Zirconium implants: main differences from predecessors and advantages of use

Implantation is one of the most effective and durable methods of dental prosthetics. During the procedure, a titanium rod is implanted into the gum, acting as a tooth root. An abutment and a crown are installed on it. They are the outer part of the prosthesis. If damaged, the external parts can be replaced. The implant is removed only in case of serious complications.
The rapid development of implantology has led to the emergence of different implant manufacturers on the market. They differ in characteristics, shape, and prices. In order for you to understand their differences, we offer a rating of the main types.


Zirconium implants are a modern development of European dental research centers in the field of safe dental implantation.


Our clinic, like many premium clinics in Europe and the USA, uses the method of installing zirconium implants.

We were the first in Russia to begin installing these structures and have accumulated extensive clinical experience, which helps us solve the most difficult problems that patients pose to us.

How to understand which dental implants are better, manufacturer ratings

Dental implants produced by Osstem are just one example of high-quality and durable prostheses that are installed in a person’s mouth by implantologists. Of course, there are other equally worthy implanting structures, and the patient has the right to choose any of them.

The countries of Europe and the USA lead the ranking in the production of implants. It is there that world-famous premium prosthetic structures are made: Astra Tech (Sweden), Nobel Biocare (Switzerland-America), Straumann (Switzerland). These brands have been producing products for dental implant surgeries for patients for more than 60 years, so they have rightfully earned such a high status.

The survival rate of implants from these manufacturers is over 99%; to install such dental structures in the patient’s mouth, a certain principle of surgical operations is used, which is followed by implantologists. The only disadvantage of installing American or European-made dental implants is the price of the product, which ranges from 35,000 to 75,000 rubles.

If we talk about the most affordable designs that make it possible to replace teeth missing in the patient’s mouth and restore the aesthetics of a smile, then you should pay attention to manufacturing countries such as Korea and Israel. We have already discussed positive reviews about Korean Osstem implants in detail in this article. Among Israeli manufacturing companies, it is worth noting Alpha BIO brand dental implants, which are distinguished by their quality, reasonable price and ease of installation.

Zirconium implants No. 1 in the European I&O EU20 ranking


IN THE PHOTO: Clinical situation of edentulous lateral chewing tooth. The bone size was measured using the image.

IN THE PHOTO: Formation of the hole for the implant and the appearance of the zirconium implant

IN THE PHOTO: Installed implant and the situation after 2 weeks.

IN THE PHOTO: The crown on the implant and the x-ray show good quality and high aesthetics.

According to research by the European Osseointegration Association, 26 percent of patients have an allergic reaction to titanium, from which 98 percent of all dental implants used in the world are made.

Intolerance to titanium implants leads to the following consequences:

  • implant rejection
  • inflammation of bone tissue in the area of ​​installed titanium implants
  • inflammation of the gum tissue in the area of ​​the installed implant
  • discharge of pus from the gums

This clinical picture indicates rejection of the installed titanium implant and the need to remove it.

Special categories of patients have been identified who need to be especially careful when installing a titanium implant.

Patients in this category include:

  • polyallergosis
  • psoriasis
  • hay fever
  • allergy to metals
  • multiple allergic reactions

These patients, before installing dental implants, must undergo laboratory tests - the Titanium Tolerance Test, which will show with 99 percent accuracy whether it is possible to safely install titanium implants or not.

If it is not possible to install titanium implants, then do not despair.

Modern dentistry includes zirconium implants in its range of methods. Such implants are the most technologically advanced of all systems on the market. They solve many of the problems with titanium implants that doctors and patients encounter.

Average cost implants

Dental designs in the mid-price segment are inferior to premium ones in some respects. These are high-quality implants that take root well in the gums. Their use rarely causes complications. Prosthetics using them is cheaper. The cost of mid-price implants is 25-35 thousand rubles.

This category includes:

  • Oraltronics
    (Germany). German titanium implants with double FBR coating. They are characterized by fast and good survival rate and high primary stability. This allows you to speed up implantation, reducing the time between prosthetic stages. They have almost no contraindications; the bone settles minimally during implantation.
  • SuperLine
    (South Korea, USA). The Dentium brand is from South Korea, and the system is developed at facilities in the USA. Installation of SuperLine implants is characterized by minimal trauma and rapid survival. Thanks to the special design of the double threaded rod, it is suitable for use in clinically difficult cases. Forms a single system with bone tissue. The model range includes both standard implants and products for one-stage implantation.
  • Anyridge
    (South Korea). The systems of this brand are distinguished by simple and low-traumatic installation for the patient. With their help, you can carry out prosthetics even immediately after tooth extraction. They have practically no contraindications; they can be installed in dense and loose bone tissue, with a narrow bone or lack of height. The rod takes root quickly and is highly stable. The surface of the rod is coated with calcium ions, which accelerates healing.
    (Switzerland). Implants for one-stage installation. They are used when two or more teeth are missing in the dentition. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia in one visit to the doctor. The rehabilitation period is about 3 weeks. The main advantage of this system is the absence of contraindications. It can be installed for any condition of bone tissue, for periodontal diseases.
  • Bicon
    (USA). Bicon systems use a screwless connection. The abutment can be positioned 360 degrees. This makes the system one of the best in its segment. The procedure is minimally invasive. The rod takes root quickly and well, forming a single system with the bone tissue.
  • BioHorizons
    (USA). Suitable for use in difficult cases - with loose bone tissue, in conditions of limited interdental space, etc. The shape, which follows the root of the tooth, facilitates installation and allows the use of implants even immediately after removal.

Bicon Implants Review


The shape of a dental implant, the type and type of thread on it is called implant architecture. These zirconium structures have several distinctive features

  • implants are monolithic, which means that the implant and abutment, which usually come separately, are combined into one structure with these implants.
  • the threads on the implants have sharp edges, which allows them to effectively “bite” into the bone tissue and firmly fix themselves in it immediately after installation.
  • This implant has the possibility of customization, which means that the dentist can change the shape and length of the implant in the abutment area. This feature allows you to ideally adjust the implant to the individual conditions of the oral cavity of each patient.
  • The neck of the implant has a special shape; it has a cushion to which the gum tissue fits tightly, preventing bacteria from penetrating the bone and causing peri-implantitis. Additionally, this feature allows you to avoid gum inflammation and recession.

IN THE PHOTO: Implantation process

IN THE PHOTO: Installed implants

Fears and doubts of patients before installing dental implants

Before deciding on the procedure for installing dental implants in the oral cavity, every person asks himself the question of how advisable such an intervention in the body is and what other options for solving the problem exist? The feasibility of installing implants and other methods of replacing teeth in the patient’s oral cavity is determined based on the results of the examination and examination.

An alternative to dental implants is removable and non-removable prosthetic structures. But wearing such structures in the mouth is associated with certain discomfort for a person, and the installation of dentures requires grinding and preparation of the patient’s supporting teeth.

In addition, the service life of removable and non-removable prosthetic structures in the patient’s mouth is no more than 7-10 years, after which replacement of the dental prosthesis is required. But this is not always possible, due to the fact that the ground teeth can no longer hold a bridge or crown. Therefore, sooner or later a person still comes to the decision to install dental implants in the oral cavity.

To dispel patients’ doubts about the installation of implant structures, we will try to understand the reasons for the fear of dental implantation:

  • The first thing that frightens patients is the need for surgery when installing dental implants in the mouth. Yes, the procedure for implanting an artificial titanium rod into human bone tissue is essentially an operation. But the intervention in the human body in this case is minimal. The doctor performs manipulations to install a dental implant under local anesthesia, so the patient does not feel pain or discomfort. The procedure takes 1-1.5 hours, and the wound at the site of the dental implant heals in one to three weeks.
  • The next question that worries people who have decided to have dental implants installed in their mouth is the fear that the implant will not take root. To reassure patients, it should be said that this happens extremely rarely! Titanium or zirconium dioxide, which are used in the manufacture of artificial tooth roots, are materials whose risk of rejection by the human body is minimal. In addition, the high survival rate of the implant is also facilitated by its structure, thanks to which the patient’s bone tissue penetrates into the dental structure. Therefore, after a certain time after the operation to install an implant in the mouth, the artificial root becomes a full-fledged element of the patient’s dental system, along with the person’s natural teeth.
  • Complications after dental implantation are another issue of concern for patients. But if you use a high-quality implant from a trusted manufacturer, if you follow the technology for installing dentures of this type, and also if the patient follows the rules of oral hygiene, the occurrence of any inflammatory processes at the site of installation of the dental implant is unlikely.
  • The high cost of implantation in Moscow - this fact also, not least of all, frightens patients and prevents the installation of implants. But in this situation everything is relative. First, not all dental implants are expensive. The cost depends on the company and product class: the difference in price between premium and economy class implants is obvious. A dental implant in a person’s mouth is installed for life; only the crown is subject to replacement, the service life of which is 25-35 years. Any other method of prosthetics for human teeth requires more frequent replacement, and, accordingly, additional financial investments on the part of the patient, the amount of which significantly exceeds the cost of a one-time installation of a dental implant in a person’s mouth.


The main indications for installation of zirconium implants are as follows:

  • missing one tooth in the anterior jaw
  • missing several teeth in the anterior jaw
  • missing one tooth in the lateral jaw
  • missing several teeth in the lateral jaw
  • a “loose” tooth, in this situation the tooth is removed, and a zirconium implant is immediately installed in the hole in the bone where it was located.
  • tooth fracture; in this situation, the implant is inserted into the bone in place of the unusable tooth immediately after its removal.
  • a crack in the root of the tooth, in which case the cracked root is replaced with an implant.
  • allergic reaction to titanium implants
  • intolerance, lack of tolerance to titanium
  • the need to install implants in patients with psoriasis
  • the need to install implants for people with polyallergosis.

In Russia, doctors and patients have a misunderstanding about the indications for installing zirconium implants; such implants are recommended only for “problem” patients with an allergy to titanium or after the patient experiences rejection of previously installed titanium implants.

However, European dental practice shows otherwise: zirconium implants are the method of choice for any clinical situations requiring dental implantation.

Zirconium implants are most often used in Europe and the USA in premium dental clinics, as they are the most well-proven implants and bring stable clinical results.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other manufacturer, Bredent-medical focuses the attention of its target audience on the benefits of its products.

The list of advantages of implants of the German brand includes:

  • wide range of models;
  • standardized technology;
  • ease of installation;
  • does not require major surgical intervention;
  • reliability of fixation;
  • accelerated engraftment;
  • full load;
  • immediate installation of a prosthetic structure;
  • aesthetics;
  • no need to build up bone tissue;
  • shortened recovery period.

The only drawback of the products is their low popularity in the Russian Federation.

Types of products

The official website of the Bredent dealer in Russia offers a detailed catalog of products and technical characteristics.

The catalog presents an extensive line of models of locking fastenings and implants:

  • Sky mini1 and mini2 are compact models, with a diameter from 2.8 to 3.5. Suitable for use in single-stage and stage-by-stage prosthetics in elderly patients or with atrophy of bone tissue.
  • Narrow SKY is a product with a diameter of 3.5 mm. Used for reconstruction of units in narrowed spaces of the dentition or with excessive tissue atrophy.
  • Classic SKY is a device with an extended neck. Used for flapless implantation when working with a narrow or uneven bone ridge.
  • Blue SKY – titanium products with a sandblasted surface. They are fixed in the bone using a double screw thread.
  • White SKY - the design is available in two versions: zirconium oxide and titanium. The zirconium product has a snow-white color and an aesthetic appearance. Used for restoration of anterior teeth. The zirconium model is hypoallergenic and suitable for patients with hypersensitivity.

Each model is designed to solve a specific dental problem. The cost of implants varies from 6,000 to 30,000 rubles, depending on the model.


In clinical practice in dental implantation, doctors encounter some problems that sometimes do not allow them to achieve high results in the rehabilitation of patients with partial and complete loss of teeth.

European research centers have been constantly working to improve the materials and structure of dental implants.

One of the most important achievements in modern medicine is the creation of zirconium implants.

Problems faced by implantologists and their patients solved thanks to the use of zirconium implants:

  • An allergic reaction to titanium was found in 26 percent of patients. It is clinically proven and diagnosed using the Titanium Tolerance Test. Previously, such patients were denied implantation, but with the use of medical zirconium for the manufacture of implants, this problem was completely solved. An allergic reaction to zirconium has not yet been recorded in more than one patient.
  • contamination of the internal space of the implant. Inside the implant there is a small recess in which a thread is cut. Due to this thread, an abutment is attached to the implant. However, multiple studies have shown that the internal cavity in the implant is always infected and is an excellent space for the reproduction and growth of pathogenic bacteria, which lead to implant rejection. Zirconium implants are monolithic, that is, the implant and abutment are manufactured from one block of zirconium. Thanks to this manufacturing method, there is no cavity in the implant, which means there is no colony of bacteria and no possibility of inflammation.
  • poor stability of the implant-abutment connection. In titanium implants, the abutment and implant are 2 separate structures that are connected by a screw. When chewing movements in the oral cavity, the screw is constantly under stress or overload. Over time, the screw weakens the fixation of the abutment to the implant and the connection becomes loose. As a result, the crown falls off the implant. A frequent complication in prosthetics on implants is a fracture of the fixation pin; under high load, the screw fixing the abutment to the implant breaks into 2 parts. The lower part jams in the implant, blocking the thread. In 85 percent of cases, such a screw fragment cannot be removed and the implant has to be removed and a new one installed. This results in financial costs and stress for the patient. Due to the fact that the zirconium implant is a monolithic implant/abutment structure, it has a reinforcement zone in the place where it experiences overload. The monolithic structure is 800 percent stronger than screw-fastened parts, providing unsurpassed strength and durability.
  • violation of the aesthetics of soft tissues due to the transillumination of a dark implant. This implant is dark gray in color. In cases where the patient has thin gum tissue, such an implant will be visible through it and will affect the aesthetics. The zirconium implant is white, it is not translucent and looks perfect in the oral cavity.
  • the problem of gum recession and implant exposure. Over time, the bone tissue of a titanium or zirconium implant begins to settle. However, the implant is firmly anchored in the bone. In the case of a titanium implant, if such a problem occurs, the implant should be removed and replaced with a new one. In the case of a zirconium implant, this problem is simply solved without removing the implant. It is enough to grind off the threads on the protruding part of the implant and polish it. After which only a new crown is installed, and the implant continues to serve for many, many years.
  • the problem of penetration of microbes due to the lack of connection between the gum and the neck of the implant. An important feature of your own tooth is that the gum tissue adheres to its neck, preventing the penetration of mircobs from the oral cavity directly to the jaw bone. When a tooth is lost and a titanium implant is installed, tissue tissue cannot stick to the metal neck of the implant, and microbes pass under the gum without hindrance. In the case of zirconium implants, the connection between the gum and the zirconium neck is much tighter. Of course, it is inferior in strength to the connection between the gum and the neck of a natural tooth, but it is many times superior to such a connection between the gum and metal. Thanks to the use of zirconium in implantation, the patient’s gums look healthy and indistinguishable from the gums of their own teeth.


Biological dental implantation is an internationally recognized trend:

  • We do not injure the patient’s own tissues
  • We do not introduce foreign metal implants
  • We follow natural principles of prosthetics and implantation

Premium implants

This category includes the most expensive, but also the highest quality designs. The implantation rate reaches 99%, complications after installation are extremely rare. The cost of premium implants (without a crown) starts from 35 thousand rubles.

Ankylos (Densply company, Germany)

The Ankylos rod is made of titanium. There are four standard sizes of implants, differing in length. Thanks to this, the doctor can select the rod of the required length depending on the clinical picture and the installation site.

Design features:

  • The rod has a special progressive thread, which allows it to be successfully implanted even into weak gums. This thread provides high stability, almost eliminating the movement of the rod in the gum. Loading of the implant is allowed within 3-4 months after installation.
  • Cone shape. The presence of a cone at the junction of the rod and the abutment virtually eliminates the possibility of microcracks appearing. Thanks to this, the tooth connections do not become loose over time.
  • The absence of microcracks prevents leakage and the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Inflammation almost never occurs after prosthetics.
  • The implant has a minimal loading effect on the bone tissue, which prevents its destruction. This is also facilitated by the smaller diameter of the abutment at the point of its connection with the rod, since a switching effect occurs.

Xive (Germany)

XiVE implants are reliable dental structures manufactured by the German company Dentsply Friadent. They appeared on the market about 10 years ago. Despite the brand’s youth, it has already entered the premium segment.

The model range includes:

  • Xive S plus. Classic products for two-stage installation. Suitable for prosthetics in case of loss of individual teeth. Can be used to recreate abutment teeth for further attachment of bridges.
  • Xive TG. Implants for one-stage installation using the piercing method. Suitable if no more than 3 months have passed since the loss of teeth.
  • Xive 3.0. This model was developed for prosthetics of anterior teeth. Also, their installation is indicated for patients with loose, problematic bone tissue, or a wide alveolar ridge.

Due to the fact that XiVE systems have a thoughtful, unique design, they are in many ways superior to their analogues. Among their advantages:

  • Special thread and cone-shaped rod. Thanks to this, the implant holds tightly even in loose bone tissue.
  • Porous structure of the rod. Bone cells penetrate into it, providing high stability. This allows you to reduce the time until the second stage of prosthetics.
  • Universal abutments. They can be used with implants of any diameter.

How to choose an implant brand?

Straumann (Switzerland)

One of the oldest and most famous brands on the market. Straumann implants are made from pure titanium without the addition of other metals. Titanium is a bioinert material, so the rod takes root quickly and well. This distinguishes Strauman products from analogues made from titanium-vanadium alloys, the implantation of which may be accompanied by undesirable reactions. Other benefits include:

  • The presence of deep pores on the surface of the rod. Thanks to this treatment, high stability is ensured. The bone tissue does not just adhere to the implant. It grows into the deep pores of the shaft, creating a single complex. In terms of load capacity, it is no different from natural human teeth.
  • Possibility of servicing implants while wearing. Individual elements can be easily replaced. Even with complex damage to an artificial tooth, there is no need to remove the implant.
  • Straumann implants have no contraindications. They can be installed regardless of the condition and characteristics of the bone tissue, up to bone atrophy.
  • Astra Tech (Switzerland)

    Astra Tech is another popular Swiss brand. Implants have good survival rates, but are also predictable. Operational characteristics are ensured by design features:

    • The rod is made of modified titanium, which ensures rapid healing of bone tissue after surgery. The surface is additionally treated with fluorides, which stimulate regeneration.
    • Micro thread on the neck. MicroThread microthread ensures a tight connection with the abutment, eliminating the appearance of microcracks, leaks, and the development of pathogenic microflora. The artificial tooth has a high load capacity corresponding to the physiology of the gum bone.
    • Cone-shaped and the possibility of fixation below the level of the bone edge. This feature allows you to redistribute the load on the bone, moving it deeper into the tissue.
    • The enlarged contact zone allows you to protect the bone in the area of ​​the neck of the rod.

    Review of Straumann and Astra Tech implants

    Nobel Biocare (Switzerland)

    Some of the best premium implants. They are highly stable, take root well, and are predictable in installation. Suitable even in cases where it is necessary to carry out implantation immediately after tooth extraction. Nobel Biocare systems have a lifetime manufacturer's warranty.


  • Good primary stabilization. Achieved thanks to the characteristics of the carving and special surface treatment. After installation of the implant, the bone tissue gradually becomes denser. This ensures a stable position even in soft or loose bone. They have proven themselves well when used in complex clinical cases.
  • The neck is reverse-conical. This ensures not only the tightest possible pressing of the implant elements to each other and surrounding tissues, but also good aesthetic results.
  • Achieving the correct position of the implant thanks to cutting grooves. During installation, the doctor can adjust the position of the rod and position it correctly in the tooth socket.
  • Suitable for implantation into limited interdental space, for example, in the place of the lower incisor. In such cases, conventional implants cannot be used.

Review of Nobel Biocare implants


There are few contraindications for the use of zirconium implants:

  • oncological diseases of the jaw bone
  • use of pure bisphosphonate drugs
  • diabetes mellitus in an uncompensated state with a sugar level above 10.
  • Stage III osteoporosis.
  • osteomyelitis of the jaw
  • periostitis of the jaw
  • mental illness

IN THE PHOTO: Correspondence between the shape of the root of your own tooth and the shape of the zirconium implant.


We bring to your attention a complex clinical case of rehabilitation of a patient using zirconium prostheses.
Patient Tatyana Dmitrievna contacted the Bionic Dentis dental clinic with the need to install dental implants in place of lost teeth.

A concomitant problem of the patient was an allergy to metal.

We conducted a Titanium Tolerance Test, which showed a high level of allergic reaction to titanium implants and the impossibility of using metal implants.

It was decided to install a BREDENT zirconium implant.

The patient underwent implantation surgery and installation of a zirconium dioxide crown.

An excellent result was obtained.

There is no implant rejection.

Clinical effect 10 out of 10;


The global dental market is quite extensive. Several well-known implant manufacturers have begun making them from zirconium.

Currently, the following types of zirconium implants are known in the world:

  • Nobel Bioker
  • Straumann
  • Bredent.

The German company BREDENT is a leader in the development of innovative products in dentistry. High German quality and modern developments in dentistry make this implant unsurpassed among its analogues.

The only zirconium implants approved for use in the Russian Federation are BREDENT implants. They successfully passed clinical trials and received a registration certificate from Roszdravnadzor.

While obtaining permission for use in Russia, BREDENT implants underwent the most stringent toxicological and clinical tests, which showed that these implants are ideal for eliminating dental defects in any clinical cases.

Characteristics and material of manufacture of products

The quality of German products is confirmed by certificates. For the production of implants, zirconium oxide or medical titanium is used.

The coating of products goes through several stages of processing: etching, sandblasting. The structures quickly take root. Minimal risk of rejection.

A distinctive feature of the implant is the special shape of the neck with horizontal microgrooves. Due to this, the product is tightly connected to the soft tissues of the gums. A smile pleases with neatness and aesthetics.

The thread ensures installation stability under immediate loading. The uniform distribution of the load is due to the conical shape of the product. Double self-tapping thread guarantees soft screwing of the product. The risk of soft tissue damage is reduced to a minimum.

A Torx screw connection is used for the abutment and implant. This is a world standard in the engineering industry. The use of a hexagonal mechanism ensures strength and ease of installation of the prosthesis in various positions.

The installation procedure is standardized. This minimizes the number of medical errors. Patients get an attractive smile quickly and safely.

Indications for the use of implants:

  • severe atrophy of bone tissue in elderly people;
  • narrow spaces between teeth;
  • the need to install a highly aesthetic prosthesis;
  • lack of teeth;
  • restoration of the dentition or individual unit.


Zirconium implants require special installation techniques. Unfortunately, in Moscow, only 2-3 clinics have the conditions for installing zirconium implants. The qualifications of the implant surgeon who performs the operation are also important.

Let us consider the features of installing zirconium implants in patients with partial loss of teeth.

  • Before implantation, the patient is prescribed laboratory blood tests, which include: a clinical blood test, a biochemical blood test, and the determination of certain infections. This is necessary so that the doctor sees that the state of health allows the operation to be performed and implant rejection will not occur.
  • To plan implantation and accurately select the size of the implant, the patient undergoes a computed tomography scan. Tomography examines the density of bone tissue, determines the optimal position of the implant in relation to neighboring teeth, blood vessels, nerves, and sinuses of the jaw.
  • A special feature of installing a zirconium implant is that the implant must be ideally installed correctly, its inclination must be taken into account, and its position inside the crown must be taken into account. Such precision installation cannot be done by eye. Navigation systems are used for correct positioning. The implantologist uses a computed tomography scan using modern computer programs to select the ideal place to insert the implant into the bone. At the same time, he sees in the program how the implant will relate to any of the crowns he has chosen. After determining the implantation site, a navigational implant template is made on a No. D printer. This template is used during surgery to make a hole for the implant in the correct place. Thanks to this method, implantation does not take much time, and the implantologist and patient receive the ideal position of the implant and the highest quality prosthetics.
  • A hole is prepared in the bone into which the implant will be screwed. The hole is made using calibrated cutters, with constant cooling with sterile saline solution. This technique eliminates overheating of the bone and the appearance of unpleasant sensations during surgery and bone burns. The implant is screwed into the bone using a computerized system that calculates the stress in the bone during implant placement and prevents compression of the bone tissue, which can negatively affect the results of the implantation.
  • After installing the implant, a pair of sutures are placed on the gum to ensure its adherence to the neck of the implant.
  • An important feature of BREDENT zirconium implants is that the doctor has the ability to adjust its height. All patients are different, and the height of the teeth is different for everyone; it cannot be calculated in advance. Therefore, the dentist, after installing the BREDENT zirconium implant, can shorten it so that its height ideally matches the height of the patient’s neighboring teeth.

Indeed, installing a zirconium implant is not an easy task for a specialist, but the quality that is achieved with its use is many times greater than the complexity of its installation.

What are Osstem implants?

The choice of implant design has a great influence on the outcome of the operation to install dental implants in the patient’s mouth. There are a great variety of implant models, and the leaders in the production of such dental structures are the following countries: the USA, Switzerland, Sweden, Korea and Israel.

We decided to focus on the description of premium Korean dental implants from the Osstem Implant company. The fact is that these designs combine two main criteria that are important for dentists and patients: affordable price and high quality.

The Osstem Implant company has been producing dental implants since 1992. The first production was opened in South Korea, then in the United States this manufacturer began to produce products under the Hiossen brand. Today they are used by dentists for installation on patients in more than sixty countries around the world. They have earned many positive reviews from patients and doctors and have received universal recognition.


A zirconium implant is a monolithic structure that is embedded into bone tissue. After implantation, it is necessary to make a crown, which will be fixed to the implant and with its help the process of chewing food occurs.

For prosthetics on zirconium implants, BREDENT offers 2 crown designs:

  • Zirconium crowns. These crowns are very durable and can be installed on the front and back teeth. These crowns are indistinguishable from your own teeth and are perceived by others as your own teeth. They are easy to use and last up to 20 years. The main advantage of zirconium crowns on zirconium implants is that when replacing several missing teeth, fewer implants can be installed, and the crowns can be made in the form of bridges. This does not reduce the quality of work and prosthetics, but significantly reduces the cost of implantation and prosthetics by reducing the number of implants installed.
  • Lithium disilicate crowns. This is the most modern material in dentistry and in Germany it is often called artificial tooth enamel. Such crowns can be installed in the anterior and lateral parts of the jaw during prosthetics on zirconium implants. These crowns belong to the premium segment in dental prosthetics. They exactly replicate natural teeth, and even a professional dentist cannot always distinguish whether it is a lithium disilicate crown or the patient’s own natural tooth. This crown has one drawback. Bridges cannot be made from lithium disilicate. Therefore, if a patient needs to reduce the cost of dental prosthetics on implants, then such a crown is not recommended for him. The basic principle of using lithium disilicate crowns in implantology is one implant - one crown.

Which prosthesis with 4 implants is better to choose?

The final choice of permanent fixed prosthesis design will depend on the following factors:

  • on the volume of space for prosthetics,
  • type of relationship between the upper and lower jaws,
  • from the patient’s aesthetic needs,
  • from financial capabilities.

If you want perfect aesthetics, then choose a zirconia bridge. Such a prosthesis will look most advantageous on the upper jaw, and if finances allow you, it is better to make such a prosthesis on the original NobelProcera zirconium frame; if you want to save money, use the Prettau frame. But it is worth noting that prostheses on a titanium beam using acrylic or ceramic composite also have quite decent aesthetics.

If you need to do implantation and All-on-4 prosthetics on two jaws at once, then a zirconium dioxide bridge can be made for only 1 jaw. Zirconium dioxide is a fairly hard material, and if both prostheses are made from this material, one of them will definitely burst within a few years. And in this case, a zirconium bridge is usually made on the upper jaw, and a titanium-polymer denture on the lower jaw.

Important : if you still have the opportunity, then do not settle for prostheses made on a cast frame made of ordinary nickel-chrome or on a milled frame made of CHS. This is just that extreme case when you simply cannot afford anything else. In this case, it is best to make a titanium-polymer prosthesis - even if on a non-original titanium beam. And if it’s expensive for you, then it’s better not to do All-on-4 at all. In this case, it is better to make a covering prosthesis on implants, which will cost you only from 120,000 to 150,000 rubles.

Reviews from patients 1 year after All-on-4:


Prosthetics with BREDENT zirconium implants require high precision and care from the dentist. How this technique was developed in Germany and the Germans demand very strict fulfillment of the requirements.

After installation, a plastic impression cap is placed on the implant.

This device allows you to make a very clear impression and accurately produce a working model.

There are 2 principles of prosthetics on BREDENT zirconium implants

  • Analog prosthetics. With this technique, the dentist takes impressions of the teeth, and the dental technician makes a plaster model on which the crown is made.
  • Digital prosthetics. This technique assumes that the prosthetist will scan the oral cavity and the installed implant using a special No. D camera. As a result of scanning, a virtual model is obtained in a computer program, on the basis of which the crown is modeled. The crown is made by cutting it out of a zirconium blank using a special robot - a milling cutter. Such crowns have very high precision and last longer.


Features of manufacturing and installation of zirconium implants determine their higher cost.

The cost of zirconium implants in Moscow ranges from 110,000 to 160,000 rubles per unit.

Our clinic, thanks to direct cooperation with the implant manufacturer BREDENT, offers its patients the best prices for using this system.


Prices for zirconium implants in 2021 greatly depend on:

  • level of the clinic you contacted.
  • the level of professionalism of the implantologist who will perform implantation.
  • the crown material from which it will be made.
  • the need for bone grafting and bone augmentation, sinus lifting.
  • the need for plastic surgery or gum grafting.
  • the need and difficulty of removing a broken or cracked tooth and replacing it with an implant.

Prices for zirconium implants are slightly higher than for titanium ones. However, this is a qualitatively different level of dentistry, which has a high cost and requires maximum professionalism from the doctor.

Features of zirconium implants

STARTSMILE: What are zirconium implants made of and what do they look like?

Dakhkilgov Magomed Umatgireevich:

German zirconium implants from Bredent, with which we work, are made of stabilized zirconium dioxide. Most acids do not affect this material, that is, the stability is quite high. Plus, excellent biocompatibility is a very important indicator for patients. Metal-free implants do not distort tastes and do not irritate mucous membranes. This, by the way, differs zirconium dioxide from titanium. In its pure form, this metal is not suitable for making implants, as it is too soft. Titanium alloys are used to restore teeth, but some of them cause an immune response. Zirconium is completely hypoallergenic. In addition, zirconium systems are completely white and are ideal for an aesthetically significant area or the smile area, as patients like to say. When exposed to light, the titanium implant body may be visible. Products made from zirconium have a light shade; no darkening will be visible.

STARTSMILE: It turns out that patients have no questions or complaints about aesthetics. What about the durability? Titanium has already proven its reliability; won’t metal-free systems disappoint their owners?

Dakhkilgov M. U:

Zirconium implants are monolithic, that is, the abutment and the body itself are a single structure. Such know-how in product architecture did not appear by chance. The fact is that for a long time there was a problem with fixing zirconium artificial roots. The most vulnerable part was precisely the connection between the body and the abutment, and the zirconium connecting screw has a certain fragility. If the fixation is weakened due to chewing loads, the crown may fall off or, for example, the screw itself may break. Usually, in such cases, the implant must be replaced with a new one, which means additional expenses for the patient, time, stress, etc. By the way, a similar problem exists in titanium implants, but there it is less noticeable, since titanium itself is more elastic.

Dakhkilgov M. U:

With the introduction of the SKY solid zirconia systems from Bredent, the problem of joint instability has been solved. A unique type of thread appeared, as well as heterogeneity in the body of the implant itself. Now the upper part, which is above the gum, can be prepared like your own tooth, it accepts it very well.

STARTSMILE:When did zirconium implants appear and how quickly did they establish themselves on the market?

Dakhkilgov M. U:

By implantation standards, these systems appeared not so long ago. They have existed for more than 10 years, and today about 5-6 companies of zirconium implants from the USA and European countries are already known. We work mainly with German brands. In particular, we cooperate directly with Bredent Medical. All implants that are installed in our clinics are certified, reliable, and time-tested.

STARTSMILE: So far everything is convincing and tempting, but there are also disadvantages? Tell us about them.

Dakhkilgov M. U:

The only negative is the price. Due to the more complex manufacturing and installation technology, the cost of zirconium implants is higher than that of titanium structures, but if the patient is looking for the highest quality and most reliable systems for dental restoration, we recommend zirconium ones. Nothing better has yet been invented.


Patient reviews of zirconium implants are only positive. Over 5 years of practice, we have not received more than one negative review from patients about this design.

According to the results of research on the Internet and collection of statistics, in their reviews of zirconium implants, patients note:

  • no discomfort during implantation surgery.
  • no pain at the implantation site
  • absence of gum inflammation and rapid healing
  • absence of darkening of the gums and absence of dark translucency of the implant through the gums.
  • Convenience when brushing teeth and cleaning the implantation area.
  • high aesthetic result.
  • invisibility and naturalness of the implant.

Patient reviews about Osstem implants:

The favorable price and high quality of implants are the main reasons for choosing a Korean design. The opinions of patients agree that they are attracted by the affordable cost of dental implants produced by this Korean company. When choosing implants, some of the patients trusted the dentist’s recommendations, others gleaned information about dental implants from the Internet or took the advice of friends who had undergone the procedure for installing Osstem implant prostheses. But, one way or another, they all say that they are satisfied with the installation and quality of premium dental implants at a similar price.

Successful engraftment is the second reason for the popularity of Osstem. The information contained in patient reviews regarding these implants indicates that in most cases such structures take root quickly and painlessly.

According to research and reviews from patients who have dental implants from the same company installed in their mouths, 10-20 years after installation there are no problems with the implants. People even manage to forget about the presence of such dental prostheses in their mouths, and this is another obvious advantage of Korean implants.


Zirconium implants can be installed in clinics in the USA, Europe and several dental clinics in the Russian Federation.

In Moscow, the Bionic Dentis dental clinic specializes in the installation of BREDENT zirconium implants.

Since 2007, the clinic has performed more than 1,000 installations of zirconium implants.

Our clinical experience in this area significantly exceeds that of any other clinic in Russia.

We provide our patients with a lifetime guarantee on implants.

When choosing a clinic to install zirconium implants, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • How long has this technique been practiced in the clinic?
  • What experience does the clinic's implantologist have in working with zirconium implants?
  • Is the implantologist certified, is he a member of the Russian Association of Implantologists?
  • What is the warranty period for the implant?
  • Does the clinic use the implantology navigation system No. D for implant installation?
  • Does the clinic provide a certificate of conformity and a registration certificate from Roszdravnadzor for installed implants?
  • Is the clinic an authorized partner or representative office of BREDENT?

"Bionic Dentis" is the ONLY authorized BREDENT dental implantation center in the Russian Federation and the CIS.

We have the most clinical experience.

We install zirconium implants at the best price.

Each patient is given a package of documents that confirms the authenticity of the implant and the legality of its import into the Russian Federation.


The complexity of installing BREDENT zirconium implants is compensated by their long service life. However, this complexity does not in any way concern our patients.

The clinic’s implantologist surgeon, Dr. Petr Vladimirovich Ozerov, has 17 years of clinical experience, is a member of the Russian Dental Association and is certified by BREDENT to install zirconium implants.

The professionalism of our implantologist is recognized by a professional society.

Our clinic hosts educational courses in which Petr Vladimirovich, in lecture and practical parts, trains implantologists from the Russian Federation and the CIS in techniques for installing zirconium implants.

By choosing our clinic, you get a leading specialist in the Russian Federation, high-quality implants and the best level of service in the Russian Federation.

The implantologist has been a full member of the Russian Association of Dental Implantology since 2012.

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