Elastics for braces: why, who will have to wear them and how long
July 15, 2021 In the process of correcting malocclusion with braces, some patients require installation on
arthrosis of the jaw
Causes and treatment methods for arthritis of the jaw joint
For a long time a person can lead a normal lifestyle without even suspecting problems with
gaps between teeth
Teeth moved apart after prosthetics - solution to the problem
Gap between teeth. Causes of appearance and treatment methods. Gap between teeth, dentists call
Sapphire or ceramic braces - which one to choose?
Braces can be called one of the main ways to solve the problem of malocclusion and crooked teeth.
Braces or implant?
Place an implant or drag adjacent teeth with braces in place of the removed one - which is better?
To replace one or more lost teeth, dentistry offers 2 methods: implantation or
Antibiotics in dentistry for treatment and prevention
One of the most severe, excruciating pains is toothache. Occurs for various reasons: caries,
Numbness after nerve removal in a tooth
Dental implantation is an effective solution for those who have lost one or more teeth.
The puppy bites his hands and snaps his teeth like a crocodile
Teeth chattering in your sleep: causes, symptoms, consultation with specialists, ways and means of eliminating the problem
Probably every person on earth at least once in his life has encountered a situation where
Treatment of malocclusion in children using trainers
The first trainers appeared 20 years ago, they began to appear on the market of our country
Facebow: an effective design for correcting malocclusion
For effective and high-quality orthopedic and orthodontic treatment for malocclusions of various etiologies, it is sufficient
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