Whitening a dead tooth
Whitening of pulpless or dead teeth in particular
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Teeth whitening ZOOM 4
7 features of cold teeth whitening technology
In modern society, one correct and definitely useful tendency has appeared - to pay close attention to
Example of photobleaching
Teeth whitening with cold light - the path to a Hollywood smile
A beautiful smile can be called the calling card of modern people. You can make your teeth snow-white using
Photo of LED teeth whitening lamp White Light
White Light home teeth whitening system: instructions, reviews
The White Light at-home teeth whitening system will allow you to have a dazzling snow-white smile. This
Teeth whitening pencil reviews bliq
Teeth whitening pencil – reviews from dentists about popular types
Place Name Characteristics in the ranking Best systems from AliExpress with whitening gel 1 Pasa
Whitening Beyond
Beyond whitening – why do doctors recommend it?
Beyond technology is a painless and harmless way to get a “Hollywood smile” without consequences for the enamel.
Amazing White technology - oxygen professional whitening
Are you still embarrassed to smile? Now you can leave all complexes about the color of your teeth
Tooth extraction while breastfeeding
Tooth extraction while breastfeeding: is it possible to carry out the procedure?
10/31/2019 Most often, pain relief and tooth extraction during breastfeeding are a necessary measure. Pregnant
Sealing root canals in dentistry with Kalasept paste
Kalasept - use of paste in dentistry for filling root canals
4803 Kalasept is a modern Swedish-made drug that is actively used in endodontic dentistry for
Stones on teeth
Ultrasonic teeth cleaning, tartar removal
Types of tartar Tartar has its own classification - according to the area of ​​​​education. That's why
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