Beyond whitening – why do doctors recommend it?

Beyond technology is a painless and harmless way to get a “Hollywood smile” without consequences for the enamel. Unlike the popular Zoom lightening method, this system uses cool light lamps that do not emit ultraviolet radiation or generate heat. This makes it possible to lighten teeth by 5-12 shades without the risk of getting a burn to the oral mucosa, avoiding gum irritation and skin itching.

Beyond Polus whitening technology

The procedure is carried out using Beyond Polus accelerators - the most advanced lamps for professional teeth whitening.

These lamps use LightBridge technology - they transmit intense light of the blue-blue spectrum through optical filters that eliminate ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

Procedure steps:

  1. First, a gel containing hydrogen peroxide is applied to the teeth.
  2. Then the dentition is exposed to intense light. The gel reacts to halogen and LED radiation and begins to release active oxygen. Oxygen penetrates deep into the enamel and eliminates dark spots and brightens tooth tissue.

In order to protect the gums from the effects of the lightening agent, they are isolated before the procedure with a special rubber-like gel. To prevent lips from drying out, apply a balm to them.

How is it carried out?


Bleaching is preceded by a preparatory stage, which includes:

  • examination of the oral cavity;
  • diagnosis of dental diseases;
  • professional cleaning of enamel from plaque.

3-7 days before the session, it is recommended to brush your teeth only with white toothpaste, and also to exclude from your diet foods that can stain the enamel (coffee, wine, carbonated drinks, ketchup, carrots, beets, chocolate).

Stages of whitening using Beyond Polus technology

  1. Protective glasses are put on the patient's eyes.
  2. A special structure is fixed in the mouth to hold the jaws in one position.
  3. The lips are lubricated with a moisturizing cream, and a liquid rubber dam is applied to the gums to protect the mucous membrane from the chemical components of the drug used.
  4. The teeth are covered with a whitening gel based on 35% hydrogen peroxide. Exposure to the Beyond Polus lamp (10 minutes). This stage is repeated three times; before each application of the gel, the previous layer is removed.
  5. The enamel is strengthened by using special compounds based on lactobacilli, calcium, and phosphorus.

Differences from the Zoom system

Restoring teeth whiteness using the Zoom system follows exactly the same principle. But Zoom lamps emit heat along with the light. Due to excessive heat, dental tissues are injured, and painful sensations often appear during whitening. In some patients, increased sensitivity of the enamel makes itself felt after the procedure - in the first five days or week.

Benefits of Beyond technology:

  • zero ultraviolet radiation (the light coming out of the Beyond lamp is filtered by two optical lenses, while Zoom systems transmit ultraviolet);
  • speed of the procedure (cold light whitening is completed in 30 minutes, and Zoom - an hour);
  • minimal discomfort during whitening (unpleasant sensations from the Beyond accelerator are rare, but the process of using Zoom lamps is accompanied by pain for many).

It can be fairly concluded that the Beyond laser whitening system is the safest and most painless to date. It is inferior to Zoom technology only in one thing - the durability of the result.

The procedure has a gentle effect on tooth enamel

Teeth whitening using the Beyond Polus system is a solution for people even with the most sensitive and thin enamel. For example, the procedure can be performed even on teeth affected by fluorosis or in patients who have been taking tetracycline medications for a long time, which has affected the health and condition of the enamel. The fact is that the “Beyond Pole” device itself has several operating modes and the doctor can, depending on the clinical picture, adjust the light intensity on it:

  • Gentle: an option for those whose enamel integrity is compromised. For example, there are cracks, defects, and chips on it. This mode will also suit you if your teeth are very sensitive and react to temperature changes in everyday life,
  • Normal: suitable for patients with healthy enamel of a yellow or other pigmented shade resulting from drinking drinks and food, smoking,
  • Intense: suitable for people who have a pronounced change in the shade of the enamel resulting from taking tetracycline drugs, as a result of age-related changes and fluorosis. It is also recommended for those who want to significantly transform their smile to achieve Hollywood white enamel (but only if the teeth are healthy and the enamel is not thin).

The effect of the cold color that a specialized lamp produces is gentle and safe.
Plus, the effect of the cold color that a specialized lamp produces is in itself more gentle and safe than the thermal effect. As a result, the patient’s teeth and soft mucosal tissues are protected from damage, overheating, and increased sensitivity after the procedure.

Cold whitening results Beyond

The technology allows you to lighten teeth by 5-12 shades, remove dark and yellow spots on teeth and cope with the problem of discoloration of enamel, which occurs due to the use of products with dyes, smoking, fluorosis, taking tetracycline antibiotics, and age-related changes.

Recommendations after whitening

The effect lasts on average one year. To consolidate the results in the first days after the procedure, it is recommended to follow the so-called colorless diet:

  • give up coffee, tea, red wine and other brightly colored drinks;
  • do not smoke or chew tobacco;
  • Do not use colored toothpastes and rinses (only white ones).

How to prolong the effect

On average, after bleaching Beyond Polus, enamel remains white for one year. However, this indicator depends on subsequent oral care and compliance with specialist recommendations:

  • during the first 3-4 hours after the session you cannot eat;
  • do not smoke for a day;
  • for two weeks, exclude foods that can stain enamel (chocolate, coffee, wine, beets, carrots, carbonated drinks);
  • women should refrain from applying bright lipstick to their lips for three days;
  • brush your teeth regularly (at least twice a day with a special toothpaste prescribed by your doctor);
  • rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions.

The e-Bright system specially developed by Beyond for home use allows you to significantly extend the whitening effect. It complements the desk procedure and is aimed at consolidating the results obtained. The set includes a gel and a dental guard with built-in LED lights. The home course should begin 2-3 weeks after the clinical course. Its essence is to apply the drug to the teeth and wear a mouth guard for 20 minutes. Performed once a day for 8-10 days.

Contraindications to Beyond whitening

Beyond whitening has a minimum of contraindications compared to other methods of enamel lightening. The procedure is not carried out in the following cases:

  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergy to the components of the lightening gel;
  • diabetes;
  • carious lesions of teeth (lightening can be done after successful treatment);
  • pathological abrasion of teeth.

It is also worth noting that teeth under artificial crowns and veneers cannot be lightened. The dentures must be removed before the procedure.

Quick results: up to 8 tones in 30 minutes

The maximum effect that can be achieved with Beyond teeth whitening, as the manufacturer assures, is 8 tones. To achieve it, the patient must undergo 3 identical enamel lightening sessions in one visit to the dentist, each of which takes 10 minutes (i.e., the composition is applied to the enamel three times in a row, after which the doctor turns on the lamp, then removes the excess with a saliva ejector. Then This procedure is repeated twice more). The result is a snow-white smile in just half an hour.

The photo shows teeth before and after whitening

But do not forget that before a teeth whitening procedure, even such a relatively gentle one as Beyond, you must prepare: undergo professional oral hygiene, remove plaque and deposits, cure diseased teeth, strengthen the enamel with vitamins from the inside and pastes from the outside. Only then will the result really please you.

It will also be pleasant for the patient that the Beyond Polus system implies an innovative approach in everything. For example, the device that produces cold light is equipped with a special timer and even a control panel, which the doctor hands over to the patient - now you don’t need to worry about how long you have to wait, the countdown will help you track the procedure and not worry. And the control panel will help you signal the doctor and invite him to come to you even if he leaves the office. You can also turn off the light yourself if you experience severe discomfort and pain without the presence of a dentist.

Cold light whitening prices

Prices for the Beyond whitening procedure start from 10,000 rubles (Zoom, in comparison, is more expensive - from 15,000 rubles). Lightening one tooth costs an average of 700 rubles.

The effectiveness of restoring teeth whiteness largely depends on the qualifications of the doctor who will perform this procedure. On our website you can view a complete list of dental clinics and choose a medical institution that successfully practices gentle whitening using the most modern equipment.

And if you haven’t decided on a teeth whitening method yet, read about other laser whitening methods.


The determining factor in pricing for whitening is the initial condition of the teeth, the need for additional procedures (treatment of dental diseases, aesthetic restorations, replacement of old fillings). Professional hygiene can be immediately included in the price or paid separately. The high cost of Beyond Polus is due to the use of high-tech equipment, fast and sustainable effect.

It is worth considering that one whitening procedure consists of three sessions of 10 minutes each. Many clinics separately summarize the price for each session, which becomes an unpleasant “surprise” for patients. For the comfort of patients, our Center operates an all-inclusive case payment system, which guarantees the absence of unforeseen expenses. The fee for whitening is fixed - not for the number of times the lamp is turned on, but for the result.

How to prepare for a session

You can’t just take and immediately lighten the natural shade of enamel. First you need to prepare. To do this, you should make an appointment with the dentist and undergo the procedures prescribed by him. So, it is important to:

  • Professional oral hygiene. During this process, an ultrasonic scaler is used. It removes soft and hard plaque, leaving the surface of dental crowns perfectly clean. This is required so that the brightening gel evenly lightens all areas of the row, and not just some of them.

  • Treatment of existing dental diseases. If during the examination the dentist discovers pulpitis, caries, stomatitis, gingivitis or any other pathology, he will prescribe step-by-step treatment. You cannot resort to this technique if your teeth and gums are unhealthy. This can aggravate the course of the existing disease and lead to serious problems.
  • Polishing the enamel and then coating it with a special protective compound. This is done to prevent any adverse effects on tissue.

You should avoid eating coloring compounds for about a week before the procedure. This rule must also be observed after visiting the dental clinic.

How long does the effect last?

If you believe the official statement of dentists who provide this service to the population, the effect of using Beyond Polus lamps can last for several years!

Of course, the duration of the effect depends on a huge number of different nuances.

For example, if a patient wants the effect of a previously performed procedure to last for the maximum possible period of time, he should adhere to a colorless diet for 2 weeks after whitening, and also reduce the consumption of red wine, tea and coffee.

The essence of the method

The peculiarity of the method is the cold effect on the teeth. The change in shade occurs through the contact effect on the enamel of a special composition that has a gel consistency.

It is based on hydrogen peroxide. The mass begins to activate under the influence of high-frequency light waves produced by the accelerator.

The device produces blue light fluxes with a length of up to 520 nm. They are passed through multilayer filters and powerful optics, which maximizes the effect of the composition. It quickly penetrates dentin and performs its function efficiently.

Contraindications that are important to consider

Any medical procedure has not only indications for its use, but also limitations that are important to consider in order to minimize the risks of negative health consequences. Beyond teeth whitening is no exception in this regard; it is contraindicated in the following circumstances:

  • Untreated dental caries;
  • Inflammation and diseases of gum tissue;
  • Significant exposure of the gums of the teeth;
  • Significant damage to the natural enamel coating, violation of its integrity, thinning, abnormal abrasion;
  • The presence of individual intolerance to the components of the chemical bleaching solution;
  • The patient's age is less than 18 years. In younger patients, whitening is not performed, since before this age the process of formation of the natural enamel coating of the teeth has not yet been fully completed;

The device works as follows:

1. When the accelerator unit is turned on, it begins to produce light radiation, the length of individual rays of which can reach up to 520 nanometers.

2. This radiation is passed through a special fiber-optic filter and reaches the surface of the teeth - it activates the action of the chemical bleaching solution.

The use of filters and cold light radiation in the Beyond teeth whitening procedure makes it as comfortable as possible, harmless to the patient’s health, and at the same time highly effective.

Positive reviews of Beyond whitening are left not only by patients of modern clinics, but also by the world's leading dentists.


What are the contraindications to this type of whitening? Do they exist?

Nona (10.01.2019 at 22:40) Reply to comment

    Dear Nona! Contraindications for the use of Beyond Polus professional teeth whitening technology are: pregnancy and breastfeeding, age under 16 years, the possibility of allergic reactions to the active components of whitening preparations, to peroxides and glycols.

    Editorial staff of the portal (01/12/2019 at 08:19) Reply to comment

Teeth whitening is a dream for me because I have problematic enamel. It turns out that this method is perfect for those who have weak enamel specifically for whitening, or can it also treat all this tooth sensitivity due to poor enamel?

Alena (01/30/2019 at 09:20) Reply to comment

    Before you start teeth whitening, it is better for you to undergo enamel strengthening procedures so as not to cause harm.

    Editorial staff of the portal (01/31/2019 at 15:23) Reply to comment

Does it make sense, in principle, to do teeth whitening if we have yellow teeth that are transmitted by genes, roughly speaking. Everyone has yellow teeth. If bleaching nature doesn't take over? I don't want to waste my money.

Marina (02/12/2019 at 11:13 am) Reply to comment

Teeth whitening using this technology is probably really worth the money. At what age can you do it? My son is 15 years old, is it too early for such a procedure or is it acceptable? The results are pleasing)

Alena (02/12/2019 at 11:19 am) Reply to comment

Or maybe there is a proven way to do effective teeth whitening at home?

Tatyana (02.12.2019 at 14:46) Reply to comment

Or maybe there is a proven way to do effective teeth whitening at home? My gums are sensitive and bleed constantly, and the doctor refused to do any cleaning at the clinic.

Anna (02.12.2019 at 14:47) Reply to comment

Write your comment Cancel reply

Home techniques to maintain results

And in order to enjoy a beautiful snow-white smile even longer, it is better to immediately after in-office whitening switch to products from the same Beyond brand, which can also be used at home. Please note that all of the listed products can be used not only in addition to whitening in the dental chair, but also as independent products to achieve white enamel at home.

Pearl White Advanced Formula whitening toothpaste

Her company Beyond International Inc1 produces it in three variations - Advanced, Sensitivity, Green tea. You can buy it in a standard tube (120 grams) or in a small package (40 grams). With this paste you can not only give the enamel a white color, but also prevent the appearance of unpleasant pigment, stone and soft deposits, and caries on it. The paste will also provide fresh breath. The purchase price will be about 1000 rubles, you can purchase it in online stores.

Pearl White Whitening Toothpaste

Beyond OSMO Twin Pack Whitening Pencil

The package contains 2 pencils (the main active ingredient in the composition is 6 percent hydrogen peroxide), each of which, after opening, can be stored for no longer than 30 days. They should be used like lipstick, applied daily to the enamel. Just two minutes a day, and your teeth will enjoy long-lasting whiteness, as the manufacturer claims. The approximate cost of the product is 2600 rubles.

Beyond OSMO Twin Pack Whitening Pencil

Gemini Home Edition halogen home system from Beyond

What is included in this kit? LED unit, battery, charging cord, whitening tray and gel containing 6% hydrogen peroxide. With this system, you can whiten your teeth at home without the help of a dentist, but it will be even better if you purchase it immediately after similar in-office procedures - you can consolidate the result after 2-3 weeks. To do this, apply the composition to the enamel and activate it with a lamp for 5-20 minutes a day (the complex is designed for approximately 5 sessions, the duration of exposure to the lamp should not be more than 1 hour in total). The price tag is not small, the set costs about 13 thousand rubles, and the in-office whitening procedure using this technology costs about the same.

Gemini Home Edition halogen home system from Beyond

With the help of all the listed means, you can easily maintain good results and give others a dazzling snow-white smile.


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  1. According to the official website of the manufacturer
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