"Furacilin" or "Miramistin" - comparison of products and which is better

September 23, 2021

Sore throat is one of the signs of the development of an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the back wall of the pharynx and tonsils. There are many reasons for this - general hypothermia of the body, infection, allergic factors, excessive consumption of cold drinks, ice cream, as well as overdrying or injury to the mucous membrane

Sore throat is one of the signs of the development of an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the back wall of the pharynx and tonsils. There are many reasons for this - general hypothermia of the body, infection, allergic factors, excessive consumption of cold drinks, ice cream, as well as overdrying or injury to the mucous membrane.

Depending on the cause of the disease and the severity of inflammation, in addition to pain, a person may experience chills, runny nose, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, hyperthermia, malaise, and headache.

Most often, a sore throat during a cold is caused by various viruses and may be accompanied by other symptoms of viral diseases - runny nose, fever, cough, red eyes.

There are other diseases whose symptoms include sore throat: cancer of the oral cavity, larynx; swine flu; acute or chronic tonsillitis; scarlet fever; viral disease; mononucleosis; Sjöngren's syndrome; diphtheria; bacterial disease. In fact, there are many reasons for such symptoms as a sore throat. A sore throat may occur after hypothermia of the pharyngeal mucosa when inhaling frosty air, eating ice cream or cold drinks; due to thermal burn of the mucous membrane by hot drinks and food, steam during inhalation or in a bath, due to chemical burn of the mucous membrane by acids and alkalis, concentrated alcohol solutions; when eating spicy foods seasoned with cayenne pepper and chili pepper; as a result of prolonged irritation of the pharynx when inhaling air containing mechanical or chemical impurities (industrial or household, tobacco smoke, car exhaust gases); when foreign bodies enter the throat, for example, fish bones. All these factors can lead to the development of pharyngitis with all its characteristic symptoms.

"Furacilin": description, method of application and contraindications

Furacilin is an antimicrobial agent that contains nitrofural .

Available in the form of yellow tablets or spray. The spray contains furatsilin, thyme and dubrovnik extract, sodium chloride.

Furacilin is used to prevent oral diseases, as well as remove microorganisms, plaque, and pus.

Indications for use of the drug:


  1. Bedsores of various types.
  2. Burns 1,2,3 degrees.
  3. Abrasions, cracks, cuts, wounds.


  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Angina.
  • Stomatitis.
  • Otitis of moderate severity or acute external.
  • Furuncle of the auditory canal.
  • Pleura.
  • Osteomyelitis.
  • Gingivitis.

Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as allergic reactions.

Allowed for use by nursing and pregnant women.

Directions for use and number of doses:

For otitis, an alcohol solution of Furacilin is instilled into the ear, 5-6 drops , after heating to room temperature.

For diseases of the oral cavity, dilute 1 tablet of furatsilin per 100 ml of water, cool to room temperature. It is recommended to rinse the cavity 3 times a day .

For conjunctivitis, instill 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac.

A side effect may be an allergic reaction to the drug. There have been no cases of overdose with Furacilin.

The shelf life of tablets is 5 years , spray – 1 year . The drug should be stored in a dark, cool place, at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees.

Nasal drops with antihistamine supplements

Often, to enhance the effect of vasoconstrictor drugs, an antihistamine component is added to them. It perfectly relieves swelling and allergic rhinitis. Similar combination medications are:

  • Vibrocil;
  • Sanorin-analergin (Naphazoline nitrate - 2.5 mg, antazoline mesylate - 50 mg - from 16 years);

It is not recommended to use such drugs for more than a week. In case of overdose, drowsiness and lethargy may occur. In this regard, it is recommended to instill such products at night.

"Miramistin": description, method of application and contraindications

Miramistin is an antimicrobial drug that has a bactericidal effect . Belongs to the group of antibiotics, has an antiviral effect, and acts on sexually transmitted diseases.

Miramistin is an antiseptic used to treat wounds and abrasions. Accelerates the process of cell regeneration and does not cause allergies. The main component is benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate.

Available in the form of a solution for topical use.

Indications for use:

  1. Stomatitis.
  2. Chronic otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis.
  3. Wounds, abrasions.
  4. Vulvovaginitis, endometritis.
  5. Burns 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree.
  6. Candidiasis of the skin, mycosis of the feet.
  7. Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
  8. Chlamydia, trichomoniasis.

The method of application and the number of doses depends on the clinic of the disease. If the disease concerns the oral cavity, then irrigation or rinsing is performed 3-4 times a day . The dose is calculated depending on age.

For wounds and burns, apply tampons soaked in Miramistin and fix the bandage. The bandage should be changed 3 times a day.

Treatment of gynecological diseases is carried out by inserting a tampon into the vagina, pre-treated with the drug. The course of treatment is 2 weeks .

To prevent STIs, men should inject the drug into the urethra, and women into the vagina, but no later than 2-3 hours after sexual intercourse.

There were no cases of overdose or side effects detected. An allergic reaction is possible - redness and burning, which will subside within 2 hours. The use of the drug should not be discontinued.

Miramistin should be stored away from children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. Shelf life: 3 years .


Thus, it is impossible to say unambiguously which drug is more effective. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient , as well as the purpose for which the use of antiseptic is required. We can definitely say that it is better to use hydrogen peroxide to treat the skin of young children. If treatment of mucous membranes is required, then Miramistin should be used. In other cases, the antiseptic is prescribed by a doctor, depending on the patient’s disease.

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What are the differences between the drugs "Furacilin" and "Miramistin"?

The differences between the drugs are significant, starting with the composition. Furacilin contains nitrofural , and Miramistin contains benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate .

Furacilin helps only with otorhinolaryngological diseases, as well as to accelerate the healing of abrasions, wounds and burns.

Miramistin is used in all areas of diseases. It also has a strong effect on the treatment of infectious diseases, including those that are sexually transmitted.

There is also a difference in the form of release. Miramistin is more practical to use, as it is available in the form of a solution with special applicators.

Furacilin is also available in the form of a solution, as well as tablets, but is not as practical to use as Miramistin.

Moisturizing drops

The therapeutic effect of saline solutions is achieved by washing away mucus, allergens, microorganisms and other foreign particles from the nasal passages. They gently cleanse the mucous membrane and rinse the nasopharynx with a special solution based on salt or sea water. Due to the presence of many chemical microelements, they prevent the further development of inflammatory processes and reduce the strength of allergic reactions.

Features: Moisturizing drops are non-systemic drugs, the effect of which can be observed after at least several days. In case of a serious illness, they cannot be considered the main drug and are used only in combination with other medications.

The composition of almost all moisturizing drops is identical - it is either purified sea water or a classic saline solution. The most famous on the Russian market are the drops Salin, Aqualor, Aqua Maris, Linakva and Physiomer nasal spray for children (from 2 weeks), Physiomer nasal spray (from 2 years). They differ in percentage - 0.9% - isotonic solution, and hypertonic solution - from 13-18-23% sodium chloride

Aqualor Forte (from 2 years), Aquamaris Strong (from 1 year) - the action of these drugs is based on the laws of osmosis: they contain a hypertonic solution of table salt, which helps reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.

I really like the classic Quix - 2.6% sodium chloride, it has proven itself in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, when the first signs of nasal congestion appear, especially with inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa during ARI. Allowed for children 3 months old. You should be very careful when using Quix with eucalyptus if you have previously had an allergic reaction.

Currently, the market offers salts from the Dead or Adriatic Sea, their different concentrations, with various inclusions, combined with herbal remedies and oils. Since I have a contingent of young patients, and each child must be considered as a candidate from a risk group for allergopathology, I consider the NDS. I don’t like to experiment, I prescribe a certain group of drugs that work and provide effective treatment.

Combined drops based on saline solutions include:

Aquamaris plus (containing dexpanitenol) - recommended for dry mucous membranes. crusts in the nose, helps normalize the function of the ciliated epithelium.

Rinomaris nasal spray: Adriatic Sea water plus xytlometazoline (vasoconstrictor) - 0.05% from 2 years, 0.1% - from 6 years.

Snoop nasal spray: sea water plus xylometazoline (vasoconstrictor) - 0.05% from 2 years, 0.1% - from 6 years

Oral medications intended for the treatment of the nose:

Rinostopt - Syrup. The syrup is used for patients 2-12 years old. Daily dosage for children 2-5 years old – 5 ml/2 times, 6-12 years old – 10 ml/2 times. The maximum course is 5 days.


Tablets are prescribed to patients 6-12 years old, 0.5 tablets. up to 4 times/day, people over 12 years old – 1 tablet. up to 4 times/day.

Sinupret - herbs (from 2 years of age, drops, from 6 years of age, tablets or tablets).

Cinnabsin is a homeopathic medicine, from 3 years of age.

Euphorbium compositum is a homeopathic spray. Effective in the treatment of persistent rhinitis and adenoids.

IOV - baby - homeopathic medicine for the treatment of adenoid vegetations

Various drugs

  • Protargol is a solution of colloidal silver (2% aqueous solution of silver proteinate). Has no age limit. Recommended for heavy liquid discharge, it has a “drying” effect.

Medicine is moving forward, and pharmaceuticals are not standing still. Recently on the market you can find new brands in the form of Afrin, Afrin Extra with eucalyptus menthol, Afrin moisturizing for the treatment of rhinitis of allergic and infectious-inflammatory etiology.

And, of course, the king of all nasal sprays can be called a group of synthetic topical corticosteroids that have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Active ingredient: mometasone - nazonex, desrinitis, elocom, etc.

fluticasone-avamys. They are prescribed 1-2 r. per day, for a long time, for children from 2 years old.

Considering that the Neuroprofi clinic has excellent experienced operating clinicians, ENT doctors, who are proficient in various types of manipulations, highly accurate diagnosticians who adjust treatment based on data from clinical, instrumental, laboratory, biochemical, serological examinations, it is necessary for prolonged runny nose, purulent discharge, persistent congestion, “grunting, snoring”, coughing, especially at night, postnasal drip syndrome, rhinorrhea, be sure to consult your child with a doctor.

Which is better: Furacilin or Miramistin?

There is no need to choose between drugs, because each has its own spectrum of action. If you need treatment for oral diseases, as well as their prevention, then you should buy Furacilin.

If the diseases concern not only otorhinolaryngology, but also gynecology, surgery, dentistry, venereology, then preference should be given to Miramistin.

There are also differences in the price category. Furacilin is much cheaper. The price for tablets, solution and spray does not exceed 200 rubles , while Miramistin solution costs from 200 to 800 rubles .

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What to choose?

The main similarity between antiseptics is that they are both available in solution form. However, Miramistin, in addition to the solution, has the form of an ointment and a spray. They have different active components , but still belong to the same pharmacological group . However, there is a significant difference in their mechanism of action.

Miramistin is a clear antiseptic solution that foams when shaken. It is capable of destroying harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. When applied, the skin and mucous membranes are softly enveloped. Miramistin performed well even in the presence of purulent wounds. It has virtually no side effects or contraindications. However, the obvious difference is that it can only be used by children from 3 years of age.

Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless antiseptic solution for treating wounds on the skin. It is used to treat the umbilical wound in newborns. Peroxide has no age restrictions. Therefore, Miramistin is safer for irrigating the mucous membranes of children. But when treating wounds on the skin, you should give preference to hydrogen peroxide.

There is also a significant difference that hydrogen peroxide is not safe to apply to mucous membranes, especially for children. Despite the fact that such an application is still possible.

Miramistin is actively used in gynecology. While Peroxide cannot be used in this area. A similar rule works for ophthalmic diseases.

Both drugs are used in surgical practice. It is allowed to use them simultaneously, which is not prohibited by doctors. However, for burns it is better to use Miramistin. It does not cause burning and dryness, unlike its counterpart.

Miramistin has the following advantages:

  • Wide spectrum of action.
  • Several dosage forms.
  • Does not cause burning.
  • It has virtually no contraindications or side effects.
  • Capable of fighting STDs.

Hydrogen Peroxide also has positive aspects:

  • Low cost.
  • It can be used even for newborn children.
  • Able to dry wet wounds.
  • Effective in the fight against microbes.
  • Able to stop bleeding.
  • Medical instruments can be disinfected.

Hydrogen peroxide is produced in Russia. The cost of the solution does not exceed 30 rubles . Miramistin is also produced in Russia, but its cost is much higher and is about 300 rubles .

Description of drugs

Miramistin was developed back in the 70s of the 20th century for treating the skin of astronauts and devices on space stations, and was not released to the public. Only in the mid-90s did they begin to use it for the prophylactic purpose of preventing diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse. Subsequent testing of Miramistin and the study of its capabilities increased the list of pathological conditions for which it could be successfully used.

The drug is an antiseptic with a wide range of applications, affecting the structures of bacteria, fungi, viruses and destroying them. It has powerful bactericidal properties, superior in action to the common disinfectant chlorhexidine.

The development of Furacilin dates back to 1955, associated with the need to create a drug that protected the respiratory organs of doctors, chemists and representatives of other professions. The product has an antimicrobial effect and has a destructive effect on pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria resistant to streptocide and penicillin.

To fully achieve the effect, you should take Furacilin and Miramistin, combining them with physiotherapeutic procedures and taking medications prescribed by a doctor, as well as to prevent the transition of the acute stage to a chronic condition.

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