7 effective ways to get rid of the metal taste in your mouth

June 30, 2020

If a metallic taste appears in the mouth, the reasons can be very different. However, most people want to know how to get rid of an unpleasant symptom. Journalists, together with dental experts from the UltraSmile.ru portal, will give the most effective advice on this topic.

What causes the metallic taste in your mouth?

Method No. 1. Get professional hygiene and treatment from a dentist

A metallic taste in the mouth often appears due to the following dental problems:

If you have recently had a tooth removed, you may have a metallic taste in your mouth for some time. First, blood is released from the wound, and then ichor, which have a characteristic steely taste. An unpleasant symptom can occur after any surgical operation in the oral cavity: dental implantation, bone grafting, vestibuloplasty. To get rid of the problem faster, carefully follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

  • decayed teeth, worn-out fillings, chipped crowns, serious bite pathologies, third molars growing into the cheek: all this leads to systematic injury to the mucous membrane, the appearance of non-healing and bleeding wounds and ulcers, which give rise to an unpleasant aftertaste.

Method number 2. Change fillings and dentures

The problem may be associated with the presence of crowns, dentures, braces and orthodontic plates in the mouth, which contain metals, as well as amalgam fillings. The reaction can be caused by poor quality materials, allergies or individual intolerance in a particular patient to a particular metal.

As a rule, amalgam fillings are installed in patients who are 30-40 years old or older, since such fillings are no longer used in modern dentistry. They are durable, inexpensive and wear-resistant. The composition may contain silver, copper and tin, as well as mercury, which explains the occurrence of an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Experts believe that such fillings need to be changed, because the impurities they contain can lead to intoxication of the body and negatively affect the functioning of the brain and kidneys.

In some cases, a symptom in the form of a metallic taste on the tongue and in the mouth occurs not because of the quality of the materials, but because of the presence in the oral cavity of structures made of dissimilar metals. This phenomenon is called galvanism1.

The presence of orthodontic structures in the mouth can provoke the appearance of symptoms

This unpleasant symptom can only be eliminated by replacing old fillings and orthopedic structures with ones that do not contain metals.

“I have had two metal-ceramic crowns for about 9 years. I periodically feel the taste of iron, and the doctor said that this is due to the fact that the metal is oxidized by saliva. An unpleasant dark color also appeared on the gums in the area of ​​​​those crowns. Now I need to get another tooth prosthetically, I’ll probably put ceramics or dioxide on it.”

Evgeny Kryltsov, review from 32top.ru

If the reaction is caused by braces and the discomfort is minor, then you can wait until the end of orthodontic treatment. Often, a salty taste occurs in patients at the adaptation stage, and disappears after 2-3 weeks. If the symptom persists longer and is disturbing, then the best solution would be a consultation and examination with a doctor, as well as monitoring the patient’s condition over time.

Method number 3. Carry out daily oral hygiene carefully

If you use a stiff bristle brush, electric toothbrush, floss, toothpicks, or even a waterpik, and are overzealous in your daily routine, this may explain why you have a metallic taste in your mouth.

Brushing too vigorously can cause injury to the mucous membranes.

All of the above hygiene products can injure the mucous membranes and gums, causing blood and an unpleasant characteristic taste to appear in the mouth. You can get injured if you handle the devices carelessly, use the wrong technique, or apply strong pressure to the brush. You can also damage delicate tissues if you use devices contrary to contraindications (for example, exacerbation of gingivitis and periodontitis, sensitive gums, rehabilitation period after surgery on soft tissues of the oral cavity).

Read the article on the topic “5 Tips for Safely and Effectively Brushing Your Teeth with an Electric Brush.”

To avoid this problem, consult your dentist about what personal hygiene products you can use depending on the clinical situation in your oral cavity.

Method number 4. Cook food in the right dishes

Not everyone knows why a metallic taste appears in the mouth. Often an unpleasant symptom arises because we make a number of mistakes in the kitchen. For example, we cook and then store dishes in aluminum, copper or cast iron containers. It is important to remember that the safest materials for cooking on a stove are stainless steel, ceramics, and cast iron. But you can’t store them in them - it’s better to use glass for this.

Cooking food in metal utensils can cause an unpleasant aftertaste

Diagnostic methods

Making the correct diagnosis is the key to correct treatment. Remember that only a doctor should prescribe it to you and diagnose the disease. When visiting a medical institution with a similar complaint, you will be sent for the following studies:

  • Blood analysis. This analysis will evaluate blood hemoglobin, the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
  • Blood chemistry. This test helps detect increases in certain chemical components of the blood, including Iron, iron transport proteins and other compounds.
  • X-ray for suspected diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Computed or magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Endoscopy of the esophagus and stomach if diseases are suspected in them.
  • Bacteriological culture. If your doctor suspects a bacterial infection, he or she may order a culture to identify the pathogen.

In each specific clinical case, the combination of diagnostic methods is unique, although it corresponds to the general research schemes.

Method number 5. Introduce a special diet and change the source of drinking water

The causes of a metallic taste in the mouth may lie in the use of tap drinking water (especially if it comes from old rusty pipes). In order for the unpleasant symptom to go away, you need to use purified water with an optimal content of microelements, for example, bottled water, for preparing drinks and dishes. Or you need to install special cleaning filters on the taps.

Using tap water for food may cause this symptom.

If you are worried about an unpleasant symptom, this may be due to the use of medicinal table mineral water, especially that containing iron and iodine. Some people drink it uncontrollably to enrich the body with microelements, but they only make things worse for themselves. Two glasses a day will be enough to maintain the balance of minerals and not cause a metallic taste in the mouth.

The taste can also appear from fatty, fried, smoked, spicy foods, coffee, excessive consumption of pomegranates and green apples. Therefore, try to consume such foods as little as possible. And, on the contrary, eat more greens, fresh vegetables and fruits - they are rich in folic acid, vitamins B, C and E. Introduce citrus fruits, garlic, and tomatoes into your diet. Add spices such as saffron and cardamom to your dishes.

Vitamins C and E have antioxidant properties, reduce the level of free radicals in the body, strengthen the mucous membranes and walls of blood vessels, which helps reduce bleeding gums. Products with fiber remove heavy metal nuclides from the body, which accumulate due to chemical or industrial poisoning, poor ecology, and may be another reason explaining why a metallic taste appears in the mouth.

Preventing bad taste in the mouth

In order to prevent the appearance of a metallic taste, you need to carefully monitor your daily diet. You need to eat a balanced diet, maintaining the proportions of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In most cases, the taste of iron indicates its lack in the body, so seasonal consumption of vitamins and minerals is only welcome.

It is recommended to consume more tomatoes, lemon juice, and garlic. After eating, you should rinse your mouth with a special balm. Sometimes you can treat yourself to sucking on mystic lollipops.

It is much easier to cope with a timely identified pathology than with a neglected one. Therefore, at the first alarming symptoms, you should visit a doctor who will either refute or confirm your doubts.

Method number 6. Use folk recipes

To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, sometimes it is enough to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water and soda or salt. You can also neutralize the metallic taste with mint candy, chewing the zest or slice of lemon, cinnamon, cardamom, drinking green tea or a drink with ginger.

Chewing lemon will help relieve symptoms.

However, if such measures help only for a short period of time, then more serious action must be taken. For example, make an appointment for an examination and consultation with a dentist or therapist.

Some researchers believe that iron taste in the mouth occurs more often in women than in men. For what reasons? Read the feature article on the site and you will know the answer to this question.

Method number 7. Take control of internal diseases of the body

The problem often indicates internal diseases of the body. If your tongue goes numb and there is a metallic taste in your mouth, and other alarming symptoms appear (for example, a general deterioration in health, increased body temperature, enlarged lymph nodes, bad breath, gastrointestinal upset), then this may indicate the following pathologies:

  • anemia,
  • diabetes and thyroid disorders,
  • acid reflux,
  • renal failure,
  • violation of the outflow of bile,
  • peptic ulcer and gastritis,
  • ENT pathologies: sinusitis, pharyngitis,
  • tuberculosis,
  • central nervous system disorder, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, dementia,
  • oncology.

Such a symptom may be the result of a serious illness in the body.
All of the listed diseases can indeed cause a metallic taste in the mouth. Consult a doctor to examine your body and prescribe professional treatment if the unpleasant symptom constantly reappears. Perhaps, to establish the true cause of the problem, you will need to visit a gastroenterologist, oncologist, gynecologist, or infectious disease specialist.

Remember that some medications also cause unpleasant symptoms. For example, tetracycline and antihistamines, diet pills and blood pressure lowering pills, antidepressants, antifungals, nicotine patches. To minimize the likelihood of a problem occurring, never self-medicate.


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  1. Borisova E.G. [and others] Galvanosis of the oral cavity // Problems of dentistry. – 2021.

Consulting specialist

Dzhutova Aida Vladimirovna

Doctor rating: 8.8 out of 10 (5) Specialization: Implant surgeon, periodontist Experience: 9 years

Clinical picture

Ageusia can be general, selective and specific. With general ageusia, the patient does not feel taste at all; with the selective form, the person feels only some tastes. With a specific form, a change in taste is possible only when consuming certain products.

In addition, dysgeusia may develop under the influence of negative factors. With this disease, certain taste qualities are incorrectly perceived. Most often, sour and bitter tastes are confused.

We suggest you read what you can and cannot eat with braces

If a person has lost his taste, then at the same time he may experience a loss of smell and a feeling of nasal congestion. In some people, ageusia is accompanied by weakness and irritability.

If the cause of a change in taste sensations is a traumatic brain injury, then headache, dizziness and impaired coordination of movements may simultaneously occur.


Are there any pills for iron taste?

Mars (07/14/2020 at 15:51) Reply to comment

    There are no specific drugs, because an unpleasant aftertaste is only a sign of some kind of pathology. The doctor’s task is to conduct an examination and identify such a pathology, after which it becomes clear what medications will help get rid of the symptom.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (07/16/2020 at 09:01) Reply to comment

Please tell me, could it be that the periodically appearing metallic taste in the mouth is a consequence of exposure to radioactive radiation on a person? I had to read something like this regarding the Chernobyl accident. Could this really be true?

Dmitry Ageev (07/23/2020 at 08:40) Reply to comment

To tell the truth, I have never experienced such a phenomenon in my mouth in my life. Although, I heard about it from many relatives and work colleagues. I’m worried because I’ll soon have to have my teeth removed and crowns installed. Will you really have to taste the disgusting metal?

Sergey Petrovich (07/23/2020 at 08:46) Reply to comment

Good afternoon. Tell me, can a metallic taste appear in the mouth if you take L-carnitine?

Ekaterina (07/23/2020 at 08:56) Reply to comment

Nowadays, much attention is paid to the quality of drinking water in cities. There are special stations for ironing water. But here's what to do for rural residents. I have a constant taste of iron in my mouth. Doctors refer to bad water and find nothing for me.

Olga Bakalchuk (07/23/2020 at 09:08) Reply to comment

What if you don’t take any action and don’t pay attention to this metallic taste in your mouth? A person gets used to everything. Maybe nothing bad will happen in the future?

5master5 (07/23/2020 at 09:38) Reply to comment

Hello. I tried the folk methods from the article on myself, but the taste of iron in my mouth still does not disappear. Are there any other folk remedies that will relieve me of this problem? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Svetlana (07/23/2020 at 09:55) Reply to comment

What if the iron taste appeared during pregnancy?

Julia (07/23/2020 at 10:45 am) Reply to comment

I visited both the dentist and the gastroenterologist, but the metallic taste never went away. Who else can I contact, what else can I check or what can I do to make him finally disappear?

Mikhail (07/23/2020 at 10:57 am) Reply to comment

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What symptoms require immediate medical attention?

You should postpone visiting a doctor, or better yet, call an ambulance if you have the following symptoms:

  • Sputum interspersed with blood.
  • Attacks of suffocation.
  • Presence of injury.

This does not mean that if you have other symptoms you should not see a doctor.

The visit can only be postponed for a few hours or days, but in no case should it be canceled completely.

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