rotten tooth
What happens if you don’t treat your teeth: what complications does this threaten?
Causes Symptoms Stages Danger Tooth decay in children During pregnancy Treatment methods Implantation option Teeth
Infiltration anesthesia
Non-standard anesthesia techniques. Anesthesia over the periosteum. Anesthesia according to Go-Gates
Infiltration anesthesia is one of the types of local anesthesia in which the anesthetic is administered when
Aesthetic smile correction method
What are direct composite veneers and how to care for them
Thin dental coverings used to correct enamel imperfections are called veneers. Used by dentists for
Metal-ceramic crowns for teeth: prices, reviews, before and after photos
Modern dentistry can offer different types of orthopedic structures for successful reconstruction of lost teeth.
Why does bitterness appear in the mouth and how to get rid of it using folk remedies
Causes of bitterness in the mouth What does bitterness in the mouth mean? How does bitterness arise in
ASEPTA balm and gel for gums: instructions
From this article you will learn: instructions for use, reviews, price of Asepta gel in
What to do if your tooth hurts at night? Causes of night pain
Why do teeth hurt mostly at night and not during the day? This question interests a lot of people.
How to treat gum disease: the best medicine
From this article you will learn: what gum diseases are, how they differ from each other
What is a fistula on the gum: symptoms, treatment methods, how to quickly relieve pain
What is a fistula on the gum: symptoms, treatment methods, how to quickly relieve pain
A gum fistula (also called a fistula) is an opening in the gum from which
aphthous stomatitis - types
Why does stomatitis occur on the tongue and how to treat it?
Stomatitis, which occurs in the human oral cavity, is a fairly common disease not only among children,
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