My lip pouted, what should I do? What to do if your upper lip is swollen?

  • What does a swollen lip look like?
  • Reasons for a swollen lip
  • What measures to take when your lip is swollen? If your lip is swollen due to a bruise
  • If your lip is swollen due to an infectious disease
  • If the lip is swollen due to inflammatory processes
  • If your lip is swollen due to herpes
  • If the lip is swollen due to purulent processes in the oral cavity
  • If your lip is swollen due to allergies
  • If your lip is swollen due to external factors
  • If your lip is swollen due to piercing, tattooing, or plastic surgery
  • If your child's lip is swollen
  • Traditional medicine for swollen lips
  • Plump and sensitive lips are the dream of every girl and the external advantage of a young man. Such an external preference can prompt a person to use special cosmetics or even push for surgical intervention, but sometimes this feature develops contrary to our wishes. We are talking about sudden swelling of the lip, when the question naturally arises - what to do when the lip is swollen ?

    An excessively swollen lip is primarily an external defect that you want to get rid of. Moreover, only in rare cases does it occur for no reason; usually it occurs from certain health problems, which are no less important to eliminate.


    A tumor cannot appear without a reason. To understand how to get rid of edema and choose the right course of therapy, you must first identify what caused it.

    The cause of swelling may be:

    Causes of tumor appearanceDescription of manifestation
    The body's response to a stimulusA natural reaction of the body, manifested due to a person’s individual intolerance to certain foods, chemicals and cosmetics, medicines, natural materials (wool, etc.), pollen, dust and other substances. A tumor is a sign of an allergy.
    Due to surgeryA reaction to an unsuccessful surgical operation or due to a violation of the recovery regime after it.
    Oral hygieneThe lip can become swollen due to contamination and lack of personal hygiene.
    Due to inflammationAn inflammatory process that occurs inside a wound, crack, pimple or other growth on the lip.
    Oral problemOral disease, injured gums and other problems.
    As a result of external influenceThe lip swells due to exposure to the external environment (usually as a result of thermal effects) or damage to the upper lip, including through one’s own fault (due to the habit of biting the lip).
    Soft tissue damageThe lip may swell due to a blow or after the appearance of piercings and other foreign bodies.

    Remember! Edema can also develop against the background of secondary health problems, when the body is not able to fight viruses, injuries and infections.

    The reasons are:

    • The presence of prolonged stress in a person, during which the body’s protective functions are reduced.
    • Due to a weakened immune system.

    During treatment, it will be important to get rid of these problems.

    Let's take a closer look at the main causes of swelling.

    Inflammatory process

    At first, it is quite difficult to detect inflammation.

    Typical symptoms of inflammatory processes:

    • If treatment is delayed, inflammatory processes will spread to other areas

      Increase in temperature for a long period.

    • The skin of the upper or lower lip is numb, bad breath (the result of rotting dead tissue).
    • At later stages, it is accompanied by the appearance of ulcers and other growths on the upper lip.

    It also appears if an infection has entered the damaged area.

    If treatment is delayed, inflammatory processes will spread to other areas. Otherwise, inflammation will develop into pathology, which is much more difficult to combat.


    Among the viral diseases that can lead to swelling on the lip are:

    1. The patient may be prescribed antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral agents to treat the consequences of a viral disease.


    2. Stomatitis.
    3. ARVI.
    4. acute respiratory infections, etc.

    Typically, a tumor due to a virus forms inside the oral cavity.

    To treat the consequences of a viral disease, a patient may be prescribed antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral agents.

    If a herpes crust has formed on the lip, it must be handled very carefully: if you touch this area with unwashed hands or objects, the inflammation may reappear.


    A tumor is a natural reaction if the lip has been hit. The bruise does not require serious measures; the swelling goes away within a couple of days. If the lip is not only swollen, but also cut, it will take longer to heal.


    Swelling and pain can also occur as a result of a burn to the upper lip. As a rule, this occurs when eating too hot food or drinks. Due to damage, swelling occurs and the lip grows.


    Natural reaction of lips to food, cosmetics and medications. Only a doctor can determine the source of irritation and give effective measures to prevent allergies.


    Hives are also a manifestation of an allergy to a substance. The skin begins to itch, swell, and blisters appear (like a burn from hives).

    Reaction to weather conditions

    If a herpes crust has formed on the lip, it must be handled very carefully.

    Thermal exposure can also lead to swelling of the upper lip:

    • Burns or frostbite of the lips when drinking hot drinks.
    • Spending a long time outside in too cold or hot weather.

    Acne and pimples

    Usually, it is not the presence of acne and pimples that causes lip swelling, but their squeezing.

    This must be done carefully, as there is a risk of infection. If this is the reason, you should apply a disinfectant ointment to the affected area. This swelling subsides after 1-2 days.

    Dental problems

    Periodontitis, gumboil and other diseases of the oral cavity can appear for various reasons, but any of them can lead to swelling of the upper lip. Other reasons include unprofessional installation of a filling or oral treatment.

    A serious disease in which the lip and other areas may swell - periostitis. This type of inflammation occurs inside the bone tissues of the jaw and face (as well as the periosteum).

    Plus, ulcers, abscisses and other growths may appear. If treatment is not carried out on time, necrosis of the bone and adjacent tissues is possible.

    Natural remedies to relieve swollen lips at home

    Since the causes of lip swelling can be different, it is impossible to find a universal remedy for their treatment.

    However, there are proven safe remedies that will help reduce swelling temporarily.

    • Ice cubes
      . Using ice is one of the most common ways to treat swollen lips. Ice cubes should be wrapped in a cloth and a compress should be gently applied to the swollen area. You need to keep the ice for 8-10 minutes. After a 10-minute break, the procedure is repeated. Do not use ice cubes without a cloth, otherwise the swelling will also cause pain.
    • Hot water
      . Another effective way to treat swollen lips. Take a bowl of hot water, dip the cloth, squeeze out excess water and apply the compress to your lips for 8-10 minutes. Repeat the procedure after an hour.
    • Turmeric powder
      . Turmeric is known for its antiseptic and healing properties. Mix turmeric powder with cold water and apply the ointment to the entire affected area. Leave until completely dry, then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure twice a day.
    • Aloe vera
      . The plant has anti-inflammatory properties. Relieves swelling and burning. Apply a small amount of aloe vera juice or gel to the affected area and massage gently. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.
    • Baking soda
      . A very effective remedy if the cause of the problem is fever, allergic reactions to insect bites. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water. Hold the soda compress for 10 minutes, then rinse off the remaining soda with cold water.
    • Tea tree oil
      . Relieves pain. Requires dilution with other natural oil, such as almond oil. Undiluted tea tree oil can cause burns to the skin of your lips.

    When using home remedies for traditional medicine against swelling of the lips, remember that they give only a temporary effect, since they do not affect the very cause of the swelling. Therefore, if you have swollen lips, consult a dermatologist.

    Associated symptoms indicating the cause

    Summarizing the most common causes of a tumor of the upper lip, we can identify common symptoms:

    • Cracks may indicate either damage to the lip due to impact, or due to thermal exposure

      Deterioration in health , elevated body temperature for a long time, sweating are typical signs that the body is fighting viruses and infections.

    • The appearance of ulcers , cracks, scratches and blisters on the upper lip, itching - the consequences of infection in an open wound on the lip.
    • Toothache , tooth mobility, bleeding and numbness of the mouth or lip, constant aching pain - a reaction of nerve endings to diseases of the roots and gums.
    • Cracks may indicate either damage to the lip due to impact, or due to thermal exposure.

    What else can cause a swollen upper lip?

    Let's look at it in detail:

    Only the attending physician can determine exactly what exactly caused the tumor. It is better to immediately get advice and find out what substance causes this effect.

    Important! In the future, you should avoid using cosmetics containing this allergen.

    Prevention measures

    To ensure that your upper and lower lips always remain beautiful and healthy, it is important to properly care for them every day. Be careful not to bite your lips, lick them in the wind, or touch them with dirty hands. If there are problems, don't try to hide them. Do not try to scratch your lips with a foreign object. Take better care of your health.

    To keep your lips always moisturized and beautiful, you need to follow a few simple rules:

    • If you experience an unpleasant burn or itching after using any product, it is better not to use it;
    • It is important to eat a complete and balanced diet with sufficient vitamins every day;
    • In extreme heat, it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of liquid to prevent the mouth from drying out;
    • It is necessary to completely abandon such bad habits as smoking and alcohol - they severely dehydrate the mouth;
    • Before going out into the fresh air, you should apply a colorless balm or lipstick.

    Mouth discomfort can happen to anyone, but quick and correct action can help solve the problem very effectively. Immediate contact with a good specialist, strict adherence to his recommendations, as well as careful care and treatment of the lips will help avoid inflammation on the face and maintain health and beauty.

    A child's upper lip is swollen

    Very often, the appearance of a tumor is the result of teething in a child:

    • Very often, the appearance of a tumor is the result of teething in a child.

      Dairy - in young children.

    • Indigenous - among those who are older.

    Often swelling occurs due to banal stomatitis - when a child reaches into his mouth with unwashed hands, bringing in dirt and infections.

    Other reasons:

    • Allergies to certain foods or medications.
    • Biting the lip, which causes barely noticeable wounds. The child may not feel them until they become infected.
    • Pathological problems with gums and teeth associated with hereditary factors.


    To classify the disease, the international TNM system is used, where:

    • T (tumor) stands for tumor;
    • N (nodulus) are lymph nodes that are affected by a tumor;
    • M (metastasis) – metastases outside the lymph nodes.

    T symbol gradation:

    • Tx – there is no data to evaluate the primary neoplasm;
    • Тis – preinvasive carcinoma (invasion of the lamina propria or intraepithelial invasion);
    • T1 – tumor size up to 2 cm in greatest dimension;
    • T2 – tumor size in greatest dimension is 2-4 cm;
    • T3 – neoplasm in greatest dimension – more than 4 cm;
    • T4a – the neoplasm spreads to neighboring tissues and organs (inferior alveolar nerve, skin of the nose or chin, floor of the mouth, etc.);
    • T4b – the neoplasm affects the pterygoid processes, the masticatory zone, the base of the skull, and the carotid artery.

    Gradation of the N symbol, which indicates metastases (or lack thereof) in regional lymph nodes (L/N):

    • NХ – there is no data for assessing regional l / y;
    • N0 – regional lymph nodes are not affected;
    • N1 – in one lymph node on the affected side there are metastases up to 3 cm in size in the greatest dimension;
    • N2 – in one lymph node on the affected side there are metastases 3-6 cm in greatest dimension; in several lymph nodes on the affected side in the greatest dimension there are metastases up to 6 cm; contralateral or bilateral involvement of lymph nodes with metastases up to 6 cm in greatest dimension;
    • N2a – in one lymph node on the affected side there are metastases 3-6 cm in greatest dimension;
    • N2b – on the affected side there are metastases in several lymph nodes up to 6 cm in the greatest dimension;
    • N2c – contralateral or bilateral involvement of lymph node metastases up to 6 cm in greatest dimension;
    • N3 – there are metastases in the lymph nodes more than 6 cm in greatest dimension.

    M symbol gradation (distant metastases):

    • M0 – no distant metastasis;
    • M1 – distant metastases are present.

    Stage according to TNM classification

    Any TN2,3M0
    Any TAny NM1

    The swelling happened suddenly

    If the tumor forms suddenly, it may be a manifestation of an allergy. First of all, the nerve endings will suffer from this. The lip may suddenly become numb and swollen, or, on the contrary, severe pain, burning, and tingling will be felt.

    A person should immediately remember what he ate, where he spent his time, what means he used, etc. Perhaps the irritant is still nearby.

    Having gotten rid of the irritant, blood circulation is normalized and swelling will subside. Afterwards, you should go to the doctor, who will prescribe a suitable anti-allergy ointment and other remedies.

    The frenulum of the upper lip is swollen

    If you notice that the frenulum of the lip is swollen, you should immediately go to the doctor, who will open the abscess

    Swelling of the frenulum usually occurs after a person has had metal ceramics installed.

    On the inside, on the upper part of the gum, swelling may appear. This is usually an external manifestation of a purulent fistula.

    If you notice that the frenulum of the lip is swollen, you should immediately go to the doctor, who will open the abscess. It happens that the suppurated area may burst.

    In any case, the upper gum should be isolated for a while.

    For treatment, you need to rinse your mouth with a solution of salt or soda. Rinsing will help the accumulated liquid drain out faster.

    If the problem has started and rinsing does not help, the patient will be sent for an x-ray or tomography. Based on the test results, treatment will be adjusted.


    In relation to all cancers, lip cancer in Russia ranks 15th in terms of prevalence among men (1.5%) and 20th among women (0.53%). According to data for 2014, 1,958 new cases of this disease were identified in Russia. In the vast majority of cases (85-90%), cancer affects the lower lip.

    In 2015, 398 people (2.99%) died from cancer of the oral cavity, lip, and pharynx in St. Petersburg.

    In general, statistics for St. Petersburg indicate that the incidence of lip cancer is decreasing: in 1980, 811 cases were registered, and in 2009 – 416.

    Swollen lip, nose and cheek

    Inflammation of several areas at the same time is usually accompanied by throbbing or monotonous pain

    A typical cause of swelling of the lip and nose is periodontitis.

    This is a complicated form of caries, the result of medical intervention or damage.

    As a result, the unresolved problem that has arisen in the oral cavity moves to the periodontal zone.

    Inflammation of several areas at the same time is usually accompanied by throbbing or monotonous pain.

    Another reason is damage to the soft tissues of the face.

    In this case, an examination by a specialist is also required, since the visual consequences of the impact may hide the presence of more serious injuries:

    • Damage in the jaw area.
    • The appearance of a hematoma, which expands along with edema.
    • Rupture of the soft tissues of the face, which can lead to infection.

    In any case, the appearance of swelling immediately in the area of ​​the cheek, lips and nose is a serious symptom for which you should consult a doctor. If such extensive inflammation is started, it can develop into severe pathology. Treatment is usually carried out by an endodontist.

    To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient will most likely be given an x-ray. Based on its results, anti-inflammatory treatment will be developed.

    Please note! Since most diseases of the oral cavity affect several areas at once, the patient, in addition to the tumor, feels discomfort.

    Discomfort manifests itself:

    • He cannot eat or speak normally.
    • Pain, numbness, and body temperature rise.

    What does a swollen lip look like?

    No matter how obvious the answer to this question may seem, lip swelling varies depending on the origin of the defect. Both lips can swell evenly; only one lip can be swollen - either the upper or the lower. The tumor itself can be concentrated evenly, in the center, asymmetrically on one side of the lip, only in the corner of the lips.

    The only defect may be swelling and swelling of the lip; they can also develop against the background of suppuration, ulceration, and damage to the oral mucosa. A swollen lip is usually accompanied by hyperemia, that is, redness of the surface, pain or discomfort.

    In addition, a swollen lip may be characterized by dryness and elasticity of the mucous membrane.


    For help, you need to go, first of all, to the dentist. If, based on the results of the examination, he determines that he can cure the tumor, the patient will undergo an examination (usually referred for an x-ray).

    In some cases, the tumor manifests itself due to problems within the bone tissue or other pathologies that the dentist cannot treat. Most often, the patient requires surgery. In such a situation, he will refer the patient to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

    Note! Since the lip can become swollen due to unprofessional treatment (improper installation of a filling, periodontitis, etc.), you should only contact a qualified specialist.


    If the cause is an allergy, then the patient is temporarily isolated from the source of irritation, prescribing restorative ointments and medications

    At first, as well as for non-serious diseases, salt or herbal solutions, various restorative ointments, and disinfectants can be prescribed to treat the emerging lip tumor.

    The swelling will go away within 3-5 days.

    More serious measures are taken after an examination has been carried out and a diagnosis has been made.

    Depending on the diagnosis

    Typically treatment proceeds as follows:

    • For dental problems , infectious diseases and complications, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and disinfectants are prescribed. In especially severe cases, surgical operations are resorted to.
    • If the cause is an allergy , then the patient is temporarily isolated from the source of irritation, prescribing restorative ointments and medications that normalize his hormonal levels.
    • When the lip is swollen due to damage , the person is prescribed restorative and disinfectant solutions. Plus, they recommend reducing the load on the damaged area - temporarily changing your diet, talking less, stopping training, etc.

    Examination methods

    Although in some cases a medical examination or consultation with several specialists is sufficient to determine the cause of discomfort, sometimes a full laboratory examination may be required. If your upper lip is swollen or itchy, your doctor should be ready to recommend the following diagnostic methods:

    • scraps of skin;
    • general blood analysis;
    • serological blood test.

    These studies will give your doctor a complete picture of your health and help you prescribe impartial treatment.

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