothpaste without fluoride. The first component is contained in it in three compounds at once. Moreover, they are easy to digest. Regarding papain, it is worth noting that it is an enzyme that dissolves protein. Its main purpose is to remove plaque. Xylitol, in turn, prevents its further formation. However, the paste also has some disadvantages. Thus, dentists are confused by the presence of potassium salt in the composition. This component combats tooth enamel sensitivity. However, its frequent use is contraindicated, because a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve endings can mask the symptoms of caries and other problems.

What to choose: toothpaste with calcium or fluoride

Fluorine-containing components can indeed lead to irreparable consequences. But against the backdrop of scientific research about the dangers of fluoride, some manufacturers simply refused to use harmful substances without compensating for them. This approach makes the product safe, but ineffective.

Children's tooth enamel is more susceptible to caries than adults. Fluorine components interact better with it and strengthen the surface. They saturate the top layer of enamel and prevent its destruction by acids and bacteria. This reduces the likelihood of disease occurrence by up to 50%.

At the same time, products with calcium act much worse. They certainly make teeth stronger. But they are not able to protect them from an acidic environment. This leads to the gradual destruction of the hard surface and the appearance of caries.

Only regional dentists can prescribe the correct dosage of fluoride. They have information on the amount of fluoride-containing substances in the local water supply and the saturation of food products with them. These parameters are taken into account when choosing toothpaste and prescribing the intensity of its use.

The limit value for the presence of fluorine in water is 1 mg per liter. Conventionally, if the concentration is lower, fluorine-containing compounds can be used. If the limit is exceeded, it is better to use calcium-based products. Otherwise, there is a risk of fluorosis. It extremely rarely appears solely due to the fault of hygiene products. More often, when several negative factors are combined together:

  • fluoride toothpaste;
  • poor quality tap water;
  • food with a high fluoride content.

Independent fluoride ions are always present in our body. If they are lacking, signs of osteoporosis appear:

  • tooth decay;
  • low bone density.

The judicious use of oral hygiene products improves health without negatively affecting the body as a whole.



President pasta for children

On the market you can find fluoride-free toothpastes whose names indicate that they are intended for children. Thus, the Italian concern produces “President Baby”. It is characterized by low abrasiveness and a pleasant raspberry taste. Calcium glycerophosphate perfectly strengthens the enamel of baby teeth. Xylitol is responsible for neutralizing acids, preventing the formation of caries. And due to the fact that the paste does not contain SLS, PEG, parabens and other harmful substances, you don’t have to worry about harm to health if a child accidentally swallows it.

Composition of products without its content

Fortunately, after a series of studies and awareness of the harm of fluoride-containing pastes, the manufacturer began to create products without this element. Let's look at their composition.

Every fluoride-free toothpaste uses calcium, or more precisely, its compounds. Calcium compounds help demineralize teeth when there is excess fluoride, and also help eliminate it . Most often, such toothpastes are needed by children, since baby teeth are very sensitive and are easily exposed to fluoride compounds.

Toothpaste "Splat"

A number of domestic manufacturers produce fluoride-free oral care products. Thus, Splat toothpaste deserves special attention. From the middle price category, the most popular product is “Biocalcium”, the price of which starts from 120 rubles. The paste contains hydroxyapatite, polydone, calcium lactate and papain. These substances effectively fight plaque and actively strengthen tooth enamel. The effectiveness of Biocalcium paste is largely due to the presence of hydroxypatite in its composition. Its structure consists of tiny particles that have good penetrating abilities. However, the list of fluoride-free toothpastes does not end there. Another popular domestically produced product is “Maximum”. In addition to the components present in the previous product, there is also zinc citrate and an enzyme complex. These components give the oral cavity long-lasting freshness and block the growth of bacteria that cause unpleasant odor.

Teens toothpastes for children 8-18 years old

Teens for children 8-18 years old
Toothpastes of the ROCS Teens series are intended for children 8-18 years old. At this age, parents no longer actively control the quality of teeth brushing in children, so in adolescents the level of oral hygiene often deteriorates and, as a result, the intensity of caries and gum disease increases. ROCS Teens contains the active Aminofluor complex with aminofluoride (900ppm) and xylitol, which in just 20 seconds forms a protective film on the surface of the teeth and saturates the tooth enamel with microelements. Xylitol reduces the amount of plaque that forms and normalizes the composition of the oral microflora. A soft abrasive base based on silicon (RDA-39) effectively removes plaque and does not injure the developing enamel of permanent teeth.

The ROCS Teens line includes 3 toothpastes: Double Mint, Hot Summer Flavor with Strawberry Flavor and Active Day Taste with Cola and Lemon.

If a child has contraindications to the use of fluoride-containing toothpastes (fluorosis, taking fluoride preparations, living in an area with a high fluoride content in water, thyroid disease, etc.), depending on age, ROCS Kids toothpastes without fluoride or ROCS for adults are used without fluoride.

Splat paste for children

Splat Juicy Set fluoride-free children's toothpaste is very popular. Given its effectiveness in strengthening enamel, it is also recommended for adults. The secret of this product is synthetic hydroxyapatite, which is the most easily digestible calcium compound. It effectively restores enamel, making it stronger. It is also worth noting the presence of enzymes in the composition, which are entrusted with the function of increasing oral immunity. thus, the likelihood of stomatitis and inflammatory processes is reduced.

Also, fans of this manufacturer’s products will be invited to try Splat Junior toothpaste, which is intended for children under 4 years old. Children will certainly love the soft creamy taste with notes of vanilla, but parents should pay attention to the composition. Thus, the enzyme complex prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the child’s oral cavity. Aloe gel helps relieve unpleasant symptoms during teething. A nice feature is that the kit includes a silicone brush that fits on your finger. Nevertheless, such a component as calcis causes some misunderstanding. Considering that such a compound does not exist, we can say that this is nothing more than the commercial name of one of the common substances. At the same time, without knowing exactly what compound is used in the paste, it is impossible to say with certainty how it affects the enamel.

How do you know if you need fluoride toothpaste or not?

If drinking water is fluoridated, then for most adults and children with healthy teeth and a low risk of tooth decay, regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste is considered sufficient.

If your local drinking water is not fluoridated and does not contain enough natural fluoride (about 1 mg/L), your dentist or pediatrician may prescribe daily fluoride drops or tablets, especially for children.

Your dentist or pediatrician will advise you on the optimal levels of fluoride for your health.

You can find out if your water is fluoridated by calling your local water utility. If it comes from a private well or well, order its chemical analysis from a special independent laboratory.

Having carried out the above measures, you can make a unanimous decision about whether you need to additionally enrich your teeth with fluoride using a toothpaste to clean them.

If you find out that the content of this element in water fluctuates within normal limits, then fluoride-free toothpaste will be perfect for you. Excessive presence of this element in water can negatively affect not only the condition of your teeth, but the entire body.

In this case, it is best to install special filters that can purify your water from fluoride compounds by 90%.

Fluoride-free paste "Rox"

Rox toothpaste is another achievement of the domestic industry. The price of this product is more than 200 rubles. Having studied the composition, it is worth highlighting such active substances as calcium glycerophosphate, bromelain and xylitol. Thus, the last component is indispensable in the prevention of caries. It inhibits the growth of microflora and neutralizes acids. Bromelain is responsible for the breakdown of plaque. And, of course, we can’t help but mention the huge variety of pasta flavors. Despite its advantages, Rox toothpaste has also received critical comments from dentists. The main complaints are made about its low abrasiveness. However, its degree is not indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Thus, the tooth surface is not sufficiently cleaned. Therefore, we can judge that the price of the product is too high.

Pasta "Rox" for children

When considering the best fluoride-free toothpastes, you cannot pass by a product like Rox PRO Baby. The product is intended for children under 3 years of age. It is precisely these age limits that determine the low abrasiveness of the paste. Of course, it is worth noting the absence of any harmful substances, including SLS, parabens, dyes and antiseptics. Thus, it is safe if swallowed. Calcium glycerophosphate actively nourishes the enamel, and xylitol prevents the early formation of caries. For older children (from 3 to 7 years old), “Rox kids” paste is produced. Its active components are the same as in the previous case. However, the abrasiveness is an order of magnitude higher. It also contains antiseptics. This is an excellent option for preparing for the formation of molars.


Individual intolerance to individual components. This is extremely rare, since ROCS Kids “Fruit Cone” toothpaste is hypoallergenic and can be recommended for children prone to allergic reactions.

GREAT offer from the Personal-care online store: choose and buy ROCS Kids Toothpaste Fruit cone (without fluoride), 45 g at an ATTRACTIVE price. Fast delivery to Moscow and Russia.

Toothpaste ROCS Kids Fruit cone (fluoride-free), 45 g: instructions for use, customer reviews, characteristics. Large catalog Without mint on the official website of the manufacturer.

Pasta “New Pearl”

Toothpaste “New Pearl” belongs to the budget segment. Its cost starts from 30 rubles (depending on the volume of the tube). The main active ingredient is calcium citrate. This element releases ions quite quickly, which facilitates their rapid penetration into the enamel. However, this remedy is nothing more remarkable. This is not surprising, given the low cost of such a domestic product as New Pearl toothpaste.

Adult products

Today there are many options for fluoride-free toothpastes on the market; it is only important to study their composition and choose the right product for yourself in terms of quality and price.


President pasta began to be produced in Italy for residents of those areas where increased levels of fluoride in water were recorded. Main properties of the paste:

  • strengthens enamel;
  • protects against the aggressive influence of bacteria and other compounds;
  • reduces special sensitivity and calms.

Active components of the paste: calcium compounds, xylitol, potassium salt, papain and plant extracts.

The product is recommended for daily use, but due to the potassium salt, which blocks sensitivity, it can mask the symptoms of dental diseases.

The cost of a 100 ml tube is about 260 rubles.

We will tell you why the Aquajet irrigator is useful and which model is better to choose. We will tell you in what cases the use of Crest toothpaste is recommended.


The product is manufactured in Russia, its main feature is the calcium lactate and hydroxyapatite included in the composition.

High-quality components are able to penetrate deep into tooth enamel due to the size of ultrafine particles. They provide not only gentle whitening, but also restoration of the structure itself, strengthening the tooth enamel.

The price of a 100 ml tube is about 130 rubles.


The main substance, as in Splat-biocalcium, which ensures the reconstruction of damaged tooth enamel is calcium hydroxyapatite.

Enzymes papain and polydol remove plaque and gently whiten the surface of the teeth. And licorice extract helps with rapid recovery, regeneration of tissues and mucous membranes in the oral cavity.

In addition, SPLAT-“Maximum”, thanks to the properties of zinc citrate, blocks unpleasant odors that occur in the mouth and prevents their appearance.

The cost of a 100 ml package is about 140 rubles.

Sunshine Brite

The active composition of this product contains many components: natural sorbitol, ultrafine silicon dioxide powder, sodium and calcium compounds, as well as extracts of various herbs.

Thanks to mineral and plant components (Icelandic moss, green tea, black elderberry, aloe, etc.), the product helps to take care not only of tooth enamel, but also of gums.

The special feature of the paste is its natural ingredients, which whiten, heal wounds, and gently care for the skin. Manufacturer USA.

The cost without promotions and discounts is about 650 rubles.

Paradontax without fluoride

Paradontax without fluoride is aimed at caring for the oral cavity, maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Herbal ingredients (chamomile, sage, myrrh and echinacea), as well as mineral salts, help soothe gums and fight bleeding.

An unusual feature of the paste is its salty taste, which takes two weeks to get used to.

You can buy the product for 110 – 140 rubles.

ASEPTA Sensitive

The products of this brand are manufactured in Russia. Due to the active substances (hydroxyapatite, potassium citrate, papain), this product quickly removes both microbial plaque and age spots from the enamel.

But due to the presence of potassium citrate, the paste must be used carefully - this component masks the symptoms of incipient dental diseases and caries, which can complicate treatment.

The price for this product is affordable - from 120 rubles.

Parodontol "Triple action" from OJSC "Svoboda"

The triple effect of the paste consists of comprehensive protection (including protection against tartar), prevention of gum inflammation, as well as whitening and normalization of the alkaline balance in the oral cavity.

Periodontol is especially recommended in regions with high levels of fluoride in drinking water.

The cost of the product is also acceptable - about 120 rubles per tube of 124 grams.

Parodontol with echinacea and calcium from JSC Svoboda

The combination of calcium gluconate and echinacea extract provides protection, restoration of enamel, gives a feeling of freshness in the oral cavity, and also fights bacteria and has an immunostimulating effect.

This hygiene product is produced in Russia and is affordable.

A package of 63 grams costs about 50 rubles, a tube of 124 grams costs about 110 rubles.

ROCS for adults

The product contains calcium glycerophosphate, which is responsible for the strength of the enamel, the component xylitol, which protects the oral cavity from caries bacteria by combating the acidic environment, as well as the enzyme bromelain - for quickly eliminating plaque.

A special feature of this product is the presence of different flavoring additives: mint, fruit and herbal.

The paste is produced in Russia, its cost is from 220 rubles per package.

New pearls with calcium

The paste contains only one active substance - calcium citrate. This brand is produced in Russia.

The cost of the product is very low, on average from 40 – 80 rubles, depending on the volume of the tube.

Paste without fluoride "Paradontax"

Paradontax toothpaste compares favorably with other products in that a significant proportion of its composition is made up of plant components. At the same time, the plant complex has proven itself so well that it has remained unchanged for 40 years. So, from natural components it is worth highlighting the following:

  • echinacea - kills bacteria, relieves inflammation, and is also responsible for the formation of oral immunity;
  • myrrh - provides prevention of gum disease and prevents bleeding;
  • chamomile - helps reduce sensitivity and also inhibits inflammatory processes;
  • ratania - tones the gum tissue, making it more elastic and resistant to damage;
  • mint - provides fresh breath, relieves inflammation, relieves pain;
  • sage - kills germs and strengthens enamel.

Paradontax toothpaste has a specific taste, which is due to the absence of any flavorings and sweeteners. Thus, when brushing your teeth, there is a salty taste that may seem unpleasant at first. The paste is not intended for continuous use, as it is addictive.

The best fluoride-free toothpastes for children

The choice is not just great, it is huge. There are about 2,000 offers on Yandex.Market alone. We analyzed as many options as possible, forming the TOP 10 most popular fluoride-free toothpastes for children.

ROCS, Fragrant Chamomile

The composition for the little ones smells delicious and is absolutely safe because it does not contain harmful chemicals. Main components: xylitol, chamomile extract, natural alginate. The spectrum of action is also pleasing: gentle cleansing, anti-caries and anti-inflammatory effect, normalization of the microecology of the oral cavity (stop thrush). The only negative is the limited shelf life (a month after removing the protective membrane).

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Age category – 0 to 3 years.
  • Tube volume – 45 g.
  • Approximate price – 175-200 rubles.

We also focus on the fact that this manufacturer’s product line includes 8 more versions of fluoride-free toothpastes with different flavors for children over three years old.


Japanese manufacturers are sensitive to the health of children and offer them objectively safe products. The secret ingredient of this composition is nanoparticles of medical hydroxyapatite, enriched with calcium and phosphorus. Claimed effects: destruction of caries at the initial stage, ensuring smoothness and strength of enamel, regeneration of microscopic defects in bone tissue, removal of plaque. A small “drop of ointment” is a price indicator that, alas, frankly scares many.

  • Country of origin: Japan.
  • Age category: from birth.
  • Tube volume – 60 g.
  • Approximate price – 1000-1100 rubles.

This is interesting: What does oral sanitation mean, its types and why should a child’s mouth be sanitized?

Weleda, Children's paste-gel with calendula

Natural, safe and high-quality German product. The basis is organic components. A mix of essential oils, alginate and silicic acid provides gentle but reliable cleaning, balance of oral microflora, and gum care. This gel is the leader in terms of the number of laudatory reviews from users.

  • Country of origin: Germany.
  • Age category – 3-6 years.
  • Tube volume – 50 ml.
  • Approximate price – 265-400 rubles.

President Kids, Fruit Jelly (marmalade flavor)

Little whims rarely brush their teeth when they want, but with this miracle remedy everything is different. The magical taste of sweets turns the procedure into pleasure. Parents are delighted: the children are not harmful, and the composition works (protects against caries, strengthens enamel, remineralizes).

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Age category – 3-6 years.
  • Tube volume – 50 ml.
  • Approximate price – 120-150 rubles.

Natura Siberica (LITTLE), with organic raspberry extract and sea buckthorn oil

Three main advantages of the product: availability, effect, naturalness. The base is natural ingredients; in addition to the plants mentioned in the name, it contains extracts of soap root, rowan, yarrow, and dwarf cedar. The downside is that not all kids like the specific bite.

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Age category – from 3 years.
  • Tube volume – 50 ml.
  • Approximate price – 240-270 rubles.

Lapikka, with calcium and microelements Junior, Strawberry mousse

Specifics: focused on the period of replacement of milk teeth with molars. The product, enriched with phosphorus and calcium, strengthens enamel, protects gums from the influence of harmful microorganisms, and has an anti-caries effect.

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Age category – from 7 years.
  • Tube volume – 74 g.
  • Approximate price – 95-120 rubles.

SPLAT, Juicy ICE CREAM (intensive strengthening)

A domestic analogue of the Japanese APADENT Kids, which is 12 times cheaper. Supplement calcium and phosphorus with aloe vera gel. This paste not only gently cleanses, protects against caries, restores microdamage, but also moisturizes and evens out the enamel. A very good option.

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Age category - no information.
  • Tube volume – 35 and 50 ml.
  • Approximate price – from 70 rubles. and higher.

Siberian Health, Zhivinka

Almost a natural product. We place special emphasis on the content of propolis and the natural sweetener stevia. In addition to these ingredients, there are also sorbitol, xylitol, cosmetic clay, cranberry, sea buckthorn, and hawthorn extracts. When used, it perfectly removes plaque, protects against cariogenic bacteria, and freshens breath. Minus - potentially allergenic components (phenoxyethanol, sodium monofluorophosphate, calcium glycerophosphate).

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Age category – 3-8 years.
  • Tube volume – 50 ml.
  • Approximate price – 125-140 rubles.

Twin Lotus, Kids, Strawberry and Chamomile

The product is popular among lovers of Thai skin care products. There really is no fluorine in the composition, as well as organic components. It copes with the stated functions (cleaning, strengthening enamel, antibacterial effect). True, the reviews are mixed. There are some who are exceptionally enthusiastic and some who are angry. Users complain about the chemical taste and demand stronger quality control.

  • Country of origin: Thailand.
  • Age category – 3 to 10 years.
  • Tube volume – 50 g.
  • Approximate price – 220-260 rubles.

Longa Vita, Angry Birds Banana Split

Russian products manufactured using German technology. Main advantages: gentle abrasiveness, absence of frankly harmful components. Designed for sensitive teeth.

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Age category – from 2 years.
  • Tube volume – 75 g.
  • Approximate price – 110-140 rubles.

Is it advisable to use toothpaste without fluoride?

Although fluoride is essential and beneficial for dental health, too much of it can have the opposite effect. Thus, children often have a problem such as fluorosis. It appears as white or dark spots on the teeth, as well as uneven enamel. For adults, this problem is irrelevant. Nevertheless, it has been scientifically proven that excess fluoride in the body is harmful to all its systems (and especially to the thyroid gland). Thus, if the drinking water in your region has a high concentration of this substance, the toothpaste should be appropriate (if you do not use a filter). However, using fluoride-free toothpaste not out of necessity, but because of an established trend, you risk causing irreparable damage to tooth enamel, which consists of the following:

  • destruction will occur 40% faster;
  • formation of plaque and tartar;
  • bad breath.

How to compensate for the shortcomings of toothpastes without fluoride -

Firstly, regular hygiene. The best option is hygiene after every meal. Remember to avoid constant snacking and uncontrolled consumption of sugary drinks. Secondly, when choosing toothpastes without fluoride, it is optimal that the composition contains not only calcium, but also xylitol (xylitol). The latter reduces the risk of developing caries even in the absence of fluoride in toothpaste.

Thirdly, the problem of children's oral hygiene is that children rarely brush their teeth for the required time, and also do it well. Therefore, as a rule, there will always be some amount of microbial plaque on the teeth, which will slowly destroy the teeth. Therefore, when refusing fluoride toothpastes, it is important to remove plaque as well as possible, because Pastes without fluoride do not have the ability to inhibit the growth of microbial plaque.

In children over 3 years old, to improve hygiene, you can already start using an electric toothbrush, which removes significantly more plaque (compared to a regular manual toothbrush). Electric toothbrushes make brushing your child’s teeth more interesting; moreover, these brushes are designed in the shape of famous Disney cartoon characters and have a music timer. We hope that our article: Fluoride-free toothpaste list rating 2021 was useful to you!


1. Higher professional education of the author in dentistry, 2. The European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (USA), 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4., 5. “Pediatric therapeutic dentistry . National leadership" (Leontyev V.K.).

Benefits of fluoride

If your region has a neutral drinking water chemistry, or you use a filter, be sure to use fluoride paste. This substance has the following beneficial properties:

  • Fluoride strengthens enamel, making it more resistant to the harmful effects of acids. This is due to the fact that, penetrating into the tooth tissue, it forms the compound fluorapatite. It is the most resistant to cariogenic microorganisms.
  • Fluoride is a powerful antiseptic. It inhibits the proliferation of bacteria and microbes in the oral cavity. Thus, plaque will form much more slowly. As a result, your breath will remain fresh for much longer.
  • Fluoride takes an active part in the process of formation of molars. Thus, children after 5 years of age simply need, one way or another, to saturate their tooth enamel with this substance.
  • Fluoride retains calcium in bone tissue. Thus, tooth enamel becomes stronger and less susceptible to carious damage.

General information about this chemical element

One of the traditional components included in dental hygiene products is fluoride.
More precisely, its various compounds that can be absorbed by our body. However, there are situations when such pastes are used in regions that are known for high levels of this element in water - 1.1 mg/l or higher . Then dentists recommend using toothpastes without fluoride for daily hygiene procedures.

In nature, this element is found in the form of various compounds, such as
fluorosilicate and sodium fluoride, fluorosilicic acid , and quite rarely.
Most of it enters the human body with drinking water - about 60–80%. In many regions where natural water contains too little of this component, it can even be fluoridated for preventive purposes.

In fact, it is not in vain that fluoride is added to hygiene products, as it has a beneficial effect on dental health . However, everything is good only in moderation. An excess of this element can, on the contrary, have a bad effect not only on the condition of tooth enamel, but also cause harm to the entire body.

Moreover, if household osmotic (as well as carbon) filters for drinking water are widely used in the area where you live, you should not worry too much. After all, most of the fluorides – up to 84% – are removed during the filtration process.

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