What to do after tooth extraction? We answer the most popular questions

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Published: 06/30/2020

Reading time: 5 min



  • 1 What to do with a fallen fang
  • 2 Signs about a sick and broken tooth
  • 3 Everyday superstitions
  • 4 Other folk signs about him
  • 5 If they bleed
  • 6 History of the origins of signs
  • 7 Why does it grow?
  • 8 How removal occurs step by step
  • 9 Where to put the tooth and can it be stored?
  • 10 What will temporary teeth tell you?
  • 11 General meaning of the sign
  • 12 Signs about wisdom teeth
  • 13 Signs about baby teeth
  • 14 Reviews

What to do with a fallen fang

Previously, great attention was paid not only to those teeth that had just erupted or had already grown. Those that fell out were not left unattended either. There are also many superstitions and signs associated with fallen fangs.

  1. It was believed that a “wise” tooth falling out was a bad sign. However, if you hang it around your neck as a talisman, it will bring happiness.
  2. If you bury it on the grave of a person with the same name, it will bring wealth.
  3. If a person lost a tooth during a fight, they believed that people close to him would soon turn away from him.
  4. There was also a belief that they should be kept until the end of life, and then buried with their owner. Our ancestors were sure that a person should account for every tooth in heaven. If it was missing, then the soul went in search of it and found no peace.
  5. Under no circumstances should the tooth be thrown away. It was believed that if an animal found it, the person would grow an animal fang in the place of the one that fell out.

Nowadays people adhere less to superstitions and beliefs, and are increasingly resorting to a scientific solution to the problem. If you have chipped a “smart” tooth, you can go to the dentist, who will fill in the missing part and polish it.

However, most often these “guests” are removed surgically without the possibility of recovery. In very rare cases, a prosthesis or implant is installed in its place.

There is some truth in every story

For example, that teething may be difficult. In such cases, the gums swell and are injured by the teeth that are nearby. The part that is located above the tooth that has not yet erupted (the hood) can accumulate pus. If this occurs in the lower jaw, the inflammation may affect the muscles that close the mouth. And then you won’t be able to open your mouth wide.

What to do in this case? Close your mouth and run to the dentist. Otherwise, if left too long, the wisdom tooth can cause fever, problems with swallowing, and muscle inflammation.

What can the doctor do? First, the dentist will administer anesthesia, then excise the area of ​​gum above the tooth that is poorly erupting. This will ensure the drainage of pus and help the tooth emerge faster. After this, the dentist will prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. And if everything happens again, then the tooth must be removed.

Signs about a sick and broken tooth

The sign of a chipped tooth also does not bode well. It symbolizes the loss of a loved one or friend. Basic signs about element failure:

  • chipped incisor - to diseases, health problems;
  • chipping a molar or figure eight is a symbol of retribution for previous sins;
  • breaking fangs - to damage and the evil eye.

In such cases, it is better to turn to professional magicians and healers. You can independently neutralize the negative interpretation of a sign, but the results of such actions will not always be effective.

Pregnant women can determine the gender of their unborn child by looking at their chipped teeth. If the jaw is damaged from below, then we should expect the appearance of an heir. A broken tooth on top means the birth of a daughter.

Since the time of our ancestors, a special ritual has been known about what to do with a tooth fragment. It is best to bury the fragment in the ground. To do this, choose a sparsely populated place. City residents can bury the fragment in a flower pot. These actions will help protect yourself from negative energy.

Everyday superstitions

Normal jaw development ends with the growth of wisdom teeth, which occurs between the ages of 18 and 27 years. The sooner they get out, the sooner the young girl will get married, and the guy will find what he loves.

The sign promises the young lady a promising marriage with a wise man. If a wisdom tooth is cut on the eve of an important event, it is the key to success. Signs associated with the processes help resolve protracted conflicts - if the gums become inflamed before the trial, controversial issues can be resolved.

It is good if the wisdom tooth grows quickly and does not cause painful symptoms. This sign is favorable for a young couple who have been waiting for a long time to join the family. The dentition is replenished immediately 4 - the year will be prosperous and successful.

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Other folk signs about him

Despite the fact that now they are trying to get rid of the “wise” eights as quickly as possible, in ancient times they tried to preserve them because our ancestors believed that its owner would be rich, successful and healthy. As for the pain that accompanies their appearance, it was believed that the stronger it is, the more good a wisdom tooth will bring to a person, and this will happen in the near future.

Naturally, many signs were associated with this phenomenon. Below we will get acquainted with the most famous of them.

  1. If you string a lost wisdom tooth on a red string and constantly wear it around your neck, then love will soon come.
  2. If a tooth is pulled out by a dentist, then it should be stored in a special container in a secret place, then it will bring happiness.
  3. If a tooth was knocked out, then the person lost the protection of his guardian angel.
  4. If all four wisdom teeth appear at the same time, this means that a person will achieve great heights both in career and in love.
  5. If a wisdom tooth appeared in pain, then such a person was considered a wizard.
  6. If a wisdom tooth erupts in a pregnant woman, the baby will be born with high intelligence.
  7. If a tooth appears before the age of 18, then the person will face changes in life, and if after the specified time, then the person himself must radically change his life.
  8. The appearance of a wisdom tooth before the wedding means that you need to take a closer look at your other half. Perhaps he or she is pursuing mercantile goals.
  9. If it crumbles quickly, expect deception from friends or relatives.

As you may have noticed, opinions regarding wisdom teeth in ancient times and now vary greatly. Now people do not pay much attention to their appearance and try to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Whether or not to believe in the signs associated with the appearance of wisdom teeth is a personal matter. The main thing is that their presence does not lead to discomfort and pain.

Is there a relationship with mental development of the individual?

The absence of "eights" does not make a person stupider. The name has a completely different meaning. Unlike mind and intellect, wisdom is something that is acquired by a person with experience. Since ZMs usually erupt when their owner is already an adult, it is believed that the person has already lived enough and gained experience, become wise, and not just smart or cunning.

If they bleed

Removing a wisdom tooth brings a lot of trouble: a person experiences severe pain and takes a long time to recover. Bleeding gums are a sign that speaks of liberation from bad habits. For the patient, such a superstition promises a quick recovery. Bleeding of additional teeth indicates changes in professional life: people say “the place is filled for new knowledge,” emphasizing the significance of the sign.

A wisdom tooth is growing and bleeding - wait for news that will change your usual way of life. Removing a diseased tooth means removing problems. The faster the patient gets rid of it, the easier his life will become. Removal of a deformed tooth leads to the restoration of peace in the family: the individual will resume lost ties with relatives and parents.

Features of wisdom tooth removal in the upper and lower jaws

The upper jaw has relatively thin and porous bone tissue, while the lower jaw has much denser bone tissue. Therefore, to remove the upper “eights”, it is sufficient to inject an anesthetic into the gum near the diseased tooth (infiltration anesthesia). When removing a lower wisdom tooth, conduction anesthesia is usually used - the injection is made at the exit point of the nerve innervating this area.

It is easier to remove third molars from above than from below, but if the root breaks off, it is more difficult to remove it in the upper jaw due to limited access to the operation site.

The history of the occurrence of signs

Modern dentistry is the most highly developed medical branch. In case of diseases or changes in them, a person usually goes to the dentist for an appointment. Our ancestors saw fateful signs in such cases. Therefore, today you can hear various superstitions associated with extracted wisdom teeth.

Previous generations did not know why a “smart” molar grows or falls out. There was little talk about removal back then. Basically, they preferred to associate painful symptoms with their future life.

Even if the pain is unbearable, when a tooth comes out and it hurts a lot, this is a good sign. The stronger, the more fortune will bring good luck.

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In what case is the eighth tooth a pest?

A wisdom tooth can cause various complications, the most common being inflammation. It happens that when teething occurs, the tissues located near it become inflamed. In this case, a tubercle covered with mucous membranes appears. Such a tubercle provokes further inflammation due to the gradual proliferation of bacteria, and pericoronitis develops.

Symptoms of pericoronitis:

  • painful sensations if you open your mouth or yawn;
  • fever, headache;
  • the occurrence of edema;
  • redness at the site of the tubercle.

With this disease, you should not warm the site of inflammation with a heating pad or any other heat, and you should not rinse your mouth with a warm solution. When heated, the spread of bacteria accelerates. It is recommended to immediately contact a dental surgeon.


Insufficient space for teething is the reason for the development of another complication - malocclusion. At the same time, the erupting eights gradually move the adjacent molars, which, in turn, shift all the others to the center. As a result, crowding occurs and disruption of the normal arrangement of all teeth occurs.

Why is it growing?

This question was asked in ancient times by the Slavs, Germans and Indians. The appearance of a wisdom tooth for them was a sign that a person had achieved a certain spiritual wisdom and received the protection of the spirits of the family. It was also believed that they appear at that period of a person’s life when he is able and ready to accept new knowledge. Losing such a tooth was a bad sign. It meant a decrease in wisdom and loss of ancestral protection.

In the modern world, each person independently decides for himself to preserve or remove a wisdom tooth. The presence or absence of “wise” teeth is determined by heredity, quality of nutrition and previous dental measures.

Today, the appearance of a wisdom tooth brings nothing but pain, agony and discomfort. There can be no talk of any honor or glory. Teething can cause fever and insomnia. It is not always possible to remove it the first time, even with the help of dentists.

Even if the erupted tooth does not bother you, it will still have to be removed sooner or later. But you shouldn’t do this right away, unless of course it bothers you, because the appearance of the root eight promises pleasant gifts of fate to their owner.

Why is it so scary

Whether wisdom teeth need to be treated or removed immediately is not easy to decide. They are inconvenient to treat either for patients or for dentists themselves. The former “run out of steam” in the chair, trying to open their mouths wider, while the latter must show all their dexterity in order to reach the problem tooth. A dentist can even cure a difficult tooth, but the gum pockets around the gums can constantly become clogged with food, then the “carious monsters” again attack the tooth and all efforts are in vain.

If pulpitis occurs, rarely will anyone undertake root canal treatment. Roots in the amount of up to 5 pieces, adhesions, shapes in the form of hooks and squiggles, will become an impenetrable labyrinth for any speleologist dentist.

So, having suffered and spent N amount of money, many come to the logical result - “Delete!”

But removal can be just as scary as treatment. According to studies, complications occur after removal in more than 50% of cases3. They are often successfully treated, but add sick days and discomfort.

After wisdom tooth removal, there is a high probability of encountering complications.

How is removal done step by step?

Stages of wisdom tooth removal
Stage nameDescription of the process listing the tools used
AnesthesiaA dose of anesthetic is injected into the gum using a thin needle. The drug is selected at the stage of preparation for surgery.
Extracting a tooth from a socketAfter the anesthetic begins to act, the ligament with gum tissue (on all sides) is separated from the neck of the tooth. This process is performed using a thin scalpel or smoother.
Removal of infected parts/remains of a toothBy opening the cheeks of special forceps, they fix the instrument on the tooth or root so that one cheek is aligned with the lingual (palatal) edge, the other – with the cheek. In this case, the axis of the pliers should coincide with the center of the tooth. After a firm grip, the wisdom tooth is removed using a rocking motion. If it is already quite damaged and has obvious signs of destruction, the forceps are grabbed so that they pick up all the walls of the tooth. If there is an inflammatory process, dead tissue must also be removed.
Washing/using medicationsImmediately after the tooth is extracted, a tampon is applied to stop the bleeding. At this stage, tweezers with thin long tweezers help to carry out the work. The hole is washed with water and treated with dental antiseptics. Drugs that improve the structure of bone tissue and for the purpose of its mineralization can also be placed in the tooth cavity.
StitchingIf in the process of extracting a wisdom tooth it was necessary to dissect the gum tissue, then after treating the hole with drugs and an antiseptic, sutures are placed on the wound. Manipulations are performed using the finest needle and medical thread.
Bandage padA bandage soaked in an antiseptic solution is applied to the hole (for a short time) to protect against infection. This procedure is not considered mandatory.

One of the disadvantages of surgery as a specialty is that the result of surgical treatment, unfortunately, is not immediately visible. For example, we performed a surgical operation. They showed that our hands grow from the right place, and in terms of manuals, there is no one better than us. What next? How will the patient be rehabilitated? How will you feel and how will you live after surgery? What are its long-term results and consequences? Unfortunately, this issue often remains behind the scenes.

Well, like in neurosurgery. We remove a brain tumor. Yes, they removed it completely, but the patient ended up in a lifelong coma. Can such an operation be considered successful? Hardly.

And, by the way, this is a very important question. Because it is impossible to talk about the success of surgical treatment immediately after the operation. Surgery is just part of the treatment. Surgery, in general, is 10% manual and 90% therapy and rehabilitation. That is why golden heads in surgery are valued much higher than golden hands.

Well, that's it, lyrics. Although, it is relevant to our topic today.


I often hear from both doctors and patients: “WHY REMOVE THEM? THEY DON’T DISTURB!” This is especially true for impacted teeth.

Partly, this opinion is justified: the Internet constantly scares with hours-long and complex operations to remove wisdom teeth, talks about terrible consequences, etc. At the same time, it completely forgets that for most people, wisdom teeth sooner or later lead to such problems that even the worst preventive removal will seem like a mere trifle. Well, it's like being afraid to remove a small mole and waiting for it to turn into a serious malignant tumor. Do you even need such risks? Read about them here.

Well, if I tell you that the removal of wisdom teeth now takes 15-20 minutes (even in the most difficult cases), is completely painless and safe, and, at the same time, you actually preventively solve a number of serious problems - this will change your opinion about teeth “that don’t need to be removed as long as they don’t bother you”?

The example I will show you below is not unique. Several times a year I encounter similar clinical situations of varying degrees of complexity. And I believe that people who had these problems identified “as if by accident” were very, very lucky.

So, the situation:

About a year and a half ago, a young and beautiful girl came to our clinic. Everything would have been fine, nothing bothered her, but one day she went to have her teeth treated, and they took a panoramic photo of her. They took a panoramic photo - they ran in, groaned, and sent us for a computed tomography scan. Here she is:

or here:

For those who do not understand CT scanning, I explain:

As you can see, most of the body and ramus of the lower jaw on the right is occupied by a giant follicular cyst. It was caused by impacted wisdom tooth #48. The fact is that around impacted wisdom teeth the follicle, the shell of the tooth germ, is preserved. And under certain conditions (which are still unknown to science), follicle cells can begin to grow - it gradually displaces bone tissue and forms giant cysts, which are called follicular.

Moreover, these cysts can exist for a long time without any external symptoms. And it is discovered by chance, either on an x-ray (if the patient came to have his teeth treated), or at the moment when, during yawning or the slightest chewing load, the jaw collapses! - and breaks. The latter, you will agree, is a very unpleasant thing.

That's why it's a good idea to take panoramic photographs at least once a year, especially if there are hidden threats in the form of impacted teeth. The sooner such a cyst is identified, the easier it is to treat ((c) Doctor Obvious).

What should you do in such cases? Problem tooth – remove. The cyst, of course, must also be removed. But first you need to carefully study the clinical situation and somehow prepare for the operation.

We are making a list of difficulties that we may encounter during treatment:

  1. The cyst cavity is very large, extending from the body to the branch of the lower jaw. The problem can be solved with proper access.
  2. Somewhere at the bottom of the cyst cavity is the inferior alveolar nerve (highlighted in red in the picture below). The patient does not yet have paresthesia, which suggests that the nerve trunk is not damaged and is located outside the cyst cavity. Care must be taken and, just in case, the patient should be warned about the possible occurrence of paresthesia after surgery.
  3. Due to the large volumes of the cavity, the body and ramus of the lower jaw were left with very thin bone walls. And, even if we remove the cyst through a relatively small access, with this very access we will weaken the already low strength of the lower jaw. A fracture can occur even during a yawn. Therefore, you should consider some kind of reinforcement or strengthening of the wound after surgery. We stock up on titanium miniplates and screws.
  4. Teeth 46 and 47 penetrate into the cyst cavity, electroodontodiagnosis shows high values ​​(pulp necrosis). Therefore, if you leave these teeth with pulp, there will still be a risk of cyst recurrence due to these teeth. They need to be depulped - and this is the main preoperative preparation; their depulpation is carried out by a general practitioner.
  5. From the experience of previous operations , I know that often the cyst shell forms adhesions with the roots of the teeth, so it is very difficult to separate from them. You need to be prepared to expand access and resection of the apices of the roots of the 46th and 47th teeth.

Something like this:

Unfortunately, I cannot show you the operation for a number of reasons. Firstly, such operations are very difficult to film. Secondly, at that moment I was simply too lazy to take pictures. Thirdly, the operation itself is not as interesting in terms of the manual as its results are.

I will note just a few of its points:

  1. The operation of cystectomy and removal of impacted tooth 48 was performed under local anesthesia and took approximately 40 minutes. And yes, this is an outpatient surgery that does not require hospitalization.
  2. The cyst access aperture had an area of ​​about 1.5 square meters. cm. During the operation, the aperture was expanded to 2.5 square meters. see – for access to the apices of the roots of 46, 47 teeth.
  3. After removal of the cyst, the bone cavity remained empty. We didn't fill it with anything. Let me emphasize once again - NO BIOMATERIALS WERE USED. Because what's the point? By itself, filling the resulting cavity with some kind of xenograft will not give the lower jaw greater strength, but its infection (and we are working in an infected area, and it is impossible to get rid of microbes here) can greatly complicate the healing of the postoperative wound. Instead - see point 4.
  4. As you can see from the CBCT scan, very thin walls remain in the lower jaw after removal of the cyst. And the risk of fracture due to careless chewing or injury does not disappear. Therefore, just in case, we fix a titanium miniplate on the bone. It is specially chosen to be very long so that it can catch on unaffected areas of the jawbone. In other words, the miniplate in this case is fracture prevention.
  5. Unlike simple extractions of impacted wisdom teeth, we use non-resorbable monofilament sutures (for example, Prolene) for sutures for hygienic reasons.
  6. In the postoperative period - the usual recommendations and prescriptions.

Here is a picture immediately after the operation:

The full scale of the work done is visible in this photo. The cyst cavity is also visible, a miniplate fixed with four screws is visible. If desired, it can be removed after some time.

Can this be called the result of the operation? I don't think so. Yes, we removed the cyst and the causative tooth. What's next? Will the body be able to replace this loss of bone tissue volume? Will there be a nervous pathology, will the adjacent teeth remain in place? Just questions and no clear answers...

I asked the patient to take another photo in a couple of months:

In this image you can see how bone tissue regenerates: zones of mineralization appear, the original cavity loses its outline. Well, and most importantly, the teeth are in place and look very, very good.

And yes, the patient needs to be configured to have her remaining wisdom teeth removed.

The patient took the following picture a year after the operation:

And on this orthopantomogram we can see almost complete restoration of bone tissue in the operation area. The cavity was not only filled with bone tissue, but a characteristic “cellular” pattern appeared, which indicates a normal process of bone regeneration. The contours of the bone cavity are still visible, but this picture can be observed for several years after surgery.

The patient has no complaints. True, I still can’t motivate her to remove her remaining wisdom teeth - she always refers to being busy))

Can this clinical picture be considered a result? Perhaps yes. We didn't just remove the cyst and the causative tooth. We created the conditions for bone tissue regeneration - and the body did everything for us. Without any biomaterials or other tricks, by the way.

This is the sacred meaning of healing - we, doctors, must only help the body cope with the disease, create conditions for its recovery. Nature will do the rest for us.

* * *

I could talk about this simple clinical case for a very long time. You can look for the deep meaning in every root of every tooth. And you can draw the conclusions that Doctor Obviousness wants to share with you:

  1. If there are prerequisites for a problem to arise (in this case, it is an impacted wisdom tooth), then the problem itself is just a matter of time. And solving this problem will be much more difficult than eliminating the prerequisites.
  2. There is an undoubted benefit in regular preventive examinations and photographs - it is possible to identify preconditions before they become a problem. There is a chance to detect the disease at an early stage.
  3. Any problem can be solved. With varying degrees of difficulty or comfort, but solvable. Of course, small problems are easier to solve than big ones.
  4. Impacted wisdom teeth are recommended to be removed even if they do not bother you. With rare, rare exceptions.
  5. And doing the latter is not very difficult. You just need to find your doctor.

That's it.

Thank you for your attention. Best regards, Stanislav Vasiliev.

Where should I put the tooth and can it be stored?

Many mothers are sentimental about such things, putting the first ultrasound picture, a tag from the maternity hospital, or a lock of hair in a box. If a tooth has left its owner, parents often do not know what to do with it. Just throwing it away is too simple and at the same time difficult, because changing the first tooth is a whole event.

Is it possible to store a lost tooth? Certainly! An interesting fact is that the latest scientific discoveries condemn the immediate disposal of freshly plucked milk elements. British scientists have learned to extract stem cells from pulp, and the frozen material is stored for about 30 years and can be used to treat serious diseases.

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What to do with a torn or fallen wisdom tooth

People who do not believe in superstitions leave their teeth with the dentist. Different cultures have their own superstitions about this. The gypsies waited for the full moon and buried the “eights” in the cemetery - it was believed that in six months a person’s life would become prosperous. What to do with the attribute:

  • string on a red thread and use as a talisman;
  • when removed by a dentist, place it in a container and store it at home, the item will bring good luck to the owner;
  • Some Slavs cherished the “eight” all their lives; after the death of a person, the tooth was buried.

Fragments of the human body - fallen teeth, cut off hair - often become attributes of black magic. Therefore, if you don’t want to store it, you should dispose of it properly. The potential attribute must be returned to the elements - set on fire, buried in the ground or thrown into running water. “Eight” can also be thrown over the left shoulder in an uninhabited place, at the intersection of three roads.

What will temporary teeth tell you?

Parents will confirm that the process of changing a child’s baby teeth is a difficult period, and there are many signs and superstitions associated with it. Many ancestors believed that during this period useful conclusions could be drawn about the future of the growing baby or toddler.

Based on the loss and growth of certain baby teeth, conclusions are drawn about the character and temperament of the baby. If they take too long to erupt, perhaps the child will become rich and successful. Often the process of growth of baby teeth causes real panic, the child screams, gets angry and cries.

The more emotionally a child expresses dissatisfaction with teething, the more confidently it will be possible to draw conclusions about the formation of a future character.


In this case, he will be painful and capricious, so it is not recommended to pamper him. When changing baby teeth, you can simplify this process by telling your child the superstition about the tooth fairy or mouse, which will participate in changing teeth.

Having wondered where to put the fallen baby tooth, the child should put it in a corner and ask the magical creature to take it away, exchanging it for a new one. The parents can only pick him up. In some cases, parents leave a small amount of pocket money in his place.

General meaning of the sign

A wisdom tooth is an additional root incisor that grows in adults. Abnormal growth of wisdom teeth occurs in adolescents and children. In most cases, they interfere with the small patient and are removed, preventing inflammation.

The sign of wisdom teeth is interesting and ambiguous: it promises both good acquaintances and illness. People say about his appearance: “family trouble is emerging.” If he bothers an adult, he warns of danger. Your wisdom teeth have come out and don’t hurt, you shouldn’t be afraid of superstition, it doesn’t pose any danger.

Why do eights appear in reality and in dreams?

A belief that has an extremely negative meaning is the loss of earth. Popular superstitions interpret such events as a sign of a threat to health. And in this case, science is in full agreement with popular superstitions.

As already mentioned, third molars are molars. Therefore, unlike baby teeth, they cannot fall out on their own. The cause of the incident may be poor gum condition, severe and dangerous diseases: for example, advanced periodontal disease, scurvy.

But in a dream this often happens. If a wisdom tooth falls out, the sign says that the dreamer will experience loss. This could be unexpected financial expenses, a quarrel with someone close, separation from a loved one.

The worst thing is when the prolapse is accompanied by blood. This means that one of the blood relatives or very close people is facing illness or even death. Another possible interpretation of the dream is a warning about damage caused to the dreamer. Since ZM are connected with ancestors, it is believed that through them deceased relatives warn the descendant about danger.

Signs about wisdom teeth

Problems associated with wisdom teeth are clues. If you damage the inflamed hole or gum around a tooth with a brush, expect minor conflicts. A wisdom tooth indicates threats associated with kin and ancestral curses:

  • a wisdom tooth injury symbolizes a protracted illness;
  • the tooth does not fit tightly to the dentition - the person has good energy potential;
  • if wisdom teeth are missing, this is a sign of loss of connection with ancestors;
  • if healthy additional teeth have grown, the person is granted great spiritual strength.

Signs associated with the loss of a molar

Usually, the loss of elements of the dentition is an unpleasant event. But there are exceptions to the rule: sometimes folk signs about wisdom teeth are quite favorable.

  • If a pregnant woman’s breast tissue crumbles and has to be torn out, the baby will be born sick and weak.
  • Enamel cracking is a sign that a person is torn by contradictions between his duty to his family and his own desires.
  • To injure or break the ZM is a sign of illness.
  • The ZM broke off under the gum - a symbol of deception, intrigue, betrayal. You should be careful of your surroundings.
  • A healthy-looking tooth breaks unexpectedly - a harbinger that problems will arise very soon, literally out of nowhere, and they should be solved quickly.
  • The ZM was not snatched, but knocked out in a fight or by accident - you should beware of problems with the law.
  • Pulling out a deformed tooth is a favorable sign. Useful but lost contacts will be restored.
  • The gums bleed after removal - a sign that a favorable moment has come to get rid of bad habits, parting with bad people who have become a burden.

Signs about baby teeth

If a child suffers during teething (there is no place for them in the dentition), he is destined for a special fate with many difficulties and achievements. Wisdom teeth and the pain associated with their growth represent predetermined fate, events that determine a person’s life.

If milk teeth have been replaced by permanent ones, but the wisdom tooth does not grow, the person is not endowed with great luck. Any achievements in life will be achieved with difficulty, through effort and hard work. If a child was born without additional incisors, it is difficult for him to find a place in life - such a sign indicates isolation from the family.

Relic of the past

The human dentition consists of eight incisors, two pairs of canines and four pairs of chewing teeth - molars. In dentistry, third molars are called “third molars,” or, more simply, “eights.” They appear when children's baby teeth have completely fallen out and molars have grown in their place. These are not belated milk teeth - the teeth are permanent and have five roots.

Many scientists recognized ZM as an atavism, a relic of the distant past, when human ancestors had to chew hard food. The jaws of primitive people were more powerful and larger, so that the dentition on them was more spacious. But over the millennia, the appearance of man has changed greatly, including the shape of the skull and jaws. This is why wisdom teeth often grow incorrectly among contemporaries, which causes many problems for their owners if they are not pulled out in time. It happens that the “eights” do not appear at all. Science considers this a variant of the norm.

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