What happens if you accidentally swallow a tooth? How dangerous is this?

How dangerous is this?

A tooth is not a completely foreign body. This is a part of the victim’s body, which is also small and does not have serious dangerous properties such as toxicity. No human tooth is large enough to cause significant problems if it enters the stomach and esophagus.

It is very difficult to swallow the entire jaw

If you swallowed a tooth, you know about it, but you don’t feel it anywhere above the stomach, then there is nothing to worry about - it has already reached the center of the digestive system and will eventually come out naturally. The danger arises when a tooth gets stuck in the esophagus. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a solid tooth or a splinter, there is a high probability that it will have sharp edges. They are too small to seriously damage the mucous membrane of the throat, but they can cause panic and suffocation in sensitive people. It is not easy to push a tooth further out of the esophagus if it is stuck - those who have experienced such trouble associate their sensations with a fish bone stuck in the throat, only smaller.

The most dangerous situation is a tooth getting into the windpipe. This rarely happens, but it is necessary to act quickly and clearly. No fatal cases have been recorded, but the victim may even lose consciousness due to lack of oxygen and a panic attack.


I have a crown on a post. If I suddenly accidentally swallow it along with the pin, how dangerous will it be?

Alexey (03/09/2019 at 21:40) Reply to comment

    Dear Alexey. Swallowing a pin is a very rare and dangerous situation. This can only happen if the dentist did a poor job installing it. If such a situation does occur, then it will be necessary to take an x-ray and get an emergency consultation with a gastroenterologist, because the consequences can be tragic - damage to the walls of the stomach and intestines, internal bleeding. Most often, to remove the pin, doctors resort to surgery, i.e. perform a surgical operation.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (03/11/2019 at 09:11) Reply to comment

My son had a temporary filling with arsenic placed on Friday, and he swallowed it on Saturday. We won't be able to see the doctor until Monday. What to do and why is it dangerous?

Victoria Kalinina (03/17/2019 at 11:47 am) Reply to comment

    Dear Victoria. Modern arsenic pastes contain small amounts of toxins and are quite safe, and their dosage is too minimal to cause significant harm to the body. But in some cases, arsenic can cause poisoning and intoxication of the body, nausea and vomiting, and allergic reactions in a child. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse the stomach, give the child sorbents and antihistamines, and carefully monitor his condition. If necessary, call an ambulance or consult a pediatrician on Monday.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (03/24/2019 at 09:18) Reply to comment

Does it make a difference what you swallowed: a piece of a natural tooth or an artificial crown?

Vlasov Yu.V. (04/12/2019 at 16:13) Reply to comment

    There is practically no difference, the consequences can be similar. But some experts believe that a swallowed piece of a natural tooth will not cause any complications in 100% of cases, but artificial material may be incompatible with the body and its swallowing is often fraught with unpleasant consequences.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (04/15/2019 at 08:57) Reply to comment

My child swallowed a baby tooth two days ago and feels great, but for some reason nothing comes out naturally. When is it time to start worrying?

Alina (04/28/2019 at 15:04) Reply to comment

    Dear Alina, let your child eat more solid vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and drink warm water and milk more often. If the problem is not resolved within 4-7 days, then to completely remove the issue and calm down, contact your pediatrician.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (05/04/2019 at 11:02) Reply to comment

I, 10/22/20, swallowed a dental bridge of 7 teeth along with food. A painful state, now everything is behind them. 02.11.20 they left.

Natalya (11/02/2020 at 12:40 pm) Reply to comment

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What can be done and what should not be done?

It is difficult for the victim himself to assess how deeply the tooth has sunk. Independent attempts to remove it from the esophagus will lead to a gag reflex and, possibly, new damage to the oral cavity.

What not to do:

  • Trying to reach the tooth with your fingers and especially with foreign objects
  • Panic and try to “cough up” the interfering object
  • Do nothing and hush up the problem, expecting it to go away on its own

Examine the gums if possible. If a tooth has fallen out or crumbled, then you should know what condition it was in in the near future. A small analysis will help you understand how big the chip is now in your throat; careful palpation of the gums from below will help you determine whether the root remains inside.

If there is no sensation of pain in the larynx or esophagus, then the natural way of exiting the swallowed tooth is most likely and there is no reason for concern

With all this information, go to your dentist or immediately to a traumatologist if you have difficulty breathing. The specialist will tell you what to do now, and at the same time will diagnose other teeth, warning of possible danger.

If a crown or filling is swallowed

Fillings with sharp edges carry the same potential danger to the esophageal mucosa as teeth, but they are much smaller in volume. Fillings may also not fall off completely, but rather break off into small fragments that pose almost no danger.

Important! If a fresh filling is swallowed, immediately contact the dentist who placed it. It was either placed incorrectly or fell out due to its unreliability. An infection should not get into a hole recently filled with a filling - the chance of infection and inflammation is very high.

A swallowed crown will not cause any harm in itself, but you should visit the dentist as soon as possible to protect the remaining tooth without a crown.

The crowns are also small in size and if they get into the esophagus and further, they will not cause harm (except for possible micro-scratches). If a filling or crown falls out, you need to immediately fix this problem by installing a new one, even if the tooth does not hurt or bother you in any way. Open dental canals and healthy parts of the tooth will begin to deteriorate after a few weeks from eating food or hot liquids. Due to delay, there may be a need to completely re-treat the tooth.

Treatment process

People faced with such a problem are interested in how the tooth will be treated when the filling has fallen out. It all depends on individual characteristics, so it is worth considering the most common situations.

If the carious cavity is too large, it makes no sense to fill it again. The material will not hold and will fall out again after a short time. Therefore, the doctor will suggest alternative methods of eliminating the defect, most likely installing a crown.

If repeated caries occurs, pulpitis or other diseases develop, they must first be cured. The doctor prescribes and carries out all the necessary measures and, after complete recovery, places a new filling. If the filling material falls out of a pulpless tooth, re-filling is often also ineffective. In this case, the specialist will recommend installing a pin.

Methods for restoring the integrity of a tooth depend on its condition, so it is difficult to suggest a treatment plan without a preliminary examination.

Is it possible to do without visiting a doctor?

It is possible if no discomfort is felt. Tooth enamel and the “body” of the tooth do not pose any threat even if they are damaged by caries. The body will easily tolerate this and “pass” a foreign object through the gastrointestinal tract without damage.

The closest analogy is to imagine that you swallowed a cherry pit.

A swallowed crown or filling is still worth a visit to the doctor in any case. This way you can prevent further destruction and not endanger neighboring healthy teeth.

Tip #5: Make an appointment with your dentist

The dentist will help you restore the damage and restore the beauty and functionality of your tooth. But here it is important to take into account that if the artificial crown has been swallowed completely or a large part of it is missing, then it will have to be completely replaced, because In this case, it will be simply impossible to restore the structure. If the top layer has chipped, for example, the crown was made of metal-ceramics or ceramics, and a small piece of ceramic has fallen off, then the doctor will carry out the restoration right at the appointment.

A chip in the upper can be corrected by restoration without removing the crown.

Similarly, a crown will have to be installed on a decayed natural tooth, or, depending on the scale of the destruction, it will be possible to get away with either a composite build-up, or the tooth will have to be built up first using a pin or stump tab.

In general, be sure to visit the dentist every six months. After all, then a specialist will be able to identify the problem in time during a preventive examination and eliminate it before an unpleasant situation associated with swallowing a crown occurs to you. If you ignore going to the doctor, then you simply may not notice, for example, that a tooth has become loose or needs restoration, or that an artificial crown has already expired or needs to be replaced.


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Binge eating

This mistake is made by people who are not familiar with the structure of the digestive system. The only option when this solution can be partially correct is that the tooth is stuck at the end of the esophagus and you feel it somewhere above the stomach.

You can eat a small piece of black bread (white is more sticky), fruit or vegetable (preferably with a dense consistency). If after this the sensations do not change in any way, try again in half an hour. You can drink water.

Important! Feelings can be distorted by worry and anxiety - there have been cases when people, frightened by far-fetched threats, feel pressure and scratches from within that are not there. You can check your condition with a moderate sip of water.

In addition, a swallowed crown or other metal element of dental corrective structures will not be visible on an x-ray due to the large amount of food in the stomach and waste in the intestines.

Inducing vomiting

Inducing vomiting is a very bad idea. If a tooth is stuck in the esophagus, this may not help, and getting it out of the stomach at the cost of dehydration and possible digestive upset is too costly in terms of the resources of the human body. It should be remembered that vomiting is an emergency defense mechanism, and not a normal state of the body. To cause it yourself means to consciously undermine your health.

Even if the tooth really got stuck on the way from the esophagus to the stomach, a sharp influx of semi-digested food from below will push it with enough force for the sharp edges to leave a scratch on the mucous membrane.

Are there medications that will improve the situation?

There are no solutions aimed at solving this specific problem. Such medications are not sold because the problem is not significant and will soon resolve itself or with minimal help from doctors.

Under no circumstances should you use drugs that artificially speed up digestion - this will cause no less harm to the body than vomiting.

Dehydration, stopping the healthy digestive process, pain, loss of appetite - all these symptoms can appear if you take the drug without appropriate indications.

If the tooth is severely stuck and scratched, no medications will help - go to the emergency room, where foreign objects are pulled out of the esophagus every day. This can only be done by a professional physician who knows how the esophagus works and will not damage it. If you don’t want to wait in line at the clinic and search for the right office, you can find a private dental office - usually there is at least one of these in every area.

Can my gums hurt after filling?

The gums in the area where the anesthesia was administered may ache for several days - this is completely normal and does not require any measures. The mucous membrane may also be slightly inflamed if special rings or matrices were used during treatment, which are placed on the tooth to form the correct shape of its crown and create ideal interdental contact. The gums can also be damaged if the doctor applied the filling material in close proximity to the mucous membrane or even under it - in such a situation, the gums are deliberately moved back, the gums are retracted with a special thread or coagulated. Therefore, pain is a normal reaction to external intervention.

All of these conditions are variations of the norm. But if the pain intensifies, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane progresses, you need to consult a doctor.

What to do if a child swallows a tooth?

Children are the ones who swallow teeth most often - they chew faster, are in a hurry and know little about handling sick and weak teeth. A parent may not know for a long time that a child’s molar is weak or crumbling; children often hide such information in order to delay a visit to the dentist.

Young children lose their baby teeth, which they often accidentally swallow.

It is better to explain to the child in advance that there will be many more teeth that fall out and you should handle them more carefully. A tooth scratching the throat will cause a baby much more anxiety than an adult - he may start crying, unable to get rid of the irritant.

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