How to restore tooth enamel - the most popular methods

Author of the article:

Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute, Chief Physician of the Alfa-Dent Dental Clinic, St. Petersburg

Enamel is the hardest part of the tooth. This tissue consists of enameloblasts, proteins, lipids and water. Although, at first glance, the enamel has a uniform structure, this is not the case. It varies in thickness in different areas of the teeth. But, unfortunately, even the strongest enamel on teeth can begin to wear off. How to prevent this unpleasant process? Let's try to figure it out.


  • When should you start taking care of your teeth?
  • Why does enamel wear off?
  • What to do if the enamel wears off
  • The enamel is worn off, teeth hurt - what to do?
  • Solving the problem yourself

Poor dental health can cause dangerous illnesses. The health of these organs is especially important in a person’s life, since any food must be chewed well, and with unhealthy or missing teeth this is not easy. The front teeth experience high stress when eating food, and it is important that their enamel is complete. Worn enamel, among other things, deprives a person of the opportunity to smile, and his attractiveness is lost.

How is diagnostics carried out?

As part of the initial examination, the specialist assesses the degree of development of the pathology, and also asks the patient about accompanying symptoms and complaints, factors that could lead to such a problem. Thus, to reliably assess the extent of the problem and determine the type and cause of pathological abrasion, the following manipulations can be carried out:

  • studying the medical history, possible hereditary factors, living and working conditions of the patient, possible disorders in the digestive system,
  • visual examination of the oral cavity,
  • palpation of the mucous membrane and jaw joint,
  • x-ray examination,
  • consultation with a neurologist and other highly qualified specialists if necessary.

X-ray examination is an important part in diagnosing the problem.
The specialist must explain to the patient that such a situation can become serious and therefore requires immediate treatment. Moreover, modern dentistry has all the necessary capabilities to successfully solve problems of this kind.

When should you start taking care of your teeth?

The correct answer is from the prenatal period. It is from this time that the expectant mother should saturate her body with vitamins and calcium and take vitamin and mineral complexes specially created for pregnant women. A professional dentist will help in this matter.

Breastfeeding is important for a newborn baby, because mother's milk will provide the baby with everything necessary for proper development, including teeth.

When the child gets older, parents introduce him to sweets - this is the first factor that destroys teeth. From this moment on, there is a danger of caries. If there is not enough calcium, the enamel will be destroyed in childhood.

To avoid such danger, the mother must:

  • Reduce consumption of sugar and fructose;
  • Protect yourself from any diseases so as not to cause hypoplasia in the unborn child - underdevelopment of tooth enamel;
  • Feed your baby breast milk, because the share of sugar in infant formula is up to 30%;
  • Minimize the amount of cookies and sweets in the child’s diet;
  • Take vitamins as prescribed by your dentist.

Professional methods

If the patient does not help solve the problem when the first symptoms appear, the enamel is destroyed to critical limits. Pain and tooth sensitivity appear.

At the first stage, the enamel is restored using special procedures. If therapy is not carried out, then the destruction continues and treatment of cervical caries will be required.

Modern medicine has a number of intensive techniques for restoring enamel:

Deep fluoridation

Saturation of enamel with mineral-based preparations. The technology operates on the principle of sealing pores and dentinal canals due to the penetration of the therapeutic composition deep into the layers of enamel. The resulting frame protects tooth tissue from leaching out useful components.

Deep fluoridation eliminates the following problems:

  • smoothes the tooth surface;
  • fills and eliminates cracks;
  • protects against erasure.

Average cost 1,200 rub.

One procedure is enough.

Fluoride varnish

By distributing fluoride varnish over the tooth enamel, a protective film is created that remains for a long period. It protects the enamel and saturates it with oxygen. It is considered a preventative method; it does not help with severe defects.

Judging by reviews, fluoridation of teeth in children helps prevent caries.

Average cost 600 rub.


Saturation of enamel with a complex of mineral substances based on calcium and fluorine ions, which do not interfere with the opening and functioning of each other. The composition fills the voids and defects formed in the enamel, leaving a protective film on the teeth.

Remineralization solves problems:

  • enamel abrasion;
  • microdefects;
  • tooth sensitivity.

Average cost 1,000 rub.


Recently, dentists have begun to successfully use the enamel implantation method. It is used in difficult cases to restore large areas. In addition, there is also a visual effect - teeth look natural and aesthetically pleasing.

For implantation, a mixture with a special composition is used, which is close in structure to natural. Coupling occurs at the molecular level.

Average cost 8,000 rub.

Installation of veneers

These are thin ceramic plates that are attached over the teeth and look no different from them. Additional surface treatment is required for installation. In essence, this is microprosthetics, classified as non-removable.

A more expensive and advanced alternative to veneers are lumineers. They are distinguished by their small thickness and the absence of the need for strong grinding of teeth before installation.

Prices for covering teeth with veneers are given in this article.

We have prepared reviews for you about Crest toothpaste from the famous company Procter & Gamble.

We invite you to look at a photo with a disease such as cervical caries.

Here: - a description of black toothpaste from Thailand is given.

Why does the enamel on teeth wear off?

Scientists identify several reasons:

  • Bad habits - biting pencils and nails, alcohol and nicotine;
  • Straight bite;
  • Sharp closing of the jaws during stress, bruxism;
  • Violation of metabolic processes;
  • Work in hazardous industries - in the field of metallurgy, in coal mining, in confectionery shops;
  • Using brushes with hard bristles;
  • Inappropriate bleaching;
  • Culinary preferences (hot tea with ice cream, for example).


Hygienic teeth cleaning

2000 rub.

Characteristic symptoms

The longer the patient ignores the problem, the more pronounced its manifestations will be. Associated symptoms include the following:

  • sensitivity of enamel to temperature contrasts, mechanical stress,
  • darkening of teeth,
  • surface roughness,
  • at more advanced stages, visible signs appear - wrinkles around the mouth, reduction in the size of the lower jaw,
  • problems with chewing food, certain diction disorders,
  • Frequent biting of lips and cheeks from the inside.

Teeth become sensitive
Often patients are faced with a wedge-shaped defect, which is characterized by gradual exposure of the roots. Lack of necessary treatment will ultimately lead to problems with the functioning of the masticatory muscles and jaw joints.

Enamel has worn off, teeth hurt – what to do?

Seek help from a dentist and begin treatment. Various methods and drugs are used to eliminate the problem. It is impossible to restore the enamel, but the use of drugs will make it harder and protect it from further destruction. Scientists are working to create drugs that can restore worn enamel. The implementation of this task will be a truly great discovery.

Features of the development of the pathological process

When at a fairly young age there is a noticeable thinning of the enamel and a decrease in the size of the crowns, there is a good reason to visit the dentist. If you simply ignore the problem, you can lead to irreversible problems, including deformation of the maxillofacial apparatus and disturbances in the functioning of the masticatory muscles. Further loss of hard tissue will lead to damage to the pulp, complete destruction and loss of a tooth or even several teeth.

In some situations, patients are faced with external changes - the area around the mouth becomes covered with fine wrinkles, the lower part of the face becomes noticeably smaller, the enamel turns yellow and darkens, and occlusion is disrupted. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to regularly visit the dentist’s office and, if you suspect abrasion, immediately consult a doctor.

The consequences of erosion are dire

Erosion affects mainly middle-aged people. This process is characterized by a long-term course and can last from 10 to 15 years. The following consequences of damage to tooth enamel can be identified:

  1. Tooth wear accelerates.
  2. As dentin is exposed, the color of the teeth changes and they become darker.
  3. As the enamel wears away, the sensitivity of the teeth on the inner and outer surfaces worsens, that is, touching the tongue and lips brings discomfort. Dentin is a soft tissue, so pain will inevitably occur when air enters, chewing and exposure to food acid contained in food.
  4. The edges of the front teeth may appear more translucent.

Consumer Reviews

“I bought Asepta toothpaste on the advice of my dentist. I was in great pain from tooth sensitivity. My teeth reacted with pain to cold and hot, and they all hurt at once. I didn’t brush my teeth with this toothpaste, but applied it to my teeth with a brush and kept it in my mouth, then rinsed my mouth. Already on the second day of use, I felt that the pain was decreasing, and a day later it disappeared completely. Now the pain is gone, the teeth look healthier and whiter. I bought this wonderful paste at the pharmacy. The paste is produced by Vertex JSC. I am very pleased with the results of using this toothpaste. Buy it, you won’t regret it.”

“I want to tell you about Asepta Plus Remineralization toothpaste. The product is truly wonderful, it fully lives up to its promised effectiveness, which is good news.

Since childhood, I have had problems with my teeth and gums; they always bleed, and this has always caused terrible inconvenience. On the strong advice of my best friend, I decided to use this toothpaste.

I’ll say right away that I didn’t expect such a quick effect from the paste, I thought it wouldn’t help me at all, but it’s just an excellent product. Plus, the toothpaste is very inexpensive. Now I use Asepta Plus Remineralization toothpaste and my teeth and gums are healthy. I feel much better."

So, now you know what to do if the enamel has worn off. Treat your teeth with care, and your dazzling smile will captivate everyone for many years to come.

Can I solve the problem myself?

Self-medication is contraindicated when it comes to any organ, and teeth are no exception. If the enamel on the front teeth, in the lateral or chewing area is worn away, you can improve the situation with the help of diet:

  • Saturate the body with calcium and phosphorus by consuming dairy products;
  • It is useful to chew raw carrots, cabbage, apples and celery to cleanse the enamel and massage the gums;
  • Drink green tea rich in fluoride;
  • Strengthen your enamel by eating fish and chicken eggs rich in vitamin D.

All these methods are good, but they are not enough to keep your teeth healthy. There is no way around this without regular visits to the dentist. And for this you do not need to wait for a critical situation when the doctor turns on the drill. Visits to the dentist should be regular, when nothing bothers you. Then there will be no problems with erased enamel.

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