Is it possible to whiten teeth using banana peels, how to carry out the procedure correctly?

When we approach the threshold of maturity, questions of additional attention to our own health certainly arise. Teeth are not the last thing on this list. It is not without reason that, since time immemorial, the condition of teeth has served as a sign of general health.

The first cause for alarm about the condition is the darkening of the teeth, the appearance of stains on the tooth enamel. Therefore, teeth whitening is not so much a cosmetic procedure as a necessity that has a preventive and therapeutic effect.

Myth or reality?

This method of bleaching divided people into 2 camps. Some talk about the wonderful properties of the fruit, showing “before” and “after” photographs. The latter criticize the method for being useless and a stupid waste of time.

An interesting study was conducted by a famous dentist from the United States of America, recruiting 3 groups for the experiment. One used regular toothpaste 2 times a day, the second used toothpaste 1 time a day and banana peel 1 time, and finally, the third - volunteers used toothpaste 2 times a day and rubbed their teeth with banana peel three times.

Amazing results were expected for 2 weeks. The first group had the lightest teeth, and the risk of caries doubled in the group that used the folk remedy. The fact is that banana particles remain in the interdental spaces, then oxidize and become food for dangerous microorganisms.

If tooth enamel is in poor condition

There are times when a gentle banana peel bleaching regimen will be too ineffective. This applies to circumstances when the condition of the teeth is advanced, and it is not possible to visit the dental office (although this must be done at the first opportunity). In this case, before whitening with banana peels, it is recommended to take drastic measures, and only then switch to daily dental care using banana peels.

Drastic measures include procedures for cleansing and whitening tooth enamel using more aggressive means than banana peels.

  • Eggplant ashes have powerful cleaning properties. The eggplant needs to be cut into thin slices and roasted in the oven or microwave, then pounded until floury. Use eggplant ashes like tooth powder for two weeks. After cleaning with ash, rinse the mouth and finish with brushing with toothpaste. After a two-week cleansing period, you can move on to bleaching with banana peels.
  • Another affordable and powerful cleaning product available. The active substance is a mixture of grated black radish and lemon juice. The product is very strong and requires caution when working with tooth enamel. Grind the black radish into a puree using a fine grater or blender. For every tablespoon of grated radish you need a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mixture is tied into a knot of gauze, the knot is the size of a large plum. This bag can be bitten, and it can also be used to clean the teeth. The procedure lasts no more than a minute. Then you must immediately rinse your mouth and complete the procedure by brushing with toothpaste. After a two-week cleansing period, you can proceed to whitening using banana peels.

The main condition for procedures with potent agents is caution, since tooth enamel is very sensitive to these active substances. The period of application of these methods should not exceed two weeks, while bleaching with banana peels can be taken as a daily healthy habit.

Of course, a snow-white smile is very beautiful. But first of all, you need to remember that healthy teeth color primarily indicates the health of the body as a whole.

Sources used:

  • Modern methods of teeth whitening / Konstantin Ronkin. - M.: Dental Kaleidoscope LP, 2011.
  • Watts, A; Addy, M (2001-03-24). “Tooth discolouration and staining: Tooth discolouration and staining: a review of the literature.” British Dental Journal.
  • Swift, E. J. Jr.; Perdigão, J (1998). "Effects of bleaching on teeth and restorations." Compend Continue Educ Dent.

Beneficial properties of banana for teeth

A banana cannot whiten teeth; it does not contain whitening particles. But it contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and other trace elements. The substances have a positive effect on enamel and gums, and small abrasive particles polish the teeth. This way you can get rid of plaque, which is difficult to remove with a regular brush. Therefore, it seems that the shade has changed to a lighter one. Banana peel can provide the necessary nutrition of bone tissue with microelements, reduce the sensitivity of teeth to temperature changes, and also relieve bleeding gums.

Whitening at home

You can consult a doctor for whitening. In especially “severe” cases, this is what you should do, but a one-time call to specialists will not solve the problem once and for all. Not everyone can afford constant use of their services, but everyone wants a healthy, snow-white, open smile. This problem can be solved by whitening procedures that are accessible to everyone and can be easily done at home.

Among the known methods of whitening tooth enamel, the one that uses banana peels is considered the most gentle.

The whitening effect is expected as a result of the high concentration of minerals such as potassium, magnesium and manganese in banana peels. It should be borne in mind that the proportion of the listed minerals depends on the ripeness of the banana. The required concentration is achieved only in ripe bananas that are close to overripe, but still without blackening spots on the peel. Unripe bananas are ineffective for bleaching.

The gentle procedure on the condition of tooth enamel is due to the fact that there are practically no abrasive components in the peel. When rubbed, essential minerals are absorbed without harming the surface of the teeth. This regime is favorable for a daily whitening procedure, which will help your teeth be healthy and snow-white attractive.

Procedure for banana whitening procedure

To achieve noticeable results, you need to apply banana peel correctly. It is recommended to carry out such cleaning 2-3 times a day according to the following scheme:

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash the banana and peel it, the pulp can be eaten. But cut the skin into small strips.
  2. The next step is brushing your teeth with toothpaste. This will remove plaque and increase the effectiveness of the substances contained in the banana.
  3. One strip must be applied to the teeth and the mouth closed. This way the substances will better penetrate the enamel under the influence of temperature. It is better to hold the banana strip for about one minute.
  4. Use the second strip to thoroughly wipe the enamel. This should be done with gentle massaging movements so as not to damage the gums. During the procedure there should be no burning sensation or any discomfort from strong friction. The massage takes 2-3 minutes.
  5. Remove the strip and sit with your mouth open for 5 to 10 minutes. The remaining layer will continue to operate. But do not forget to thoroughly brush your teeth after these minutes, rinsing off any remaining product.

To consolidate the effect, avoid drinking strong tea, coffee, colored berries and other products that can change the color of the enamel. It is also better to forget about smoking.

What additional steps should be taken to maintain the whiteness of tooth enamel?

Carrying out a whitening procedure is not all that a person can do to please himself and those around him with a healthy, snow-white smile. No whitening procedure can preserve the healthy color of teeth for a long time unless some preventive measures are taken. Completing all preventive measures is especially important in the first two weeks; this period is important for achieving the desired tone of purity. And then the cleanliness and whiteness of your teeth will only need to be maintained at the proper level.

  • For two weeks, avoid drinks and food that contain persistent coloring pigments. Avoid coffee and strong black tea, carbonated drinks that contain dark coloring substances, and liqueurs. Some berries with persistent pigment, such as blueberries, bird cherry, and serviceberry, can contribute to the staining of tooth enamel. All types of citrus fruits can hinder the results of whitening. Beetroot and tomato paste (ketchup) have strong pigmentation.
  • Stop smoking or chewing tobacco for at least a couple of weeks. Tobacco in any form carries the most persistent pigmentation. Therefore, if you cannot completely quit smoking, make it a habit to chew gum after each cigarette.
  • Some types of medications can have a negative effect on tooth enamel. If you are forced to regularly consume any medications, you should consult with your doctor about reducing the doses of medications used for at least ten days.

Preventive measures are also important so that you are convinced of the results obtained. To test the effectiveness of whitening, you need to take photographs of your teeth before the procedure begins. Strictly follow the whitening procedure and preventive measures for at least a period of two weeks, and then photograph the teeth again so that there is an opportunity for comparison. When taking photographs, for the purity of test results, you need to maintain the scale and lighting.

Why banana helps

The skin of the aromatic fruit has an uneven surface on the inside: abrasive particles actually remove a small part of the soft coating. Both the pulp and the peel contain:

  • vitamins A, B, E;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese.

When you brush your teeth with a banana, there is no risk of damaging the enamel with aggressive particles, as with chemical whitening. The possibility of getting a burn to the mucous membrane is excluded. In this regard, banana is safe to use.

Want to try? Then follow the rules - watch the video with comments or photos of each stage of cleaning, arranged step by step:

If you rub your enamel with a banana peel, don’t forget to brush your teeth

Why is this so important to do? Do not forget that a fruit such as a banana, as well as its peelings, contain a large amount of sugar and acids, which, when in the mouth, disrupt the acid-base balance, and also serve as an excellent breeding ground for cariogenic bacteria. Therefore, if you do not want your teeth to turn blacker even more after this whitening technique as a result of caries appearing on them, then strictly follow this advice!

What is included in the “white” diet?

Actually, any products that are neutral in relation to the enamel, do not stain it and (importantly!) do not contain high acidity, which can also damage and soften the enamel. After brushing your teeth you can eat:

  • White chicken meat;
  • White fish;
  • Porridge (oatmeal, millet, corn, buckwheat, rice);
  • Cheese (curd, tofu, unleavened varieties);
  • Nuts;
  • Vegetables (white and Chinese cabbage, white beans) and fruits (bananas, peeled apples);
  • White mushrooms;
  • Rice and pasta made from durum wheat.


I have already tried all possible methods of teeth whitening at home, including trying banana peels - nothing helps. I don’t need Hollywood glitter and effect, implausible whiteness, I just want naturalness and for my teeth to look well-groomed. And at the same time, so as not to spend a lot of money. What can you recommend?

Z (04/22/2019 at 5:27 pm) Reply to comment

    First you need to see a dentist. He will assess the condition of the oral cavity, determine the shade of enamel that you have today and the color that you expect to see - only based on these data will a method be proposed. If you don’t want to resort to drastic whitening methods and spend a lot of money, then we advise you to consider the procedure of professional oral hygiene, because it can restore the natural shade of enamel and make teeth well-groomed and clean.

    Editorial staff of the portal (04/30/2019 at 09:16) Reply to comment

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Instructions for use

Take a ripe fruit and remove a piece of peel. There is no need to clean everything - it will be needed for the following procedures.

We cut the skin into pieces 2 by 4 cm. This is the preparatory stage. Now:

  1. We brush our teeth with toothpaste.
  2. Apply the crust and rub thoroughly. We try to “go through” all the teeth, paying special attention to the smile area.
  3. We fix the effect with soft movements of a dry brush.
  4. Leave the banana pulp on your teeth for about 5 minutes. Try not to close your lips so as not to erase it prematurely.
  5. Rinse your mouth with water.
  6. We brush our teeth with toothpaste again.
  7. The last step is to use a mouth rinse.

There is a second way: chop a piece of banana with a fork and apply it to your teeth. Next, the steps are the same as described above.

How to whiten teeth with banana peel

To whiten your teeth with banana peels at home, you should follow important recommendations during this procedure that will help improve the appearance and quality of your teeth. In this case, you should use important recommendations when using banana peels:

  1. After cleaning your teeth in the morning or evening, you should take a banana and peel it from the bottom edge;
  2. The resulting peel should be cut into small pieces;
  3. Then you need to take a small piece and apply it with the inside to the surface of the teeth. After this, we begin rubbing in a circular motion for several seconds;
  4. If there are specks on the surface of the enamel, then rubbing it should be done quite vigorously;
  5. When rubbed, the loose side of the peel forms a kind of paste that will completely cover the surface of the tooth enamel;
  6. Next, you need to leave your teeth alone so that the banana paste is absorbed, this will take about 5-10 minutes;
  7. It is recommended to keep your mouth slightly open during the absorption process; this will not be very convenient, but otherwise the paste can be accidentally removed with your lips;
  8. After this, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the enamel surface with a toothbrush. During cleaning, you must perform circular movements for 3 minutes. During this period, the banana mixture penetrates all areas of the enamel and whitens its structure;
  9. At the end, the teeth are completely cleaned with a brush and toothpaste.

Recommendations: to ensure that the thread-like parts of the pulp remain on the peel, it is better to peel the banana from the bottom up; You need to rub your teeth with the inside of the peel until they are completely covered with banana paste, do not expect a quick effect, the result will be visible after several procedures.

For this purpose, you need to use the peels of ripe, but not overripe bananas.

If you are going to use banana peels to whiten your teeth, then carefully consider the choice of fruits themselves. Thus, only fruits that have a suitable degree of maturity can become useful, because They contain the largest amount of useful substances and minerals. For example, it is ineffective to use green fruits, as well as those that are already beginning to turn black. The ideal option is a ripe, rich yellow fruit.

For this procedure, it is advisable to use ripe fruits.

You should not pick up fruit in large quantities, because... Bananas spoil quickly and turn black. Considering that one procedure for home enamel lightening will not give a positive result, and you will have to be patient for at least two weeks in advance, then buy bananas in the appropriate quantity. For example, no more than 3-5 pieces per trip to the store - this is quite enough for a week’s course of procedures. Make a repeat purchase only after the fruit is completely used up or has spoiled (turned black).

If desired, the peel removed from the banana can be pre-cut into long strips 2-3 centimeters wide and frozen. This way you can provide yourself with a supply of fresh “bleaching material” for a week without having to prepare a new portion each time. Naturally, before use, the product must be defrosted at room temperature.

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