Toothache during a cold: causes and treatment

Is it possible to tolerate toothache?

In case of short-term acute pain caused by sour or sweet food getting into the caries cavity, which goes away after rinsing and the irritant stops acting, a visit to the dentist can be postponed for a couple of days. This pain is typical for shallow caries and enamel erosion.

But it happens that the tooth hurts, and then it stops and the person does not seek medical help. In fact, the disease that provoked the appearance of unpleasant sensations becomes chronic, and the cessation of pain may indicate the death of the pulp, the transition of the pathological process beyond the boundaries of the tooth (asymptomatic process). Often the tooth subsequently has to be removed, and the inflammatory process spreads to other organs and tissues; in complex and advanced situations, conservative treatment is ineffective and surgical intervention is no longer possible.

Temporary relief of acute toothache is not a sign of recovery


By postponing an appointment with the dentist, you risk getting serious complications instead of one bad tooth:

  • pulp necrosis – death and destruction of connective tissue cells filling the tooth cavity;
  • periodontitis – after the death of the pulp, the process spreads beyond the tooth and inflammation of the tissues of the pulp chamber begins;
  • abscess - a purulent process of the soft tissues of the oral cavity or the body of the jaw;
  • phlegmon is a diffuse purulent process that spreads through the intercellular spaces of the soft tissues of the face, neck and chest.

When exactly do you need to see a doctor urgently?

A dental consultation is required if you have:

  • pain does not go away within 24 hours (within 2 days if the pain appeared after removal, implantation, or surgical procedures);
  • if pain of any intensity in the jaw is accompanied by fever and/or general malaise;
  • an independent examination of the oral cavity revealed a gingival hood (redness, swelling of the gums) or purulent inflammation;
  • the intensity of the pain syndrome gradually increases;
  • bleeding gums and soreness.

Darkening of the tooth indicates destruction of its structure from the inside. Only a specialist can judge the true extent of the damage. The dental clinic “Yulistom” accepts patients seven days a week by appointment, and in case of acute toothache, emergency care is provided on the day of the call, we will accept you without a queue.

What inflammatory processes are there?

There are several types of dental inflammation:

1. Gingivitis is an inflammation that does not lead to destruction of the connection between the gum and tooth. With this disease, teeth do not become mobile. If you identify the problem from the very beginning, then it is quite simple and easy to treat. But neglected variants can lead to more serious problems - periodontitis.

2. Periodontitis is a disease that leads to the destruction of the periodontal junction. The inflammatory process in this disease spreads not only to the gums, but also to the bone tissue, damaging it. Tooth loss becomes an unpleasant consequence of this disease.

3. Periodontitis is a disease that is characterized by inflammation of the periodontium and destroys the integrity of the ligaments that hold the tooth. This is the last stage of gum disease and often leads to tooth loss.

To prevent gum disease from progressing, contact our clinic at the first symptoms you notice. We will select a treatment that will stop and stop the inflammatory process.

How to relieve acute toothache

To treat acute toothache at home, you can use the following groups of medications:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) – (Nimesil, Nise, Nimesulide, etc.). Can be taken no more than 2 times a day.
  • Non-narcotic analgesics of central and peripheral action - (Analgin, Pentalgin, Paracetamol, Ketorol, Ketanov, etc.).
  • Local anesthetics – (Lidocaine, Novocaine, etc.). They are considered the most powerful medicines for relieving toothache.

Tablets for acute toothache

The tablets quickly and for a relatively long time relieve acute toothache. Many such painkillers are available without a prescription and can be found in home medicine cabinets.


Packaging of Nimesulide

Nimesulide is an NSAID, a subgroup of sulfonanilides. Has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic effect. Take with caution to persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • How to take : 1 tablet after meals or dissolve the contents of 1 sachet in ½ glass of water, take after meals. No more than 2 times a day.
  • Cost : from 40 rub. (10 tablets) and from 120 rub. (4 sachets).
  • Manufacturer : Darnitsa, OZON Pharm, Akrikhin KhFK JSC, etc.
  • Release form and dosage : tablets of 100 mg 10, 30 pcs. per package, granules for preparing a suspension 4, 10 and 30 bags of 2 g per package. For oral administration.
  • Contraindications : allergic and other reactions to the drug in the past, inflammatory bowel diseases in the acute stage, concomitant use of other drugs from the NSAID group, a history of internal bleeding, blood clotting disorders, renal, hepatic, heart failure, children under 12 years of age, pregnancy and period lactation, intolerance to components.
  • Dispensed : without a prescription.


Packaging of Paracetamol

Paracetamol is an analgesic-antipyretic. Has an analgesic and antipyretic effect.

  • How to take : 1 tablet after meals, no more than 4 times a day.
  • Cost : from 10 rubles (10 tablets).
  • Manufacturer : PFC Update, Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, etc.
  • Release form and doses : tablets of 500 mg 10, 12, 20 pcs. packaged.
  • Contraindications : allergic and other reactions to the drug in the past, intolerance to components, children under 6 years of age, acute renal, liver failure.
  • Dispensed : without a prescription.


Analgin packaging

Analgin is a peripherally acting analgesic-antipyretic, a pyrazolone derivative. Has an analgesic and antipyretic effect.

  • How to take : 1 tablet after meals, no more than 2-3 times a day.
  • Cost : from 50 rubles (10 tablets) and from 100 rubles. (10 ampoules).
  • Manufacturer : RENEWAL, Update PFK JSC, Avexima Siberia LLC, etc.
  • Release form and dosage : 500 mg tablets 10, 12, 20, 30, 50 pcs. per package, ampoules of 2 ml 10 pcs. packaging.
  • Contraindications : history of allergic reactions and other reactions to the drug, individual intolerance, hematopoietic disorders, pregnancy and lactation, children under 15 years of age, depending on the age category and route of administration, acute renal, liver failure.
  • Dispensed : without a prescription.


Ketorol packaging

Ketorol is a centrally acting analgesic-antipyretic, a derivative of pyrrolysine-carboxylic acid. Has analgesic and antipyretic effects.

  • How to take : 1-2 tablets after meals, no more than 3-4 times a day.
  • Price : from 30 rub. (20 tablets) and from 90 rub. (10 ampoules).
  • Manufacturer : MAKIZ-PHARMA LLC, Dr. Reddy, with Laboratories LTD (India), etc.
  • Release form and dosage : coated tablets of 10 mg, 20 pcs. per package, 1 ml ampoules 10 pcs. packaging.
  • Contraindications : allergic reactions and other reactions to the drug in the past, intolerance to components, hematopoietic disorders, pregnancy and lactation period, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, children under 16 years of age, depending on the route of administration and age category, acute hepatic, renal failure.
  • Dispensed : by prescription.

What else helps with acute toothache

For attacks of severe acute pain, you can take other potent medications in the form of a topical powder or spray.


Nimesil sachets

Nimesil is an NSAID, a subgroup of sulfonamides. Has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic effect. Take with caution to persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • How to take : dissolve the contents of 1 sachet in half a glass of water, take after meals. No more than 2 times a day.
  • Cost : from 700 rub. (30 packages), from 300 rub. (9 sachets).
  • Manufacturer : BERLIN-CHEMIE.
  • Release form and dosage : granules for preparing a suspension. For oral use. Package contains 9, 30 bags of 2 g.
  • Contraindications : allergic reactions and other reactions to the drug in the past, inflammatory bowel diseases in the acute stage, concomitant use of other drugs from the NSAID group, a history of internal bleeding, blood clotting disorders, renal, hepatic, heart failure, children under 12 years of age, pregnancy and lactation period, intolerance to components.
  • Dispensed : without a prescription.


Spray Lidocaine

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic.

  • How to take : 1 dose = 1 spray, locally no more than 1-2 sprays, or moisten a swab in a spray solution or ampoule and place it in the carious cavity. For children under 2 years of age, treat pain ONLY with a tampon!
  • Price : from 20 rubles (ampoules) and from 300 rubles. (spray).
  • Manufacturer : Egis Pharmaceutical Plant (Hungary), Ellara, Pharmasintez, etc.
  • Release form and dosage : spray 50 ml for topical use, ampoules of 2 ml 10 pcs. packaging.
  • Contraindications : allergic reactions and other reactions to the drug in the past, severe bleeding, individual intolerance, hypotension, bradycardia, pregnancy and lactation period, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, children under 16 years of age, depending on the route of administration and age category, older adults 65 years old.
  • Dispensed : by prescription.

What pills should you not take?

Any medications should be taken strictly according to the instructions. Uncontrolled use of drugs can lead to complications such as stomach ulcers, gastritis, disorders of the liver, kidneys, and hematopoietic system. Before taking medications, you need to check their expiration date.

IMPORTANT! Do not take antibiotics for acute toothache without a doctor's prescription! Self-medication is dangerous!

You should not take any painkillers before visiting a doctor, because the medicine will change your symptoms and make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

Do not take painkillers before seeing a doctor!

Treatment of acute toothache at home

It is undesirable to self-medicate and use traditional medicine methods to relieve even severe tooth pain, since they do more harm than good. The use of some techniques may cause complications. A striking example is the appearance of an abscess and phlegmon after the use of heat (“warming up” a sore spot) during an inflammatory process.

The best way out of the situation is to visit the dentist as soon as possible; as a last resort, take medication to relieve pain and then consult a doctor.

Some traditional methods that can be used:

  • applying a cold compress to the cheek or a piece of ice to the sore tooth for a short time will somewhat reduce the pain (cold will constrict the blood vessels and slow down the rate of spread of inflammation). Be careful: do not allow cold to come into contact with the skin, especially for a long time, to avoid frostbite;
  • rinsing with a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water effectively fights pathogenic microflora and helps remove plaque, softening it. For the same purpose, rinsing with a solution of chlorhexidine and miramistin is effective;
  • An alcohol compress on the tooth cavity somewhat reduces pain for a short time due to its analgesic effect and disinfection. Place a piece of cotton wool soaked in alcohol or vodka inside the carious cavity;
  • rinsing with a solution of soda (1 tsp per glass of water) and/or salt (1 tsp per glass of water) reduces swelling and nerve compression by reducing osmotic pressure in the tissues. Effective for discomfort caused by eating. Rinse for 5-10 minutes;
  • rinsing with infusion of chamomile and sage reduces inflammation and swelling of the gums. 2 tbsp. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the herbs and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm infusion 4-6 times a day.

Toothache during a cold: causes and treatment

One of the symptoms of a common cold, along with high fever, runny nose and cough, can be toothache. Teeth that are completely healthy at first glance can turn out to be a source of pain and signal problems with the body. When a toothache occurs due to a cold, adequate treatment prescribed by a general practitioner can quickly relieve you of this unpleasant symptom.

Why does toothache occur with a cold?

Toothache, along with headache and earache, can be a symptom of a cold. It occurs most often due to such a phenomenon as the occurrence of excess pressure in the nasal sinuses. When you have a cold, your sinuses become inflamed, and the mucus that forms in them blocks the passage, creating pressure that leads to pain. As soon as the inflammation of the mucous membrane is relieved, the teeth stop hurting. In addition, when we have a cold, we often drink a lot of liquids that contain acid. It can have a harmful effect on tooth enamel and cause pain. Also, when we have a runny nose, the mucous membrane of our mouth dries out quite noticeably, and the sugar that lingers on it in this way can also negatively affect the teeth.

Toothache due to a cold: treatment

So, we have looked at the main reasons why toothache most often occurs during a cold. Treatment prescribed by a therapist will help you recover as quickly as possible, and therefore get rid of painful sensations in your mouth. In the meantime, while the healing process is underway, you can relieve toothache using one of the proven home remedies.

  • Rinsing with a baking soda solution (1 small spoon per glass of warm water) will help relieve inflammation and reduce irritation in the mouth. To achieve maximum effect, it is best to rinse your mouth 2-3 times an hour until signs of improvement appear.
  • Dental drops. They can be purchased at any pharmacy for a small price. These drops have a calming effect and are based on camphor and valerian. It is enough to apply a few drops on a cotton swab and apply to the aching area.
  • Sage decoction. Keep the warm sage decoction in your mouth for a few minutes, and you will notice that your toothache will become much less intense.
  • Painkillers. If toothache causes you a lot of problems during a cold, then you can use any of the painkillers: ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc. The main thing is that the benefits of their use outweigh the harm they can cause to your liver and the entire body as a whole.

You can get a consultation at the DENTISTRY clinic. Make an appointment by calling +7 (8342) 308–088 or using the form below.

Make an appointment

Acute toothache due to diseases

Pain syndrome can appear against the background of diseases. If left untreated, they will lead to complications. The most common diseases that cause pain:

  1. Caries . With deep damage, acute pain appears when exposed to hot, cold food or water. Painful sensations when exposed to temperature indicate thinning of the wall of the caries cavity and the possible development of pulpitis.
  2. Pulpitis . Severe acute pain often intensifies in the evening and at night, has a pulsating character without clear localization, radiating to the temple or ear.
  3. Periodontitis . Acute pain when biting often indicates the development of this disease. Medications and folk remedies will not help with this pathology. Treatment will be long, labor-intensive and take place in several stages.
  4. Flux or abscess . They are characterized by acute throbbing pain, indicating the development of a purulent process. There is swelling in the oral cavity; in severe cases, the cheek may be swollen.

Sometimes there are situations when the teeth are healthy, but continue to “hurt”. This is possible in the presence of pathological conditions not related to the oral cavity:

  • Oncological diseases of the maxillofacial region . The pain is tingling, with possible numbness and muscle weakness.
  • ENT diseases . The pain radiates to the back of the upper and lower jaw.
  • Maxillofacial neuralgia .
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction). The pain radiates to the angle of the lower jaw on the left.
  • Migrenous , cluster and other types of headaches . Acute paroxysmal pain in the upper jaw on one side, behind the orbit, is often provoked by drinking alcohol.
  • Patology of the temporomandibular joint . The mouth does not open completely; when moving the jaw, clicking, creaking sounds are heard, pain in front of the tragus of the ear.

If false, radiating pain is detected, we refer the patient to the appropriate related specialist who, after examination, will determine further treatment tactics.

Possible causes of gum swelling

Depending on the location of the tumor, its nature, the presence or absence of pain, we can talk about the following causes of the disease:

  • Caries or pulpitis. Negligence towards oral health leads to inflammation spreading from the tooth tissue to the gums. Most often, both caries and pulpitis are accompanied by constant pain (sharp, aching, throbbing), but sometimes the process is painless. So, for example, if a neurovascular bundle was removed during a previous intervention, there may be no pain. In this case, tooth decay continues and over time, inflammation affects the gums.
  • Gingivitis or periodontitis. Improper oral hygiene leads to an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms. Gingivitis is an inflammation caused by bacteria and occurs without disruption of the periodontal bonds, and often without pain. However, if you do not pay attention to the problem, the disease progresses to the stage of periodontitis, which is characterized by destruction of the alveolar part of the bone tissue. Both gingivitis and periodontitis are accompanied by redness and swelling of the gums.

If the gums are swollen at the root neck of the tooth, and the shape of the swelling is elongated (along the border of the gums), we can most likely say that the cause is gingivitis or periodontitis. In this case, pain is mild, and at the initial stage of inflammation is completely absent. Bleeding gums can be considered an additional symptom of these diseases, but it does not always occur.

  • Abscess (flux). If swelling of the gums affects a large area, is localized at a distance of 10-15 mm from the neck of the tooth and is accompanied by throbbing pain that intensifies with pressure, the cause is almost certainly purulent inflammation. If you do not consult a doctor, the abscess gives rise to various complications, including phlegmon - acute purulent inflammation, which in advanced cases can be fatal.

In addition to the above reasons, swelling can be caused by gum injury, wisdom tooth eruption, or surgery. It is important to understand that slight swelling of the gums, which persists for 1-2 days after tooth extraction or other dental surgery, is normal. However, if the swelling does not go away within this time or becomes more extensive, you should see a dentist.

As for wisdom teeth, it is better to immediately consult a doctor without waiting for swelling to appear. This is due to the fact that very often the “eights” have certain defects that interfere with their eruption and cause inflammation of the gum tissue. The decision on the advisability of preserving a wisdom tooth is made after an X-ray examination, which makes it possible to identify certain pathologies in its development. If swelling has already appeared, but the tooth can be saved, most often a hood resection is performed, that is, the upper part of the gum that covers the crown is removed.

Swelling of the gums when wisdom teeth erupt is a common problem.

Acute toothache in pregnant women

Due to increased levels of acidity in the mouth and lack of nutrients, teeth are more susceptible to decay during pregnancy and lactation. But during such periods, when acute pain appears, it is extremely undesirable to take medications due to their toxic effects on the body of the fetus or child, including developmental defects. An urgent visit to a doctor is necessary to make a diagnosis and choose treatment tactics. To alleviate the painful condition, it is possible to use traditional methods of treatment.

IMPORTANT! St. John's wort herb should not be used due to its negative effect on the fetus and child!

Treatment of gum swelling

The choice of treatment for gum swelling depends on the root cause of the problem. For example, if the gums are swollen due to caries, the disease should be treated as soon as possible. For gingivitis, the main measures are aimed at reducing the number of pathogenic microorganisms. For this purpose, tartar and plaque are removed, and then anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

It is important to note that whatever the cause of the swelling, the first thing you should do is visit a dentist. Self-medication only aggravates the problem and complicates subsequent treatment. In addition, by postponing a visit to the clinic “for later,” the patient risks getting a serious complication.

Acute toothache in children

The cause of acute toothache in a child can be simply a reaction to sweet, sour, cold and hot foods, or pulpitis or caries. An urgent visit to a doctor is necessary. To alleviate the condition, you can give your child Paracetamol or Ibuprofen in a dosage corresponding to the age norm, or children's Nurofen. Taking other painkillers is highly undesirable due to the large number of side effects.

Acute toothache worsens at night

Prevention of acute toothache

To prevent the occurrence of acute toothache, preventive measures are required, and if the first signs of discomfort or visible changes in the appearance of the tooth or oral mucosa appear, you should consult a doctor.

Preventive measures include:

  • brushing teeth twice a day;
  • using dental floss, brush or irrigator;
  • preventive visit to the dentist every six months. This will allow you to cure caries at the initial stage and prevent the development of complications;
  • quitting smoking – tobacco smoke changes the biochemical composition of saliva and promotes the formation of dental plaque;
  • refusal of sweet and soft foods: sugar is a substrate for feeding microorganisms, and when eating soft foods, natural teeth cleansing does not occur.

Following these simple rules and promptly contacting the doctors of our clinic will preserve your health and save your budget. After all, it is easier and more financially profitable to prevent a disease than to treat it later! And the question of how to relieve acute toothache will no longer arise.


1. Does it make sense to put a tablet on a tooth? No. Analgesics and NSAIDs in tablet form have a central and peripheral effect, reaching the site of application through the bloodstream.

2. What to do if you take a pill and the pain does not go away? How many tablets can I take? If the maximum permissible dose indicated in the instructions does not help, you should immediately consult a doctor.

3. What to do with acute toothache that appears at night? To relieve acute toothache at night, it is recommended to contact a 24-hour dental clinic. Of course, it will not be possible to carry out full treatment at night, but you will receive palliative care to relieve pain. In the absence of a 24-hour clinic, you need to take a minimum dose of pain medication, and be sure to consult a doctor in the morning.

4. What pills or folk remedies will cope with acute toothache faster? Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tablets and analgesics will help quickly cope with toothache (Analgin, Tempalgin, Nise, Baralgin). Traditional methods can only act as an aid to combat pain, but according to reviews, rinsing with a solution of soda and salt helps the most.

Remember that pain medications do not eliminate the cause of acute pain.
They relieve the symptom. To eliminate the cause of the pain, a visit to the doctor and proper treatment are necessary. Contact our specialists! Moscow metro station Zvezdnaya, Danube Avenue, 23

Causes of gum inflammation

Today, we, as dentists, know a huge number of different reasons due to which the process of inflammation of the gums around the teeth begins. Among them are the most common ones. They occur quite often. I will introduce you to them:

1. External factors.

These include everything that affects the gums from the outside. For example:

– smoking;

– decreased immunity;

– taking medications that negatively affect the condition of the gums;

– various diseases (diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.);

– incorrect nutrition;

– hormonal imbalance, as well as lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

2. Internal factors.

These factors include everything that directly affects the gums. For example:

– injuries, gum burns;

– improper dental care, which results in actively reproducing bacteria;

– stone formation;

– errors when installing fillings, as well as prosthetics and dental restorations;

– infections that damage the tooth, and subsequently the gum.

The most important reason why gum inflammation most often occurs is an extremely rare visit to the dentist. Unfortunately, patients are accustomed to going to doctors when the disease is already present and interferes with living comfortably.

Visiting the dentist once every 6 months is not a complicated procedure and does not require much time. But this is precisely what will allow us to identify the first symptoms of the disease and quickly cope with the problem. In our clinic, you can have a consultation with me or my colleagues on the compulsory medical insurance system. Those. do it absolutely free. Read more about the compulsory medical insurance system. So let's continue.

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