Tips for pregnant women - how to get rid of increased salivation

But it is precisely this period of pregnancy that is often complicated by early toxicosis. According to statistics, every second expectant mother suffers from this disease. Many people mistakenly consider it the norm, but this is not so: toxicosis is a pathology.

Usually the word “early toxicosis” refers only to nausea, vomiting and drooling. The medical understanding of this word is somewhat different from the everyday one: in textbooks on obstetrics, toxicosis is considered to be all pathological changes in a woman’s body that can appear in the first trimester of pregnancy. These include not only nausea and vomiting, but also some other unpleasant phenomena that are much less common (dermatoses - skin lesions, tetany - muscle cramps, osteomalacia - softening of bones, jaundice, bronchial asthma of pregnant women, etc.).


Despite numerous studies, the cause of toxicosis has not yet been found. But some hypotheses exist:

The most popular and most substantiated theory of the occurrence of toxicosis is the so-called neuro-reflex theory, according to which disturbances in the relationship between the central nervous system and internal organs play an important role in the development of the disease. Everyone knows that during pregnancy many women become more capricious, irritable, and whiny. This happens because during pregnancy, the historically “older” subcortical structures of the brain begin to work more intensively than usual, whereas usually a person at the highest stage of evolution has a more active cortex. But subcortical structures form the majority of protective reflexes, and wise nature, protecting pregnancy, forces this part of the expectant mother’s brain to work with greater efficiency. The subcortical structures contain the vomiting center, as well as olfactory zones and cells that “control” internal organs, including the stomach, heart, blood vessels, lungs, and salivary glands. Therefore, nausea and vomiting may be preceded by such phenomena as deepening of breathing, increased heart rate, increased amount of saliva, and pallor caused by vasospasm.

Immune theory . From the first days of intrauterine life, the baby is an organism different from the mother in its antigenic composition, to which the pregnant woman produces antibodies that supposedly cause toxicosis.

Hormonal theory . Significant hormonal changes occur in a pregnant woman's body. In particular, a new organ that produces hormones appears - the placenta. The appearance of a new “leader” is not always liked by the nervous system and internal organs of a pregnant woman, and they react to this with symptoms of toxicosis. With vomiting of pregnant women, there is a temporary coincidence of the onset of vomiting with a peak in the content of hCG (placental hormone), and a decrease in corticosteroids in the adrenal cortex is often observed.

Psychogenic theory . It is believed that toxicosis can be the result of negative emotions: fears for the baby, fear of childbirth.

Risk factors

Although no one is immune from toxicosis, it has been noted that most often it occurs in expectant mothers suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, thyroid gland, as well as in women who have undergone induced abortions, chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Predisposing factors are frequent nervous stress and poor nutrition, asthenic type of constitution. In addition, severe forms of early toxicosis more often occur during multiple pregnancies.

If there is no pregnancy

Sometimes excess salivary secretion is not a sign of conception, but becomes a symptom of the disease:

  • hormonal imbalance due to thyroid dysfunction or diabetes;
  • ENT pathologies (tonsillitis, rhinitis);
  • helminthic infestation;
  • disorders of the nervous system with worsening reflexes;
  • various dental diseases;
  • oncology, inflammation of the salivary gland;
  • diseases of the digestive system.

Some medications cause side effects such as increased drooling

How does it manifest?

The most common manifestation of toxicosis is vomiting , which can occur with varying frequency, depending on the severity of toxicosis.

In mild cases of toxicosis, vomiting occurs no more than 5 times a day, and may be accompanied by a prolonged or constant feeling of nausea. Vomiting occurs on an empty stomach and can be caused by food intake or unpleasant odors. In this case, the loss of body weight is either absent or small - 1-3 kg (up to 5% of body weight before pregnancy). This condition can be easily treated at home.

In more severe cases, vomiting occurs up to 10-20 times a day and is accompanied by drooling, while the woman’s general condition significantly worsens, weakness and apathy occur. A significant amount of fluid is lost through vomit and saliva, dehydration occurs, and metabolism is disrupted. The skin becomes dry, pale, blood pressure decreases, the pulse quickens, constipation occurs, the amount of urine discharge decreases, and the temperature rises. Loss of body weight can be up to 8-10 kg or more (up to 10% of initial body weight). With the progression of this form of toxicosis, a violation of water-salt, protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, acid-base and vitamin balance, and the functions of the endocrine glands gradually develops. In such a situation, the supply of nutrients to the fetus is sharply disrupted, and it is during this period that the laying and formation of all the main organs and systems of the baby takes place.

Drooling (ptyalism) can accompany vomiting during pregnancy; less commonly, it occurs as an independent form of early toxicosis. With severe drooling, a pregnant woman can lose 1 liter of fluid per day. Excessive drooling leads to dehydration of the body, loss of proteins, and negatively affects the mental state of a woman.

By 12 weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, the symptoms of early toxicosis disappear.

Condition correction

Methods for eliminating the problem directly depend on the cause of its occurrence. If excessive saliva production occurs in pregnant women and is not caused by pathology, then you should use the following recommendations:

  • exclude from the diet starch-containing foods that cause a feeling of “lump in the throat”;
  • eat often, but in small portions (do not eat spicy, fatty, salty foods);
  • do not retain saliva in your mouth;
  • brush your teeth with mint paste;
  • rinse your mouth with herbal infusions, menthol water;
  • Chewing gum is allowed only without sugar;
  • before going to bed, place a towel on the pillow;
  • drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day;
  • walk more in the fresh air.

Hypersalivation can be reduced by chewing sugar-free gum

Increased salivation during pregnancy is a common symptom that is not dangerous and disappears on its own by the 20th week of the gestational period. However, the condition causes severe discomfort to the woman.

And in some cases it causes dehydration and disruption of the acidic environment of the digestive tract, which is dangerous. Therefore, you need to be attentive to yourself and consult a doctor about this condition.

Diagnosis and treatment of toxicosis

Even with mild manifestations of toxicosis, the doctor will refer you for tests. You will need to undergo a urine test for acetone and ketone bodies, biochemical and general blood tests. In case of severe disease, the patient will be admitted to a hospital. For mild, the most common degree of toxicosis, you will be treated at home under the supervision of a antenatal clinic doctor.

To eliminate discomfort, you need to pay attention to diet . With toxicosis, appetite is not always impaired, sometimes it is even increased, but more often than not even the sight of food does not evoke positive emotions, and sometimes you have to make significant efforts to force yourself to swallow even a piece. Therefore, you can satisfy your culinary whims by introducing coveted pickles, sweet buns or exotic fruits into your diet. Food should be taken frequently, 5-6 times a day, but the portions should be small and the menu varied.

It should be borne in mind that very hot or very cold food will more quickly provoke vomiting. Products should be easily digestible and contain sufficient amounts of vitamins. It is better to drink mineral alkaline water and mint tea.

If you notice that the secretion of saliva is significantly increased , rinsing your mouth with tanning solutions that reduce this process, for example, infusions of sage, chamomile, and mint, will help you. If nausea and vomiting occur in the morning, immediately after waking up, try having breakfast in bed, placing a few crackers, lemon slices or mint gum next to the bed. It’s especially nice if in this situation the future dad shows himself to be a gentleman and serves you a light and healthy breakfast.

If nausea begins in the afternoon , then most likely it is due to nervous tension and fatigue. In this case, you can drink a soothing tea, motherwort or valerian.

If these measures do not help, be sure to inform your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Heavy salivation during pregnancy: other causes of discomfort

An increase in salivation is not always a signal of the birth of a new life in a woman’s womb. Some disturbances in the functioning of the body are also accompanied by such an unpleasant condition as increased production of saliva. Among them:

  • Diseases of the oral cavity and teeth, which damage the mucous membranes and gums.
  • Damage to the glands that directly produce saliva.
  • Nervous system disorders. With this type of disorder, appetite often disappears, but other reflexes become more acute, incl. emetic. The result is increased saliva production.
  • The presence of gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatic dysfunction.
  • Endocrine disorders - abnormalities in the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, which lead to hormonal imbalance.
  • Pathologies of the ENT organs – rhinitis of various origins, chronic tonsillitis.
  • Presence of parasites.
  • Some medications a woman takes may also cause increased salivation. In this case, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the discomfort that has arisen and, most likely, to reconsider the prescribed therapy.

And although increased salivation during pregnancy does not pose a threat to the woman and the baby she is carrying, this condition can cause significant discomfort and overshadow the pleasant months of bearing the baby. In addition, an abundance of saliva can lead to disruption of the acidic environment of the stomach, which is also not very good. Paying attention to your health, as well as correcting your diet, will help normalize your condition and enjoy the wait for your little one.


If the doctor discovers changes in the tests, the scale arrow stubbornly deviates to the left every day, and your health worsens, most likely you will have to go to the hospital . The doctors' first task will be to restore lost fluid, protein, and salts. You will be given an IV to ensure that nutrients and vitamins go directly into your blood. To suppress vomiting and nausea, drugs that block the gag reflex are used. Since, as already mentioned, the state of the nervous system has a significant impact on the severity of toxicosis, a protective treatment regime will be created in the hospital for your peace of mind. In addition, you will be prescribed medications that have a calming effect, and if there is increased salivation, medications that inhibit the action of the salivary glands. It is possible that non-drug methods will also be used: acupuncture, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy, herbal and aromatherapy. This will help reduce the number of drugs that can have undesirable effects on the developing embryo.

When, as a result of treatment, weight gain becomes obvious, daily diuresis (the amount of urine excreted), as well as pulse, blood pressure and temperature are normalized, vomiting stops or becomes less frequent, and you can return to your usual home environment. In rare cases, complex treatment over several days turns out to be completely ineffective, and then the pregnancy has to be terminated.

Based on materials from the magazine “9 months” No. 3, 2003

Increased salivation as a sign of pregnancy

Many women planning the birth of a baby are especially attentive to their condition and often try to find signs of a possible “interesting situation” even before the onset of a delay in menstruation. Signs of successful conception include increased salivation. How related is this “symptom” to pregnancy? The hormonal changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother really affect the functioning of many glands. And the salivary glands were no exception. Therefore, in some pregnant women, the peculiarities of their position actually provoke an increase in the amount of fluid in the mouth. In addition, factors such as:

  • Swelling and tenderness of the breast.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Dizziness, drowsiness.
  • Changes in the perception of smells.

Of course, the main sign of pregnancy is not salivation or nausea, but a delay in the next menstruation. In addition, an increased basal temperature (provided that the woman measured it throughout the entire cycle), 2 strips on a pregnancy test and the results of a blood test to determine the level of the hCG hormone will help confirm successful conception. Carrying out ultrasound diagnostics at such an early stage is not justified in most cases, since pregnancy often cannot be seen even during a transvaginal ultrasound. This may cause additional anxiety, which the expectant mother does not need at all. However, the appearance of sudden, groundless drooling in the presence of predisposing factors is a reason to be more attentive to oneself and the assumption of the onset of an interesting situation.


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