Accidentally swallowed a brace? How dangerous is this and what to do?


Braces serve as the most effective way to correct occlusion and bite defects.

One of the significant disadvantages of orthodontic treatment with braces is its duration. The structure should remain in the patient’s mouth for 1-2 years.

During a long period of treatment, various troubles can occur, including braces coming off.

Any breakdowns of the system are corrected in the orthodontist’s office, but what to do if a structural element accidentally gets into the digestive organs or respiratory tract?

Causes of fixation disorders

Braces are fixed to the teeth using special glue. This is a fairly strong product that can withstand heavy loads.

But the fixing agent cannot firmly glue the braces to the teeth, because at the end of the treatment they will need to be removed without damaging the tooth enamel.

During treatment, unpleasant situations quite often occur when an elastic band is lost, an archwire flies out or becomes deformed, or a lock or brace comes off. This can occur as a result of non-compliance with the basic rules of wearing braces.

Reasons for deformation of bracket systems:

  • Poor installation. Orthodontic treatment is offered in all dental clinics.
    But some doctors are trying to save money on patients and use low-quality materials. If the quality of the adhesive is poor, the fixation will be weak, which will lead to the bracket quickly coming off;
  • Neglect of oral hygiene rules. After installing braces, the patient must carefully monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity.
    Brushing your teeth should be done after every meal. In addition, not only the usual paste and brush should be used, but also other special devices.

    Insufficient care leads to the formation of hard deposits on the teeth and the development of caries. Bacteria on the teeth destroy the glue, and the reliability of the fixation decreases, which leads to the elements coming off;

  • Failure to comply with nutritional rules. Wearing braces also entails changes in the nature of food intake.
    Products that are too hard, as well as sticky and stretchy, too hot or cold are prohibited. Failure to comply with food restrictions leads to deformation of the arch, unsticking of the bracket or elastic bands;
  • Carelessness when wearing systems. Such orthodontic structures are quite durable, but this mainly applies only to metal arches.
    Parts such as locks or springs do not differ in strength characteristics. Under certain conditions they can be easily damaged. Among the main destructive factors may be sports (boxing, football, wrestling, etc.), an active lifestyle, injuries or falls.

Let's figure out together whether teeth need to be removed when installing braces, and which ones are subject to extraction.

Come here if you are interested in how you can get a tax deduction for braces.

At this address read who can install braces under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Professional treatment

Of course, a quick response and timely treatment will guarantee the patient’s full recovery. The slightest delay can lead to a person requiring a long period of rehabilitation. Depending on the complaints, the doctor determines the optimal examination method; most often, X-ray or ultrasound is used.

Quite often, laxatives demonstrate an excellent effect; they speed up the process of removing the part from the body. In this case, the person does not feel discomfort or pain and lives a normal life. If the arc accidentally gets into the respiratory organs, it is more advisable to prescribe an auscultation procedure. It consists of listening to the lungs and other internal organs and allows you to identify disturbances in their functioning with maximum accuracy.

Sometimes professionals put the patient into medicated sleep, this allows the bronchoscopy procedure to be performed with less inconvenience. This is especially true with a strongly expressed gag reflex. Due to the urge, a person may move, which is extremely undesirable and can interfere with the careful work of the doctor. Do not underestimate the seriousness of the problem, because even a small piece of metal can lead to serious problems. A quick response will save a person’s health and sometimes life.

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Dangers of elements entering the esophagus

Basically, the components of braces systems have rounded shapes and are not dangerous if swallowed. In most cases, a person does not even notice that he has swallowed some part.

What to do if any part of the braces system is swallowed:

  • Ligatures. They are made of medical silicone or wire and are absolutely harmless.
    After passing through the digestive tract, the gum simply comes out with the feces. The wire is so thin that it cannot damage the mucous membrane. Most often it is simply dissolved by gastric juice. If ligatures are swallowed, you need to visit an orthodontist to install new elements so as not to disrupt the process of moving teeth in the desired direction;
  • Braces system locks. They are made of metal or artificial stone and have rounded shapes.
    When swallowed, they also do not cause harm to internal organs. Locks are removed from the body in the same way as rubber bands. In this case, it is also necessary to urgently visit a specialist to fix a new lock, otherwise the arc will fly out and damage the oral mucosa. In addition, the pressure on the teeth will change, which will nullify all treatment;
  • Arc. It is made of metal and may have a sharp edge.
    If swallowed, the wire may stick into the esophagus or damage the lining of the digestive system. In this case, you should not eat food to prevent the arc from passing further and damaging organs. In this case, the help of specialists is required who can extract the element from the digestive organs.

What should a patient do if he swallows a brace?

First of all, don't panic. The patient needs to remember: there is no need to worry about possible health complications associated with swallowing one intact brace. This problem does not promise any negative consequences, because modern materials from which orthodontic structures are made are completely harmless to the human body. The brace-lock will not remain inside for a long time; after a while it will come out in the usual way.

In this case, the greatest danger is from a damaged, swallowed bracket. In this case, the patient may experience unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, however, generally speaking, the human esophagus is very adapted to solving this kind of problem: its walls are capable of pushing even a sharp-angled foreign object of small size towards the exit.

In all cases, instead of the lost bracket, a new element will be inserted into the corrective structure. A swallowed bracket is never reused.

Inhalation of small parts

Small parts of the braces system getting into the lungs is more dangerous. Unlike the digestive tract, structural elements from the lungs cannot leave the body on their own.

Even the smallest particles, such as rubber bands or a brace, if left in the lungs for a long time, cause inflammation of the organ. Inhaling part of the arc can lead to even more serious consequences - a puncture of the lung.

If any part of the orthodontic system is inhaled, you must immediately contact the otolaryngology department for its prompt removal.

Varieties of Ormco braces systems and the secret of the company’s popularity.

In this publication, we will look at models from the American Orthodontics braces catalog.

Here we will find out what braces are glued to.

What are the dangers of swallowing wires and ligatures?

An arch in braces is a bent piece of wire. If it is swallowed, there is a real possibility of damage to the soft tissues of the body along its route. The arc may come out naturally, but not always. To insure against possible complications, it is recommended to immediately seek advice from a physician who may prescribe an abdominal x-ray. For a patient in such a situation, it is extremely important not to allow additional food intake, so as not to aggravate an already serious situation. Water and juice are allowed for consumption.

Actions of specialists

If any part of the braces is swallowed or inhaled, seek immediate medical attention. This is especially true for the arc. The doctor performs a visual examination. If necessary, an ultrasound scan of the abdominal cavity or lungs is prescribed.

Once the ingested part has been located and the health hazard is determined, the specialist will take action to remove it only if necessary.

Possible actions of the doctor:

  • If particles are stuck in the lungs , a bronchoscope is used;
  • If part of the arc is stuck in the esophagus , use special forceps or an endoscope;
  • If part of the arc has penetrated into the gastric mucosa , surgical intervention is required.


Any patient who decides to correct their bite with braces should remember that all the unwanted “surprises” that occur during the correction can be prevented with timely contact with specialists.

If during the treatment you swallowed an element of the corrective system, share with readers your personal experience of eliminating the problem. We look forward to your feedback in the comments section.

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Precautionary measures

Correcting teeth and bites with braces is a very long process. The success of treatment depends on the quality of installation and compliance with the rules of wearing an orthodontic structure.

Accuracy and attentiveness throughout the course will help you get the desired result and avoid unpleasant moments.

Precautions are:

  • Careful selection of clinic and specialist. The result of correction of bite defects directly depends on the trusting attitude towards the attending physician.
    Reading reviews about the clinic and its specialists, communicating with a doctor, showing interest in the tools and materials used will allow you to achieve the desired result;
  • Compliance with all doctor’s instructions regarding the rules of wearing orthodontic structures in terms of eating, care and daily activities;
  • Immediate decision making. If a partial peeling of the lock is detected, you should try to fix it with wax and consult a doctor as soon as possible.
    If a broken arc is detected, a lock or other part of the structure comes unglued, it must be removed immediately. When the part passes into the esophagus, it is prohibited to eat;

In any case, it is necessary to visit specialists as soon as possible to remove the elements and adjust the system.

In the video, an orthodontic patient tells his story of swallowing a brace.

What is the danger of mechanical damage to the system?

A loose bracket or a spring that has changed its tension can radically change the planned trajectory of teeth movement. If you promptly contact the orthodontist center, the attending physician will, of course, restore the deformed system. But you will have to pay for his additional work and time spent, as well as for a new brace or other lost structural element. Remember this both when performing mandatory hygiene procedures and during meals, when you want to eat something tasty, but, unfortunately, forbidden for now.

Elastics for braces - features

After fixing the rubber bands to braces, patients experience some discomfort. But the inconveniences are minor, you quickly get used to them. If the pain lasts a long time and does not go away, then you should contact your orthodontist to change the rubber bands.

When wearing elastics with braces, patients should be aware of the following points:

  • Orthodontic cords are very elastic - they are almost impossible to break, they do not interfere with conversation or laughter.
  • Surgical latex is destroyed by fat, so the elastics must be removed when eating.
  • The elastic bands differ in many ways, and for ease of gradation they were named after animals - this makes purchasing easier for patients and their parents.
  • The package contains a month's supply of rubber bands - at the rate of two pairs per day.

The duration of wearing braces with rubber bands depends on the indications and clinical situation. For some patients, a month of intensive correction is enough, for others it takes about a year. The exact dates will be announced by the attending physician during a scheduled appointment.

What causes braces to come off?

There are three reasons why the contact of a lock attached to the surface of a tooth may weaken. As a result, a structural element of the brace system may become detached and be eaten by a person.

Improper care of braces. If after each meal you do not carry out a mandatory procedure for cleaning the system from food debris, then the patient risks not only getting caries or tartar, but also weakening the fastening of the system due to deterioration of adhesion to the surface of the teeth of the adhesive composition.

Eating the wrong foods. Installing braces implies that certain types of food are subject to restrictions or even prohibitions. For example, the patient should completely avoid chewing gum, crackers or chips; in general, any overly hard or sticky food should be excluded from the diet.

Incorrect or careless handling of the structure. The strength of the installed bracket system is quite high, but this concerns more the metal arch itself than the locks and springs. If the patient leads an active lifestyle, in particular, engages in certain sports where there is a high level of contact, this may cause damage to the entire structure or its elements.

How to reduce discomfort

Although discomfort is a normal reaction of the body to the installation of braces and the beginning of recovery, it is not necessary to endure them. The orthodontist should tell you how to make adaptation easier and reduce pain as soon as the system is installed.

There are several methods that can facilitate addiction; they can be used separately, but the best effect is observed when combined with each other:

  • Dental wax . It can be purchased at the pharmacy to be used to reduce friction of the archwire and other protruding mechanisms with the mucous membrane. Wax is completely safe. It is a transparent mass without color or odor, so its use does not affect the taste sensation. After heating, it easily takes the desired shape. Before use, it must be warmed in your fingers or palms, and then applied to the protruding part that causes irritation. It is non-toxic, so even if it enters the digestive system it will not harm the patient’s health. Gradually the wax wears off, so the substance must be added again. It is recommended to remove dental wax before eating, but even if this is not possible and the mass is swallowed, you should not worry: it will be excreted from the digestive system in its original form.
  • Dental silicone . Performs the same function as wax, but differs slightly in its properties. It is impermeable to moisture, so it stays on protruding parts much longer. This is very convenient in conditions where replacement is not easy: at school or in a work group.

  • Soda and salt solution . If the gum tissue is inflamed or swollen, a solution of baking soda, salt and warm water can help reduce pain. The water should be at a comfortable temperature. Dissolve ¼ tsp in 100 ml. soda and salt. Rinse for a couple of minutes every two hours. A contraindication is the presence of wounds or ulcers in the mouth, since salt will increase local irritation and slow down healing.
  • Diet correction . At first, you will need control over the menu. You will not be able to consume hot or cold food or drinks. It is better to give preference to soft dishes. You also need to exclude sour and spicy foods that can increase irritation of the mucous membranes and gums.
  • Rinses with pharmaceutical agents . The use of furatsilin solution in the form of rinses can speed up the healing of wounds on the lips and cheeks. This product has an antimicrobial and disinfecting effect. Rinse every two to three hours.
  • Gargling with a decoction of herbs. A decoction of chamomile and/or calendula reduces gum inflammation and irritation of the oral mucosa.
  • Painkillers . Most patients take pain medications for two to three days after installation. This makes it easier to adapt, as well as improve sleep, which may be disturbed during the first days. Use tablets or powder form to reduce the intensity of toothache. By the third day, most people no longer need this measure.

Subsequently, pain may appear after the doctor tightens the arc. Usually this period is limited to two to three days, but the pain will not be as intense as in the first days after installation.

After removing braces, unpleasant sensations are also possible at the beginning of the retention period, aimed at consolidating the results obtained. In most cases, they are limited to mild discomfort and increased sensitivity of the teeth.

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