Mouth freshener. How to choose?

You can lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of your oral cavity every day, but fresh breath will only last for a couple of hours. Many people use gum or tablets to eliminate bad breath, but not all of them are equally effective. In addition, chewing gum outside is acceptable, but indoors is not. Therefore, special products have been invented that will keep your breath fresh for a long period.

The editors of the YaNashla website have prepared for you a rating of the best breath fresheners for 2021.

Advantages of oral spray

Any rinse aid or spray can remove unpleasant odors. The only difference between them is the duration of action. The chemical composition is completely safe for humans if the products are used as intended.

Advantages of mouth fresheners:

  • Eliminates unpleasant odor immediately after use;
  • Most of the products are completely safe for the body;
  • Removal of harmful microbes;
  • Small sizes;
  • Easy to use anywhere;
  • Moisturizing the mucous membrane;
  • 70% of air fresheners contain only natural ingredients, the rest may contain synthetic substances.

But there is a downside to such a product:

  • Fresheners are not intended for treatment. If a person has halitosis, then they will give only a temporary effect. In healthy people, the unpleasant odor will be removed for a longer period.
  • If the substance contains alcohol, then there will be no moisturizing, but dryness will appear.

Traditional medicine advice comes to the rescue

Sometimes traditional medicine helps to cope with halitosis, but a disclaimer is needed here: all these recipes will only help to mask the symptom, but if it has a pathological basis, you cannot do without medical help. Here are the most popular and effective folk recipes against halitosis:

  • Pour a little thyme (a tablespoon) into a liter of plain water and leave for a couple of hours. After some time, the product can be filtered and used twice a day for rinsing,

    Thyme is good for rinsing

  • Pour a spoonful of St. John's wort into 250 ml of freshly boiled water and simmer over low heat for just a minute. After this, strain and use for rinsing after each meal,
  • Pour a small amount of mint (a teaspoon) into a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then strain and use as directed up to 5 times a day,
  • Pour boiling water over a spoonful of fresh strawberries and leave for a couple of hours. After this, strain and use the water for rinsing,
  • Dissolve lemon juice in warm water and use as needed.

Before using any of the remedies described above, you should definitely consult your doctor. If your breath quickly becomes stale after standard teeth brushing, there may be a more serious cause than smoking, poor hygiene, or a love of garlic. This is a full-fledged symptom that requires professional diagnosis and treatment.

Types of breath fresheners

Today there are dozens of different ways to remove unpleasant odors. Some suggest using exclusively folk remedies, others are inclined towards a modern solution. Therefore, it is important to know which substances are best suited to eliminate the problem.

Special sprays

This option is intended for people who rarely appear at home due to the fact that they need to constantly move. They don’t need a regular rinse aid, since it takes up a lot of space and cannot be used everywhere.

Sprays work best to eliminate unpleasant odor and freshen the mouth. The product is sold both in pharmacies and in regular stores, while its cost is low and its consumption is low. In addition, it is compact, can be easily placed in a bag or pocket, and can be used quickly and discreetly.

Most of the companies that produce rinses and toothpastes are starting to produce sprays. Therefore, you can easily find products from your favorite brand in the store. The only drawback is that it is difficult to choose the right flavor, since dozens of models are produced with different flavors, from mint to exotic fruits.

Some products contain beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the oral cavity and prevent the development of bacteria or the formation of plaque. This is an important advantage of such a solution.

But you should understand that sprays do not eliminate the cause of the unpleasant odor, they only mask it. Therefore, if a person has serious problems, it is better to consult a doctor. After all, an unpleasant odor may indicate an oral disease or problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Rinse aid

Its main purpose is to remove pieces of food from the mouth. This prevents the chance of plaque forming or developing tooth decay. Most of the products contain only natural substances that have healing properties and do not damage the gums or teeth, but, on the contrary, strengthen their condition. The unpleasant odor is also eliminated. In a healthy person, the duration of the freshness effect is 12 hours.

It is important to understand that the mouthwash is designed to strengthen teeth and prevent plaque. Giving freshness is an auxiliary function, but the effect lasts longer than that of a spray. There isn't much variety in flavor here, as most come with mint or similar herbs.

Another advantage of this product is its low consumption. It is enough to pour a little less than half the cap and rinse your mouth for at least 30 seconds, preferably even a minute. Because the resulting freshness of breath depends on the duration. If you rinse for 10 seconds and spit it out, it will have no effect.

Use of refreshing candies

The principle of action of lollipops and similar products is the same as that of the spray. Because they do not remove the cause, but only mask the smell with a more pleasant one. Of course, special tablets are sold that are designed to strengthen the oral cavity, but they are difficult to find.

It is also important to understand that you cannot use only candies, because most products contain sugar, which destroys the normal state of the enamel and provokes the formation of caries, etc. If you have the opportunity to purchase special candies, it is better to buy them.

Criteria for choosing oral care products

When choosing an oral care product, the following criteria must be taken into account:

  • The type of air freshener depends on the personal preferences of the users.
  • Packaging size – depends on the regularity of use. Large packages are economical and allow you to use the substance for a long time. However, such a freshener is inconvenient to carry with you if necessary.
  • smell and consistency - some users are intolerant to certain components, which can lead to allergic reactions.
  • naturalness of the product - this criterion allows you to choose a substance that will not harm the body.
  • age for which the mouthwash can be used.

A properly chosen mouth freshener allows you to eliminate unpleasant odor for a long time, as well as its cause - microorganisms that destroy the natural balance in the oral cavity.

What to look for when choosing a spray

If a person decides to buy a spray. The first thing to do is read the ingredients. It should not contain alcohol or sugar. It is best to purchase products based on natural ingredients, for example, sage, lemon, cinnamon, mint, etc.

The breath freshener should always contain water and citric acid. The use of models containing xylitol is also allowed, since it is a direct alternative to sugar, but does not have the inherent negative consequences. If a person smokes or drinks, it is recommended to purchase formulations that can eliminate even such odors. Finding them is not so difficult; they are often marked with a special label.

The packaging should be taken into account; it should be compact and undamaged. The spray should easily fit into a pocket or purse without taking up much space. The strength of the outer part plays an important role. Therefore, it is recommended to buy products in aluminum packaging, as they are many times more reliable than glass or cheap plastic.

The last thing that is important to know is that air fresheners are designed to get rid of unpleasant odors, but this problem cannot be ignored. It's better to see a dentist. He will help identify the cause and prescribe a course of treatment or remove the problem immediately, for example, in cases where tartar or plaque has appeared. In addition, it is important to properly organize your diet and, if possible, give up bad habits.

How to identify the problem

Before we move on to considering the best remedies for halitosis, let’s figure out how to identify the problem yourself. The easiest option is to ask the opinions of loved ones who can be trusted to discuss such issues. But you can also identify the problem using independent tests:

  1. It is enough to take a simple tablespoon and lick it several times. The smell from the saliva that remains on it is approximately the same as the smell from your mouth, only from a spoon it will be several times weaker,
  2. you can lick your wrist and wait until it dries. After this, just bring your hand to your nose and evaluate the aroma - the smell from your mouth will be several times stronger.

You can use a spoon to determine the problem.
If there really is a symptom, and standard hygiene measures do not help in combating it, you need to establish its cause, and with this task you should go directly to the doctor. You can immediately contact a dentist or therapist, who, after a general examination, will refer you to a specialized specialist.

Rating of the best sprays for fresh breath

Global White

A high-quality product that does not contain fluoride and has an antibacterial effect. Fills the mouth with mint flavor and freshens breath. The composition contains natural ingredients that are completely safe for health.

The shape is convenient and compact, making it easy to put the product in your pocket or purse. Sold in pharmacies and stores at an affordable price. Also, most users note a long-lasting freshness effect. The packaging is standard and beautiful. There is no burning sensation after use.

Sold at a price: from 110 rubles.

Global White spray


  • Convenient packaging;
  • Efficiency;
  • Compactness;
  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Long lasting freshness;
  • Doesn't sting.


  • Not detected.

AltaiBio Frosty freshness

The product has a pleasant frosty aroma that quickly relieves a person of bad breath. The product contains anti-inflammatory components, as well as antimicrobial substances, which only brings benefits from use. The spray reduces the feeling of aftertaste, even from cigarettes.

Freshness is maintained for a long period. The packaging is durable and compact, which makes it easy to carry the product in your pocket, while still leaving room for your keys. Despite the small volume, the consumption is low, which is also a positive point.

Average cost: 90 rubles.

AltaiBio spray Frosty freshness


  • Quick removal of unpleasant odors;
  • Low price;
  • Useful components in the composition;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Small expense.


  • Not found.

Forest balm breath freshener Triple effect extra freshness

A popular product that is fast-acting and has a pleasant taste. The product aims to support fresh breath for 24 hours. Even if a person forgets to brush his teeth in the morning, using this spray will keep his mouth fresh. In addition, thanks to its high-quality composition, the smell of tobacco and some alcoholic beverages is removed.

The spray form is convenient and compact. If a person is looking for an effective alternative to chewing gum, this is one of the best ways, as the product not only masks the odor, but also removes bacterial plaque from the tongue. To freshen your breath, 1 second is enough after pressing the button. The entire composition is based on the use of safe herbs, there are no synthetic additives.

The average cost is 104 rubles.

forest balm spray breath freshener triple effect extra freshness


  • Delicious aroma;
  • Doesn't sting;
  • Valid for 1 second;
  • Acceptable price;
  • Low consumption;
  • Compactness;
  • Removing bacteria.


  • Not found.

Albadent mouth freshener mint

A cheap product that has a pleasant taste. After use, it fills the mouth with freshness that lasts for two hours. The latter is the main disadvantage of the spray, so it is not suitable for every user.

The packaging is small, easily fits in the palm of your hand, and has a cap that prevents accidental pressing. It acts quickly; after spraying, just wait a few seconds and the unpleasant odor will completely disappear.

Sold at price: 50 rubles.

Spray Albadent mouth freshener mint


  • Convenience;
  • Fast acting;
  • Efficiency;
  • Moisturizes.


  • Valid for only 2 hours.

Faberlic Story d'Amore

Active product with the taste of ripe raspberries. Freshness lasts for an hour or two, no more than this time. Unfortunately, the composition does not contain any antimicrobial components. Therefore, the spray only replaces the smell with a more pleasant one, but does not have any effect on its source. This is important to know before purchasing. There is no burning sensation after application. Jar volume – 50 ml.

Sold at a price: from 120 rubles.

Faberlic Storie d'Amore spray


  • Pleasant taste;
  • Convenience;
  • Low consumption;
  • Well refreshing.


  • Price;
  • Only valid for an hour.

ROCS spray Refreshing mint

An effective oral spray that is made from natural ingredients and does not contain fluoride. There is also kelp extract inside, which is a source of amino acids. Thanks to it, the development of inflammatory processes is prevented.

The presence of xylitol helps prevent the formation of caries. Good hydration is achieved thanks to special compounds, and there is no burning sensation. The packaging is compact, so it won't take up space in your pocket.

Sold at price: 250 rubles.

ROCS spray Refreshing mint


  • Hydration;
  • Long lasting effect;
  • Does not contain fluoride;
  • Pleasant mint taste;
  • The composition contains xylitol.


  • High price.

Typical composition

In order for a spray to give a good effect when used, manufacturers have to look for the most effective formulas for its composition, select components that are not only effective, but also harmless, do not cause allergies in humans, and do not have any negative effects on internal organs, for example , a stomach that is very sensitive to various chemicals.

What's in a typical mouth freshener? Typically these are the following components:

  1. Purified water . The main element of any spray, which helps it to be easily and quickly absorbed by the body, is a medium for good mixing of all other substances of this hygienic device.
  2. Xylitol is a polyhydric alcohol. It is known to medicine as a substance as close as possible to sugar in properties and taste, which is very friendly to teeth and their enamel and does not cause irritation or pain. It also plays the role of a stabilizer for the entire mixture. It has virtually no biological value, calorie content is practically zero.
  3. It is possible to use a small amount of castor oil , which plays the role of both a stabilizer and a good solvent for some chemicals, thereby improving the absorption of the freshener and making its effect faster by increasing the speed of action.
  4. Lemon acid . It is often used in sprays from many manufacturers, as it has a number of useful properties: it helps the body’s cells “breathe,” has bactericidal properties, helps heal wounds on the gums, and stimulates the growth of new young cells that replace existing painful ones.
  5. Aspartame . The substance is a sugar substitute that is used everywhere in the food industry: from various drinks to yoghurts and chocolate.

Depending on the manufacturer, refreshing sprays may contain various other ingredients, such as flavorings, saccharin and others.

Rating of the best mouth rinses

PresiDENT Professional 0.2%

A high-quality product that will not only freshen your breath after eating, but also strengthen the general condition of your gums and teeth. The composition contains only useful components, including antimicrobial substances that improve the condition of the oral cavity.

Sold at price: 410 rubles.

rinse aid PresiDENT Professional 0.2%


  • Convenient packaging;
  • Long lasting effect;
  • Quality;
  • Natural composition.


  • High price.

SPLAT Whitening Plus

An effective product that will not only give you healthy freshness, but also make your teeth as white as possible. The product can be used both after morning procedures and at the end of a meal. The active components contained in the composition quickly and permanently penetrate the enamel and hard-to-reach places, which guarantees freshness for several hours. In addition, the product can be used in irrigators, which is an advantage.

The average cost is 140 rubles.

rinse Model name


  • Freshness lasts for 5-6 hours;
  • Good composition;
  • Substances can penetrate into hard-to-reach places;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Acceptable price.


  • Not detected.

Natura Siberica Natura Kamchatka №03

The mouthwash can keep your breath fresh for a long period. At the same time, there are no synthetic compounds in the composition that negatively affect the human condition. There is no fluoride. A positive thing is the presence of antibacterial components that quickly and effectively remove germs from the oral cavity, strengthening the overall condition of the oral cavity.

Sold at price: 160 rubles.

Mouthwash Natura Siberica Natura Kamchatka No. 03


  • Pleasant taste;
  • No burning;
  • Convenience;
  • Convenient lid;
  • Efficiency.


  • Not found.

Colgate Triple Action

A popular model that is in wide demand. Recommended to use after every meal. The active components act throughout the day, preventing microbes from developing and penetrating inside.

Sold at a price: from 160 rubles.

Colgate Triple Action Rinse


  • Efficiency;
  • Milk packaging;
  • Antibacterial effect;
  • Small expense.


  • High price.

Biomed Superwhite Coconut

A complex rinse that guarantees long-lasting effect and protection throughout the entire time. The composition contains only natural ingredients that effectively eliminate unpleasant odor rather than mask it. The active substances also help break down protein plaque and restore tooth enamel.

Sold at price: 158 rubles.

Biomed Superwhite Coconut mouthwash Advantages:

  • Convenient packaging;
  • Aroma;
  • Good aftertaste;
  • Efficiency;
  • Long lasting effect.


  • Not found.

CloseUp Explosive menthol

A good product that contains antifungal substances. They quickly penetrate inside and cleanse the teeth and tongue of various plaque. Its effectiveness has been proven in many laboratories. The taste is menthol, but the cavity does not burn. Sold in convenient packaging, which is made from 100% recycled plastic.

Price – 100 rubles. div id=»marketWidget13″>CloseUp mouthwash Explosive menthol


  • Aroma;
  • Color;
  • Design;
  • Convenient lid;
  • Taste;
  • Cleansing.


  • Not found.

Who is recommended to use the air freshener?

Anyone can use special substances to freshen their mouth. However, in some cases, such an additional hygiene procedure is mandatory for the following categories:

  • for people who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract;
  • smokers;
  • presence of oral diseases;
  • if it is not possible to brush your teeth in a timely manner;
  • after drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • after eating dishes with garlic and onions.

It is also recommended to freshen your breath before prolonged communication that is accompanied by eating food.

TOP best breath fresheners in tablet form


A compact and convenient tool that will help you monitor your oral cavity anywhere. The use of these tablets is simple - just place one pill in your mouth and rinse without swallowing. Freshness will come immediately after removing the accumulated “liquid”.

Sold at a price: from 690 rubles. div id=»marketWidget12″>MINT BLAST from W&S


  • Efficiency;
  • One tablet removes food particles and freshens breath;
  • Low price;
  • Convenience;
  • Pleasant taste.


  • Can't swallow.

TheraBreath Dry Mouth Lozenges

A professional product that will remove dryness and unpleasant odor anywhere and at a convenient time. A sink or private place is not required. The product is completely safe for use by diabetics, which is an important advantage compared to similar tablets. After use, dry mouth is eliminated, filling the cavity with freshness and sufficient hydration.

The average cost is 800 rubles. div id=»marketWidget14″>TheraBreath lozenges against dry mouth


  • Helps with any symptom;
  • One package contains 100 lozenges;
  • The formula was developed by dentists;
  • Safety;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Efficiency;
  • Hydration.


  • Price.

What can be done for prevention

To prevent the development of halitosis, it is enough to take a responsible approach to observing the rules of hygiene, maintaining the health and cleanliness of the oral cavity. As for preventive measures, experts in the field of dentistry and hygiene offer the following recommendations:

  • drink more plain clean water - at least 2 liters per day,
  • use a brush or a special scraper to clean the surface of the tongue - morning and evening,
  • always have a breath freshener with you,
  • use antiseptic rinses after morning and evening cleansing, after each meal (preventative),
  • maintain cleanliness of the oral cavity - use a properly selected brush and toothpaste, do not skip daily brushing of teeth, use floss and irrigator to clean hard-to-reach places,
  • eat more greens - they help neutralize unpleasant odors. Dilute your usual diet with ginger and celery, cinnamon - all these products are natural antioxidants and help normalize the balance of microflora in the oral cavity,
  • visit the dentist at least twice a year - for preventive examinations and prof. hygiene. If you have any suspicious symptoms, immediately contact a specialist and do not self-medicate.

Drink more plain, clean water.
A good remedy for unpleasant odor should not only mask the symptom, but also help fight its root cause. To establish the source of all troubles, you must visit a doctor and undergo an appropriate examination. Only by identifying and then curing the hidden pathological process can you be guaranteed to get rid of this delicate problem.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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