Differences between fixation on the upper and lower jaw
Clinical and laboratory stages of manufacturing partial removable laminar dentures.
This article is about fitting a removable denture. Identifying errors and correcting them. And also about
FittyDent cream for any removable dentures
Often, seemingly ideal removable dentures become unsuitable for wearing. Inability to eat or talk normally
Why is gold used in dentistry? Dental crowns - what are they?
Dental gold: what standard of gold is used in dentistry, indications and contraindications for use, procedure for installing crowns
Modern conditions of human existence - pace of life, numerous stresses, food quality, environmental problems
What is better: veneers or composite dental restoration?
From the name it is clear that dental restoration implies correction of appearance, correction of existing deficiencies. Especially
The new generation of dental implants and what awaits implantology in the future
The technology of installing artificial roots and then attaching dental crowns to them every year
Implantation of lower jaw teeth: what implants are needed, how long they take root
Complete edentia or absence of teeth is a serious problem, which is characterized not only by an aesthetic defect,
Metal-ceramic dental crowns
Removing dental plaque using the Air Flow method from ceramic crowns and veneers
When is crown removal necessary? Removing the crown from a tooth must be carried out if the tooth begins to erode
Metal-ceramic crowns: stages and materials of manufacture.
Like any dental structure, crowns have their own service life. When the crown
Surgical preparation of the oral cavity for prosthetics
Chief editor of the site: Snitkovsky Arkady Aleksandrovich Chief physician of the professorial dentistry “22 Century”, doctor -
Features of Snucone implants
High-quality and inexpensive Snucone implants - the future leader of the domestic market
1442 Dental implants are one of the ways to restore the functionality of the dentition, as with partial,
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