Wisdom tooth removal. What to do if your wisdom tooth hurts and your gums are swollen: should you remove it or not?

Removal of a wisdom tooth, or “eight” tooth, as it is often called, is a fairly common service in our clinic. After all, these teeth can cause a lot of trouble for their owners. Most often, their growth is accompanied by severe pain, dizziness, and fever. Improper growth of wisdom teeth can cause serious inflammation and complications in the oral cavity. The best way out of this situation would be to remove the “eights”.

Wisdom teeth erupt in a person between the ages of 17 and 25 years. The best period to have wisdom teeth removed is this period. But, if for some reason there is a need to remove a wisdom tooth at a later time, then there is nothing wrong with that. Modern dental technologies will allow tooth extraction with minimal discomfort for the patient.

At Diamed Dentistry on Shchelkovskaya, wisdom tooth removal is performed using special anesthesia.
You won't feel anything at all. In complicated cases, an appointment with a dental surgeon after the operation will be free for you. Dentistry Diamed is located near the Shchelkovskaya metro station. You can make an appointment with a dentist by calling the clinic at 8 (495) 033-00-63 or by filling out the online appointment form.

Features of dental treatment during a cold

If you need to go to the dentist during a cold, you should consider the following:

  1. ARVI is a disease commonly called a cold that is of viral origin. The presence of any pathogenic microorganisms in the body significantly weakens the immune system. Consequently, any dental treatment may be complicated and the recovery period may take longer.
  2. Any disease, including a cold, is stressful for the body. Therefore, the response to dental treatment can be unpredictable. For example, the effect of the anesthetic may be weaker, and the pain after tooth extraction or depulpation may spread to the entire face.
  3. Due to general intoxication of the body, the immune system becomes hypersensitive. She may react to the anesthesia with allergies.

Who is recommended to have wisdom teeth removed?

Among all the indications that occur in the case of wisdom teeth removal, there are several that occur most often.

  • Delayed development of wisdom teeth. Its sign is that the tooth has not come out from under the gums, only the crowns are often visible or the tooth is not visible at all. If a tooth grows very slowly or has stopped growing altogether, it will cause severe pain when speaking and chewing.
  • Inflammation. If the growth of a wisdom tooth is accompanied by inflammation, this indicates the onset of diseases in the oral cavity. To avoid the development of diseases, doctors recommend removing wisdom teeth.
  • Irregular tooth shape. Your tooth is growing but has an irregular shape. For example, it can “rest” against neighboring teeth, thereby causing the entire dentition to shift. A tooth may have an irregular shape because its roots are irregular.
  • In dental practice, there are cases when a wisdom tooth grows up already destroyed; in such situations, it is also best to remove it. Wisdom teeth, due to their anatomical features, are very difficult to restore.
  • There is not enough space for the tooth. If the wisdom tooth that cuts through the gum is too large, then, in addition to the fact that it puts a lot of pressure on the gums and the neighboring tooth, it simply cannot grow due to the fact that there is not enough space in the gum.
  • Inflammation of the hood. The hood is the mucous membrane surrounding the crown of an erupted tooth. The hood does not fit tightly to the tooth, so the risk of germs and bacteria growing in the space between the hood and the tooth is very high. If inflammation has begun, then its treatment can only help for a while.

Particularly dangerous are cases when a wisdom tooth, due to improper root structure or other reasons, begins to grow “sideways,” resting the crown or the entire lateral plane on the dentition. Due to this pressure, additional stress is created on the enamel of the adjacent tooth, which can lead to its destruction. If the pressure on an adjacent tooth is very high, a “chain reaction” can begin, which usually results in the teeth shifting in a row.

Chronic inflammation of the wisdom tooth

It should be noted that the inflammatory disease can occur in a chronic form. This means that visible signs of illness, such as severe pain, may be absent altogether. In this case, the tooth may be destroyed at the base, but only a doctor can detect this during an in-person examination. This is why we recommend that everyone undergo regular dental checkups at least twice a year. The doctor will not miss the onset of abnormal development of the “eights” and will promptly refer you to a surgeon for removal. You will maintain your dental health and save serious money! Make an appointment with a dentist now by calling 8 or using the online appointment form.

Indications for dental treatment for colds

You can visit the dentist, but at the appointment, after an examination and history taking, the dentist will decide on the advisability of treatment in this situation. However, there are situations when seeing a doctor is mandatory:

  • Cold symptoms such as headache, weakness, fever, and so on developed a few days after the onset of signs of dental disease or simultaneously with them. This may indicate that the condition that is mistaken for ARVI is actually a complication of pulpitis, a cyst on the root of a tooth, or another pathology of the oral cavity.
  • Severe and constant pain in the tooth that does not calm down after taking painkillers, swelling of the gums around the painful tooth or on the corresponding side of the face. In such situations, treatment for the disease that is causing these symptoms may be necessary to prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body.
  • Purulent discharge is observed from the gums near the diseased tooth, and the body temperature is greatly increased and does not decrease after taking antipyretics.

All of the listed conditions do not yet guarantee that treatment will be provided when visiting a dentist. The doctor may reschedule the appointment until complete recovery or begin the necessary manipulations if the benefits of treatment outweigh the possible risks.

What is the danger of coronavirus infection?

Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that are transmitted to both humans and animals. Coronaviruses have been known to medicine for a long time, but in 2021 a new and particularly dangerous strain of coronavirus appeared, called COVID-19. Once in the human body, this strain of coronavirus can cause inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract and lungs, affect the gastrointestinal tract, and cause the development of bronchitis and pneumonia. Coronavirus poses a particular danger to people with various chronic diseases, weakened immune systems, and the elderly.

It is important to understand that even if you do not belong to a risk group, you can still get sick with coronavirus and infect people with whom you come into contact. And among your contacts there are probably people for whom coronavirus poses a serious threat!

The COVID-19 coronavirus strain is highly contagious and is transmitted primarily through airborne droplets. And measures such as wearing medical masks, constantly washing your hands and treating them with an antiseptic do not provide 100% protection against coronavirus infection.

Scientists and doctors around the world are working to create a vaccine and medicines that would help effectively fight coronavirus infection, but, alas, they have not yet been able to create such drugs. Therefore, the only measure that can contain the spread of coronavirus in Russia and in the world remains the self-isolation regime, which makes it possible to reduce contacts between people to a minimum.

To stop the spread of coronavirus, it is important for all of us to stay at home and not leave the premises unless absolutely necessary.

Take a short test and calculate the cost of treatment!

Take a short test

  • Which teeth have caries?
  • Visual assessment
  • Reaction to stimuli
  • Cost calculation


Manukyan Artavazd Genrikovich

Chief physician of the clinic

Contraindications to treatment for colds

You need to cancel your visit to the dentist in the following cases:

  1. If toothache is treated with painkillers, and the symptoms of ARVI are not more severe than usual, then there is no need for dental treatment for a cold.
  2. Feverish conditions caused specifically by a cold are a contraindication to any interventions.
  3. Tooth extraction during a cold must be rescheduled, as there is a high risk of infection of the socket.
  4. If aspirin and drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid were taken during the treatment of ARVI, then any manipulations should be postponed for at least a week, since these drugs significantly increase the risk of bleeding even with minor interventions.
  5. Lack of breathing through the nose. Nasal congestion is a serious obstacle to dental care, as standing with your mouth open for long periods of time can cause severe discomfort.
  6. If you experience dizziness and severe weakness, it is not advisable to undergo any dental intervention, as it can further worsen your health.

The main thing to remember is that the decision on the advisability or otherwise of dental treatment will be made by the doctor. If you have doubts about the safety of postponing a visit to the dentist, contact a specialist and describe your situation to him. A qualified specialist will be able to identify risk factors that make it reasonable to contact him even during a cold.

Can you treat your teeth if you have a sore throat?

A sore throat is a rather unpleasant thing in itself. It is a symptom that not everything is in order with our throat and health in general. This can be a common cold or tonsillitis, which can be caused by various pathogens, namely viruses, bacteria and fungi. Often a sore throat does not go away long enough. It interferes with living, working, studying, and relaxing normally. This condition cannot be ignored; you must urgently seek help from a doctor who will prescribe adequate treatment.

What to do if, in addition to a cold and sore throat, toothache is added and there is an urgent need to visit the dentist? Or is it your turn to see a doctor by appointment? Can you treat your teeth if you have a sore throat?

Of course, treatment of diseased teeth is possible, but only in cases where the patient simply cannot bear the pain. However, dentists in most cases recommend postponing the procedure until complete recovery.

There are many reasons for refusing to carry out the procedure and postponing it to a “healthier day”:

Firstly, during a cold, the body is a source of infection, the body becomes weak and vulnerable, therefore the risk of developing complications, stomatitis, fluxes, etc. increases;

Secondly, the patient takes various medications - antiseptics, antihistamines, antibiotics, which do not combine well with dental treatment using painkillers;

Thirdly, when a person is sick, he has difficulty breathing - a runny nose and nasal congestion appear, which forces him to breathe through his mouth. In addition, constant sneezing and coughing will interfere with the procedure.

When going to the dentist with a sore throat, think not only about yourself, but also about him. After all, he is unlikely to be pleased with your cough and runny nose. In addition, he simply can become infected from you, and then his colleagues and family will catch the disease. Therefore, it is still better to overcome the disease first, and then go to the doctor.

Sometimes small children find themselves in a similar situation and are very difficult to persuade to undergo dental treatment. What to do in such a situation? The answer is simple - you need to find a good dental clinic for children, where they will go without hysterics and with pleasure. This is exactly what the Amistom children's clinic is https://amistom. ru/detskaya-stranichka, where children's teeth are treated without pain and fear.

How to help yourself at home

A cold does not mean that you have to wait for recovery and endure toothache. To get rid of unpleasant sensations and minimize the likelihood of complications, you should:

  • Do not ignore the requirements for careful hygiene of teeth and gums. Even if you feel unwell, you need to brush your teeth twice a day, and after each meal or sweet drink, rinse your mouth with clean water.
  • Take symptomatic medications that are used for ARVI, as they contain painkillers that will help eliminate pain.

Try not to chew hard food on the side of the diseased tooth until you go to the dentist; it is better to switch to soft food for a while.

Is it possible to pull out a tooth if you have a cold? I made an appointment to have a tooth pulled, but my nose is stuffy and my throat hurts.

Nadejda Blagodarnaya

Refrain if possible.

Fourteenth Evil

It is better to postpone this event.

Victor Kuzmenok

So what? The dentist will put tampons in your nose and throat but pull out the tooth.

Dewr Cwningen

During a cold, the body fights infection, throwing all its strength at it. An additional burden in the form of tooth extraction will not be beneficial; complications may arise, since after removal a slight inflammatory process will still occur, and the immune system will either react to this very sharply (which is always uncomfortable for a person), or will be weakened and will not be able to protect the inflammatory focus. If the tooth is not neglected, it is better to wait a week until complete recovery, and then pull it out.

Soap Fairy Olga

If a tooth hurts, it is better to pull it out as soon as possible. If the tooth does not hurt and there is no fever, then you can also go for extraction. If the tooth does not bother you much and you have a fever, then you should wait, but not for long, since a diseased tooth also causes inflammation.

Is it possible to treat teeth at fever?

Alina Kalashnik

Well, it's up to you to decide

If the temperature continues tomorrow, refuse

Definitely - NO! Out of respect for the doctor, because there is a risk of transmission of infection. And it’s not very good for yourself, you can add a couple of extra viruses to the existing ones, and aggravate the situation.

Apricot pie

Have pity on the doctor. Better call and warn.


No. You can get an infection in the wound.

Astafieva Yulia

You know, it's kind of a double-edged sword. What if a person needs to go to work and takes one day off? You’d better get a good treatment, after all, 37.5 is not such a high temperature, and you’re still at the very beginning. If you still doubt whether to go or not, then ask your dentists how best to proceed. There are online consultations here and on sites such as 32 TOP-ru. By the way, there is a very good list of Moscow dentists, with all the data, addresses, telephone numbers. And there are reviews, so if you are from Moscow and don’t get to your clinic, you can always choose another one.


In addition to contraindications, the implantation procedure has other negative aspects that affect the patient’s health. During dental implantation, some complications may occur. Some of them arise either due to the negligence of the dentist during the operation, or due to an oversight during the examination of the patient. These include inflammation of the gums and bone tissue surrounding the implant, damage to large nerve trunks and blood vessels, fracture of the screw or implant body, and disruption of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus or nasal cavity.

In these cases, immediate assistance to the patient and stopping the implantation process is required. Further implementation is impossible for some time after all the damage caused has been eliminated. These damages can provoke the emergence of new contraindications, so the next time an implantation operation is attempted, new diagnostics are required.

Installing an implant is a complex and irreversible process. Before resorting to this method of tooth replacement, the patient should undergo a thorough examination by all the necessary specialists in order to understand whether this procedure is suitable for you or whether it is worth looking for an alternative. Most often, identified contraindications do not prevent the installation of implants and the implantation procedure. In more significant cases, the patient is not worth the risk and it is best to abandon this idea.

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