ROCS Active Magnesium Toothpaste Includes high concentrations of magnesium for dental health

“Rox” is the result of the collective work of Swiss and Russian scientists working in Moscow, in the World Dental Systems laboratory. The brand is known for its natural and effective products. Rox toothpastes do not contain alcohol, para-benzoic acid, dyes or other harmful elements. The products are produced for all age groups of people and are manufactured taking into account the needs of the average buyer.

Composition of Rox toothpastes

Toothpastes are made on the basis of mineral complexes , which help enrich the enamel with minerals, protect it and increase resistance to irritants, preventing caries and periodontitis. These components are:

  • Bromelain is a natural enzyme characterized by the ability to break down protein products, which prevents plaque formation and gum inflammation. The addition of bromelain to the composition eliminates the need for high abrasiveness of the product.
  • Xylitol is required to enhance the effects of remineralizing substances and stop the action of carious bacteria.
  • Calcium glycerophosphate, together with magnesium chloride, restores the structure and natural whiteness of teeth.

Some Rox pastes are saturated with amino fluoride. Its use is determined by the rapid formation of a film on the teeth, necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

Depending on the type and purpose of the product, its composition may include glycerin, chlorophyll, tromethamine, hydrogen peroxide, various fragrances and other ingredients.

The advantages of Rox products include innovative manufacturing technology using a special formula. The production process is based on the use of exceptionally low temperatures, which makes it possible to increase the duration of the active elements and the effect of use by several hours. In this way, products are developed for all age groups.

Customer Reviews

Maria. I have been using Rock series products for over 4 years. I liked “Bionica” the most. I often buy the drug at the first sign of bleeding gums. After 3-4 weeks of using the gel, the problem disappears by itself. I also tried the “Antitobacco” series, since my teeth enamel is dark due to drinking coffee too often. The smell and taste of the product was too strong for me, so I gave it to my husband.

Allah. My daughter constantly has caries, and this problem has appeared since the first grade. The dentist advised us to purchase Rox Active Calcium paste. Now my daughter is already 10 years old, and in 3 years she has not developed a single new hole in her enamel. I think that the paste allowed us to cope with this problem.

Alexei. I decided to try Rox toothpaste after purchasing a brush from the same brand. I took Rox Sensitive toothpaste with a whitening effect when I joined the army. During the oath, my relatives noticed that my smile became much brighter.

Types of children's toothpastes "Rox"

The line of products for children from 0 to 3 years old was developed taking into account the specific hygiene procedures at this age. Babies do not yet know how to rinse their mouths and swallow most of the product, so ROCS Baby products consist of 98.5% biocomponents and do not contain fluoride and other harmful substances.

There are several varieties of ROCS toothpastes for babies:

  • Baby Pro is focused on limiting the activity of carious bacteria.
  • Baby “Tender care with chamomile flowers.” An effective remedy for periodontal inflammation, it has a pleasant taste.
  • Baby "Gentle care with linden." The complex of herbal components in this product helps to cope with teething pain.

line is produced for children from 3 to 7 years old. Types of pastas in this category differ in ingredients and taste. ROCS Kids “Bubble Gum” paste with berry or citrus flavor is saturated with amino fluoride. Kids with barberry, fruit ice cream and Sweet Princess flavors contain the active remineralizing complex Mineralin. In each package, the child can find a surprise, it could be a mini-game or a coloring book.

The Teens series is intended for children from 8 to 18 years old. This line differs from other types of pastes in its increased concentration of the main active elements.

Types of Rox toothpastes for people with sensitive teeth

Dental hyperesthesia is manifested by unpleasant sensations when eating or oral hygiene. Some people cannot drink hot or cold drinks or eat sweet or sour foods. Often, a dental problem reaches the point where pain occurs when inhaling.

For such people, several types of ROCS toothpastes are produced:

  • Sensitive "Instant effect". The combination of calcium, phosphate and xylitol gently and quickly eliminates pain, saturating dentin with minerals. Microparticles of the elements envelop the tooth and penetrate into the cracks, forming a protective film.

  • Sensitive "Restoration and whitening". A type of paste characterized by an immediate reduction in tooth sensitivity and a whitening effect. Mineral particles restore the natural whiteness of teeth and normalize the microflora of the oral cavity in just 2 weeks.

  • Bionica and Bionica Sensitive pastes consist of more than 94% plant elements. These products do not contain antiseptics or antibiotics, so they can be used by preschool children and pregnant women.
  • ROCS "Viennese dessert". The combination of bromelain and calcium in the product ensures a reduction in hyperesthesia and preservation of cleanliness for a long period. The product should be used in courses of one month.

Types of Rox whitening toothpastes for adults

The formula of Rox whitening pastes is based on the Mineralin complex, including bromelain, xylitol, calcium and magnesium. The combination of elements allows you to quickly eliminate staining of the tooth surface, remove plaque and protect tooth enamel. A specific characteristic of the product is the absence of fluorine in its composition.

Manufacturers of ROCS products offer several types of whitening pastes:

  • “Bionica Whitening” is a unique paste, more than 95% consisting of natural elements that are included in the diet of a healthy person. Active substances qualitatively clean and protect tooth enamel from pigmentation, the spread of carious bacteria, and periodontitis.
  • ROCS “Magic Whitening” and “Magic Whitening” are therapeutic and prophylactic products enriched with polishing microparticles of minerals. The manufacturer claims that thanks to the multi-stage cleansing system, the surface of the teeth becomes significantly lighter after a week of using the product.
  • "Blank verse". Special compressed silicon dioxide particles whiten teeth, and the combination of minerals prevents the appearance of harmful microflora, the development of caries and gingivitis.
  • Uno Whitening is one of the pastes in the line for people with thin tooth enamel, rich in calcium and phosphorus. The elements provide protection and remineralization of the enamel. The products are suitable for people who have recently had a tooth filled, especially if inexpensive filling technologies have been used in dentistry.

For people who drink caffeine-containing drinks and tobacco products, dentists recommend the use of Anti-Tobacco and Coffee and Tobacco pastes. The active biocomponents of toothpastes act for a long period. The products get rid of unpleasant tobacco odor, dry mouth and pigmented plaque. The products also contain vitamin E, the lack of which negatively affects gum sensitivity.


  1. Intolerance to components. The instructions indicate a contraindication for people sensitive to the components of the drug. If you are hypersensitive to the bromelain enzyme, allergic reactions and nausea may occur.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period. During pregnancy and lactation, the baby receives all substances directly from the mother. The composition of this series is completely natural, but plant extracts can cause allergic reactions in the expectant mother and newborn.
  3. Very thin tooth enamel with many chips and cracks. Such teeth must first be treated in a clinic. Of course, the manufacturer promises that the product heals small cracks and restores even thin enamel, but in advanced cases it is better to entrust the restoration to a specialist.
  4. Wearing braces. Whitening becomes meaningless; a large area of ​​tooth enamel is located under arches and locks. If you whiten your teeth while wearing braces, after they are removed, the color of the enamel will be uneven and professional whitening will be required.


According to the manufacturer, with daily use of any type of ROCS PRO toothpastes, a person will be able to boast of healthy gums, teeth and persistent fresh breath, coupled with a snow-white smile. The WDS scientific laboratory has created products that can clean teeth and oral cavity efficiently, effectively and carefully. Products are manufactured using new technology, which improves their cleaning and protective properties without increasing the amount of abrasive substances.

Product range:

  • “Sweet Mint” and “Fresh Mint” are products for regular use that eliminate yellowness of the enamel. Suitable for use in case of increased tooth sensitivity.
  • “Oxygen bleaching” is a substance enriched with oxygen and recommended for use in conjunction with bleaching agents. The product can be used both together with the whitening paste and after it. It is preferable to use it in courses lasting no more than a month.
  • Brackets & Ortho is an advanced whitening paste with special microparticles aimed at enhanced cleansing of the oral cavity. The product is relevant for people who have dental structures in the form of braces and removable dentures.
  • Young & White Enamel. The paste formula is designed to maintain healthy and white teeth with “young” enamel.
  • Electro & Whitening. Dentists recommend using this type of product in combination with electric brushes. According to them, the complex of products will more carefully, thoroughly and quickly clean tooth enamel from plaque, preserve fresh breath for a long time and prevent the appearance of harmful microorganisms.

Other types of Rox toothpastes

Among the series of oral hygiene products is the Uno line. It is intended for use after dental operations that involved polishing the teeth. Such procedures make the enamel thin and susceptible to pathogenic microbes.

Another unique toothpaste is Energy with taurine. An increased concentration of the element has a beneficial effect on the metabolic process in the soft tissues of the oral cavity. The use of the paste is not recommended for children under 16 years of age.

produces other complex pastes that differ in taste and concentration of active substances. The company adheres to the principle of creating a natural and effective product, regardless of age category and dental problems. Therefore, all types of Rox pastes remineralize, restore and strengthen teeth, restore and maintain the natural color of enamel, prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and inflammation of the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

The components used in Rox toothpastes are well accepted by the human body, and their degree of abrasiveness is minimal, which eliminates damage to tooth enamel during hygiene procedures.

General introduction to the product

ROKS is a toothpaste produced by the commercial and industrial group of companies DRC. This organization specializes in the development, creation and sale of ultra-modern products for the care of teeth and gums: high-quality toothpastes, brushes, balms, sprays, dental floss. The company has its own laboratory and industrial sites. Unique formulas created on the basis of modern scientific research into the oral cavity and teeth make ROKS products effective means aimed at combating caries, gum inflammation and other diseases.

These pastes are widely popular because they allow you to organize comprehensive care: effective prevention of major types of diseases, ensuring fresh breath, whitening without harming the enamel.

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