Life hacks: How to whiten teeth with foil at home?

Teeth whitening with folk remedies is an eternal topic, because an aesthetic trip to a professional does not fit into the format of insurance medicine. We have to shell out a large sum, and finances have been awarded the Golden Gramophone in the romance category for years. If this sounds like you, then you can try whitening your teeth using foil at home. But before you do, please read this nerdy but true warning:

  • If you have sensitive teeth (they react with pain when eating hot, cold, sour, etc.), do not whiten them yourself using any recipes! Sensitivity indicates insufficient tooth enamel, and any whitening procedures harm it, that is, they weaken the natural protection of the teeth. Look for an alternative to modern teeth whitening under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Do not repeat the procedure too often (no more than once a month, and better - twice). The pursuit of beauty can turn into a terrible force that destroys tooth enamel. Ideally, replace all these grandma’s methods with something that is guaranteed and safe to bring results.

So how do you whiten your teeth with foil and toothpaste? Need to stock up:

  1. Food foil;
  2. Toothpaste;
  3. Salt (table salt);
  4. Soda.

The procedure is simple: we make two wide strips of foil, each of which will cover the lower and upper teeth. Prepare the solution: squeeze out the paste (for measuring, you can use the lid of a five-liter canister of water). Pour a quarter teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda into it. Mix and distribute the resulting mixture around the perimeter of the foil. Place it on your teeth (for 15 minutes). Then we wash it off, rinse our mouth, brush our teeth as usual and get a visible effect. Here's another recipe from my home repertoire.

How to extend the whitening effect for a long time?

Don't start your morning with coffee and stop smoking. You should also avoid excessive consumption of strong tea and other coloring drinks and sauces. The more neutral the diet, the longer the result will last.

This life hack is perhaps the most gentle whitening method of all that you can do yourself at home (here is another alternative). We know all the components (except, perhaps, soda) very well and consume them daily. But this does not mean at all that you can abuse this and uncontrollably indulge in folk and homemade things. It is best to go to a free district clinic and talk with a specialist before making a final decision.

Here is the result of bleaching with foil - before and after:

Tags: life hack, folk remedies, whitening, recipe

About the author: DrZubastik

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List of contraindications

Active lightening components used for the procedure can damage the strength of tooth enamel. It is not recommended to whiten your teeth at home with solutions with foil if you have the following dental problems:

  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • thin fragile enamel;
  • signs of caries;
  • bleeding gums.

The fact is that all the brightening solutions used for foil bleaching can make these problems worse. The active ingredients may cause burning, tooth sensitivity, and other discomfort if you suffer from any of these conditions. In general, you need to be careful when using various non-traditional methods of treatment, since the result can be unpredictable.

Teeth whitening recipe according to Neumyvakin

Professor Neumyvakin is a famous “soda expert”, the author of many recipes on the use of this “miracle powder”. He recommends brushing your teeth with baking soda not only for whitening, but also to treat oral disease.

To whiten teeth according to Neumyvakin, the professor offers the following recipe:

  • Make a special whitening paste from 15 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, 2-3 drops of fresh lemon juice and 1/2 tsp. baking soda. Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous paste forms.
  • Apply the paste to a soft-bristled brush or cotton pad. Rub into teeth using circular movements from the outside and inside.
  • After application, refrain from water and food for 15 minutes, then rinse the remaining mixture with boiled water.
  • After completing the procedure, you should not eat or drink for another 20 minutes.

According to Neumyvakin, this method will eventually restore the beauty of your teeth and help get rid of the formation of tartar.

To maintain your whiteness for as long as possible, the professor recommends eating right and giving up coffee and cigarettes.

Preparing the whitening mixture

To make any foil whitening tray recipe, you will need toothpaste. For obvious reasons, it is best to take a paste with the appropriate effect. Next, you choose the version of the recipe for how to whiten teeth with foil, which you like best in terms of composition.

With salt and soda

For this solution you will need regular table soda and some toothpaste. Mix the ingredients in a 2 to 1 ratio, two parts paste to one part baking soda. If you want, you can add salt to the solution, then the ratio will be 2 to 1 to 1. Rub the mixture thoroughly until it becomes homogeneous.

With coconut oil

Teeth whitening with coconut oil is also prepared using baking soda. Take 1 part each of oil and baking soda, add a drop of essential peppermint oil, mix. This recipe can be used both to whiten your teeth at home with foil, and to make your breath fresh and pleasant.

With hydrogen peroxide

There is no toothpaste in this recipe, you only need baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Take the ingredients in a ratio of 2 to 1, then mix thoroughly. The mixture turns out to be quite caustic; it quickly eats away tartar, but also greatly damages the enamel.

With acids

Before you try to whiten your teeth at home with foil and acids, read the list of contraindications. It is strictly not recommended to use this recipe for people with sensitive teeth. You can use strawberries, lemon or apple cider vinegar as the main ingredient in the recipe.

How does baking soda affect tooth enamel?

Sodium bicarbonate has high abrasive properties. Plaque removal occurs due to small crystalline particles contained in soda powder. In addition, soda has excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, helps heal small wounds and prevents the development of caries.

Benefits of soda whitening:

  • The result is noticeable from the first use.
  • Soda heals stomatitis and gingivitis well.
  • Whitening can be done at home without expensive procedures.

But this popular method also has disadvantages:

  • Excessive use of soda as a bleaching agent damages the enamel, reducing its layer.
  • With constant use of soda powder, teeth become more sensitive to irritants.
  • If your gums are prone to bleeding, small abrasive particles may cause increased bleeding.

Making a mouth guard from foil

Now you need to make a dental guard. For this you will need regular table foil. How to do it correctly:

  1. Cut a rectangular piece of foil measuring 10 by 5 cm.
  2. Fold the material in half lengthwise to make the mouth guard strong.
  3. Bend the rectangle lengthwise at an angle.
  4. Place a teaspoon of whitening solution in the tray.
  5. Place it on the top row of teeth.
  6. Press well so that the tray tightly envelops the crowns.
  7. Do the same with the second row of teeth.

Leave the mouth guard for a while, wait until the reagents dissolve the plaque. The foil should remain on the teeth for at least 20-30 minutes. Then you need to remove the strips from your teeth, brush your teeth, and rinse your mouth thoroughly. To freshen your breath, you can rinse your mouth again with a special dental solution.

There is a small warning for those who are interested in how to whiten teeth with soda solutions, foil and toothpaste. The fact is that the whitening procedure can be quite unpleasant. The entire time the trays are in your mouth, you may experience severe drooling and the taste in your mouth will be disgusting. But the result you will see after the procedure is worth it.

Teeth whitening with baking soda and lemon

The method of teeth whitening with baking soda and lemon allows you to easily remove tobacco plaque and restore whiteness to your teeth.

  • Take a pinch of baking soda and add 3 drops of lemon juice to it.
  • After adding the juice, the powder will begin to foam profusely. Apply this mixture onto the paste.
  • Brush your teeth for 2-3 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

The soda-lemon mixture is considered effective due to its highly acidic environment, which dissolves plaque. However, this is a very aggressive environment, so if you have any oral diseases or have recently undergone dental surgery, you should avoid this method.

Soda-lemon cleaning is carried out once every 2 months; more frequent use of the mixture will cause severe irritation in the oral cavity and lead to damage to the enamel.

Save the result

Now that your teeth are clean, it's time to think about how to strengthen and maintain their whiteness for a long time. There are a few simple rules to follow after whitening.

What you need to do to make the whitening results last longer:

  • carry out high-quality brushing of teeth at least 2 times a day;
  • carefully remove food debris, brush your teeth with floss or brushes;
  • prevent the accumulation of plaque and bacteria in the mouth;
  • try to quit smoking, because nicotine darkens your teeth;
  • After tea and coffee, be sure to brush your tooth enamel;
  • regularly treat dental diseases.

Any whitening procedure quickly gives the desired result, but this is only a temporary effect. Constantly whitening your teeth is not an option, because this procedure will gradually destroy them. In order for the enamel to retain its natural whiteness for a long time, it must be carefully taken care of. Try to visit the dentist twice a year and do not overuse at-home whitening.

Why does tooth enamel darken?

There can be many reasons for darkening of tooth enamel. The most common include:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules. If you don't brush and floss your teeth, plaque, consisting of food debris and pathogenic bacteria, accumulates on the surface of your teeth. Over time, the plaque thickens, creating a dark “shell” that changes the natural color.

  • Smoking. Smokers most often suffer from rapid yellowing of the enamel, which occurs due to deposits of resins contained in tobacco smoke. Smoking negatively affects not only the condition of the enamel, but also provokes the development of caries, stomatitis and other problems.
  • Frequent consumption of coffee, black tea, wine and juices. These drinks negatively affect the color of teeth due to the large number of dyes. You can drink coffee and tea, but you must use a special toothpaste.


Ilya, 32 years old, Magnitogorsk. I smoke a lot and like to treat myself to strong coffee. Naturally, the enamel quickly darkens and turns yellow. I went to the dentist - the effect was short-lived, but I spent a lot of money. I read reviews on the forums about using baking soda for whitening and decided to try it. Despite the untested method, the result was very surprising: there was a huge difference before and after whitening, the teeth became much whiter, and the enamel was not damaged.

Elizaveta, 26 years old, Saratov. I learned about teeth whitening with baking soda from a friend. I thought it was nonsense, because I always used soda only for baking. When I tried it, I was very surprised by the results - the color of my teeth changed a lot. I really haven’t tried bleaching with vinegar, I used coconut oil and baking soda.

The video shows homemade teeth whitening recipes.

We recommend studying the article on how to rinse your mouth with baking soda for toothache and gum inflammation.


Many people who have experienced the whitening properties of baking soda were satisfied with the results and plan to repeat the procedure in the future.

You can share your achievements in the matter of lightening enamel using folk remedies prepared on the basis of sodium bicarbonate in the comments to the article.

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Lightening with soda and strawberries

This unusual method will help whiten your teeth and feel a pleasant taste:

  • You will need 2-3 ripe strawberries. It is better to choose ordinary garden strawberries - the concentration of nutrients and acids in them will be much higher than in berries from the store.
  • Mash the berries until smooth and mix with a pinch of baking soda.
  • Distribute the resulting mixture over the surface of the teeth. This is a fairly mild product, so leave the mixture for 5-10 minutes to achieve the desired effect.
  • Rinse your mouth and brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste.

Preparation rules

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is necessary to properly prepare the elements of the dentition for the upcoming manipulation.

To do this, you should follow these recommendations:

  • a month and a half before whitening, increase the consumption of foods high in fluoride and calcium, in particular milk, cereals, seafood, vegetables and herbs;
  • use fluoride-containing toothpaste during oral hygiene;
  • take vitamin and mineral complexes prescribed by your doctor.

The listed activities will help increase immunity and strengthen the enamel, which will reduce the risk of damage during the whitening process.

The best whitening toothpaste - rating among dentists and consumers.

Read reviews of whitening tooth powder for smokers here.

At this address we will talk about the pros and cons of the Luxury White Pro teeth whitening pencil.

Properties of soda

Sodium bicarbonate can disinfect surfaces as an antiseptic, which is good for whitening

The unique properties of soda have made the product popular in various areas of human life, this is explained by the three main properties of the powder: antiseptic, regenerating, cleansing.

Antiseptic properties

Sodium bicarbonate can disinfect surfaces as an antiseptic.

This property has a positive effect on enamel whitening. Thanks to him, the procedure prevents harmful bacteria from entering the oral cavity.

Regenerating properties

Sodium accelerates skin regeneration by affecting metabolic processes in cells. When teeth whitening, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums and improves their condition.

Cleansing properties

Large powder particles are capable of removing a thin layer of the surface. This applies to both plaque and tooth enamel. Soda owes its instant effect to this property.

What foods should you not eat after whitening?

  • Sauces, especially tomato-based

Their bright color will easily transfer to your teeth. Balsamic, a sweet and sour seasoning originally from Italy, can have a similar effect.

Our advice: in order to protect the enamel from the negative effects of acids and dyes, you can eat lettuce, a little broccoli or spinach before eating dishes with ketchup or other dressings. However, it is better to avoid sauces for a few days. Instead, use vegetable oils with the addition of lemon juice.

  • Beet

Contains many chromogens that stain enamel. Their concentration in this vegetable is especially high, which increases the risk of staining and discoloration.

Our advice: After eating, rinse your mouth or brush your teeth with a whitening toothpaste to prevent stains.

  • Richly colored berries

These are blueberries, raspberries, currants, blueberries, blackberries, as well as cranberries, cherries and cherries. They will stain the enamel in a characteristic tone if you do not protect your smile from the action of pigments.

Our advice: do not completely exclude berries from your diet. Use a special rinse immediately after eating - it will reduce the negative impact and prevent dyes from making your teeth darker.

  • Curry

This spice contains yellow or reddish pigment, which means your snow-white smile is at risk.

Our advice: just use a whitening paste after meals - this will help avoid the appearance of age spots.

  • Sweets with dyes

These are not only bright lollipops and candies (including chocolate), but also ice cream and chewing gum. Ever notice how your tongue turns colored after you eat them? The same thing happens with enamel.

Our advice: buy sweets that do not contain artificial colors - for example, natural marmalade, marshmallows or Turkish delight. If you take chewing gum, it should be sugar-free. After eating, don't forget to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since soda is a strong abrasive, its use for teeth whitening is highly effective, in addition to which users of this method note the following advantages of the manipulation:

  • low cost;
  • the ability to carry out the procedure independently;
  • instant results;
  • no harm to health if the rules of the session are followed.

Along with the advantages, the teeth whitening procedure based on folk recipes using soda can have negative aspects, especially if the technology for its implementation is violated.

Dentists identify the following complaints that patients come with after self-manipulation:

  • increased sensitivity of enamel;
  • thinning of the protective layer of the tooth surface, formation of microcracks on it;
  • damage to the mucous membrane, sensitivity and bleeding of the gums;
  • development of an allergic reaction.

From the video you will learn what will happen if you often whiten your teeth with soda.

Dentists' opinions

Despite the large number of positive responses from patients about the soda whitening procedure, dentists warn against performing this manipulation.

Their categorical nature is explained by the aggressive effect of abrasive particles on the enamel, which often results in its damage.

According to experts, it is permissible to use soda in exceptional cases. For regular hygiene, it is necessary to use several dental devices that complement each other and a special paste, which should be selected based on the condition of the teeth and gums.

One of the dentist's opinions is presented in the video.

Preliminary actions

Before starting the procedure, it is important to prepare the oral cavity for the aggressive effects of soda:

  1. If your usual diet is not filled with products containing fluoride and calcium, you need to introduce them into the menu a month in advance

    If your usual diet is not filled with products containing fluoride and calcium, you need to introduce them to the menu a month in advance. These include fermented milk products, cereals, seafood, apples, grapefruits, potatoes and greens.

  2. Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel. Special toothpastes, which are sold in pharmacies, will help increase its content. Daily use will strengthen the tooth shell, and whitening with soda will not cause negative consequences.
  3. Macroelements also ensure dental health. There are not enough of them in the daily diet - vitamin complexes come to the rescue.

The main goal of these actions is to strengthen tooth enamel, because it takes the brunt of aggressive environmental influences.

Perhaps improving the condition of the shell will completely eliminate the need for bleaching. Ignoring the above points often leads to the destruction of enamel and caries.

Precautionary measures

The use of soda powder to lighten teeth, in addition to good results, can severely damage the enamel if the following safety rules are not followed during the procedure:

  • you cannot arbitrarily exceed the proportions of any ingredients specified in the recipe;
  • During the procedure, it is necessary to avoid excessive pressure on the dentition;
  • It is advisable to use a brush with soft bristles;
  • the duration and frequency of whitening procedures should not be exceeded;
  • each whitening course should be completed with a two- to three-week break;
  • in order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to first carry out a test by applying a small amount of whitening paste to the skin in the area of ​​the elbow;
  • For each lightening procedure, it is necessary to use a freshly prepared composition.

In addition, it is worth understanding that you should refrain from the whitening procedure if there is high sensitivity and thinning of the enamel, bleeding gums and the presence of any dental diseases.

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