How to do a deep throat blowjob without a gag reflex?

Dry mouth or increased salivation

A feeling of dryness or, on the contrary, increased salivation occurs due to the adaptation of the mucous membranes to a foreign body. If the design is made correctly, the discomfort quickly passes. If your mouth is dry, you should drink water more often and rinse, but do not use alcohol solutions. It is worth limiting the consumption of tea, coffee, and at least temporarily giving up smoking. You need to get rid of dryness quickly, otherwise your gums will be injured.

Excessive salivation is a reaction to a foreign body in the mouth, to constant contact with the mucous membrane. It goes away on its own in a few days. You can simplify the adaptation process for the mucous membrane by rinsing with decoctions of chamomile, oak bark or sage, or solutions recommended by your doctor.


The main symptoms for this phenomenon should be called pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting itself, etc.
They usually appear in the evening hours or in the morning before breakfast. The duration can vary greatly, the duration range can be from two to three minutes to twelve hours. Episodes in most cases can repeat for a week, in some cases up to fourteen days. Other signs usually include the patient's facial pallor, haggard appearance, and marked apathy. Often the attacks of nausea and vomiting are very strong, and the patient may even lose consciousness. In addition to the above symptoms, outbreaks of the disease may be accompanied by:

  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • severe headaches;
  • diarrhea;
  • fever;
  • dizziness;
  • stomach pains.

In addition, when vomiting, there is increased salivation and a feeling of constant desire to drink. Water, in turn, provokes a greater amount of vomit, although it has a beneficial effect on reducing the concentration of acid in the stomach, dissolving, thereby reducing pain. Constant vomiting often leads to dehydration, resulting in a water and salt imbalance in the patient.

Problems with diction

After prosthetics, there is less space in the mouth, which is why the patient may have problems with diction at first: the tongue does not have enough free space, sounds are distorted. To cope with this faster, you will need training. To do this, you can read aloud, pronounce individual complex sounds, and do tongue exercises. The more actively the tongue “works” immediately after prosthetics, the faster the adaptation will take place and normal diction will be restored. When getting used to speaking correctly, you need to make sure that when pronouncing sounds, saliva does not fly from your mouth. A good workout would be tongue twisters that are spoken slowly, making sure that the pronunciation and articulation are correct.

What is “deep blowjob”?2

You can't do without history here. This blowjob technique became popular after the film “Deep Throat” (1972, USA) became available to the general public. The film's script was written by director Gerard Domiano after he was struck by the sight of a deep blowjob performed by porn actress Linda Lovelace.

The plot is quite funny, but makes you think. The girl cannot get sexual pleasure and the doctor who examines her body discovers an interesting detail: her clitoris is not between her legs, but in her throat, so ordinary sex does not excite her.

Delighted by this discovery, the girl masters a special technique of throat blowjob and hones it with different partners until she finds one with a penis of a suitable size. As they say, the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe: the woman gets an orgasm, and the man gets a blowjob. Do you think that this is not possible in reality? Read the next paragraph.


Chewing skills with a newly installed denture need to be developed gradually. This does not mean that you need to switch to broths, purees and cereals. On the contrary, you need training with a gradual increase in load. The hardness of the products is increased gradually. It is better to start eating vegetables and fruits in small pieces, chewing them thoroughly. They get used to biting food in the same way - gradually, starting with softer foods and moving on to hard foods. You need to chew and bite carefully: it is important not to damage or injure the gums, and to control the load on it.

After installing a removable denture, the patient may feel that food is deprived of its usual taste, it has become less pronounced. This occurs because the base of the structure covers the palate where the tactile receptors are located. This does not affect the perception of taste in any way - taste buds are located on the tongue. The feeling that the taste of food has changed is associated with a foreign body in the mouth and quickly passes as you get used to it.

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Exercises at home

To treat the gag reflex at home, keep a diary in which you reflect the results of your observations: in what situations does a gag attack most often occur, where, at what time. Below are simple but effective recipes to get rid of the disease:

  • Breathing exercises. You need to breathe and breathe! If you feel even a slight approach of the reflex, try to take rhythmic breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The principle is that the gag reflex cannot occur at the same time as breathing, just as it is impossible to swallow food and breathe at the same time.
  • Exercises with sounds. To prevent the reflex, you can try making humming sounds, as well as humming sounds, which will ensure a constant flow of air.
  • Physical exercise. They should be performed in a sitting or supine position. Having taken one of the positions, you should raise your legs. After this, tighten your abdominal muscles. This exercise will help you suppress the urge to vomit.
  • Reflex exercises. In order to “retrain” this phenomenon, you need to train areas of the oral cavity day by day so that touching them with a toothbrush or teaspoon does not cause a gag reflex. These objects need to be placed further and further, pressing them in the area of ​​the front teeth to the palate, step by step moving deeper. Ten to fourteen days are often enough to forget about this illness forever.
  • Relaxation exercises. You need to be able to relax. As mentioned above, the main reasons for the increased reflex may be physiological and psychological disorders. Maybe you have already had a not entirely pleasant experience when in certain situations, for example, while at the dentist, you had this problem. Talk to your doctor, share the results of previous treatment, when the reflex manifests itself, what contributes to this. All this will make the relationship trusting and will help in further treatment. Exercises to relax the nervous system, which are based on proper regulation of breathing, as well as meditation, can only be beneficial. In more complex situations, it would be a good idea to contact a hypnologist.

If, after completing one or another course of exercises, the gag reflex was suppressed, but then returned again, do not despair and try repeating the therapeutic exercises again. If you do everything correctly and persistently, the disease will certainly recede. As they say, our health is in our hands!


In the first days after installation, injured areas may appear on the surface of the gums: small wounds, abrasions, etc. They may appear due to improper chewing technique or sensitivity of the mucous membrane. Normally, the denture stops rubbing the gums within a few days. You can speed up this process by rinsing with antiseptic solutions and chamomile decoction.

If injuries do not go away over time, become more pronounced, or cause increasing discomfort, you should consult a doctor. The problem may lie in the design itself. The doctor will conduct an examination and correct the prosthesis. Usually one correction is enough for the discomfort to go away.

Treatment under anesthesia: you will be calm and comfortable

In my medical practice, I encountered patients who were ready to endure acute toothache just to postpone a trip to the dentist. I understand them and sympathize with them. Most often this is associated with memories from childhood. Everyone probably remembers how they felt when their baby teeth were treated or removed. Many years later, as an adult, a person continues to experience stress in front of the dental chair. And even having already made an appointment, he cannot overcome himself and, under any pretext, tries to reschedule the visit to the doctor.

Unfortunately, patients with such a phobia do not come for preventive examinations, do not undergo professional hygiene, and do not treat caries. As a result, the teeth are destroyed, which leads to their removal.

In fact, the problem of fear of dental treatment is completely solvable. Our clinic has a special procedure - treatment under dental anesthesia, that is, during sleep. There is also such a medical term - sedation. The DomodenT clinic is one of the few that uses an anti-stress technique: while you sleep, we take care of the health of your teeth.

Medication-induced sleep is an absolutely harmless alternative to general anesthesia. You will forget about all your worries, calm down and relax. The combination of safe sedatives with local anesthesia relieves nervous tension.

Treatment under sedation is an ideal way to solve a dental problem. And not only for the patient, but also for the doctor. While you rest, saving strength and energy, the doctor calmly and efficiently performs his work. Your opinion about treatment will change once and for all. You will simply fall asleep and wake up with healthy teeth and a beautiful smile. No anxiety or worries - just relaxation in your sleep.

During the procedure under dental anesthesia, the anesthesiologist monitors your well-being, monitors your blood pressure, breathing, and pulse. As a dental surgeon with extensive experience, I believe that treatment under sedation is completely safe. A combination of sedatives and local anesthesia will help relieve nervous tension. Falling asleep occurs in a few seconds. You won't even feel how the doctor treats the tooth or installs an implant. Unlike general anesthesia, consciousness does not “turn off” during sedation. All vital reflexes are preserved: the ability to breathe independently, cough, swallow.

Under sedation, the patient forgets about fear and calms down. In my practice, there have been cases when clients tried to hide the fact that they were experiencing discomfort. But they were “given away” by high blood pressure, and then treatment was postponed. In such situations, we always recommend calming down and coming next time when the pressure returns to normal.

Sleep therapy for patients with phobia is the best way to forget about pain and relax. During the procedure, the anesthesiologist monitors your condition and, if necessary, reduces the pressure with drugs. We take everything into account to minimize risks.

Patients come to us with an increased gag reflex, which is also a serious problem. It is almost impossible to carry out treatment, because many people begin to feel sick during manipulation. Sedatives used during medicated sleep relieve the gag reflex. And the doctor calmly does his job.

I remember several cases when patients came to us who had already tried to cure a tooth and install dentures. But due to nausea, nothing worked. We helped them. Thanks to anesthesia, caries was removed, implantation with prosthetics was performed, and the patients were satisfied.

Everyone who underwent sleep treatment thank us from the bottom of their hearts. They felt comfortable and didn't hurt at all. Many, upon learning that the DomodenT clinic had such a service, were relieved.

There is an opinion that treatment under sedation is an expensive procedure. However, it is better to eliminate caries under anesthesia than to deal with its complications, for example, pulpitis or periodontitis. Treatment in the acute stage is also not cheap. Implantation and prosthetics will cost even more.

Payment for medicated sleep is hourly. Therefore, we always meet our patients halfway and try to do as many manipulations as possible in an hour to protect clients from stress. We perform the remaining simple work without anesthesia.

Modern dentistry means treatment without pain. Our experienced and sensitive doctors will take care of your psychological comfort and health. Treatment under sedation is the best solution for anyone who has a gag reflex or fears the dentist.

Zhdanov E.V., dental surgeon

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Allergic reaction

It occurs very rarely, since all structural elements are made of hypoallergenic, biocompatible materials. It manifests itself as redness of the gums at the contact site; this area may itch and possibly burn. The unpleasant sensations do not go away and do not weaken, they can intensify, the gums look injured.

Allergy is a rejection of construction materials, which may be accompanied by nausea, malaise, and dizziness. It appears almost immediately after installation, disappears after some time if you remove it. There is no point in waiting for adaptation in case of allergies - the reaction will only intensify over time. To solve the problem, you need to find out which material in the structure you are allergic to and make a new prosthesis without using it.

Causes of the gag reflex

The gag reflex is provoked by two main groups of reasons: psychological and physiological. Usually a combination of these types of reactions is present. The catalyst for the gag reflex can be pregnancy, gastrointestinal diseases, complicated nasal breathing and stress. The memory of previous problematic dental treatment experiences strengthens the reflex so much that it can be triggered by just the sight of dental equipment or the smell of medications.

Psychological aspect

Often the use of a prosthesis provokes psychological discomfort in the patient: it frightens him, it seems to him that complications have already arisen, and adaptation is not going well. To prevent such a problem from arising, you need the right attitude: a person must be prepared for the difficulties that may arise in the first days. It is important to take your time and understand that the body needs to get used to new conditions. The period of complete adaptation takes up to one and a half months on average, but the most noticeable discomfort disappears after 1-2 weeks if you wear the prosthesis constantly.

To get used to a removable denture faster, orthodontists at the Dentospas clinic recommend massaging the gums. You can do it yourself, it will improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition, and improve the condition of the gums. Massage is done provided that the surface of the mucous membrane is not injured and there are no open wounds on it. At first, to speed up adaptation, you can leave the prosthesis on at night (install it again after cleaning). This is safe (the gums and tongue hardly move during sleep) and allows you to increase the time of contact of the mucous membrane with the base of the structure.

Why do you need a blowjob?i

Indeed, nature provides a completely different place for sex, and everything that goes beyond it is a perversion. In this case, we must also take into account that nature invented sex and made it so pleasant so that the reproductive instinct could somehow be realized.

However, a person is designed in such a way that he wants to have fun without any serious consequences. Therefore, they came up with contraception and ways to protect against sexually transmitted diseases. This means sex is no longer as natural as some people think. Therefore, you should not neglect other ways of getting pleasure.

In addition, all men like oral sex. And if you want to please not only your partner, but also yourself, it’s better to master the blowjob technique perfectly.

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