Aesthetic transparent braces for comfortable teeth straightening

Many people hesitate to get braces because they are unsightly. At the same time, they need to be worn for quite a long time - from several months to 2-3 years. Today, the problem of the aesthetics of orthodontic structures is easily solved: with the help of colorless or transparent braces. Let's find out what they look like and what they are.

In this article

  • What do clear braces look like?
  • Colorless braces: types and features
  • Clear plastic braces
  • Clear ceramic braces
  • Transparent sapphire braces
  • Alternative to clear braces
  • Hygiene with braces

Wearing braces is the most effective method of treating malocclusion pathologies, which is suitable for almost all people, regardless of the condition of the teeth, age and other factors. Braces are a complex orthodontic structure consisting of many small parts: locks, screws, springs, arches, etc. If they are installed on the outside of the dentition, it is almost impossible to hide them. This is especially true for metal braces.

The aesthetic defect that structures create is one of the main reasons for a person’s refusal of orthodontic treatment. You have to wear braces for a long time: from 6 months to 2-3 years. It will not be possible to hide the presence of staples in the oral cavity from others during this entire time. However, you can still make them less noticeable. For this purpose, colorless or transparent braces are used. Let's tell you why they are called that.

What do clear braces look like?

Braces are made from various materials, including transparent and colorless. They are almost invisible when a person speaks or smiles. In other words, such braces are designed to hide the very fact of orthodontic treatment from other people. However, it is worth understanding that there are no such systems that are completely invisible if they are on the outside of the teeth.

Any orthodontic structure consists of dozens of elements. Locks, screws and other parts that are attached to tooth enamel can be made transparent or colorless. The arc of braces is always metal. She is the one who performs the main bite correction. It is not possible to refuse its installation. But it can be disguised. To make it less noticeable, it is painted white. In such cases, it becomes more aesthetic. However, it cannot be called absolutely invisible: upon closer examination, any interlocutor will notice it, even if he does not look closely.

It is possible to completely hide orthodontic treatment from others. For this purpose, lingual structures and aligners are used. But first, let's talk about transparent braces: their types, advantages and disadvantages.

How is the installation going?

Installation work takes place in several stages. A good dentist takes impressions to make control models in order to further monitor the progress of bite treatment. Then he installs special separation rings that slightly move the teeth apart. The doctor applies an etching gel to the areas where the clear braces are located. After a certain time, it is washed off and the enamel is dried. Then a fixing adhesive bond is applied, which is illuminated with a photopolymer lamp. Glue is also applied to each bracket, after which the orthodontist accurately determines the position of the transparent element, pressing it to the tooth. After the specialist fixes all the braces, he will insert an arch into their grooves, which he will secure with transparent ligatures (rubber bands).

Sapphire braces are much more difficult to fix than metal ones, since they almost merge with the surface of the tooth. Therefore, such systems should be installed only by experienced specialists with extensive practical experience working with transparent orthodontic structures.

Colorless braces: types and features

There are several types of braces that appear clear or colorless:

  • plastic;
  • ceramic;
  • sapphire.

The choice of orthodontic design is limited by medical indications and financial capabilities of the patient. There are cases when it is impossible for a person to get plastic braces, for example, in case of severe malocclusion. Then he can opt for ceramic or sapphire designs. If you don’t have enough money for them, you will have to wear metal braces. Let's describe each variety in more detail.

Duration and cost of treatment

It is never possible to predict in advance exactly how long it will take to correct your bite. This depends on many reasons, including:

  • patient's age;
  • degree of pathology;
  • the need for dental and surgical intervention and others.

The price of transparent braces is also calculated individually and depends, in addition to the factors listed above, also on the selected material. Therefore, before starting any procedures, the doctor carries out diagnostic procedures - x-ray examination of the teeth, taking impressions, determining the timing and complexity of treatment. Based on these data, a general plan of action is calculated and, accordingly, the cost of treatment.

Clear plastic braces

For the manufacture of plastic transparent braces, special high-quality plastic is used, which can be used in dentistry. Such designs are suitable for both teenagers and adults. Children are especially sensitive to the attention of their peers, so plastic braces are an ideal option for them. Firstly, they can be transparent, that is, almost invisible. Secondly, there are multi-colored models with locks in green, red, yellow, purple or blue. They look fun and stylish, and most importantly - much more attractive than metal products.

Let us list the main advantages of plastic brace systems:

  • Aesthetics. The color of the plastic matches the enamel, and is therefore invisible to others.
  • Large selection of multi-colored models. This is especially true for teenagers: if it is difficult to make braces invisible, you can make them beautiful and stylish.
  • Convenience. A person wearing plastic braces feels more comfortable than wearing metal ones. In addition, the teeth and oral mucosa get used to them faster: plastic braces are lightweight and do not put as much pressure on the dentition as other types of orthodontic structures.
  • Low cost. Plastic models are much cheaper than other types of braces.

Plastic structures also have disadvantages:

  • They are not suitable for correcting severe malocclusions.
  • They darken quickly if you do not follow hygiene rules and diet.
  • More fragile and more likely to fail than metal ones.
  • It takes longer to correct bite pathology.

Additionally, clear plastic braces are not lingual. They are installed only on the outside of the teeth. If such designs are contraindicated for the patient, and the aesthetic component is important for him, he will have to make a choice in favor of ceramic or sapphire braces.

General overview

The procedure for correcting a bite is characterized by an increased duration - the average varies from one and a half to two years. The patient’s comfortable state comes to the fore, allowing him to maintain his usual lifestyle. This is important both in childhood and in adulthood - no one wants to experience a constant feeling of embarrassment due to the presence of corrective plates on their teeth.

The transparent brace system is invisible when worn, which makes such structures in demand and allows you to avoid discomfort in communication.

Clear ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are marketed as transparent, but in reality they are more colorless. Sometimes they acquire a slight yellowish or beige tint. Such structures are made from polycrystalline ceramics and aluminum oxide. The doctor can choose a material that imitates the natural color of tooth enamel. The braces will adapt to its shade, becoming almost invisible. However, you can still see them, they are just not as catchy as metal or plastic multi-colored systems.

The main advantages of ceramic braces include the following points:

  • There are many shades of ceramics, among which you can choose a model for a specific patient.
  • They are resistant to dyes, therefore they do not limit a person’s consumption of coffee, tea and other drinks with dyes.
  • They do not cause allergic reactions, as often happens when wearing metal structures.
  • Bite pathologies are corrected faster compared to plastic models.

Disadvantages of ceramic systems include:

  • They are more expensive than metal and plastic ones.
  • They treat pathology longer than metal braces.
  • Destroyed during dismantling.

Ceramic staples are also more fragile than metal ones. If a person plays sports and there is a risk of damage to the structure, it is better to install products made of metal or sapphire.

Indications and absolute contraindications.

Treatment with clear braces is applicable for patients of different ages. They cope well with their tasks, forever relieving people of congenital and acquired dental anomalies. With their help you can solve various kinds of problems:

  • Crowding.
  • Wide interdental gaps.
  • The need for a preparatory stage before installing prostheses.
  • Deformations of individual units.

Correction with this device is not always possible due to the presence of certain diseases in humans. In this case, its use may cause damage to teeth.

Absolute contraindications include:

  • Completely edentulous.
  • Pathologies of the skeletal system.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncology.
  • Mental disorder.
  • Problems with blood clotting.
  • Endocrine or immune diseases.

Transparent sapphire braces

Sapphire braces are made from sapphire, obtained artificially in the laboratory. It is much inferior to natural stone in terms of strength, but is superior to other orthodontic systems in this parameter. In addition, sapphire braces are almost invisible. They have the highest aesthetic properties.

List all the advantages of sapphire braces:

  • Hypoallergenic. Sapphire is biocompatible with oral tissues, so the likelihood of developing allergies is minimal.
  • Fast adaptation. Sapphire braces do not interfere with diction and do not rub the mucous membrane. Getting used to them occurs within a few days.
  • High strength. Such structures are resistant to mechanical stress. You can play sports in them.
  • The highest aesthetic standards. Sapphire braces are almost invisible. In addition, they do not change their external properties under the influence of food with dyes.

The only disadvantage of such systems is their high cost. Sapphire braces will cost 2-3 times more than metal or plastic structures.


Aligner trays are made from special types of silicone with high transparency and specially specified parameters of flexibility and elasticity. They are removable systems that must be removed during every meal and brushing of teeth. In addition, they also need to be cleaned from time to time using toothpaste. Their main advantages over other systems are high elasticity, efficiency and comfort. They are able to follow the contours of your gums and teeth as accurately as possible, so you will not experience any discomfort when wearing them.

Alternative to clear braces

Transparent braces made of plastic, ceramic and sapphire can be replaced with conventional metal structures that are installed on the inside of the teeth. Such orthodontic systems are called lingual. Unlike other braces, they are completely invisible.

However, such staples also have disadvantages:

  • not suitable for all malocclusion pathologies;
  • greatly complicate hygiene procedures.

In some cases, if there is a medical reason for this, the orthodontist may offer the patient aligners (aligners) - orthodontic devices made of plastic and silicone used to correct the bite. They are a plate that is put on the teeth for a certain time. This device corrects the bite by applying pressure to the jaws, just like braces, but the plates are changed periodically to increase the load on the dentition. During treatment, the patient can change several dozen aligners, it all depends on the severity of the pathology.

The aligners are completely transparent, so it is almost impossible to notice them on another person’s teeth. In addition, the aligners can be removed if necessary, for example, before important negotiations or a date.

There are other advantages of aligners: they can be removed before meals, they are easy to care for, there is almost no need to get used to them, etc. But mouth guards are prescribed only for minor bite defects, as well as at the last stage of orthodontic treatment, that is, after removing braces to consolidate the result of therapy.

Design features.

The duration of treatment takes on average from 1 to 3 years. Therefore, during this time a person should not be confused or disturbed by the presence of the system. Therefore, metal braces are not suitable for everyone. Although they are considered the most reliable way to correct the position of teeth, their massiveness and unpleasant shine repel people. There is an alternative to metal, and it is ceramics. This material has high aesthetic values, matches the shade of the enamel, becoming “invisible” to others.

The design of braces consists of several main elements:

  • Plates. They are fixed to the enamel surface using special glue. An individually made bracket is designed for each tooth.
  • Orthodontic arch. It creates pressure, which causes the teeth to move. Passes through each plate, connecting them together with each other.
  • Ligatures. Used in the classical vestibular system. Perform the function of fastening between the arch and braces. Over time, they change color under the influence of coloring products, so they have to be constantly replaced with new ones.
  • Locks. Used in self-ligating construction. Thanks to them, bite correction is more effective and faster. Each plate has a special lock that firmly holds the arc.

Important! Only a dentist can determine which type of orthodontic system is right for you, after carrying out diagnostic measures. Since in some cases only metal staples can help.

Hygiene with braces

It is impossible to maintain the aesthetic appeal of braces throughout the entire treatment period without following the rules of hygiene. After installation of orthodontic appliances, you will have to brush your teeth more often and for longer than usual. In addition, you will need to buy additional hygiene products. Among them:

  • Toothbrush with V-shaped bristles (CURAPROX Ortho).
  • Mono-beam brush (CURAPROX 1006 Single & Sulcular).
  • Brush (Hager & Werken Miradent Pic Brush Refills Pink).
  • Rinses and balms (DRC ROCS “Active calcium”).
  • Dental floss (Miradent Mirafloss implant chx).
  • Irrigator with attachment for braces (Revyline RL100, Panasonic EW-1411).

You also need to remember your diet. To reduce the risk of damage to the structure and deterioration of its aesthetic properties, it is necessary to avoid solid foods, sweets, sticky foods and a number of other products.

Before purchasing brushes, dental floss, irrigators and other hygiene products, consult your doctor.

Cost of lingual braces in Moscow at the SHIFA clinic

In our medical center, the cost of lingual braces starts from 410,000 rubles. This is the price of directly manufacturing the structures, excluding consultations and appointments with the orthodontist, as well as x-rays, installation, adjustment, and removal of braces.

The total amount of treatment is calculated individually, depending on the complexity of the dental pathology. Our professional orthodontists with many years of experience working with completely different clinical cases will be able to choose the best option for you.

Sign up for a consultation with us!

Single crystal sapphire - for correction and decoration of teeth

Each sapphire lock is machined from an artificially grown, durable and transparent crystal with unique optical characteristics. When in contact with saliva, they visually “dissolve” on the teeth, and shimmer in a bright stream of light, like an exquisite piece of jewelry.

Clarity SL ceramic braces
Thanks to new technologies, the process of correcting malocclusion can be made invisible to others. This opportunity was provided by the advent of ceramic braces. Their invention allowed people who are worried about their appearance to freely use the effective treatment offered to their patients using Clarity SL ceramic braces
Price on request

Interest-free installments for 12 months!

The grown single crystals undergo a special multi-stage processing, thanks to which the sapphire bracket system is ideally smooth. Therefore, its locks are firmly held, do not stain, and their super-smooth surface does not trap food residues. (Of course, we are not talking about toffees, corn sticks, chips, buns and chewing gum that are prohibited for patients.)

Care instructions

Wearing clear braces requires a review of some habits and oral hygiene, since even the most transparent materials, if not given proper attention, darken and turn yellow.

  • Cleansing. Thorough brushing of teeth is required after every meal. You can quickly remove food debris from products using special brushes.
  • Use of special devices. To easily clean the areas between braces and under the arches, use dental floss, interdental brushes and an irrigator. Prophylactic toothpastes and rinses are used as recommended by the doctor.
  • Be careful when eating. To avoid damage to structures, you should avoid foods that are too viscous and hard, as well as hot and cold foods. The intake of coloring foods and drinks while wearing braces should be limited.

If an orthodontic defect is eliminated using transparent aligners, you should adhere to the following care rules:

  • Take off while eating.
  • Occasionally rinse with warm water and clean the inner surface with a brush.

How aesthetic are non-ligature braces?

It is believed that ligature-free braces are the most aesthetic type of braces, but this is only partially true. Indeed, sapphire and ceramic braces are chosen for their attractive appearance. Metal ones may look more aesthetically pleasing than ligature ones made of the same material, since the clasps in them are more compact and neat - but it’s difficult to call them aesthetic.

For those who strive to achieve high aesthetics and make orthodontic treatment completely invisible, there is another solution - ligature-free lingual braces. They are fixed on the inside of the teeth, so they are not visible to others at all. It is important to remember that during the first adaptation period they can affect diction, so in cases where professional activity requires perfect pronunciation, it is worth consulting with a dentist and choosing an alternative.

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