Cause of numbness: tongue, tip of tongue, lips

Numbness of the lips and tongue are external signs of internal distress. These symptoms become noticeable to the patient almost immediately, as tactile and taste sensitivity decreases. Numbness can occur suddenly or increase gradually, almost always accompanying other subjective manifestations of the underlying disease.

The reason for the absence or decrease in sensitivity is a violation of the innervation of the lips and tongue. This can be caused by mechanical, vascular, infectious and other factors. Therefore, the main task of the doctor is to find out what specific disease led to such changes.

Summary table of conditions manifested by numbness of the lips and tongue

HeadacheOther sensory disordersChanges in blood testAdditional research methods
Migraine with auraOne hour after numbnessNumb handsUsually absentTriptan use with outcome monitoring
StrokeOften preceded by numbness, intense and prolongedSensation in half of the body is often impairedChanges in coagulation system parameters. There may be an increase in platelet count CT, MRI
Bell's palsyUsually absentSensitivity in half of the face is often impairedRarely – appearance of inflammatory markersCT, MRI
HypoglycemiaUsually absentDiabetic polyneuropathyA decrease in blood glucose levels below 3 mmol/l.CT and MRI to exclude insulinoma
Anemia (with B-12 deficiency)Usually absentPeripheral polyneuropathyDecrease in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, sometimes leukopenia and thrombopenia.Bone marrow puncture
Anxiety disordersUsually absent. Dizziness is typical. Short-term disturbances in the sensitivity of different parts of the body may occur; there is a connection with experiences and stressful situationsUsually absentConsultation with a psychotherapist, tests to determine anxiety and depression
AngioedemaUsually absent. With extensive swelling, there may be discomfort in the head area. Sensitivity is impaired in the area of ​​edemaMarkers of inflammation may appearFor allergic edema - tests with allergens, for hereditary edema - testing for defects in the complement system
Malignant and benign neoplasmsLocal pain in the area of ​​the tumor or diffuse pain due to the meningeal membrane involved. Doesn't respond well to painkillers. Often, but not with all tumorsWith a malignant process - a decrease in all blood parameters, with a benign process - usually no changesCT, MRI of the head, neck, brain


When the tip of the tongue goes numb, the reasons can be very different. This problem in medicine is called paresthesia - short-term or permanent loss of sensitivity of nerve endings.


Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by numbness of the tongue. Due to changes in metabolic processes, the membrane of the tongue dries out and becomes thin, causing sensitivity to be lost.

In addition to paresthesia, a person experiences:

  • absent-mindedness
  • heaviness in the head
  • visual impairment
  • uncontrolled weight loss
  • increased feeling of hunger
  • decreased sexual activity
  • frequent urge to urinate
  • numbness of the limbs
  • decrease in body temperature
  • muscle cramps in the legs
  • poor wound healing
  • prolonged course of colds and infectious diseases

The presence of one or more symptoms is a reason to seek medical help. To diagnose the disease, you will need to take a blood sugar test. Some doctors prescribe a test to determine the level of glycosylated hemoglobin. It is used to detect changes in glucose concentration in the body over the past few months.

Pre-stroke and pre-infarction condition

A stroke is a disruption of blood flow in the brain, which provokes a deterioration in speech and motor activity. It is important not to miss the moment and to provide assistance to a person in the phase of a pre-stroke condition, which is accompanied by signs:

  • dizzy
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • increased pressure
  • increased heart rate
  • difficulty breathing

Numbness of the tongue is also accompanied by a micro-stroke, when the patient’s condition worsens, but soon the alarming symptoms disappear. At the same time, pathological changes in the brain continue to progress. A pre-infarction condition consists of a disruption in the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle. It leads to dysfunction of the heart, development of heart failure or death.

The pre-infarction state is accompanied by symptoms:

  • angina pectoris
  • chest pain radiating to the collarbone
  • increased blood pressure
  • chills
  • suffocation
  • nausea
  • anxiety, fear of death
  • increased heart rate

Pre-stroke and pre-infarction conditions often occur with numbness of the tip of the tongue. In this case, it is important to urgently call an ambulance, because timely treatment will help avoid irreversible consequences: loss of speech and motor activity, death.

Problems with the cervical spine

The spine provides the support and motor function of a person, so any problems associated with it require a timely response.

In diseases of the cervical spine, the following symptoms are observed:

  • numbness of the tongue
  • pain in the neck
  • dizziness
  • nausea

A problem with the spine is indicated by sharp tingling or pain that occurs when turning the head, as well as bending the body. Numbness of the tongue worries the patient after waking up or staying in one position for a long time. This is due to the close proximity of nerve endings and vertebrae.

Disruption of the functions of the spine impedes the functioning of nerve impulses, as a result of which the sensitivity of some organs decreases. Until irreversible changes in the brain occur, problems with the cervical spine are easy to cure. For this purpose, special massages and physical exercises are prescribed.


Atherosclerosis is a systemic disease caused by the formation of plaque, plaques and blood clots inside blood vessels, hardening and loss of elasticity of their walls. This problem often occurs in older people due to excessive consumption of fat and sugar. This pathology leads to a narrowing of the lumen inside the vessels and obstruction of blood flow.

Atherosclerosis often leads to death. As a rule, the disease is detected in the later stages, when irreversible processes occur in the body: disruption of the blood supply to vital organs and systems. This is the main reason for the development of concomitant pathologies such as heart attack or coronary heart disease.

It is known that atherosclerosis “gets younger” every year. This is due to an incorrect lifestyle, bad habits, and lack of physical activity.

The symptoms of the disease depend on which organ or system is affected by the disease. The heart, brain, and lower extremities are most often affected.

Numbness of the tip of the tongue is observed in cerebral atherosclerosis due to impaired blood supply and deterioration in the functionality of the nervous system.

Other signs of cerebral atherosclerosis:

  • severe sharp or aching headaches
  • auditory hallucinations
  • bad dream
  • increased nervousness
  • loss of performance
  • disturbance of motor activity, speech, appetite

The combination of the above symptoms indicates health problems. To exclude the diagnosis of atherosclerosis, you must consult a specialist.

Unhealthy lifestyle, poor environment, medications

Numbness of the tongue does not always indicate severe pathology. Often this phenomenon is the body’s reaction to a certain stimulus. Improper lifestyle, poor diet and sleep are the main causes of the problem.

Causes of numbness:

  1. Long-term use of medications, in particular antibiotics, heavy chemicals or homeopathic drugs.
  2. Smoking low-quality cheap tobacco products. If after or during smoking the sensitivity of nerve receptors decreases, you should choose a different brand of cigarettes. The same applies to some types of hookah refills. After smoking, a smoker may experience numbness not only in his tongue, but also in his fingertips on the lower and upper extremities. Switching to another brand of tobacco or quitting cigarettes will help eliminate the problem. As a rule, after a 1-2 month break, this problem disappears.
  3. Improper nutrition leads to an imbalance of macro- and microelements in the body. In particular, a lack of vitamin B-12 and iron in the blood contributes to disruption of impulse transmission processes. In this case, anemia occurs, due to which the sensitivity of the tongue decreases, and it becomes smooth and red. Adding dried fruits and bran to the menu will help solve the problem. In severe cases, therapy with iron-containing medications and vitamins is prescribed.

Loss of sensitivity can also be caused by alcohol or drug use. Giving up bad habits, improving nutrition, and daily moderate physical activity help get rid of numbness in the tip of the tongue.

Other reasons

Deterioration of tongue sensitivity is observed in patients of different ages. A doctor can figure out the reason for this phenomenon. In most cases, paresthesia is caused by the problems and pathologies described above, but other phenomena are also known that cause the tongue to go numb:

  1. An allergic reaction to contact of the mucous membrane of the tongue with an allergen. Components of mouthwash, toothpaste, and seasonings act as pathogens.
  2. Allergy to the material from which braces or dentures are made.
  3. Nervous stress, depression, and prolonged anxiety can cause loss of sensitivity in the mucous membrane of the tongue. As a rule, this condition is accompanied by loss of performance, fatigue, and depressed mood.
  4. Tumors of the brain and spinal cord lead to dysfunction of the nervous system. As a result, the sensitivity of some organs and systems of the body, including the mucous membranes in the mouth, deteriorates.
  5. Hormonal disorders in women aged 40 to 55 years. During this period, menopause occurs, which is accompanied by a change in the functionality of the nervous system.
  6. Bell's palsy is a disease that is accompanied by loss of sensitivity and numbness of individual organs and systems.
  7. Glossalgia is a disease that affects the mucous membranes of the mouth. Its symptoms are numbness of the tongue, speech disorders.

Numbness of the tip of the tongue

Numbness of the tongue is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. The danger to a person is not the discomfort itself, but the reason that caused it. Characteristic symptoms can be felt both at the very tip and on the sides of the tongue. In this case, the following are observed:

  • feeling of cold on the mucous membrane of the tongue
  • burning
  • tingling
  • pinching
  • slight itching sensation inside the tongue

Why do my tongue and lips go numb?

All diseases manifested by numbness of the lips and tongue can be divided into groups:

Nervous system diseases

Diseases of the central departments

  • Volumetric processes in brain structures - benign and malignant neoplasms (see signs of a brain tumor)
  • Degenerative brain changes

Peripheral nerve diseases

  • Idiopathic neuritis of the facial nerve
  • Inflammatory neuralgia of the facial, trigeminal and other nerves in the face

Diseases not related to the nervous system, but indirectly affecting it

  • Vascular pathologies - acute circulatory disorders (stroke, transient ischemic attack)
  • Diseases of the circulatory system - anemia associated with vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Infectious-allergic processes - changes associated with the herpes simplex virus, allergic reactions

Mechanical damage

  • Face and head injuries
  • Consequences of dental procedures

To determine the specific cause of loss of sensitivity, the specialist will prescribe the necessary studies: general blood test, Doppler ultrasound of blood vessels, CT and MRI. Treatment depends on the underlying disease.

Numbness of tongue and lips

How does tongue numbness occur?

Numbness of the tongue (paresthesia) manifests itself in different ways. Sometimes there is a slight and unnoticeable tingling sensation, which does not cause virtually any discomfort. In some cases, a strong tingling sensation occurs, “goosebumps”, and a symptom such as loss of sensitivity progresses. It often happens that in parallel with numbness of the tongue, numbness of the lips also occurs.

In any case, it will not be possible to find out the reasons for the occurrence of such a condition on your own. Only with a thorough examination by specialists can the source of this pathology be detected and proper treatment received.

Causes of paresthesia

The main reasons causing numbness of the tongue:

  • This condition can be caused by various problems associated with the spine, often affecting the cervical spine. In addition, frequent headaches, discomfort in the neck, numbness of the fingers, and decreased vision may indicate cervical osteochondrosis. It is also necessary to trace in what position the numbness occurs, as this can help to find out the exact causes of the disease.
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland often provokes a similar symptom. To find out, you need to undergo examination by an endocrinologist.
  • Overuse of antibiotics often causes tongue numbness
  • A disease such as diabetes mellitus leads to dryness of the oral mucosa and becomes the reason for the development of such a pathological condition. Patients often observe, in addition to impaired sensitivity of the tongue, numbness of the lips, especially the upper ones. The reasons for this are low blood glucose levels or improper use of insulin.
  • Vascular diseases, stroke and heart attack can also affect the development of tongue paresthesia. Therefore, do not forget that numbness can be associated with serious illnesses
  • When removing or treating teeth, the dentist may touch a nerve, which sometimes impairs the sensitivity of the tongue. In this case, there is no need to worry, these symptoms pass quickly
  • Severe stress and regular experiences often become the reason for the development of the above phenomenon
  • A lack of vitamin B 12 causes various disorders and disruptions in the body, including numbness of the tongue.
  • In addition to the listed factors, toothpaste that contains low-quality substances or chewing gum can affect numbness of the tongue and lips. In this case, you must stop using toothpaste and chewing gum.

Numbness of the tip of the tongue and lips

Numbness often affects the tip of the tongue and lips, causing discomfort; the reasons for this are:

  • A side effect from certain medications, in particular antibiotics. By damaging nerve endings, they can cause numbness of the entire tongue, as well as its tip and lips.
  • Some diseases of the oral cavity and speech. Often such a disease is glossalgia. It often occurs in women after 40 years of age, causing problems with the digestive system, endocrine disorders, etc.
  • Age characteristics. For the most part, this applies to women during menopause. This period in the fairer sex is associated with various disruptions and changes in the body, the mucous membrane is disrupted and this often affects the sensitivity of the tip of the tongue, and sometimes the lips.
  • Various allergic reactions. It is known that allergies are characterized by swelling, impaired sensitivity, difficulty breathing, and numbness of the lips and tongue is often observed.
  • Often, numbness of the lips is associated with various mental disorders. At the same time, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, redness of the face, and a feeling of anxiety develop.
  • High blood pressure can also lead to severe numbness of the lips, and loss of sensation in the lower extremities can also occur. In this case, you need to take medications that lower blood pressure or, in more complex cases, call a medical team.
  • Side effects during pregnancy associated with increased blood pressure and swelling.
  • Poisoning, alcohol and tobacco abuse, radiation.

In addition, numbness of the tip of the tongue and lips can also be observed in certain diseases:

  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Neuritis
  • Syphilis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Brain tumors
  • Malignant tumors of the spinal cord
  • Bell's palsy
  • Certain types of migraine.

In addition to the listed diseases, this phenomenon is diagnosed with tumors of the nasopharynx, multiple sclerosis, herpes zoster on the face, with some viral infections, etc.

Diagnosis of these pathologies is possible only in medical centers; in no case can such diseases be treated independently.

Particular attention should be paid to vascular problems, since they are becoming the leading cause of death in the world.

In addition to impaired coordination and speech, a patient with a stroke attack is almost always diagnosed with numbness of the lips and tongue, and sometimes paralysis of one part of the face. If the listed signs are observed, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Before her arrival, place the patient on a high pillow, provide access to air, and do not use any medications yourself.


Multiple sclerosis, which causes numbness of the lips and tongue, is treated with hormone therapy, immunomodulators, and some other drugs. This therapy allows you to cope with this disease and remove numbness.

Allergies can also cause the above condition. In this case, the allergen is determined; for the most part, food products and some medications can cause an allergic reaction. In parallel with this, antihistamines are prescribed.

It must be remembered that almost always numbness of the lips and tongue appears against the background of some ailment, so it is necessary to initially treat the underlying disease.

Numbness of the tongue and lips at first glance seems like a minor problem. But, having found out why this can happen, and if it concerns certain diseases, you should seek medical help, where they will help make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Cardiovascular disorders

A very serious cause of tongue numbness is “vascular accident.” Strokes and other ischemic episodes rank first in mortality (see the first signs of a stroke). Therefore, it is important to know the main signs of the disease.

  • Numbness and paralysis of part of the face, usually one half (eye closed, corner of mouth downturned)
  • The patient's speech is slurred or absent
  • Movement of the arm and leg on one side is difficult or impossible
  • Coordination is impaired (see stroke risk test)
  • Consciousness may be depressed

To provide assistance to such a patient, it is necessary to stay within the “therapeutic window”, usually up to 6 hours from the moment of the first signs (see ischemic stroke: treatment, consequences). In this case, it is possible to use surgical treatment methods and completely restore speech and muscle function. Conservative treatment of stroke comes down to recovery in rehabilitation centers after a stroke, as well as:

  • Maintaining normal blood pressure, level <140/90. ACE inhibitor is considered the drug of choice
  • Monitoring fluid intake. The average daily level is 1.5-2 liters.
  • Nutrition control (balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates)
  • Glucose level control (if the level is more than 11-12 mmol/l, rehabilitation is difficult)
  • Prevention of blood clots
  • Sedative therapy to achieve psycho-emotional comfort

Idiopathic facial neuropathy (Bell's palsy)

In 1-2 percent of cases, a medical examination does not help identify the causes of numbness in the lower lip and tongue. Such patients complain of partial or complete paralysis of half of the face, reduction or disappearance of sensitivity on this half. Often this condition is preceded by colds, flu, ARVI, and sometimes it is possible to establish a connection with the herpes simplex virus.

Most patients with Bell's palsy recover on their own without affecting the nerves of the face. In the hospital, neuropathy is treated with corticosteroid hormones for 7-14 days (prednisolone) in combination with antiviral therapy (acyclovir). Gymnastics of the facial muscles is shown. The recovery period can last up to a year. Recurrences of Bell's palsy are rare and require additional examination of the brain for space-occupying lesions.


If numbness of the lips and tongue is observed with cervical osteochondrosis, it is treated with medications, and also includes massage and physical therapy. Regarding this condition with neuritis, the therapeutic course includes: glucocorticoids, vasodilators, vitamins. When such a phenomenon is observed in viral diseases, treatment of the underlying pathology is mandatory.

Multiple sclerosis, which causes numbness of the lips and tongue, is treated with hormone therapy, immunomodulators, and some other drugs. This therapy allows you to cope with this disease and remove numbness.

Allergies can also cause the above condition. In this case, the allergen is determined; for the most part, food products and some medications can cause an allergic reaction. In parallel with this, antihistamines are prescribed.

It must be remembered that almost always numbness of the lips and tongue appears against the background of some ailment, so it is necessary to initially treat the underlying disease.

Numbness of the tongue and lips at first glance seems like a minor problem. But, having found out why this can happen, and if it concerns certain diseases, you should seek medical help, where they will help make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Migraine with aura

Migraine patients with aura experience changes in vision, hearing, smell and skin sensitivity before a headache attack. This may include flashes and lines before the eyes, a feeling of foreign odors, numbness or tingling of the face and body on one side. The aura appears an hour before the attack and disappears without a trace after the state of health returns to normal.

To treat migraines, triptans are used, the form and dosage of which is selected by the therapist (see triptans for migraines). Prevention of attacks includes avoiding foods that trigger migraines (chocolate, cheese, wine, preservatives), normalizing lifestyle and reducing stress.


Patients with diabetes mellitus often experience numbness of the upper lip when they do not take insulin medications. The reason for this is a reduced blood glucose level of less than 3 mmol/l. Symptoms of hypoglycemia:

  • cold sticky sweat
  • weakness
  • numbness of parts of the body and face
  • hunger attack
  • trembling hands

A decrease in glucose is an unpleasant, but quickly reversible phenomenon. At the first sign of hypoglycemia, you need to measure your blood glucose level, then eat 20 g of foods that increase this level. You can use sugar, caramel, honey, fruit juices. Products with slow-release carbohydrates are not suitable in this situation.

If symptoms of hypoglycemia recur frequently, you should discuss with your doctor the dosage of medications, the correction of which will help eliminate the problem.

Mental disorders

Numbness of the tip of the tongue, combined with palpitations, a feeling of shortness of breath, and causeless anxiety, often lead the patient to a therapist. In cases where no organic pathology is detected, the patient receives an entry on the card: VSD - vegetative-vascular dystonia. In fact, such a diagnosis does not exist. This is just a set of symptoms associated with psychological problems. Most often, VSD is a sign of an anxious or depressive state, so treatment should be carried out by a psychotherapist. Autonomic disorders of psychogenic origin are characterized by:

  • cardiopalmus
  • tremor
  • increased sweating
  • frequent facial redness
  • tingling and numbness of the face and limbs
  • complaints of discomfort in any organ (without confirmation of pathology)
  • high concern for one's health

The diagnosis can be made with certainty only after excluding all possible diseases with similar symptoms. Treatment usually comes down to talking to a psychologist and prescribing antidepressants.

How does tongue numbness occur?

Numbness of the tongue (paresthesia) manifests itself in different ways. Sometimes there is a slight and unnoticeable tingling sensation, which does not cause virtually any discomfort. In some cases, a strong tingling sensation occurs, “goosebumps”, and a symptom such as loss of sensitivity progresses. It often happens that in parallel with numbness of the tongue, numbness of the lips also occurs.

In any case, it will not be possible to find out the reasons for the occurrence of such a condition on your own. Only with a thorough examination by specialists can the source of this pathology be detected and proper treatment received.

Allergic reactions

The well-known urticaria, which affects many people, is sometimes combined with damage to the deeper layers of the skin. Then, in addition to the reddish, raised rashes, swelling of various parts of the body, decreased or loss of sensitivity, tingling and other unpleasant sensations are added. This phenomenon is called angioedema or Quincke's edema. The arms and legs, ears, lips and genitals usually become swollen. With swelling of the larynx, the disease becomes dangerous, since normal breathing becomes very difficult, leading to asphyxia.

The reasons for the development of angioedema are autoimmune in nature; the trigger is an encounter with an allergen. It is often not possible to directly determine the substance that caused such an allergic reaction. The reaction to 5 components is studied:

  • medicines and food products
  • dust, pollen
  • blood-sucking bites and medications administered parenterally
  • infections
  • chronic diseases, including autoimmune diseases

After identifying the cause of Quincke's edema, the doctor prescribes treatment (anti-inflammatory, hormonal, diuretic, antihistamine). But even without therapy, angioedema lasts for several days, and then disappears along with all the unpleasant sensations. Usually the disease recurs within 2-3 years, and then self-healing occurs.

All patients who have at least once been diagnosed with Quincke's edema must have in their home medicine cabinet antihistamines, corticosteroids and epinephrine, which can stop the spread of swelling to the larynx.

Other diseases with decreased sensitivity of the lips and tongue

Mechanical compression of tissues and nerve pathways by a tumor can lead to numbness of the tongue and lips. The focus can also be in the brain, then the nerve centers responsible for the sensitivity of a certain part of the body are damaged. In any case, with such symptoms, oncological alertness should be present, and during the examination, the doctor is obliged to exclude space-occupying formations of the head and neck.

Less common causes of tongue numbness include Lyme disease, oropharyngeal tumors, sarcoidosis, multiple sclerosis, preeclampsia, and many other conditions. Differential diagnosis of such diseases is possible only in medical institutions. Therefore, decreased sensitivity of the lips and tongue is not a cause for alarm, but an undoubted reason to contact a specialist.


Evtushenko Anna Aleksandrovna obstetrician-gynecologist

Causes of paresthesia

The main reasons causing numbness of the tongue:

  • This condition can be caused by various problems associated with the spine, often affecting the cervical spine. In addition, frequent headaches, discomfort in the neck, numbness of the fingers, and decreased vision may indicate cervical osteochondrosis. It is also necessary to trace in what position the numbness occurs, as this can help to find out the exact causes of the disease.
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland often provokes a similar symptom. To find out, you need to undergo examination by an endocrinologist.
  • Overuse of antibiotics often causes tongue numbness
  • A disease such as diabetes mellitus leads to dryness of the oral mucosa and becomes the reason for the development of such a pathological condition. Patients often observe, in addition to impaired sensitivity of the tongue, numbness of the lips, especially the upper ones. The reasons for this are low blood glucose levels or improper use of insulin.
  • Vascular diseases, stroke and heart attack can also affect the development of tongue paresthesia. Therefore, do not forget that numbness can be associated with serious illnesses
  • When removing or treating teeth, the dentist may touch a nerve, which sometimes impairs the sensitivity of the tongue. In this case, there is no need to worry, these symptoms pass quickly
  • Severe stress and regular experiences often become the reason for the development of the above phenomenon
  • A lack of vitamin B 12 causes various disorders and disruptions in the body, including numbness of the tongue.
  • In addition to the listed factors, toothpaste that contains low-quality substances or chewing gum can affect numbness of the tongue and lips. In this case, you must stop using toothpaste and chewing gum.
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