Review of the best teeth whitening strips: photo, operating principle

Author of the article:

Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute, Chief Physician of the Alfa-Dent Dental Clinic, St. Petersburg

Over time, teeth acquire an increasingly distinct yellow tint, which is not to everyone’s taste, because it is difficult to come up with something more bewitching and attractive than a snow-white smile. Unfortunately, achieving, and most importantly, maintaining it is not so easy - there are so many temptations around. Coffee, tea, wine, berries, lemonades and other products significantly affect the color of enamel. The situation is aggravated by smoking, as well as poor oral hygiene.

If you notice that your teeth have become darker and want to correct it, don’t despair. Today there are many convenient and affordable ways to solve this problem. One of the most popular options among home procedures is whitening using special strips. Their advantages are simplicity, safety, relatively low price and the ability to take everything you need for the procedures with you, for example, on a business trip.

But before you start whitening, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for using strips. This will not only help you avoid common mistakes, but will also increase the effect of these funds.

We suggest you read some simple but important tips.

What are teeth whitening strips?

Dental strips were invented not so long ago, and it was done by the Americans, who have always been especially concerned about the beauty of their smile. Procter & Gamble began developing the first teeth whitening strips back in 1997. These strips are designed for self-use at home.

The product consists of a pair of thin plates (polyethylene or other material), onto which a special gel is applied.

Features, release form

inoPro strips are an innovative product designed for teeth whitening at home. The use of innovative technologies ensures a gentle, effective and painless effect.

Modern equipment is used to produce products. The process takes place in compliance with the Good Manufacturing Practice quality standard.

The strip is a piece of polyethylene that takes the shape of your teeth. It is glued to the front teeth. The top layer is covered with a gel that has a whitening effect.

This whitening method is based on US patented technology. Natural active ingredients provide gentle and gentle whitening. Upon contact with the wet surface of the teeth, an oxidative reaction occurs, which leads to the destruction of plaque.

The first positive result will be noticeable within 5–7 days.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

  • These modern tooth whitening products have both pros and cons. The undeniable advantages include guaranteed achievement of results . At the end of the course of procedures, the effect of professional whitening will be noticeable.
  • The plates are easy and convenient to use at home. A huge range of products allows you to choose the right records. The selection can be made both by price and by efficiency, the speed of achieving the required whiteness of teeth.
  • The disadvantages include the limited capabilities of the composition. It is unlikely that you will be able to whiten fillings and crowns, as well as gray teeth with a dead nerve. Due to prolonged use of the plates, a reaction to different temperatures and tastes may develop, and tooth sensitivity increases.
  • The whitening effect is temporary . Its duration depends on the initial condition of the teeth and their care. Whiteness can last up to a year.

In conclusion, it should be noted that before using whitening strips at home, you should visit a doctor . The dentist will help clean the surface of the teeth from plaque and dirt before applying the composition, and will also remove pigment plaque.

If you do not get rid of plaque and age spots before whitening procedures, you can achieve an uneven lightening .

The teeth will look as if they are stained. This is explained by the complexity of the effect of the active components of the gel on areas of the tooth surface covered with pigment.

Advantages of funds

Whitening strips from different manufacturers differ in consumer properties.

But all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, have the advantages listed below:

  • effectively remove stains from coffee, tea, nicotine, red wine and other products with strong coloring properties;
  • cope with stains from special metal orthodontic systems, with plaque from medications;
  • intended for home use. There is no need to go to the dentist;
  • simple and easy to use;
  • provide a fairly long-lasting (up to one and a half years) effect. This is possible if a person does not overuse coloring drinks and food.

Indications and contraindications

Whitening strips have the following indications:

  • food pigmentation of teeth (darkening from coffee, tea, berries and other coloring products);
  • yellowing of teeth due to smoking;
  • mild form of some congenital and acquired color disorders , such as fluorosis and hypoplasia;
  • staining of teeth due to rinsing the mouth with certain medicinal solutions (chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate, ethacridine lactate, iodine-containing solutions).

Like any other means of lightening, Smile Baker is contraindicated:

  • if you have an individual intolerance to any of the components of the bleaching agent;
  • for serious periodontal diseases;
  • for children and adolescents under 18 years of age;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • during treatment with braces and other fixed orthodontic devices.

Bleaching is ineffective in severe forms of certain diseases (fluorosis, hypoplasia), and in cases of discoloration due to the use of certain filling materials (resorcinol-formalin, paracin).

They will also not give the desired result in decolorations caused by oxidation of silver pins or fragments of endodontic instruments located in the canals.

How to use teeth whitening strips

Before starting the course, it is necessary to carry out dental hygiene treatment in the clinic. This is not brushing your teeth with toothpaste or removing food debris with dental floss. The dentist examines the oral cavity, the condition of the gums, and removes tartar and plaque.

If there is extensive caries or fillings, it is necessary to check their condition. If you are prone to extensive caries, the whitening procedure cannot be performed, as you will harm the enamel, thinning it. After cleansing procedures, the doctor recommends or prohibits the procedure.

If you carry out whitening without consulting a dentist, you can aggravate diseases of the teeth and gums and cause irreparable harm. Without cleaning your teeth from tartar and plaque, the whitening effect may not be achieved.

Step-by-step teeth whitening using strips:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Before the procedure, perform oral hygiene.
  3. Remove the protective layer from each of the two strips and press firmly, the effect of the procedure depends on this, to the upper and lower jaws. The smoother and tighter the strips stay on the teeth, the better the effect can be achieved during each procedure.
  4. Leave the strips on for a period of time according to the instructions.
  5. Carefully remove each strip and rinse your mouth thoroughly and repeatedly.
  6. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  7. Repeating the full course is possible no earlier than six months to a year, depending on the individual characteristics of the teeth.

Detailed instructions for use

Before opening the package, you should carefully study the instructions for use provided by the manufacturer and understand how to use the teeth whitening strips. You need to carefully study the list of possible side effects.

  1. Clean the surface of your teeth from pieces of food, various bacteria and accumulated plaque. It is not recommended to clean your teeth with toothpaste immediately before using the plates. It is best to clean them half an hour before the procedure.
  2. The plates should be prepared for the procedure. The packaging usually contains separate plates for the upper and lower teeth. It is important to understand which strips are which before starting whitening.
  3. The selected strip must be attached working side to the front surface of the teeth so that it covers the entire whitening area. The resulting unevenness can be smoothed out with a regular toothbrush. It is important to avoid getting the gel on your gums, because the active ingredients can cause irritation.

  4. Wait for the specified time while the gel does its job. The exact number of minutes required for an effective result is indicated in the instructions for the specific strip model. In order not to disrupt the process, do not touch the records with your hands.
  5. After a certain time, the strips must be removed from the teeth. Some manufacturers' strips may dissolve on their own in the mouth. If regular plates are used, keeping them in the mouth for too long can increase tooth sensitivity and irritate the gums. To remove any remaining whitening solution, you can rinse your mouth with water.

You need to remember that there will be no immediate results. The procedure must be repeated up to two times a day for several weeks . You can read the instructions for your specific record model for exact instructions.

In any case, after 3-4 months obvious results will be visible in achieving perfect white teeth.

Basic precautions when using records

There are precautions that can be taken to prevent the development of negative consequences after this type of home whitening:

  • Mandatory preliminary visit to the dentist.
  • Selecting and purchasing strips as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Strict adherence to medical recommendations and the procedure for using strips.
  • Immediately before the procedure, brushing your teeth is prohibited.
  • Refusal to eat, coffee, tea and smoking immediately during their use.
  • For the entire duration of the course, it is recommended to limit the consumption of colored foods, drinks and cigarettes.
  • Avoid contact of the active gel with mucous membranes.
  • Avoid swallowing strips and saliva that is released during manipulation.
  • Strictly observe the strip holding time.
  • If there are contraindications, stop using them.

Contraindications for Zoom teeth whitening

As for the Zoom technique, it is so far the best method of teeth whitening in Moscow and other cities, not only in terms of effectiveness, but also in terms of contraindications. This procedure is not performed during exacerbation of diseases:

  • periodontitis;
  • pulpitis,
  • brown;
  • periodontal disease;
  • periodontitis;
  • gingivitis.

These are relative contraindications, which means that bleaching can be performed after treatment of such pathologies.

Also, the procedure is not performed in the presence of open injuries to the oral cavity, inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa, hyperesthesia and increased sensitivity of the teeth to the whitening composition.

Experts recognize this method as non-traumatic, painless and effective, so it is recommended to consider Zoom technology among other methods.

The cost of this procedure is higher than that of other listed procedures, but given that such whitening needs to be performed less often than other methods, such whitening generally pays off.

Side effects and disadvantages of whitening strips

Reviews for whitening strips on all sites are written as carbon copies; the texts of the reviews are more like advertising brochures that praise the strips from different angles, keeping silent about the shortcomings. And although home whitening techniques can indeed be very effective, teeth whitening strips still have significant disadvantages...

They do not whiten fillings and crowns

Chemical whitening allows you to lighten only the tooth tissue. Fillings, veneers, and any types of artificial crowns cannot be bleached. This means that if you have fillings or crowns on one or more teeth, then after whitening they will look even darker against the background of the whitened enamel of the remaining teeth (Fig. 14). Whitening in such situations will mean the need to subsequently replace veneers, crowns and fillings with lighter shades.

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It should also be taken into account that after a few months, the teeth will gradually begin to darken again (the speed of teeth darkening after whitening is related to your habits, for example, smoking, the frequency of drinking coloring drinks and foods). This may mean the need for either new replacement fillings, veneers or crowns, or ongoing periodic courses of home whitening.

Uneven whitening

Reviews of teeth whitening strips are often negative due to the fact that although the front surfaces of the teeth become much whiter, they remain dark in the interdental spaces. This creates a sharp contrast between dark and light, and the interdental spaces end up looking like black triangles (Fig. 15). Why is this happening...

Firstly, the thickness of the whitening gel on the inner surfaces of the strips is only about 0.2 mm. At the same time, the surface of the teeth is not absolutely smooth, and therefore, when adapting the strips to the teeth, the whitening gel simply does not penetrate sufficiently into the interdental spaces. The second reason lies in the uneven position of the teeth, for example, when they are crowded. In this case, adapting the whitening strip to teeth located deeper (lingually) will be very false, which will mean poor contact of the whitening gel with these teeth.

Thirdly, the problem is that most people use Blendamed or Crest whitening strips without first removing plaque and plaque from the dentist. The fact is that the surfaces of teeth covered with pigment plaque whiten a priori much worse, because coating on these areas will prevent hydrogen peroxide from penetrating into them. And therefore the surface of the teeth in these areas will remain dark.

Tooth pain and sensitivity

Clinical studies by Cooperetall in 1992 showed that the penetration of free radicals into the dental pulp occurs within 15 minutes after applying 3% hydrogen peroxide gel to tooth enamel. It is this process, as well as a certain degree of demineralization of enamel and dentin, that leads to the development of increased sensitivity of teeth after whitening.

Sensitivity is expressed in the appearance of pain to thermal stimuli (heat, cold). And the longer the bleaching course continues and/or the higher the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, the stronger the sensitivity will be every day. In this case, you can start using special pastes to relieve sensitivity, or reduce the exposure time of the strips on the teeth, or start using them every other time. And after completing the whitening course, it is worth taking a course of remineralization or fluoridation of teeth.

Important: if you have erosions, carious lesions, deep wedge-shaped defects with exposed dentin on your teeth, then you can predict a very high rate of hydrogen peroxide entering the dental pulp (neurovascular bundle) - with the development of severe pain, and even a chemical burn of the pulp , which may then even require removal of the nerve from the tooth. Therefore, caries and wedge-shaped defects must be cured before using whitening strips.

Burns and gum inflammation, throat irritation

About half of all patients also complain of sore gums after using whitening strips. The fact is that the whitening strips have a straight shape - in contrast to the gum line, and therefore, when applying the strips to the teeth, they always come into contact with the interdental gingival papillae. As we said above, the strips are coated with a gel with hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 5.25 to 14% (10% on average), which contributes to the development of a chemical burn of the gums.

Inflammation and burn of gums after whitening –

But gel with hydrogen peroxide can cause harm not only to the gums. The whitening gel is located in the moist environment of the oral cavity, so some of the hydrogen peroxide necessarily gets into the saliva. This means that hydrogen peroxide will affect not only the interdental papillae, but also other areas of the gums and the tongue. In addition, when you swallow saliva, hydrogen peroxide will contact the mucous membrane of the throat, causing irritation. To reduce such side effects, always rinse your mouth after removing strips, reduce exposure time, or use strips with a lower concentration.

White spots on teeth

When you remove the whitening strips, you can often notice white spots appearing on the enamel. In most cases this is not a problem, because... occurs due to drying out of the enamel area due to the fact that the strips isolate the front surface of the teeth from contact with saliva. Such stains disappear after a few hours (after the enamel is saturated with moisture).

However, if you use low-quality whitening strips (the whitening gel will have an acidic pH), you can end up with chalky white spots on your enamel that will last a lifetime. This can also happen if the enamel of your teeth has poor resistance to chemical and mechanical factors, which occurs against the background of demineralization of the enamel. Generalization means that your enamel contains very little calcium, i.e. as if porous.

If there are white chalky spots on your teeth even before whitening, then this is one of the signs of enamel demineralization, which means that any type of chemical whitening will be contraindicated for you. The use of chemical bleaching against the background of enamel demineralization will lead to an even greater loss of calcium from dental tissues, which will increase the risk of tooth decay (as a result of increased abrasion or the development of caries).

Precautionary measures

  • Never swallow the gel. Most whitening strips are coated with a chemical composition in which the active ingredient is hydrogen peroxide. It is a highly toxic substance that can cause soft tissue irritation and other problems. Therefore, be careful not to swallow the gel while you are gluing or removing the strips. At the same time, if you accidentally swallowed a small amount of peroxide, do not panic, it will not cause serious consequences (in small quantities).
  • Stop the procedure if you feel pain or increased tooth sensitivity. The active substances contained in the whitening composition can cause discomfort in the teeth and gums. This usually happens if you use this whitening method too often or leave the strips on for too long. In addition, troubles can occur if you have caries or your teeth are hypersensitive to the substances that make up the gel. As soon as you notice something wrong, stop using the strips and contact your dentist for advice. A specialist will select more suitable procedures for you and help restore damaged enamel.
  • It is advisable that you consult your doctor before you decide to undergo whitening. This cosmetic procedure has a rather serious impact on dental health, which is why it is not suitable for everyone. You may be better off sticking with in-office teeth cleanings.
  • It is also advisable to consult a doctor if you decide to switch to strips from another manufacturer. Here you need to find out whether the new product is right for you.

Dental care

  1. If you want your teeth to be healthy and the whitening effect to last as long as possible, take proper care of your entire oral cavity. This should be done as often as possible, spending sufficient time brushing your teeth.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, for about two to three minutes.
  • It is important to clean carefully so as not to damage the gums and enamel.
  • To make the whitening effect more noticeable, use a special whitening paste, for example, ASEPTA PLUS GENTLE WHITENING. It not only cleanses the surface of pigment, but also prevents increased sensitivity of tooth enamel, and the calamus and eleutherococcus extracts included in the composition promote accelerated gum regeneration, prevent bleeding and inflammation.
  1. In addition to regular brushing, use mouthwash; it has a good antiseptic effect, which significantly improves the condition of your gums and teeth. The solutions contain natural ingredients that prevent inflammation of soft tissues and reduce sensitivity
  • Rinse your teeth for at least 30 seconds, then spit out the liquid.
  • If you think the rinse aid is too concentrated, dilute it with water according to the instructions.
  • If you want to enhance the effect of the strips, use special whitening rinses.
  1. Don't give up on flossing. With its help, you can better remove food debris from your teeth, which will reduce the accumulation of soft plaque and reduce the likelihood of tartar formation. The procedure is quite simple:
  • Tear off a piece of thread approximately the length of your arm.
  • Wrap the ends of the thread around the middle or index fingers of your left and right hands.
  • Gently lower the floss into the space between your teeth.
  • When it reaches the surface of the gum, wrap the floss around one of your teeth and gently rub it over the surface of the tooth, moving up and down.
  • Do this with each tooth.
  1. Try to exclude coloring drinks and food from your diet during the procedures, otherwise you will not soon notice the effect. Or you risk not getting it at all. Eliminate the following foods from your diet:
  • Coffee, tea, wine;
  • Colored lemonades;
  • Berries: blueberries, blackberries, etc.
  • Chocolate;
  • Lemons and oranges, as well as other foods with high acidity.
  1. Visit your dentist regularly.


  1. Report on determining/confirming the preventive properties of toothpaste “ASEPTA PLUS” GENTLE WHITENING” Author: doctor-researcher A.A. Leontyev, head Department of Preventive Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.B. Ulitovsky First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, Department of Preventive Dentistry
  2. Clinical and laboratory assessment of the influence of domestic therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste based on plant extracts on the condition of the oral cavity in patients with simple marginal gingivitis. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Elovikova T.M.1, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Ermishina E.Yu. 2, Doctor of Technical Sciences Associate Professor Belokonova N.A. 2 Department of Therapeutic Dentistry USMU1, Department of General Chemistry USMU2
  3. Report on the determination/confirmation of the preventive properties of personal oral hygiene products “ASEPTA PLUS” Remineralization doctor-researcher A.A. Leontyev, head Department of Preventive Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.B. Ulitovsky First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, Department of Preventive Dentistry
  4. Clinical studies of antisensitive toothpaste “Asepta Sensitive” (A.A. Leontyev, O.V. Kalinina, S.B. Ulitovsky) A.A. LEONTIEV, dentist O.V. KALININA, dentist S.B. ULITOVSKY, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova
  5. Report on determining/confirming the preventive properties of toothpaste “ASEPTA PLUS” COFFEE and TOBACCO Author: doctor-researcher A.A. Leontyev, head Department of Preventive Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.B. Ulitovsky. First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, Department of Preventive Dentistry
  6. Report on determining/confirming the preventive properties of commercially produced personal oral hygiene products: Asepta toothpaste used in combination with Asepta mouthwash and Asepta gum balm Head. Department of PFS Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor S.B. Ulitovsky St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlova. Faculty of Dentistry. Department of Preventive Dentistry.

Where to buy teeth whitening strips

Like any medical drug, it is advisable to purchase this product in dentistry. In this case, the dentist will consult and select individual whitening strips. Also, products of this range can be sold in special pharmacies.

You can purchase products on the manufacturer's website. You must be careful not to end up on a duplicate site that duplicates the real site. The packaging of the drug always contains a link to the manufacturer’s website.

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Never buy products that are clearly underpriced. High-quality whitening strips do not come cheap. If you see such an offer, it is most likely a fake.

How to choose the best whitening plates?

When choosing whitening strips, you should first undergo a consultation with your dentist. Depending on the condition of the teeth, the specialist will recommend the most suitable remedy in each case individually.

Important! If you select strips independently and incorrectly, there is a high probability of chemical damage to tooth enamel, which leads to the development of dental hyperesthesia.

When choosing strips you need to consider:

  • The percentage of active substance content in the gel.
  • Operating principle.
  • Whitening intensity.
  • Duration of the course and exposure time.
  • The degree of sensitivity of tooth enamel.
  • Sealing of packaging.
  • Documentary confirmation of product quality.
  • Manufacturing company.
  • Best before date.
  • Price category.

Operating principle

Several substances with different brightening effects are used as active components in teeth whitening products - hydrogen peroxide (4-7.5%), carbamide peroxide (10-15%), sodium bicarbonate (soda), bamboo charcoal, etc.

The main active substance in Smile Baker strips is hydrogen peroxide. It is the most commonly used and highly effective ingredient in dental whitening products.

Its advantages include high efficiency, but its disadvantages include an irritating effect on the mucous membranes, as a result of which it requires careful gluing of the strips, which does not allow contact with the gums.

The gel applied to the surface also has excipients with various beneficial effects - menthol, glycerin, carbomer, EDTA, etc.

The operating principle of Smile Baker is based on the occurrence of a chemical reaction between atomic oxygen released from hydrogen peroxide and tooth-coloring pigments, as a result of which the latter become discolored.

Atomic oxygen has the ability to penetrate deeply into the tubules and destroy all the pigments located there.

How to use the Luxury White Pro Teeth Whitening Pencil and consumer reviews of the product.

Visit here to learn more about Amazing White professional whitening.

At this address everything about whitening with teeth varnish.

TOP 5 popular brands

Currently, there are a very large number of companies producing enamel whitening strips. But only a small number of them have earned popularity due to the quality and effectiveness of the strips. Which brands are recognized as the best?

Let's look at the top five manufacturers of whitening strips.

NameWhat are the features

1.Crest 3D WhiteStrips produced under the Krest brand are the most popular - the line is represented by a wide range. It contains products for sensitive teeth and for emergency lightening. The cost varies between 2500-6000 rubles, depending on the type of product - delicate, standard or enhanced action.
2.Blend-a-med 3D White LuxeUse once a day, duration 1 hour. They contain a very small amount of hydrogen peroxide – 5%, so they are suitable for people with hypersensitive enamel. The price is about 2800 rubles per course.
3.Listerine Whitening StripsMany people know about rinses of this brand, but few have heard about such strips. They dissolve on the enamel, i.e. There is no need to remove the film after the procedure. The effect begins to appear on the 7th day of use. The cost is approximately 2500 rubles.
4.Megami White Xtreme 3D PROThis is a product from Japan and its quality is advanced technology. Contains vitamins A and E, which is very good for gums. The price is 1900 rubles.
5.MEITAN (“Meitan Living Enamel”)A new product on the market that has already earned a lot of positive reviews. Moreover, the manufacturer states that the gentle composition can be used from the age of 12. The cost of a 14-day course is about 1,500 rubles.

“I didn’t expect such an effect from the Cross - my teeth have been white for almost six months now! No matter how many friends tried to dissuade me from saying that I would ruin everything in my mouth, I still decided to try it, and it was right. I used these strips twice a day - after breakfast and before bed. The effect was noticeable already on the 5th day. All my friends say that my smile just glows. But I had to give up coffee completely.”

Nadin, review from the women's forum

Review of manufacturers and prices

  1. The American company Crest produces original stripes in a wide range. This ensures easy selection of the optimal option in each specific case. The consumer can use the relatively budget option Crest 3D White 1 Hour Express for 2,700 rubles. or purchase a powerful whitening product Crest Whitestrips Supreme Professional for RUB 6,200.
  2. Gentle whitening will be provided by a line of products from Dr. White. This manufacturer has been awarded many international certificates. DR.WHITE INTENSIVE strips are suitable , and for ultra-sensitive enamel - DR.WHITE PREMIUM for 1490 rubles .
  3. Bright Light brand are effective and easy to use . They are securely fixed on the teeth and do not cause inconvenience. Bright Light Professional Effects plates are suitable for daytime use , and Bright Light Night Effects . Both options are sold for RUR 1,470.
  4. Rembrandt company has launched the production of an innovative product - whitening plates no longer need to be removed, because they dissolve in the mouth themselves after some time (from 5 to 10 minutes). They are convenient and comfortable to use. The medicinal composition includes not only hydrogen peroxide, but also antibacterial ingredients that counteract bad breath. The cost of such strips is 5390 rubles.
  5. Dissolving dental plaques are also produced by Listerine . Her whitening strips Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips , suitable even for sensitive tooth enamel, can be purchased for RUR 1,400.
  6. Celebrity Smile strips, which whiten teeth up to 4 tones, will help you avoid aggressive effects on soft tissues . Long-lasting results and lack of aggressive effects are the positive aspects of this product. You can purchase it for RUB 1,590.

Watch a video review of strips from one of the manufacturers:

Best lists

When choosing whitening strips, you must be guided by individual requirements depending on the type and sensitivity of tooth enamel. The cost of these products is also important. Our additional list includes strips classified according to the following parameters:

  • budget.
  • gentle whitening.
  • the most effective product.

Budget price

One of the cheapest products in question is Global White - teeth whitening strips in 14 days. There are 28 pieces in the package. Designed for two weeks. They are made of thin and flexible material. By filling the strips with whitening oxygen gel and applying them to your teeth, you can ensure good whitening. The strips accurately follow the anatomical structure of the teeth. When worn, they do not interfere or create discomfort. The cost varies from 800 to 1200 rubles, which is cheaper than other analogues.

teeth strips Global White

Gentle whitening

For those with sensitive teeth, as well as for customers suffering from dental hypertension, the Crestal Bright White model has been developed. The whitening process takes two weeks. The strips are fixed on the teeth very securely; they do not interfere with use and do not create discomfort. The estimated cost of such strips is 1150 rubles.

The most effective

Considering whitening dental strips, we will highlight two brands with the best whitening effectiveness:

  • Blend-a-med 3DWhite Luxe. Whitens in seven tones. This indicator can be considered the most effective. The peroxide content is 5%, which allows the product of this brand to be used by people with hypersensitive enamel. The estimated cost is 3640 rubles.

  • Rembrandt Intense Dissolving Strips. The product of this brand provides not only effective whitening, but also contains antibacterial substances that prevent the further occurrence of plaque, tartar and pigmentation with food dyes. The strips freshen the mouth and prevent bad breath. They tend to dissolve under the influence of saliva. The cost of packaging this product is on average 2680 rubles.

Product introduction and packaging

In appearance and method of application, Smile Baker strips are practically no different from most other whitening products.

They are tapes with an active gel applied to one side, covered to prevent drying out and premature activation with a protective membrane.

To whiten, you need to separate the last one and stick the strip on the vestibular surface of the front teeth. The product is produced by the Russian company BlackAndWhite.dent.

Smile Baker is offered in two trim levels. Depending on them, the patient can carry out a seven-day or ten-day course of lightening. According to the manufacturer, the first allows you to increase whiteness by 3-5, the second – by 5-7 tones.

The duration of the whitening effect is from 1 to 2 years.

Top 5 Best Teeth Whitening Strips

Crest Supreme Professional Whitening

The largest package, intensive whitening course Country: USA Average price: 4400 rub.

Typically, a whitening kit contains 14 to 28 strips, good for one or two weeks of use. Here in one package there are 42 sets of strips, that is, 84 pieces. But for the best effect, intense whitening, the manufacturer recommends using them twice a day. Judging by the description, previously this product was sold only in dental clinics in the USA, but now they can be purchased by users in other countries. Another feature is the long length of the strips. Thanks to this, not only the smile area is captured, but also the lateral teeth.

Reviews about the product are contradictory. Some users consider them to be one of the best and most effective, while other buyers did not see much result even after a full course of use, which suggests the existence of fakes. But there is one drawback that everyone agrees with - the strips do not stick well to the teeth, which can actually lead to a decrease in effectiveness.

My Brilliant Smile

Especially for sensitive teeth Country: USA Average price: 2350 rub.

Unlike other whitening strips, this one does not contain hydrogen peroxide, which can cause discomfort to sensitive teeth. The whitening effect is achieved through a combination of activated carbon and sodium bicarbonate. The manufacturer promises lightening up to 10 tones without harm to the enamel.

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In fact, it is not possible to achieve such pronounced whitening, which is quite expected given the safe composition of the product. But users with hypersensitive teeth consider these strips their salvation, since they cannot use more aggressive whitening agents. But for the most part, buyers are somewhat disappointed - the effect of lightening tooth enamel is very weak, and some do not notice it at all. From all this we can conclude that My Brilliant Smile strips should not be used if there is severe yellowing and dark spots.

Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe

Painless, gentle whitening Country: USA Average price: 2900 rub.

The well-known company Blend-a-med also offers whitening strips, assuring that they will help cope with many years of darkening of the enamel, stains from tea, coffee and cigarettes. The active ingredient is hydrogen peroxide in the same concentration that is used in dental offices. A full whitening course takes two weeks, each procedure lasts one hour. Subject to continued use of rinses and whitening toothpastes, the effect will last up to a year.

Buyers think that the strips are really good, but some people think that their effect is not pronounced enough - they lighten their teeth, but do not return them completely white. In terms of safety, everything is excellent - users write about increased tooth sensitivity only in isolated cases.

White & Smile

Fastest result Country: Russia Average price: 2000 rub.

When creating the active ingredient in whitening strips, the Russian company used the latest world developments and research conducted in its own laboratories. The result of painstaking work was the emergence of a particularly delicate whitening formula that can be used even for very sensitive teeth. The visible effect becomes noticeable after just three procedures, but to consolidate it, it is better to carry out a full course. The manufacturer's promises are not the most attractive, but they are true - lasting results for two months. Next, you need to maintain the whiteness of your smile by periodically repeating the procedures.

In reviews, users write that the result is not the most durable, but really fast. One-time use of the strips already noticeably brightens the enamel, which is why many people use them before various events. There are no unpleasant sensations during the procedure, and tooth sensitivity does not increase.

Crest 3D White Glamorous White

The best whitening strips according to users Country: USA Average price: 3300 rub.

3D White Glamorous White whitening strips have received approval from the American Dental Association, which already indicates that they are effective and safe. They are suitable for quick and comfortable whitening at home, and can be used even for sensitive teeth. The course is designed for two weeks, during which time the teeth will become 3-4 shades lighter. This is not the best result; there are manufacturers who promise more pronounced whitening. But in this case, the effectiveness and safety of the product has been proven.

User reviews confirm all the manufacturer's claims - the strips really work, and by the end of the course the teeth become significantly whiter. At the same time, most users do not experience any unpleasant sensations, but in some cases they still have to deal with increased tooth sensitivity. Despite this, many buyers claim that Crest 3D White Glamorous White is the best whitening strip.

Useful tips

The results of using whitening strips and safety depend on how correctly the patient follows all the recommendations contained in the instructions.

You should be especially careful when using products containing hydrogen peroxide as an active substance. Smile Baker is one of those. When using them, the following rules must be observed:

  • It is necessary to avoid eating foods and drinks while the strips are on.
  • You cannot smoke at this time.
  • Sleeping with stripes in your mouth.
  • It is recommended not to talk.
  • The accumulated saliva should be spat out, not swallowed.
  • You cannot carry out more than 2 lightening courses per year.
  • During the entire course, it is advisable to refrain from taking coloring foods and drinks (coffee, tea, berries with strong dye, etc.). If this requirement cannot be met, then such products should be consumed no earlier than 2 hours after the whitening session.
  • Teeth should be clean at the time of whitening, but using a toothbrush can lead to irritation of the gum mucosa, which is undesirable. Therefore, if you really need to brush your teeth before the procedure, you need to do it carefully, using a brush with soft bristles.
  • Experts recommend carrying out the procedure at the same time so that the interval between sessions is approximately the same. The recommendation is due to the fact that whitening occurs even after the strips are removed - with the hydrogen peroxide that is absorbed into the teeth.
  • The strips are intended for one-time use only and must be discarded after the session.
  • Sometimes during the course of lightening there is an increase in tooth sensitivity. This is not dangerous; sensitivity disappears after completing the course. But if it is strong, you can take a one or two day break in the procedures.

Advice. If whitening strips turned out to be ineffective in your case, you should not be upset. There is also a home method of lightening using mouth guards, which is considered more effective.

If this is also unsuccessful, you need to resort to professional whitening, which is much more effective than home whitening. Well, if that doesn’t help, then there is veneering that can cope with any degree of decolorization.

Answers to popular questions

Can they be used with crowns, fillings and veneers?

This whitening option can be used by those who have crowns, veneers or fillings installed. The strips have the ability to restore the original color of artificial surfaces.

Can it be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Despite the fact that there is no confirmed data on the negative impact of the product on the condition of the fetus or mother, experts do not recommend teeth whitening using the inoPro method for pregnant and lactating women. If a decision has been made to use flat pads, it is necessary to consult a dentist and gynecologist.

What to do if white spots appear on the enamel

Often, after the procedure is completed, small white spots may appear on the enamel. This is a temporary phenomenon that will go away on its own in a couple of days. It is not recommended to interrupt the whitening course using the inoPro method.

Features of use and warnings

Your teeth will become perfectly snow-white if you comply with a number of conditions:

  • While wearing teeth whitening strips, use special toothpaste;
  • For one to two hours after removing the strips, avoid exposing your teeth to dyes. Therefore, you should not smoke or drink tea;
  • During the whitening period, it is recommended to completely forget about bad habits - do not smoke, drink tea, coffee, cocoa and other drinks that contain reagents that can change the shade of the enamel;
  • After removing the strips, be prepared for the fact that your teeth may become sensitive within half an hour. With this in mind, it is recommended to drink warm drinks, but you should not eat cold or hot liquids or food;
  • Make sure that the gel does not enter the stomach, otherwise its side effect will appear in the form of a laxative;
  • If you feel unwell while wearing the whitening strips, you should immediately remove them and not use them again;
  • If you have diseases of the oral cavity or some time ago you received an unhealed injury to the mucous membrane and surface tissues, then you will have to cure all your problems, and only after that you can return to the procedure;
  • With the help of whitening strips, you can only change the color of tooth enamel, but you will not be able to make crowns or fillings snow-white.

To date, many types of crest whitening strips have been created, but they contain almost the same components . This is done in order to offer all consumers the most suitable product for them. If desired, you can find strips even for sensitive teeth. But you should remember the contraindications: it is not recommended to use these plates for adolescents under 16 years of age, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Alternative Whitening Methods

As alternative methods for at-home use, the following methods can be used... The most effective option is home whitening kits (such as Opalescence), which contain whitening gel and dental trays. This whitening option is more effective than whitening strips. Do not forget about the use of whitening toothpastes, which also allow you to lighten your teeth a little.

Professional whitening techniques at the dentist –

  • Zoom! technique,
  • laser whitening technique,
  • Air-Flow method.

The latter method is not based on chemical teeth whitening, but on the thorough removal of all external contaminants (pigment plaque, dental deposits).


Just as there are different methods of teeth whitening, there are also different categories of patients. Some people prefer not to burden themselves with troubles and entrust all the necessary actions to a specialist.

Others like to do everything themselves, in the comfort of their own home. If you belong to the latter, tell us what strips you use, how often, with what success? The feedback form is at the bottom of this page.

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Reviews from dentists and customers about whitening strips

The opinion of dentists is this: under the influence of whitening strips, a good effect occurs in the surface layers of the enamel. The main side effect of home whitening strips is increased tooth sensitivity.

During whitening, you should not carry out dental treatment, since the gel affects the marginal seal of the filling material, and it is better to postpone treatment for 2 weeks after finishing home whitening. Irritation of the oral mucosa is also possible.

You need to use the strips carefully, making sure that they do not touch the mucous membrane and gums. If a patient has any doubts about the health of their teeth and oral cavity, it is best to visit a dentist before whitening.

Patient reviews of the strips are also mostly positive. Among the disadvantages of using whitening strips are sore gums and insufficient whitening effect.

But most people who have tried this fairly inexpensive pharmaceutical product subsequently seek to re-whiten their teeth in the same way. Sometimes they choose other strips, but few categorically refuse this method of whitening their teeth.

How does whitening happen?

Why does this work?

The principle of the technique is that the active component, upon contact with tooth enamel, covered with a natural film of saliva, begins to interact with oxygen molecules and oxidize on the surface of the enamel.

Penetrating into the mineral matrix of the tooth, the solvent removes coloring components both from the surface and from the internal layers of bone tissue, removing even old pigmented areas.

Whitening using a gel applied to the strips by the manufacturer occurs by converting age spots into safe organic compounds (water + carbon dioxide).

The best teeth whitening strips, which include the brands Crest, Listerine, Rembrandt, will help you achieve the desired degree of lightening, an average of 4 shades, and use different levels of whitening, from beginner to advanced.

Video about teeth whitening strips

Teeth whitening at home with 3d white strips:



What is teeth whitening and why is it important to do it?

Teeth whitening is an artificial method that lightens and cleans the enamel. The natural color of teeth is due to the color of dentin - bone tissue, the part of which protruding above the gum is covered with enamel. Enamel is not pure white: it is characterized by a slightly yellowish tint, which is less pronounced in some people. Absolute whiteness of teeth is as unnatural as the dark color of enamel, and this lightening effect is mainly achieved through the regular use of chemical bleaches, which, if abused, have a destructive effect on the enamel.

Under natural conditions, enamel is destroyed and darkens under the influence of various acids contained in certain foods (sweet drinks, confectionery and foods rich in carbohydrates). When such products are consumed, the enamel is destroyed, which acquires a porous, heterogeneous structure, and microscopic food particles are retained in such a surface, which give the enamel a yellow tint over time.

If you need to perform whitening, it is better to choose a method with the least negative impact on your teeth. In this regard, not the best teeth whitening is the one that is performed at home, and although such methods are suitable for one-time use, in general these procedures can only do harm. The optimal methods are considered to be Zoom technologies (in the last few years, a modification of this technology, Zoom 4, has been used, which uses an LED lamp with a cold LED light source, which eliminates overheating and makes the procedure safer than Zoom 3 and its predecessor methods).

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