Why does an unpleasant odor occur from under a dental crown?
From this article you will learn: what to do if food gets under the crown, what
wisdom tooth hurts
Why does a wisdom tooth hurt and what to do if it hurts very much: how to relieve pain, what to drink and what to rinse with
Many people sooner or later face the question: “what to do if it hurts a lot?”
Recommendations for dental care after a filling is installed
How much can you not eat after installation of a filling? All patients are interested in whether they can eat after installation
Splinting teeth for periodontitis and periodontal tissue diseases
Osteosynthesis is a surgical treatment for a jaw fracture, which involves the use of special, most often metal,
Temperature after wisdom tooth removal - Summer
Wisdom tooth hurts: why does it happen and what to do
Contents: When an elevated temperature is normal When to sound the alarm If bleeding occurs
Tooth extraction with preservation of the socket for subsequent implantation
Preservation of the hole - a necessity or a new trend? Preservation of the hole - filling the hole formed after removal
Composite filling materials: definition, development trends, chemical composition
Classification of composites in dentistry Composites used in dentistry are multiphase compositions. They
Care after removal, implantation, frenuloplasty
After surgery, oral care requires special care and attention. The heaviest
Sewn cheek to gum after tooth extraction
The eruption of wisdom teeth is a natural process, which for some goes unnoticed and painlessly, while
composition of the filling
Types of dental filling materials
If the dentist asks the patient: “What kind of filling are we going to put in?” - then the patient will be in difficulty
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