Rating of the best toothpastes for sensitive teeth for 2021

  • Treatment at the dentist's office
  • The principle of operation of toothpastes for sensitive teeth
  • Active substances in pastes
  • Which desensitization paste to choose for a child?
  • Examples of pastes for daily use

Increased sensitivity of teeth, medically known as hyperesthesia, is a disease that is familiar to every second adult.
The main manifestation is a painful reaction to hot or cold, sour or sweet foods, chewing, or brushing teeth. Enamel is the hardest tissue in the body, but even it is vulnerable to acidic and aggressive mechanical influences. In areas where the enamel becomes thinner, substances from outside enter the dentin, or more precisely, into the dentinal tubules. They contain many nerve endings that react to the stimulus.

Increased sensitivity of teeth is not a disease in the usual sense, but a symptom that can be caused by various reasons.

  • Recent systemic
  • Dental
  • Deficiency
    of vital vitamins and microelements in the body due to an unbalanced diet.
  • Using toothbrushes with hard bristles
    and abrasive toothpastes.
  • Habit of biting nails
    or clenching teeth.
  • Poor
    oral hygiene.
  • Recent in-office whitening

Depending on the cause, the way to deal with hypersensitivity will be different. How to reduce tooth sensitivity or prevent it - we tell you in this article.

Treatment at the dentist's office

To determine the clinical situation and causes of sensitivity, we recommend that you consult a dentist. The doctor will be able to prescribe procedures that are effective for your case.

  • Fluoridation and remotherapy
    - they strengthen the enamel, saturate the hard tissues of the tooth with useful elements and help reduce sensitivity.
  • Electrophoresis
    - it improves the susceptibility of hard tissues to beneficial substances of fluorinated and remineralizing compounds.
  • Treatment of caries and filling

To maintain the effect of the procedures, the dentist may recommend enamel-strengthening products for home use - daily pastes, gels and rinses.

Product advantages

The wrong choice of oral care products not only provokes an exacerbation of chronic dental disorders, but also creates new problems. Therefore, you need to be especially careful when choosing toothpastes and brushes for dental care.

Splat toothpastes have a wide range, thanks to which every patient can find a suitable product for themselves. The low cost of the drug is due to the lack of commercial advertising. The buyer will be able to learn about the company's new developments and the range of products provided from the brochure included in the paste packaging.

Dentists also note the positive effects of the components of the product on the oral cavity and the minimal risk of developing side effects from their use. Companies present products with both single and complex spectrum of action.

The advantages of the product include:

  • possibility of daily use;
  • reasonable price;
  • maintaining fresh breath for a long time;
  • effective removal of tartar;
  • lightening the enamel by several tones.

Active substances in pastes

To quickly relieve pain, use toothpastes and gels with potassium

, which penetrates the dentinal tubules and anesthetizes the nerve.
And to strengthen the enamel and seal the dentinal tubules, you will need products containing fluoride

Pastes with fluoride

Fluoride plays an important role for the body and, in particular, teeth.

  • Makes bones strong and hard.
  • Supports immunity.
  • Prevents caries from developing.

The effectiveness of fluoride in preventing caries has been proven by many studies. Choose toothpastes with a fluoride concentration of at least 1000 ppm (preventative pastes) and from 1350 to 1500 ppm (medicinal pastes). The most popular fluoride-containing products are “Ftorlak”, “Fluocal”, “Diplen Denta F” films and Keystone gels. You can learn more about the benefits of fluoride in our article.

Pastes with calcium

An alternative strengthening element to fluoride is calcium. It provides teeth with strength and hardness. Some of the most effective products with it are dental gels GC Tooth Mousse, GC MI Paste Plus and gel for sensitive teeth ROCS Medical Sensitive.

Tooth gel GC Tooth Mousse Strawberry

Tooth gel GC MI Paste Plus Multifruit

Gel for sensitive teeth ROCS (ROCS) Medical Sensitive

Pastes with hydroxyapatite

Hydroxyapatite is a mineral that is the basis of bones and teeth (96% of enamel consists of it). It looks like a white powder. In dentistry, hydroxyapatite is included in dental products as an element that remineralizes and strengthens enamel.

Hydroxyapatite provides:

  • decreased enamel sensitivity;
  • replenishment of mineral deficiency;
  • prevention of caries and its treatment at the white spot stage.

The absolute safety of hydroxyapatate is its main advantage.
The substance can be used in hygiene products even for children and pregnant women. ApaCare Repair restoring dental gel, Biorepair sensitivity reliever, Innova and Biorepair rinses and pastes will help solve the problem of sensitivity.

ApaCare Repair Restoring tooth gel

Biorepair drug for reducing sensitivity and restoring enamel

Suspension Splat Innova Liquid Enamel

INNOVA Intensive strengthening of hypersensitive teeth

Biorepair Mouthwash 500 ml

Toothpaste Biorepair Denti Sensibili PLUS

What is tooth sensitivity?

Hyperesthesia, or otherwise tooth sensitivity, is a problem that many people face. It consists in the fact that when an irritant comes into contact with a tooth, acute pain occurs , usually short-term.
In this case, the tooth itself can be completely healthy. Irritants for hypersensitivity can be:

  • exposure to both cold and hot temperatures;
  • mechanical impact;
  • getting something sweet or sour on your tooth.

The root cause of the problem lies in the structure of the tooth itself: under the enamel layer there is dentin tissue, in which tubules with fluid and nerve endings . If the enamel is thinned, then when the irritant hits the nerve endings, a pain attack occurs.

Special dental products will help to effectively cope with the problem - desensitizing agents containing strontium, potassium or fluorine salts , which penetrate the tubules, surrounding the sensory nerves, reducing sensitivity.

Causes of the problem

  1. Tooth diseases: enamel erosion, caries.
  2. Calcium is washed out of the surface layer of enamel.
  3. Increased abrasion of enamel.
  4. Regular use of whitening pastes or too frequent professional whitening.
  5. Malocclusion.

In addition, increased sensitivity of the enamel can be caused by the consumption of acid-containing products , which wash out minerals from the tooth.
These are citrus fruits (oranges and lemons) and their juices, wines, carbonated drinks. It is better to refuse them.

Which desensitization paste to choose for a child?

The delicate enamel of baby teeth requires special delicate care. Children's toothpaste should not contain SLS, parabens, or titanium dioxide. If the paste foams a lot, it means that it contains SLS, and it is better to discard it.

It is important that the amount of abrasives is minimal (RDA - from 0 to 20).

Children's toothpaste should contain a small amount of fluoride: up to 4 years - 200 ppm, from 4 to 8 years - 500 ppm.

It is very important that the paste is not only effective and safe, but also tasty. This will help your baby learn to brush their teeth regularly.

history of the company

The Splat brand began its history in 2000. Initially, the company had a different name - Splat-kosmetik LLC and specialized in the production of oral care products available to the general public.

The products of the Russian manufacturer are of high quality due to the fact that the company is constantly improving the composition of drugs in its own laboratory. Among the components used, only natural substances can be noted, which distinguishes Splat pastes from Russian and Western competitors. The company has several international and Russian patents for its developments. Innovative development - black product.

Examples of pastes for daily use

There are many toothpastes that can solve the problem of sensitivity. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following parameters.

  • Active ingredient (fluorine, calcium, hydroxyapatite, potassium);
  • its concentration;
  • additives and impurities.

The best way to avoid oral diseases remains regular prevention. Below are examples of pastes for daily use and their main active ingredients, which have proven to be the most effective in combating sensitivity.

PasteActive substance
Theodenttheobromine (stimulates the formation of its own hydroxyapatite crystals), calcium
Apadent Sensitivehydroxyapatite, calcium, potassium
Apagard Premiumhydroxyapatite, calcium
Biorepair paste linehydroxyapatite
Miradent Mirasensitive hap+hydroxyapatite, fluorine, potassium
Remars Gelcalcium nitrate + ammonium hydrogen phosphate - a brushite crystal is formed, similar in composition to a hydroxyapatite crystal
Dentissimo For pregnant women and young motherscalcium and hydroxyapatite
Innova range of pasteshydroxyapatite
Splat Special Dreamhydroxyapatite
Elgidium Sensitivefluorine
Iney Magichydroxyapatite, fluorine

Daily oral hygiene using strengthening pastes is the best prevention of tooth enamel sensitivity at home.

How to choose a toothpaste for sensitive teeth

To decide which paste to choose for your sensitive teeth, you should first of all read the reviews of people who have already been convinced of the effectiveness or lack thereof of this or that paste. The most popular in Russia are two remedies for combating hyperesthesia: Lakalut and Sensodyne .
Both products have a large number of positive reviews. Fans of Lakalut note that the paste perfectly cleanses teeth, giving a long-lasting feeling of cleanliness, and forms a protective film that prevents irritants from penetrating sensitive nerve endings.

It is used, as a rule, in cases where there is no acute pain, but it is necessary to saturate the enamel with minerals in order to strengthen it. Sensodyne also helps reduce hypersensitivity by forming a protective film over the enamel. At the same time, it is very effective in getting rid of caries and gum disease.

An experienced dentist will help you choose the most suitable option based on the results of a dental examination.
When faced with the problem of hyperesthesia, you should not despair, because modern high-quality toothpastes will help, if not completely eliminate the problem, then at least significantly reduce the sensitivity of the enamel to irritants.

No. 10 – Sensodyne Toothpaste Restoration and Protection

Price: 220 rubles

If you have sensitive teeth, then choosing a toothpaste is a science. This option from Sensodyne is perfect; even the most susceptible teeth return to normal after some time after starting to use this paste. The paste is thick, foams well, and is economical in consumption. The powerful mint flavor remains in the mouth for a long time, invigorating in the morning.

It costs a lot, but if you have problems with teeth and gums, you can’t get by with cheap analogues - you need to choose something that really works. Suitable for both adults and children.

Sensodyne Toothpaste Repair and Protect

Rating of quality products from 70 to 500 rubles

Splat Sensitive

A special product used to regenerate enamel and reduce sensitivity. The main component is hydroxyapatite. It effectively clogs the tubules, preventing external irritants from penetrating there. Other components are antibacterial and antiseptic. Stop bleeding gums and perfectly clean plaque. The consistency is thick, pale yellow in color. Little foam is formed. The taste is neutral, with a faint mint flavor. Gently whitens.

The average price is 122 rubles.

toothpaste Splat Sensitive


  • safety;
  • anti-inflammatory properties;
  • does not create a lot of foam;
  • gentle cleansing;
  • balanced composition;
  • removes sensitivity.


  • slight bleaching;
  • freshness does not last long.

Biomed Sensitive

A product intended for daily use. After use, the mouth feels fresh and clean for a long time, and pain is practically not felt. The texture is dense, the shade is pale pink, no inclusions are visible. Slightly sweet, with a barely noticeable grape flavor. Foaming at a moderate level. The manufacturer guarantees complete safety. The effect is felt after the first use. Can be used from the age of six.

The purchase price is 78 rubles.

Biomed Sensitive toothpaste


  • inexpensive;
  • practical;
  • easy to use;
  • safe;
  • excellent composition;
  • quickly solves the problem of sensitivity;
  • family option;
  • gentle qualities;
  • Everyone likes the taste and aroma;
  • improves the quality of the coating.


  • For extrusion it is necessary to make an effort;
  • There are age restrictions.

Blend-a-med Pro-Expert

According to buyers, there is no better anti-plaque paste. Relatively inexpensive, but functional. Produced by a German company. Effectively reduces sensitivity. In addition to reducing pain, it also perfectly whitens enamel. Belongs to the soft category. Works carefully. The main components are potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride. Fluoride is present in minimal quantities. Two weeks are enough to feel improvement.

The average price is 150 rubles.

Blend-a-med Pro-Expert toothpaste


  • reduces sensitivity;
  • strengthens enamel;
  • can be purchased both in a pharmacy chain and ordered online in an online store;
  • positive reviews;
  • functionality;
  • efficiency;
  • speed of action.


  • not installed.

Natura Siberica Natura Kamchatka

Cleanser for sensitive teeth. In production, natural algae extracts are used to improve the condition of the enamel. Not only polishes, but also removes dirt. The consistency is in the form of a cream. Delicate pink color. The tube is made of safe and high-quality materials. Mild taste, does not irritate the oral cavity. Moderate foam forms.

You can purchase the product at a price of 188 rubles per unit.

toothpaste Natura Siberica Natura Kamchatka


  • positive reviews;
  • high-quality cleansing;
  • strengthening effect;
  • pleasant aftertaste;
  • convenient consistency;
  • moderate foam;
  • value for money;
  • safety;
  • nullifies sensitivity.


  • not always available for sale.

PresiDent Sensitive

Dentists advise using the product at least 2 times a day. Promotes remineralization, prevents caries and helps strengthen enamel. Product from an Italian manufacturer. The abrasiveness coefficient is 25. The substance contains plant extracts of linden, chamomile, and mint. The consistency is dense. Fluoride at 1350 ppm. Soft blue color. The reviews are only positive. With a pleasant mint aroma. Doesn't create a lot of foam. The consumption is economical. It will quickly and efficiently remove plaque. The result is within four weeks from the start of use.

Purchase price – 189 rubles.

PresiDent Sensitive toothpaste


  • the composition belongs to the category of combined;
  • light aroma;
  • helps strengthen enamel;
  • a little foam;
  • helps reduce sensitivity;
  • lasts a long time.


  • the freshness in the mouth disappears quickly.

Colgate_Sensitive Pro-Relief

Products of Polish origin are very popular among Russians. The production uses a patented Pro-Argin formula, the essence of which is to seal the dentinal canals and minimize pain. Dentists advise using the substance several times during the day, and rubbing it in for 1.5 minutes. White substance. No inclusions or fillers are used. A dense consistency is noted. Instant action has not been established, although the effect occurs fairly quickly. It has pleasant minty notes.

The average price is 184 rubles.

Colgate_Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste


  • freshens breath;
  • does not foam;
  • regeneration of problem areas;
  • unique formula;
  • economical spending.


  • After use, you feel a slight burning sensation in your mouth.

Blend-a-Med 3D White Whitening Therapy

Product from a German manufacturer. It is very popular among people suffering from excessive sensitivity. Helps not only eliminate pain, but also lighten the coating. Gentle on gums. White paste with fine coarse sand. A little runny. Gives a large amount of foam. Many people don't like the minty taste that lingers for a long time. It is very refreshing and the effect lasts for a long time.

The average cost is 154 rubles.

Blend-a-Med 3D White Whitening Therapy toothpaste


  • excellent freshness;
  • balanced composition;
  • efficiency;
  • practicality;
  • economy;
  • acceptable price.


  • spreads over the brush.

Sensodyne C (with fluoride)

An ideal product for those who have already acquired crowns. Produced in the UK. Users are surprised by the budget cost and respectable efficiency. Penetrates deeply into dentin layers. Positively affects internal channels. Nerve fibers become immune to pain. Fluoride and potassium nitrate remove inflammation and strengthen teeth. Best used in the morning using soft bristle brushes. It is not recommended to give to children under 12 years of age.

The purchase price is 187 rubles.

Sensodyne C toothpaste (with fluoride)


  • efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • with strengthening functions.


  • There are age restrictions.

The best medicated toothpastes

SATO Acess for gingivitis and periodontal disease

The product consists only of natural ingredients. It is based on highly concentrated extracts of myrrh, chamomile, and ratania root. Active substances relieve inflammation, destroy bacteria, reduce gum bleeding and have an astringent effect. The manufacturer recommends using the paste to prevent and eliminate periodontal disease, gingivitis, and gum inflammation. The volume is 120 ml.


  • the paste does not contain whitening components;
  • has a healing effect on sore gums;
  • reduces swelling, purulent foci;
  • eliminates bleeding and pain in the gums.


  • high price;
  • practically never found in stores and pharmacies.


7 Best Ultrasonic Toothbrushes

Dentavit Sensitive for sensitive teeth

The product allows you to brush your teeth without scratching the enamel. Great for those who have weakened and thin hair. Contains potassium nitrate, which reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings in dentin; the paste also promotes the flow of minerals into tooth tissue, reduces sensitivity and protects against caries. Volume – 85 ml.


7 Best Oral-B Electric Toothbrushes


  • reduces painful tooth sensitivity;
  • restores microdamage to the enamel, making it smooth;
  • regular use leads to a decrease in sensitivity to hot, cold, sweets, etc.;
  • soothes the oral mucosa;
  • does not contain sodium dodecyl sulfate;
  • affordable price.


  • Not recommended for persons with hypersensitivity to substances contained in the paste.

Oralcare Protezione Gengive from the manufacturer Biorepair

The paste is a professional treatment and prophylactic product for protecting gums. Perfect for those who want to prevent or eliminate the following diseases: periodontal disease, gingivitis, periodontitis or enamel damage.

The drug contains a large amount of vitamins C, D, B, A. Hyaluronic acid has a moisturizing effect, which activates cell function and reduces inflammatory processes. Can be used by adults and children over 6 years old. The volume is 75 ml.


  • powerful anti-inflammatory and healing effects;
  • prevents the reproduction and growth of cariogenic bacteria;
  • makes breathing fresh and pleasant;
  • promotes regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • improves the condition of the gums by strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • creates a barrier to caries;
  • restores shine and whiteness of teeth;
  • suitable for preventive purposes.


  • very difficult to find in pharmacies and stores;
  • high price.

Therapeutic and prophylactic professional toothpaste Biocalcium from the manufacturer Splat

The paste is based on bioactive calcis. The product is suitable for those who want to strengthen or restore tooth enamel, as well as reduce sensitivity. The paste is especially relevant when a painful reaction to cold, hot, sweet, etc. appears. The effect of use is noticeable after several days of regular use. Volume – 100 ml.


  • affordable price;
  • perfectly removes plaque on teeth, prevents the appearance of tartar;
  • promotes the entry of calcium and minerals into the enamel;
  • improves gum health;
  • normalizes acidity in the oral cavity;
  • soft abrasive substances safely and carefully whiten enamel, restoring its natural shine and whiteness.


  • takes a long time to wash out;
  • a specific taste that not everyone will like;
  • There is no foil under the tube cap.


How to choose an electric toothbrush - reviews from dentists

Dant Canti Advanced

This paste has a complex effect. It is designed for the prevention and treatment of various diseases of the gums and teeth, to maintain oral hygiene. The composition is completely natural and contains 26 herbs. It provides long-term care and protection for teeth and gums.

No. 8 – Lacalut White Toothpaste

Price: 250 rubles

The rating of toothpastes for 2021 continues with the already legendary Lacalut White, which is a real salvation for smokers - the whitening effect is simply amazing. The paste wonderfully removes tartar, treats gums, the effect is very fast - within a week or two after the start of use, the teeth take on their natural shade.

Dentists do not recommend using this paste on a daily basis - it is too powerful, but the more economically it is used. If your teeth have lost their former shine, and you don’t have the time or desire to go to the dentist to whiten them, this toothpaste will come in handy. Judging by customer reviews, the price-quality ratio does not raise any questions - Lacalut White is definitely worth the money.

Toothpaste Lacalut White

What are there

The products came into use in the 30s of the last century and replaced powders. Everyone liked the convenient packaging in the form of a tube. The main advantages of the product are plasticity, portability, compactness, and ideal taste characteristics. Popular models included glycerin, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, chemically precipitated chalk, sodium lauryl sulfate, perfume oil, water, preservative, and fragrances. Over time, new products, both domestic and foreign, began to be produced, including active components, the main purpose of which is therapeutic and therapeutic-prophylactic effects.

All manufactured products are divided into three main types:

MedicinalConsist of active components. They fight pathology. Prescribed for oral candidiasis and act as antifungal agents.
HygienicUsed to combat deposits. Suitable for deodorizing the oral cavity.
Treatment and preventionThey are used to prevent the risk of periodontitis or other diseases and eliminate their negative factors.

Therapeutic and prophylactic products are divided into the following subgroups:

  1. Deodorizing. The substance contains antiseptics.
  2. Having a positive effect on the mineralization of dental tissues. Calcium and fluorine compounds, macro- and microelements, and phosphates are used in production.
  3. Fighting the appearance of dental plaque. They consist of enzymes, antiseptics, fluoride compounds and mineral salts.
  4. Treating periodontitis and mucous membranes. Used for bleeding gums. The substance contains anti-inflammatory agents, antiseptics, enzymes, biologically active substances, hemostatic components, and mineral salts.
  5. Minimizing the risk of tartar formation. They consist of abrasives and crystallization inhibitors.
  6. Whitening. Includes abrasive components, crystallization inhibitors and sodium borate.
  7. For sensitive teeth. Ingredients such as potassium and strontium compounds and formaldehyde are used in production.

Therapeutic and prophylactic drugs are also divided into:

  1. Combined. They consist of two or more therapeutic and prophylactic substances, the main task of which is to cure and prevent the oral cavity.
  2. Complex. They are made from one or more therapeutic and prophylactic ingredients that fight pathological processes.

Based on the method of application, products can be divided into the following types:

  • for one-time use;
  • for daily care;
  • for easy rubbing and application after brushing your teeth.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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