How to straighten teeth at home

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A unique teeth filing procedure has been used to create a perfect smile since 200 years ago. At that time, such a unique treatment was used to prevent caries by completely removing damaged hard tissues. Now the technology is actively used in dentistry to eliminate aesthetic defects and straighten teeth.

Filing is recommended for patients whose one or more teeth differ in size or stand out from the general row. A popular indication for the procedure is the presence of small chips on the fangs or incisors.

Fangs made of plastic

To make vampire teeth at home, take a bowl, spoon and plastic chopsticks. You can also use ground plastic. Place the plastic in a medium-sized bowl and fill with boiling water. When the material begins to melt, carefully pick it up with a spoon so as not to get burned. Now the plastic has softened and is easy to change.

How to make vampire fangs at home from plastic nails?

Vampire fangs made from ordinary false nails are very convenient to produce and wear. Take nail tips, a file, scissors, nail glue, acrylic paint or white polish. From the set, you need to choose a pair of nails that are most suitable for your teeth. Most likely, these will be false nails for the little fingers. If the tips are too long, cut them off. Now use a nail file to give your nails a pointed tooth shape.

Apple Vampire Fangs

You're not going to a vampire themed party or Halloween, but just want to scare someone? Then you won't need scary vampire fangs glued to your own teeth. After all, the scare scam will take you very little time, and walking around with a foreign body in your mouth is not very pleasant. How to make vampire fangs without gluing them tightly? It's very simple, all you need is an ordinary apple! Only the fruit must be hard. Using a thin knife or an ink pen, you need to cut out two parts from the apple, close in size and shape to the cone. The parts just need to be put on your own teeth. But you can’t close your mouth with vampire apple fangs on your teeth. Saliva will simply ruin them. Putting on artificial teeth, quickly bring your insidious plan to fruition!

Fangs can also be made from cotton wool for a short time.

You can also use a plastic fork for this purpose.

There are many options for straightening your teeth/bite at home:

- try to tie the teeth with a thread so that they come together (here most often we are talking about the upper central incisors. In adolescence, there is often a gap between them, called a gap among ordinary people, and in the dental community - a diastema).

It is absolutely forbidden to make such attempts to straighten your teeth! The thread can, in a completely incomprehensible way, “go” under the gum, from where it will have to be removed surgically. Not the most pleasant thing to do.

— Or here’s an option on how to straighten your teeth

at home: if you constantly press on the tooth with your finger (or tongue), you can correct it by placing it in the desired position. The exercise is questionable, because effective tooth movement most often requires constant pressure. And it is impossible to walk all day with a finger in your mouth or with an unnatural position of your tongue.

And it's not worth it. The orthodontist will still do it more effectively. Sometimes patients also say that they suspect (or already know that they have) an incorrect bite, and therefore they try to put the lower jaw themselves (since it is the only movable bone in the skull) in the correct position. Of course, this requires constant self-control, motivation and just patience. Probably funny. Not for those who put so much pressure on their jaw all day long and keep thinking endlessly: “Well, how else can I straighten my teeth? Damn, something isn't working! Well, HOW else?”

Alas, this tactic is also ineffective, because in order to change the bite at home, most often it takes a long time to “retrain” the muscles to their new position and configuration, and for this to happen, you need to maintain them in the appropriate tone 24 hours a day

. Perhaps even the most disciplined patient cannot do this, because when we eat, talk, sleep, and finally, we are not able to control these moments 100%. Of course, this is not as dangerous and cartoonish as twisting threads around your teeth or constantly holding your finger in your mouth, but it doesn’t bring much benefit either. Contact an orthodontist - this is the best option of all of the above.

To understand the risk you are exposing your teeth to when trying to put them in order on your own, we bring to your attention a short but VERY interesting video - HOW TEETH MOVE. The truth is that only one tooth is not crooked; changes to one degree or another affect both the teeth adjacent to it and the entire dentition, and this can be very, very difficult for a non-specialist to understand.

Do-it-yourself fangs, molded from plastic

Another way to make fangs with your own hands is using plastic for modeling. Sets of various soft plastics are now widely available in stores. Using such a universal material, you can make excellent, beautiful and durable bloodsucker teeth. How to make vampire fangs at home? Of course, first buy a set of plastic. A particularly large selection is presented in stores for needlewomen involved in the fashionable hobby - handmade. Be sure to read the instructions on the package or consult the seller. Soft plastic has its own characteristics of use! Make fangs out of it that are as similar to real ones as possible. Put your imagination to work! After sculpting, immediately place the finished fangs on your own teeth so that they can adapt to the shape of the owner's jaw.

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Now you know that getting ready for a party or carnival can be quick and easy. Don't buy fangs in the store, but use your imagination and have a good time making the best vampire fangs.

Young people are trying to “keep up with fashion.” To achieve their goals, young people sometimes neglect the safety of their health. They strive to stand out from the crowd and be modern.

Informal teenagers, especially those who consider themselves goths, try to follow fashion and grow fangs. This can be done with the help of modern dentistry. This desire arises, in most cases, in adolescents aged 14–20 years.

It is rare to meet an older person who strives to grow fangs. Currently, tooth enlargement occurs using several methods.

Myth 2. You can straighten the position of the tooth and/or bite yourself and without the intervention of an orthodontist

Oh yeah! And such things as “straighten your bite at home” can be heard when communicating with patients (most often after an unsuccessful attempt to straighten a tooth at home), or you can even find “valuable advice” on the topic of “straightening teeth at home” on the Internet.

Correct your bite or dental defect with invisible aligners Find out what it is

What could be the motivation?

Fangs can be extended or restored for dental reasons or for beauty.

For medical purposes, canine extensions are necessary for the following purposes:

  • the enamel is damaged or has microcracks;
  • the tooth has damage from deep caries or the hard tissue has suffered mechanical damage;
  • the tooth wears out with age;
  • for defects that cannot be corrected aesthetically;
  • There is pronounced pigmentation on the enamel.

In order to improve (change) their appearance, each person makes an independent decision about the advisability of growing fangs.

Over the past few years, this procedure has only gained popularity. Patients are confident that restoration of certain teeth can correct their facial expression and make their smile more mysterious and unusual. They are confident that they will acquire a certain charm and novelty.

In most cases, manipulations on the fangs are performed only for decorative aesthetics.


Restrictions that future “vampires” should take into account:

  • work will not be carried out with periodontitis;
  • The patient will also receive a refusal if the bite is incorrect, if the load when eating food is not distributed evenly;
  • extension is impossible if the canine is severely damaged, in this case a crown is put on;
  • with irregular oral care;
  • if you are allergic to the material used;
  • deep caries;
  • If the enamel wears out too much, extensions will be ineffective.

How is filing of front teeth performed?

The technique of filing teeth varies depending on the condition of the oral cavity, the current diagnosis and treatment goals. Teeth filing begins with a detailed diagnosis. The specialist evaluates the feasibility of the procedure and identifies the teeth that need correction. For an accurate diagnosis, an examination is carried out, the causes of the disease are studied, and a treatment method is determined. The procedure consists of simple steps:

  • Determination of the working area. For this, wax plates or special aerosols are used. The use of additional means allows you to mechanically highlight or paint an area that stands out from the general row and prevents the normal closure of teeth. In particularly advanced situations, it will be necessary to create a plaster model of the client’s jaw;
  • Anesthesia if a large layer of hard tissue is to be removed;
  • Direct filing with a diamond bur. On chewing teeth, the enamel is removed in the areas of protruding cusps. In the case of incisor processing, multidirectional movements are used to create the correct tooth shape;
  • Grinding the surface, using products to replenish the deficiency of enamel minerals, as well as drugs to reduce sensitivity and strengthen dental tissue.

After filing, the thickness of the enamel changes, so sensitivity often increases. This phenomenon is temporary and for some time after treatment it is better to refrain from eating too hot or cold food. If the problem does not go away, it is better to consult a dentist.

What does modern dentistry offer?

When growing teeth, in particular fangs, depending on the situation, three methods are used.

Direct method

The growth occurs in the oral cavity. Various materials are used for dental reconstruction.

The material is applied in layers to the prepared tooth. The thickness is selected based on the patient’s wishes. After the procedure is completed, the hardened material is polished and brought to perfection.

The procedure takes a minimal amount of time, no more than one hour per tooth. When growing two fangs, the time spent will be about one and a half hours. The work will be carried out sequentially, which will save time.

Installation of veneers and other overlays

The main work takes place in the dental laboratory.

Veneers are very thin plates made of dental material that resemble enamel in properties. The surface of the tooth is prepared, after which the plates are glued to a special solution.

Instead of veneers, you can install lumineers. They are similar to tooth enamel, and thanks to a special production technology, their thickness is reduced to 0.3 mm.

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Such plates are classified as aesthetic dentistry. With their help you can hide imperfections in your teeth. Masks chips, cracks and stains on tooth enamel.

Installation of crowns

Crowns are selected according to the required size and shape, which is determined by the orthopedic dentist. The production is carried out by a dental technician.

When choosing a crown, you can choose the material from which future fangs will be made. There are also several ways to install the finished product.

The most popular crowns:

  1. Metal-ceramic . A thin layer of ceramic is applied to the metal, which allows the tooth to look more natural.
  2. Ceramic . They are made from zirconium dioxide and have the same characteristics as metal.

You can install a crown:

  • on your treated tooth;
  • if the tooth root is preserved, then it can be installed on a stump tab;
  • you can mount the pin and put it on it.

You can grow fangs with a crown by no more than 4 mm. With a more massive build-up, the oral mucosa and tongue will be injured. Permanent injuries can lead to disastrous results, including the formation of a tumor.

— Popular TikTok stars are increasingly joining the fashion trend lately

— Some people claim that using a nail file they managed to make their teeth smoother and straighter

“However, dentists warn that this destroys tooth enamel and causes a lot of problems.”

Dentists have slammed a dangerous new trend on TikTok where people are grinding down their uneven teeth with a nail file.

Some influencers have recently been posting their own videos on the popular app, showing themselves participating in such a dangerous activity.

Al-Ain 07/05/2020 The Atlantic 04/26/2019

But if TikTok stars claim that this simple life hack made their smile more symmetrical, experts say this can permanently damage your teeth.

Dentists say that such opinion leaders wear away tooth enamel, which ultimately leads to the destruction of the tooth structure.

Enamel is the outer layer of the tooth that protects it from the effects of acids contained in food, and it is not restored. Due to the lack of enamel, the tooth becomes extremely sensitive and is destroyed over time by caries.

“When you remove a piece of tooth structure, you just don't know what you're doing. But you cause irreparable damage to your teeth, you destroy your teeth,” Texas dentist Chad Evans told Business Insider.

In June, aspiring TikTok star Mia Dio became one of the first users to post a video of herself grinding down her teeth. This video has received more than 50,000 likes.

“I file my teeth down with a nail file because they are not perfect. And we'll save a lot of money... warning about a possible negative reaction! " she tells her fans, waving a nail file.

“It really works!” she enthuses later.

Many of her most impressionable fans left comments like: “I've thought about doing the same thing so often. God, they look great!”

Another fan ecstatically whispers: “I made this last week! The result is obvious!”

However, experts through TikTok criticize such statements, trying to convince users that such methods of fighting for beauty are very dangerous. Detroit dentist Z. Mackie posted her own video online explaining why users shouldn't put a nail file in their mouth. “There is nothing good about grinding down your teeth with a file... It significantly increases their sensitivity,” she said.

“If you wear down too much, you'll have to get a filling or a crown,” adds Dr. Mackey, noting that such a trip to the dentist can be expensive.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

In most cases, canine extensions are an aesthetic need. Only in rare cases is such a procedure necessary for medical reasons and it is carried out using artificial material. In many cases, it is simply necessary to restore the appearance of the tooth.

Vampire fangs are a tribute to fashion; they are common in some subcultures among young people.

What does reconstruction give:

  • aesthetic indicators increase, the smile becomes natural, snow-white and beautiful;
  • durability of materials;
  • the ability to completely restore a tooth, even if some part is missing, the main requirement is the presence of a healthy root and the presence of bone tissue in the required volume;
  • you can change your smile, appearance and image.
  • high cost of the procedure;
  • there is no one hundred percent guarantee for a long-term result; the fang can break due to improper care or when chewing hard food;
  • The procedure cannot be carried out if the root is slightly damaged.

What do extended fangs look like for girls and guys in real life:

It is important! Dental care rules

What is a healthy and beautiful smile? This is, first of all, the attitude of the person himself to his health and beauty, and only then the work of the dentist. You need to take care of your oral cavity from childhood. How to properly care for your teeth?

Dental care rules

1. Brush your teeth correctly. You need to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day, morning and evening before bed. You can brush your teeth both before and after meals. If you brush your teeth before meals, do it 15 minutes before meals so as not to spoil the taste with toothpaste, and after breakfast, rinse your mouth with water. You can add half a teaspoon of baking soda to the water or replace the water with mouthwash.

If you are a fan of brushing your teeth after eating, this is also great, because this way you will be sure that food debris will be removed and will save you from the need to rinse your mouth additionally. There is no right or wrong way. Choose the one that suits you. It doesn't matter when you brush your teeth, it matters HOW YOU do it.

2. Use dental floss. There is a huge selection of dental floss: round and flat, super-floss, flavored, fluoride-coated, etc. Of course, you make the choice yourself, but a dentist can help you with this. You need to floss once a day before going to bed, combining it with subsequent brushing of your teeth. The movement of the thread is made only along the axis of the tooth.

3. The right toothbrush. The toothbrush should have artificial bristle fibers. The head of the toothbrush should be approximately 2-2.5 teeth in length. The hardness of the bristles is selected by the dentist. If you don’t know which brush to choose, it’s better to take a medium hard one.

Features of care

To increase the service life of artificial fangs, they must be properly cared for.

Care instructions:

  • Do not use cleaning products with abrasive particles;
  • A toothbrush should be used with soft or medium hardness;
  • smoking and large amounts of coffee can damage dental material;
  • You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day;
  • To increase the service life of the products, you should visit the dentist twice a year and conduct a preventive examination; if necessary, the doctor will polish the fangs and cover them with a protective varnish.

It is impossible to grow fangs professionally at home. To increase the size or restore a tooth, special dental materials are required. You will also need equipment to harden the drug.

But at home you can make temporary vampire teeth from scrap materials.

Who is recommended for teeth straightening?

Before filing a tooth, you should undergo a dental examination and consult with your doctor. You should not prescribe filing yourself or try to do it at home, as there are clear medical indications for performing the procedure:

  • The upper incisors or canines are very different, therefore they spoil the appearance of the jaw and interfere with the formation of a correct bite. In this case, it is enough to shorten the clove so that it fits comfortably when closing the jaw;
  • There are small chips on the edges of the teeth, and a little grinding of the enamel will smooth out any defects;
  • Preparation for orthodontic correction. Often, the dentist will file the edges of the teeth to return all the elements of the jaw to the correct position. Manipulation will be required when installing braces if the dentition is very crowded;
  • The teeth have sharp edges that look unsightly and damage the mucous surface of the cheek;
  • Upcoming installation of veneers or crowns. The dentist files the surfaces of the teeth to form an even row.

The feasibility and effectiveness of the procedure is determined on a personal basis and only at an appointment with a dentist. Grinding the edges of teeth is not recommended for patients with the following conditions:

  • High risk of injury caused by regular exercise or a specific type of professional activity.
  • Increased sensitivity of teeth.
  • High abrasion of enamel.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of the extension procedure depends on several factors:

  • complexity of the chosen method;
  • cost of the material used;
  • the prestige of the clinic;
  • specialist qualifications.

The price range is between 4-40 thousand rubles per tooth. Cosmetic restoration will cost around 5 thousand rubles. If preliminary treatment of caries or other additional dental services is necessary, the cost will increase.

Installing crowns will cost more, but the cost will directly depend on the material chosen. Simple metal ceramics will cost 4 thousand rubles, and a completely ceramic tooth will cost no less than 20 thousand.

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The most expensive material for fang extensions is veneer. Its cost will be from 25 thousand per tooth.

Before you decide to take such a serious step, you should think everything over carefully and weigh the pros and cons. You can make an outwardly beautiful shell, but harm your health. The decision to enlarge fangs is strictly individual; there cannot be one opinion.

Movies and books about vampires have many fans. The mysterious image of mystical creatures with sharp teeth makes young people want to grow fangs. Is it worth doing this for the sake of a momentary “want” and what pitfalls await imitating vampires?

Why do my teeth hurt and my gums hurt after grinding my teeth for a crown?

Hello Svetlana! Yes, you have a lot of questions, let’s look at them in order. In general, in a good way, your teeth shouldn’t hurt after grinding. And your gums shouldn't hurt. It happens that when work is carried out on living teeth, there may be a slightly increased sensitivity to thermal stimuli - cold, hot water. At this moment, despite the fact that there are temporary crowns, the patient still needs to observe a little temperature control in food. Not very hot, but not very cold either. If the winter season is cold, then it is advisable not to breathe through your mouth so as not to get pulpitis, because the tooth is a little, so to speak, “stripped”, it lacks a small layer of enamel. At such a moment, he, of course, can react to cold air. Another cause of discomfort after tooth preparation - grinding - can be a reaction from the gums to the retraction thread, because the retraction thread is laid along the neck of the tooth, and this is most often done with the use of anesthesia so that the entire manipulation is comfortable and painless. But then, during this day, there may be slight discomfort and even slight pain in the area of ​​the ground teeth that were subjected to this procedure. But such pain should have a short-term effect.

Of course, all this will go away on its own, but if you don’t want to endure it, you can take some painkiller that usually helps, which you already know. Of the well-known ones, we can recommend Nurofen or the drug Ketanov. But here it is better to consult with your doctor.

There is no point in enduring pain for a long time, because if there is pain and if it is such that you really have to endure it when a person “climbs the wall,” then of course this is a reason to contact the doctor and tell him about this situation. And my next answer to the question is important, and I ask you to pay special attention to it.

What consequences can the situation lead to if the cause of the pain is not removed?

If the cause of the pain is not eliminated, the situation can lead to pulpitis, that is, inflammation of the nerve.
And depending on what your pain sensitivity threshold is, some are able to endure it or endure it on painkillers. But when the pulp, that is, the nerve in common parlance, dies, the decay products go into the bone tissue and the situation turns into another disease called periodontitis, that is, inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth. From the point of view of tooth preservation, this is already a risky event, that is, such a tooth can be lost later if not treated. But, I hope, you only have a slight malaise, which should go away within the first 24 hours.

How much does it cost to grow fangs and is it worth it?

It is possible to lengthen and sharpen teeth only in a dental clinic. But this does not guarantee dental health and the absence of problems in the future. Before we name the price in monetary units, we will stipulate the intangible price that will have to be paid for this specific pleasure.

What can result from growing fangs:

· caries due to injury to tooth enamel. Violation of the integrity of the enamel leads to the development of caries, and instead of fascinating white fangs, you can get dark spots of caries on your teeth, which obviously does not add charm;

· increased tooth sensitivity to cold/hot, sweet/sour foods. Because the dentist will need to file down the enamel to shape the fang, artificial fangs can become very sensitive. Even a sharp breath of frosty air can be painful;

· discomfort when eating. The function of the canines is to bite and crush food, after which it is chewed by the chewing molars. But artificially elongated fangs no longer cope with their task fully, and poorly chopped food can cause serious harm to the stomach and intestines;

· constant risk of chipping. Extended teeth are softer than natural ones, they are easy to break even on a harmless cracker. If too much enamel is cut off, there is a possibility of not only chipping, but also complete destruction of the tooth;

· discomfort in the mouth. Elongated teeth can injure lips, gums, and even make it difficult to close your mouth. Instead of the image of a sexy vampire, you may get the image of a one-year-old child who is teething, and therefore has an open mouth with increased salivation.

If the list of possible troubles doesn’t scare you, then let’s move on to the cost of the procedure. The price varies from 2-3 thousand to 10 thousand rubles per pair and depends on the method of extension. There are two of them:

· restoration of one’s own canine by filing and extension;

· specially shaped crown.

In the first case, your own shape can be partially restored, in the second you will have to wear a crown constantly.

How to grow fangs at home? Answer: no way, because teeth are not a decorative bush that can be shaped. If you decide to change your appearance in such an extraordinary way, do not experiment at home. Contact specialists who will do this with minimal side effects.

Do not forget that with such decoration your own tooth is damaged, so think carefully before crossing the threshold of a dental clinic for such an unusual purpose.

Is it possible to remove tartar at home?

On the Internet and in printed publications you can find many recipes for removing stones yourself at home. This includes a mixture of black radish with lemon juice, decoctions of walnut bark, and other incredibly practical remedies that can be found in any garden.

But the problem is that they practically don't work. Decoctions of herbs and plants can have a positive effect on the soft tissues of the oral cavity, yes. But they won’t be able to cope with mineral deposits. Daily brushing will help remove bacterial biofilm, but not tartar. Attempts to soften mineral plaque with acid, as was done 25-50 years ago, will also not lead to anything good and can cause pain in already inflamed gum tissues and increase the sensitivity of the enamel.

Mineral tartar, unfortunately, cannot be completely removed at home. Not strawberry paste, not a mixture of black radish with lemon, not walnut bark decoctions, not soda, not a swab with hydrogen peroxide. Not a single one, even the most advertised brush or paste, can destroy mineral structures. But scratching, erasing healthy enamel or causing its increased sensitivity is quite possible.

The only effective and safe way to remove mineral plaque (tartar) from the surface of the enamel is to consult a dentist.

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