What to do if you accidentally swallowed a tooth crown?

A pin is a structure made of durable materials that is installed in the root of the tooth and strengthens it. With its help, the tooth is maintained in normal condition and can take part in chewing food. Sometimes the pin needs to be replaced.

The pin is considered a foreign body at the root, although fragments of a dental instrument are also foreign bodies. A foreign body is detected in the root canal using x-rays. The photo clearly shows a piece of a tool or a pin. To remove a foreign body, you first need to remove the seal and depressurize the canal. After removing the foreign body, the canals are sealed again.

The pin has the appearance of a spoke. It is used to strengthen root canals and damaged teeth. The use of a pin helps restore a tooth when at least a fifth of it is preserved. A dental post extends the “life” of the tooth by slowing down further decay of the crown after caries has been treated. The pin is also used as a basis for tooth restoration.


You need to understand what will happen if you swallow a piece or splinter of a tooth. Some complications may occur that harm both the adult and the child.

Swallowing teethIf a tooth gets into the stomach, most often the foreign body comes out naturally without complications. However, in some cases, the swallowed object has various chips and sharp edges that damage the digestive organs and cause bleeding
DentureSwallowing a part without sharp particles does not cause complicationsIn some cases, pain and discomfort appear in the child’s stomach area
PinCauses a large number of unpleasant symptoms in both adults and children. Most often, complications manifest themselves in the form of damage to the walls of the digestive organs and bleeding. Pain and burning also occur, so after swallowing the pin, you must contact a gastroenterologist to undergo an x-ray and prescribe treatment.
CrownIn some cases, adults may experience stomach pain. If the crown is chipped, damage to the digestive organs may occur. Intestinal upset, nausea and vomiting. In cases where the crown has damaged the walls of the digestive organs, bleeding is observed.

If a temporary filling with arsenic is swallowed, there is virtually no risk of poisoning: dentistry uses a special paste that contains a small amount of the toxic substance.

Ingestion of arsenic during childhood can in some cases provoke symptoms of nausea; if such symptoms occur, you should consult your pediatrician.

How dangerous is this?

A tooth is not a completely foreign body. This is a part of the victim’s body, which is also small and does not have serious dangerous properties such as toxicity. No human tooth is large enough to cause significant problems if it enters the stomach and esophagus.

It is very difficult to swallow the entire jaw

If you swallowed a tooth, you know about it, but you don’t feel it anywhere above the stomach, then there is nothing to worry about - it has already reached the center of the digestive system and will eventually come out naturally. The danger arises when a tooth gets stuck in the esophagus. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a solid tooth or a splinter, there is a high probability that it will have sharp edges.

They are too small to seriously damage the mucous membrane of the throat, but they can cause panic and suffocation in sensitive people. It is not easy to push a tooth further out of the esophagus if it is stuck - those who have experienced such trouble associate their sensations with a fish bone stuck in the throat, only smaller.

What to do if a denture is swallowed

If a person swallows a crown, post or filling from a tooth, it is necessary to immediately contact a surgeon. When this is not possible, you should immediately go to the emergency room. If there is a filling in the stomach, you should see a gastroenterologist, since the components from which it is made may contain toxic substances.

When foreign bodies enter the gastrointestinal tract, there is a risk of bleeding due to damage to the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. If left untreated, perforation of the organ wall will occur, which can be fatal. When a foreign body is in the digestive tract, intestinal obstruction may occur.

Most unpleasant situations occur during sleep or while eating. The main rule is not to panic and not to try to prescribe laxatives on your own. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to find the safest and most comfortable solution. Most modern prostheses are made from high-quality materials, so poisoning and intoxication are excluded.

But the problem should not be ignored: old crowns may have sharp chips or break when chewed. When they enter the esophagus, they easily injure thin walls and mucous membranes. This can provoke inflammation with a number of complications that are difficult to treat. Therefore, you cannot do without visiting the emergency room or surgeon.

If a woman swallows a denture, in most cases doctors recommend waiting for it to be excreted in the feces. Each patient’s body and intestines “work” individually, so complete passage through the tract can take up to 7 days.

Among the structures that can be swallowed unnoticed:

  • crowns with broken fastening;
  • “butterfly” for one tooth made of nylon;
  • bridge for 2–3 teeth;
  • artificial tooth with a pin.

The problem is relevant for patients of all ages. It often occurs in people after a stroke, when sensitivity is lost.

Despite the use of high-quality materials, situations arise in which a dental crown is swallowed:

  • fastening technology is broken;
  • the crown decemented after the expiration date;
  • clasps broke;
  • the pins have become loose.

Sometimes the problem occurs after prosthetics, when the denture still causes discomfort and the patient has poor control over its position.


In most cases, if a person swallows a denture, it will come out on its own within a few days. But there is always a risk of damage to the walls of the esophagus. The edges of the crown can damage the mucous membranes and cause bacterial infection.

It is necessary to understand the danger of a crown getting into the human digestive tract.

The materials from which dental structures are made are non-toxic.

But chips and sharp edges can cause unpleasant consequences.

The danger of this situation is that if foreign bodies enter the digestive tract, complications such as:

  • Perforation (perforation) of the wall of the digestive tract.
  • Bleeding caused by injury to the walls of the digestive system.
  • Intestinal obstruction.

What is the procedure for removing the pin?

At the beginning of the procedure, a rubber dam is installed (latex scarves that are fixed on the teeth with special metal clamps, “clamps”; they are used to isolate the working field). After this, the tooth is thoroughly cleaned of the old filling material to release the pin rod. Then the rod is carefully processed with an ultrasonic instrument, while the pin is gradually loosened and removed from the canal, trying to preserve the tooth tissue as much as possible.

The anchor pin rod is also previously freed from the seal. Then they loosen it with ultrasound and carefully twist it out of the dental cavity.

Parapulpal rods are much easier to pull out than other types of pins. They are not inserted deep into the canal, so no deep intervention is required to remove them. In most cases, it is enough to grab the end and remove it by slightly loosening it. It is not necessary to use ultrasonic devices.

What to do: first aid for adults and children

It is important to know what to do if a person swallows a denture or a tooth crown. First aid for swallowing foreign objects depends on the size and individual characteristics of the person. Most often, objects come out naturally and do not cause discomfort.

Depending on the type of object that has entered the human digestive tract, the following measures must be taken:

  1. Crown. If there are no unpleasant symptoms, you must wait for the natural release of the particle. If there are crown fractures, the stomach should be washed and an x-ray taken.
  2. If a tooth is swallowed, you need to find out if there are any chips there. If there are no sharp particles, no action should be taken.
  3. Denture. It is necessary to monitor the person’s well-being. If necessary, rinse the stomach with plenty of warm water.
  4. If the pin is swallowed, damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive organs may occur. Therefore, you should not take any measures on your own. The pin must be removed using a special device by specialists.

In order to identify a complication in time or to reassure oneself, an adult and an injured child can go to the nearest traumatology department.
A child's body is more sensitive to various foreign particles. Therefore, you need to do the following:

  1. Crown - in childhood, if a part gets into the digestive tract, you should contact a gastroenterologist and consult. Most often, gastric lavage is prescribed to remove the foreign particle.
  2. Tooth – to remove the organism, it is necessary to introduce fresh fruits and foods into the child’s diet that accelerate intestinal motility. If there are chips, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist.
  3. Denture - if the part is swallowed without damage, first aid is not provided. If there are sharp edges, removal is carried out by a specialist after conducting the necessary type of examination.
  4. Pin - if an object gets into the stomach, you must go to the hospital for an X-ray examination of the digestive organs. It is forbidden to take measures on your own.

It is forbidden to artificially induce vomiting, as this can lead to damage to the digestive tract.

If a child has swallowed a baby tooth, the following procedure must be followed:

  • examine the oral cavity for chips;
  • give the child a large amount of warm drinks to speed up the passage of particles through the digestive organs;
  • If you observe unpleasant symptoms, contact a medical facility.

Situations with baby teeth getting into the stomach are common, but very rarely cause complications.

Among the recommendations on what to do if you swallow a denture is to consult a doctor for advice. The doctor assesses the chances of natural removal of the product based on x-rays. It is important for him to know the shape and presence of sharp edges, which, when passing through the intestines, can damage the epithelium.

Doctor's actions

The main task of the doctor:

  • establish the type of prosthesis, its shape and material;
  • if necessary, request data from the treating dentist;
  • if there is no information, order an x-ray.

If a child has swallowed one of his baby teeth, an enema or gastric lavage may be recommended. For an adult patient, an esophagoscope is used - a special device that allows you to carefully remove the prosthesis through the esophagus.

In the period from 6 to 11 years, active replacement of primary teeth with molars occurs. They fall out painlessly, so a situation often arises when a baby eats a molar while swallowing food. Parents should not panic: they do not have sharp edges or roots.

To ensure tooth extraction naturally, doctors recommend feeding your baby foods that stimulate the intestines. If your child has swallowed an incisor, make him oatmeal with some pieces of prunes added. Beet salad, fermented milk products and sweet yogurt improve and speed up the process.

Prevention helps to prevent tooth swallowing. When brushing every day, you should inspect your mouth to look for chips or cracks. Every 6 months you should visit a dentist who checks the condition of the crown and prosthesis, the quality of cement or clasps.

Tip #4: Adjust your diet

Often people can involuntarily swallow a fragment of the crown while eating, while chewing it, for example, with meat or even with tomatoes (i.e. with soft food), or trouble can happen in their sleep. If such a situation occurs in your life, then try not to panic. Indeed, in most cases this is not fraught with serious complications.

It is important not to panic if the product is swallowed

If you swallowed a tooth crown, what should you do? First of all, try to be near the mirror and assess the situation. Consider the magnitude of the “loss.” Did the crown break off partially or was it completely swallowed? In the first case, you should be wary and closely monitor your condition, and it is also advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible, because the piece could have sharp edges that could injure the gastrointestinal tract and esophagus.

Our gastrointestinal tract is designed in such a way that other objects that are no larger than a tablet in size can freely pass through it along with food. But sometimes troubles still happen. Let's look at what other complications this situation is fraught with:

  • internal bleeding,
  • perforation of the wall of the stomach or intestines,
  • intestinal obstruction.

If you have alarming symptoms, you should consult a doctor. So, if the crown is intact, smooth and rounded, then it will not cause harm, and in this case, doctors advise sticking to a wait-and-see approach in the first few days. Most likely, either a natural or an artificial tooth will leave the body in the most natural way - depending on the individual characteristics of the body, this can take up to 4 days.

But if you believe that the edges of the swallowed fragment could be sharp and want to protect yourself, then it’s time to see a doctor. You should also be alerted to the alarming symptoms accompanying complications if you monitor your condition for several days rather than immediately go to a specialist: nausea or vomiting with blood, feces with blood, wheezing or wheezing, shortness of breath, signs of general intoxication of the body.

In order for the body to cleanse itself by accelerating intestinal motility, and for the crown to have a greater chance of coming out naturally, you can eat corn, whole grains, solid vegetables and fruits, and it is recommended to drink a lot of water. For example, the same corn passes through the intestines practically unchanged, which means that the crown has exactly the same chances.

DETAILS: Wart under the lip

If you swallow a crown, do not under any circumstances try to induce vomiting to get it out. This is fraught with the fact that in this case it can get into the respiratory tract and lungs, injuring the intestines, which is truly life-threatening.

If a problem arises with a living tooth in which the crown has fallen off or broken off, then most people think first of all to visit the dentist. Although in reality, you first need to go to a place where you can get an X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract. In dentistry, you will not get examinations of those organs that are located below the head, but, for example, in the emergency room there are devices installed that will help you quickly take pictures of the desired area and study the situation. After the photographs have been taken, you can additionally consult a surgeon or gastroenterologist.

It is advisable to undergo an X-ray examination of the stomach

If crowns or elements of braces (the problem is also quite common) get into the gastrointestinal tract and small intestine, doctors resort to surgical intervention only in the most extreme cases. Basically, experts choose a wait-and-see approach, prescribing laxatives and enemas to remove foreign materials from the body, washing the stomach and intestines.

Clinical cases

  1. The patient had a dental crown installed using temporary cement (see also: using cement to fix crowns at home). During one of her meals, she accidentally swallowed the structure. After the woman contacted the doctor, an X-ray examination of the abdominal organs was performed. The image did not reveal any life-threatening conditions for the patient. The doctor chose a wait-and-see approach.
  2. The patient accidentally ate the crown and chose a wait-and-see approach until it leaves the body naturally. For a month, the crown did not come out of the intestines. The patient decided to seek medical help. During several x-rays, it turned out that the location of the crown had not changed. The doctor chose a wait-and-see approach, prescribing laxatives, enemas, and a special diet. These activities did not bring results. A surgical operation was performed to remove the foreign object.
  3. When eating, the hook from the denture entered the patient's stomach along with food after 3 weeks of use. A survey x-ray was taken; no changes in the gastrointestinal tract were detected. The doctor adopted a wait-and-see approach. After taking laxatives, the crown came out naturally.
  • While eating, the patient accidentally swallowed a crown that was held in place with temporary cement after three weeks of use. She consulted a doctor, and after the examination the patient’s condition was brought under control.
  • Two hours after visiting the dentist, the patient swallowed a crown that was fixed to the implant. During the X-ray examination, it turned out that the structure was located in the small intestine. The patient was advised to wait for the crown to come out naturally.
  • After a month ago the patient swallowed a crown with a pin and it still did not come out, he returned to the doctor. The man had several photographs in his hands that indicated the location of the structure. All the time, the patient was observed by a surgeon, who rightly chose a wait-and-see approach. Analyzes, survey photographs to determine the movement of the structure and other necessary examinations were carried out regularly. A special diet, laxatives, and enemas were prescribed. There was no result. According to the last image, the crown remained in the same place. Since at the time of treatment the patient complained of stabbing pain in the right iliac region, worsening after eating, a decision was made to perform surgical intervention.

High load

The fact that the structure has moved away can be caused by an increase in the chewing load on it. If as a result of this the crown breaks or the tooth breaks along with the crown, it is practically impossible to save it. In this case, the prosthesis is first removed, after which the tooth is removed. If you eat too hard food (for example, chewing nuts), the product will break; a situation may arise when the patient accidentally swallows the crown or part of it.

With a systematic increase in load, the device may lower, it interferes with the bite, the crown does not fit tightly, and as a result, the distance in the interdental spaces increases. It is important to notice in time the symptoms that the structure has moved towards the gums or has risen, and consult a doctor. The treating specialist will decide whether it is possible to install a new model instead of a broken device. The doctor will also remove trapped food particles, plaque, and conduct professional cleaning of the oral cavity.

Doctor's actions

If a foreign body causes discomfort after swallowing, you should consult a gastroenterologist. The specialist will interview the patient to identify the type of foreign body and its size. After which the following procedures are prescribed:

  • X-ray examination to identify the location of a foreign body;
  • gastric lavage;
  • enema (if the object is located in the intestines);
  • use of an esophagoscope - prescribed in difficult cases when a pin is swallowed (a foreign body is removed using the device under anesthesia).

After removing the foreign particle with a special device, you need to be observed by a specialist for some time to diagnose damage to the digestive organs.

Signs regarding teeth

Returning to the question of where to put all the fallen baby teeth of their beloved child, many parents pay attention to folk signs. Where can you put the first tooth that falls out? To calm an agitated child, parents are even ready to come up with all sorts of fairy tales and entire rituals. This is becoming a very popular question about what to do with the first baby tooth that just fell out.

There is also an opinion that the most unnecessary tooth falls out first. Therefore, it needs to be buried deeper and not found again, so that all other teeth are very strong and completely healthy.

The child will be interested to listen and he will be able to understand that not everything is as scary as it may seem at first glance. Then the baby will be able to quickly calm down and even give the mouse his own tooth. You can also come up with a fairy tale about a kind housekeeper who collects the teeth of all members of your family, and then compares who has the healthiest and most beautiful teeth. The main thing is to interest the child and make him forget about such an unpleasant situation.

Causes of crown loss

When restoring a tooth, the doctor makes a special crown, which is placed on the stump or a pre-ground support. Dental cement or glue is used for fixation. It can withstand biting pressure and the hot temperature of drinks. But after several years of active use, the cementing composition begins to weaken its grip, so the prosthesis wobbles and slips.

The crown is a small prosthesis, so it is easy to swallow it undetected. But many patients mistakenly underestimate its health dangers. Sometimes a temporary filling with arsenic remains under it, which can damage the stomach and poison the patient.

Materials used for prosthetics are not digested by the human digestive system. But when using cheap acrylic or metal, an allergic reaction often occurs. Therefore, there is always a risk of complications and unpleasant consequences.

Gastric lavage

The procedure is performed if the patient has eaten a miniature prosthesis or one crown. It is recommended only for 2–4 hours after swallowing, when the structure still remains in the stomach. It is better to entrust the washing to a specialist who controls the process using equipment, and in case of an emergency, sends it to surgery.

If it enters the stomach or intestines, perforation of the mucosal walls may occur. You should consult a doctor immediately if symptoms appear:

  • blood in saliva or urine;
  • nausea;
  • excessive salivation;
  • abdominal pain;
  • temperature increase.

Observation is required if the prosthesis comes out naturally. Intestinal perforation can occur at any time.

In the absence of proper care for the crown, which is connected to the tooth with a pin, inflammation may occur, leading to the appearance of empty space between the installed structure and the tooth. Deconsolidation occurs for several reasons:

  • the denture is not installed correctly or is made from cheap, low-quality materials;
  • the end of the service life of the prosthesis, in this case the crown falls out due to destruction of the cement;
  • structural damage as a result of increased load.

In modern dentistry, high-quality materials are used for dental prosthetics, but we should not forget that the crown remains not a natural tooth, but a special design. It consists of the body itself, simulating a tooth, a pin for fastening, and a cementing material.

The latter must be of high quality, applied in accordance with technology and in sufficient quantity. If at least one of these conditions is not met, instead of the 5-10 years guaranteed by the doctor, the crown will last no more than a year.

Dental crown

The success of the procedure largely depends on how accurately and correctly the doctor performed the preparatory procedures:

  • tooth opening;
  • canal filling;
  • removal of dental plaque;
  • thorough cleaning of the working surface;
  • nerve removal.

Also, the reasons for the loss of an installed crown include:

  • natural aging of the prosthesis after several years;
  • mechanical damage, such as trauma from chewing hard food;
  • abrasion of the crown base material;
  • development of carious process under the structure.


In order for dental restoration to be successful, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations after installing the pins.

    Take medications prescribed by your doctor and follow a diet. Food should be soft, pureed and liquid. It should not injure the oral mucosa. To prevent inflammation in the oral cavity, careful hygienic care is necessary. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, being careful not to injure your gums. After cleaning, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. It is strictly forbidden to use toothpicks, especially in the field of dental restoration. It is recommended to use dental floss to clean the contact surfaces of your teeth. Under no circumstances should you try to open bottles or crack seeds and nuts with your teeth. You should go to the dentist for examination at least once every 6 months.

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How long will it take for the prosthesis to come out naturally?

The time it takes for dentures to leave the digestive tract depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Most often this takes several days.

The crown can leave the body for up to 4 days.

If, after this period, unpleasant symptoms and pain occur, you should consult a specialist.

If the doctor, using an x-ray examination, has determined that the swallowed prosthesis does not pose a danger, the patient can only wait. and the foreign body should come out naturally. This time may vary depending on the characteristics of a particular organism, proper nutrition, and the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Are there any medications or other remedies

You should also not take any medications or drugs designed to speed up the emptying of food from the stomach. Extra irritants will not bring any benefit. You should also not try to get rid of a tooth with carbonated drinks. They will only further damage the teeth still left in your mouth. Take care of them so as not to encounter the problem indicated above again.

And most importantly, don’t panic. There is nothing wrong with swallowing a small foreign object as long as it does not have sharp edges and is not dangerous in itself. Your health will not be endangered if timely measures are taken and qualified assistance from a specialist.

Ingested temporary fillings containing arsenic must be neutralized

Possible complications

The loss of a denture causes the appearance of an open wound or unprotected area in its place. Bacteria get there with food and lead to infection. Therefore, when breaking off a crown, it is necessary to rinse the resulting cavity with a disinfectant solution, for example, chlorhexidine, to avoid infection. Next, you need to consult a doctor who will promptly close the wound using temporary materials.

If a dental crown gets into the digestive organs, it can cause problems in their functioning. Sometimes a foreign body causes intestinal disorders, vomiting, and nausea. If you managed to get the swallowed object naturally, then possible symptoms will stop bothering the person almost immediately.

If the crown damages the walls of the esophagus or stomach, the following signs are observed:

  • bleeding from the mouth;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • nausea;
  • body temperature rises to 39 °C;
  • painful sensations when turning the neck or torso.

This leads to the development of peritonitis, internal bleeding, and intestinal obstruction. In the absence of timely assistance within several days, death from blood loss and general exhaustion of the body cannot be ruled out.

Binge eating

You can eat a small piece of black bread (white is more sticky), fruit or vegetable (preferably with a dense consistency). If after this the sensations do not change in any way, try again in half an hour. You can drink water.

Important! Feelings can be distorted by worry and anxiety - there have been cases when people, frightened by far-fetched threats, feel pressure and scratches from within that are not there. You can check your condition with a moderate sip of water.

In addition, a swallowed crown or other metal element of dental corrective structures will not be visible on an x-ray due to the large amount of food in the stomach and waste in the intestines.

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