Top 9 best solutions for irrigator + recipes for preparing liquid at home

In this article

  • Why pour water into the irrigator?
  • Why do you need a special liquid for an irrigator?
  • What to put in the irrigator: types of balms and solutions
  • What solutions can you make yourself?
  • What liquid to use for the irrigator: well-known manufacturers
  • How to use irrigator solutions

Water or solutions are poured into the irrigator reservoir, which contain substances beneficial to the gums and teeth and have a certain effect: refreshing, healing, etc. The choice of a specific solution is determined by medical indications and personal preferences. Let's find out how to refill the irrigator and what liquids are considered the best for it.

Irrigators are used to maintain oral hygiene. They are devices that create a pressurized stream of water with pulsation, which cleans teeth and gums. According to dentists, a toothbrush does not provide complete cleansing of the interdental space. It is even less effective if there are braces, crowns, bridges, veneers and other orthodontic structures in the oral cavity.

Irrigators are suitable as an additional means of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Such devices remove food debris from gum pockets and interdental spaces, freshen breath, massage soft tissues, treat parts of dentures and braces, and protect against the spread of germs. If you use the irrigator daily, the likelihood of developing caries and other dental diseases is significantly reduced.

Liquid for irrigator

Refilling the irrigator with a special liquid.

Recently, among oral care products, irrigators are gaining more and more popularity. Their principle of operation is based on the supply of a jet of special liquid under pressure, which cleanses the oral cavity and all its components from bacteria, plaque and dental deposits.

The functional purposes of liquids for irrigators include:

  • Preventing the development of bleeding gums, gingivitis, periodontal disease.
  • Strengthening gums.
  • Strengthening the effect of using the device itself.
  • Enrichment of the oral mucosa with minerals.
  • Eliminating bad breath.

The use of liquids in an irrigator provides more thorough sanitation of the oral cavity. This occurs as a result of the penetration of the solution into hard-to-reach places between the teeth and into the periodontal tissues themselves.

Advice! Experts recommend using special solutions for irrigators. As a rule, their composition is enriched with useful substances, which ensures their wide spectrum of action.

Will an irrigator replace a toothbrush?

The formation of dental plaque leads not only to caries, but also to more serious periodontal diseases. The gums become more sensitive and begin to bleed, which indicates the onset of inflammatory processes. With further progression of the disease, tissue near the roots begins to deteriorate. Teeth become loose and may begin to fall out.

To avoid this condition, timely prevention is necessary, which involves, first of all, high-quality oral hygiene. All actions, first of all, should be aimed at removing plaque and tartar not only from the teeth themselves, but also from under the gums.

What is better, a waterpik or an electric toothbrush - Can a waterpik replace a toothbrush?

Only a dentist can completely eliminate plaque and other deposits using special means. Therefore, after brushing your teeth in the clinic, you should maintain your hygiene level at home. For this purpose, use a toothbrush at least twice a day. Additional cleaning of the spaces between the teeth is done with a special floss or irrigator.

This device creates a jet of liquid under pressure. Directed to the right places, it removes all unnecessary from hard-to-reach places. At the same time, the gums are subjected to therapeutic massage. The procedure is performed after brushing your teeth with a brush, which first softens all deposits and affects the gums. Further use of the irrigator only consolidates the positive effect.


Do not fill the irrigator with running water!

Depending on the composition of the liquid for irrigators, they are classified into:

  • Professional concentrates. Designed for use by dentists in hospital settings. Used for therapeutic purposes or in the postoperative period. Concentrates are often used during physiotherapeutic procedures. This is due to the fact that in addition to medicinal components, they contain antiseptic and various biological complexes.
  • Household. These are special solutions produced by companies that specialize in producing oral hygiene products. They contain a much lower concentration of special additives, which allows them to be used for gentle daily hygiene.
  • Homemade solutions. They contain various components, the therapeutic effect of which ensures their therapeutic effect. They are most often based on soda, sea salt, hydrogen peroxide and herbal infusions.

When choosing the liquid with which you will refill the irrigator, you should undergo a consultation with a dentist, and together with him agree on the specific type of solution. This will allow you to achieve a quick therapeutic effect from its use without harming the health of tooth enamel and gums.

Step-by-step instructions for brushing your teeth with an irrigator

Only correct use of the irrigator will give the expected positive result. For each device there is an instruction manual, supplemented by advice and recommendations from specialists. The general algorithm for brushing your teeth with an irrigator will be as follows:

  1. Water or a medicinal solution is poured into the reservoir.
  2. The nozzle of the required type is installed. If you have dentures and braces in your mouth, special orthodontic attachments are used that are included in the set of the stationary device. Other types of attachments are used for cleaning hard-to-reach places, removing bacteria and microparticles of food from under installed structures. Periodontal pockets are also cleaned with special attachments. Each of them should fit tightly into place and be accompanied by a characteristic click.
  3. The required water pressure is adjusted. For novice users and in the presence of inflammation, the minimum pressure is set.
  4. The device is connected to the electrical network or to a water tap, depending on the model. The stationary device must be checked for stability so that it does not fall during the procedure.
  5. Next, you should bend over the bathtub or sink and put the tip of the nozzle in your mouth. After this, the water supply button located on the handle is pressed.
  6. Direct cleaning of teeth with an irrigator begins. First, you need to go through all the accessible places, then gradually switch to cleaning the spaces and crevices between the teeth. In these areas, the nozzle is held for a few seconds so that the water has time to perform its cleaning function. Then it needs to be moved smoothly between areas without jerking or sudden movements. It is recommended to clean the upper jaw first, and then the lower jaw. The entire oral cavity is conventionally divided into 4 parts, each of which is processed for approximately 30 seconds or more.
  7. At the end of the procedure, the device turns off and disconnects from the network. The nozzle is removed and placed in a special case.

Top 9 best oral solutions

NameDescription and benefitsPrice
Concentrated phytocomplex containing fluoride, which is additionally used for rinsing the mouth. Effectively cleans interdental spaces, periodontal pockets, braces, implants and other types of dentures. Contains bischofite, chlorhexidine and xylitol. From 365 rubles
It has two types: a solution for daily use and for the prevention of dental pathologies. Depending on the purpose of the liquid, it contains various natural components based on extracts of medicinal herbs: lemon balm, mint, chamomile, calendula and echinacea. The absence of alcohol-containing components allows this liquid to be used by children. From 230 rubles.
Available in the form of a concentrate. Characterized by a powerful antimicrobial effect. The color of the liquid is deep blue, which limits its use to people prone to allergic reactions. From 380 rubles.
Refers to professional products. Contains 0.2% chlorhexidine. The main pharmacological action is the removal of bacteria in the oral cavity. This allows the drug to be widely used for therapeutic purposes and especially after surgical interventions. From 120 rubles.
An effective liquid that has an antiseptic effect. It does not contain alcohol and contains chlorhexidine digluconate at a concentration of 0.2%. Clinical indicators: reduces the formation of dental plaque, prevents the development of gingivitis, inhibits the growth of bacteria, relieves periodontal inflammation. Designed for daily use. From 285 rubles.
AseptaConcentrate for a broad-spectrum irrigator. The active ingredients ensure the removal of bacterial plaque, prevent the deposition of tartar, eliminate inflammatory processes in the periodontium and its bleeding. An ideal product for the care of dental structures of any type. From 415 rubles.
AlbadentA universal concentrate, which can be used daily as a hygiene product, or as a preventative drug, as well as in the treatment of periodontal disease and gum inflammation. The active components of the product help reduce the sensitivity of tooth enamel, effectively strengthen it and eliminate plaque of any density. From 245 rubles.
IrixContains disinfectants. Helps reduce gum bleeding and prevents the development of carious lesions. The presence of menthol in the composition provides refreshment of the oral cavity for a long period of time. One of the main advantages is the absence of foam when using the product. From 480 rubles.
Professor PersinFluoride-free liquid based on medicinal herbs. Intended for daily use for the prevention of various dental pathologies, especially gingivitis and caries. When foci of inflammation develop, it effectively stops them and stimulates tissue regeneration. From 460 rubles.


Below are some reviews. If you have something to say, leave your feedback in the comments below the article, it will be useful to our readers.


The doctor recommended using Donfil as an irrigator liquid. I used this remedy for therapeutic purposes, against gingivitis.

After a month of regular use, the gums began to bleed less, and the inflammation almost disappeared.

After a preventive examination, the dentist noted that the condition of the oral cavity had improved and the gum tissue had become stronger.


I have been using Asepta liquid to clean my mouth using an irrigator for six months now. I use this product every day.

After some time, I noticed that my teeth became less sensitive and my gums no longer bleed. After using Asepta, your mouth feels fresh for a long period of time.

Since I am prone to allergic reactions, I had to consult a specialist before using it.


Choose your irrigator fluid based on your doctor's recommendations.

Irrigator fluids have the following effects:

  • Disinfectant. These liquids contain antiseptic components that effectively destroy bacteria in the oral cavity and prevent their proliferation.
  • Therapeutic. These are special liquids containing calcium or fluoride that promote remineralization of dental bone tissue. The presence of medicinal herbal extracts in the compositions provides a wound-healing effect, relieves inflammatory processes and pain syndrome in periodontal diseases.
  • Deodorizing. Such solutions contain mint or menthol components, which provide fresh breath for a long period of time.
  • Preventive. The use of special liquids intended for daily use prevents the development of various dental pathologies. At the same time, the bone tissue of the teeth and gums is enriched with useful substances and minerals. Also, such solutions are able to stimulate blood microcirculation in periodontal tissues, which leads to strengthening of teeth and gums.

Reference! In many ways, the effectiveness of using an irrigator depends on the correct choice of liquid. Its choice should be made exclusively by a specialist, taking into account the clinical picture in the oral cavity and the pharmacological action of the drug.

Why pour water into the irrigator?

The irrigator is a device that consists of three main elements: a holder, a tip with a nozzle and a reservoir. A motor operates inside the device, which creates pressure and supplies water through the tube. It splashes out in the form of a jet. When cleaning the oral cavity, it should be directed to the teeth and gums.

Irrigators are either stationary or portable. They differ in several respects, one of which is the size of the water tank. It can be small (less than 100 ml) and voluminous (up to 1000 ml). Portable portable devices are equipped with small containers, which are enough for quick brushing of teeth. They take them with them on the road because they do not take up much space in a purse or travel suitcase.

Stationary oral irrigators, which are typically hung on the bathroom wall, have large reservoirs. There is enough water in them for several procedures. So, a 500 ml container is designed for approximately 2-3 people. Let's find out what liquid is poured into the irrigator, other than water, and why.

Basic rules for choosing a liquid

When choosing a solution for an irrigator, you should consider its purpose and composition. Depending on the active components, the solutions used during irrigation are intended for:

  • Strengthening enamel with fluoride content.
  • Treatment and prophylactic purposes. They contain plant substances and antiseptic drugs.
  • The presence of menthol and mint extract in their composition provides freshness to the breath.

It is also worth considering the type of liquid. It is strictly forbidden to use professional compositions at home. People prone to allergies are recommended to give preference to hypoallergenic balms. When preventing dental pathologies, as well as for children, special gentle formulations should be used, preferably without alcohol.

If there is a problem with the constant occurrence of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, preference should be given to liquids that have an anti-periodontal effect. They contain compositions of various bioantioxidants and anti-caries additives.

A preliminary consultation with a dentist will help you make the right choice. Using unsuitable solutions can lead to side effects such as thinning or darkening of tooth enamel.

How to choose the cleaning mode and water pressure

When cleaning your mouth with an irrigator, you should not forget about the correct operating mode. First of all, this is the pressure of the water jet, which is adjusted with a special button or control knob. Even the simplest and cheapest models can work in two versions - strong and weak.

During the initial period of use, the gums may not react correctly to external influences. Therefore, at this stage, the minimum gentle regimen should be used. Gradually, the mucous membrane and the entire cavity will get used to this pressure, and after 1-2 weeks it will completely adapt to it. If there is no discomfort, you can gradually increase the power of the supplied jet.

Strong pressure does not always provide the desired result. If you have hypersensitivity or diseases of the mucous membrane, you should not use the maximum mode to avoid serious injury to the gums. If it is not possible to consult a dentist on this matter, it is recommended to rely on your own feelings.

How to use it correctly

Regardless of the type of liquid, the rules for its use should be strictly followed:

  • If you use household products, you should carefully study their operating instructions.
  • Do not use the liquid if there are contraindications and there are no indications for use.
  • The use of homemade solutions is permissible after complete dissolution of all components in them and filtration of herbal decoctions.
  • Most of these liquids are presented in the form of concentrates, requiring their preliminary dilution in a ratio of 1:10.
  • To prepare liquids, you must use only purified, distilled or boiled water.
  • The water temperature should not be more than 38 degrees.
  • The most appropriate time for irrigation is the evening after brushing your teeth.
  • The liquid is directed to the gums at an angle of 80 degrees, and the duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes.
  • The frequency of use of a particular liquid is determined taking into account its type and purpose.

Which attachments will be useful for you?

Irrigator attachments

  • Standard. Suitable for those who do not have any special diseases or installed structures in the mouth. These are nozzles without bristles. They look like bent tubes at an angle, they wash food well and cope with plaque. Typically, manufacturers offer 2 standard attachments in a set;
  • Orthodontic. The same bent tubes at an angle, but with bristles. The best option for braces and other similar systems. The liquid paired with bristles cleans the interdental spaces well, removes plaque, and also takes care of braces;
  • Periodontal. Needed for periodontal pockets. Thanks to the soft tip, when you use the irrigator to clean your teeth, it does not injure your hypersensitive gums. But such a nozzle cannot be maintained with high pressure, so that the tip does not fly off. The pressure in the nozzle itself is already calculated and high pressure is not needed here;
  • Brush attachments for plaque. Accordingly, they help remove plaque on various structures. At the same time, the nozzle is not a replacement for a brush;
  • Tongue attachments. They have the shape of a spoon, which allows you to effectively remove plaque from the tongue, cheeks, and palate;
  • Brush attachments. That is, it is a toothbrush along with water under pressure. Cleans teeth and other structures well. You can use it every day, but do not replace a regular brush with this attachment;
  • Nasal attachments. For cleaning the nasal cavity.

Watch the video from experts on how to choose nozzles for your irrigator.

Recipes for making your own liquids for irrigators

Many experts recommend using homemade solutions from gentle ingredients that are easy to make with your own hands:

  • Soda solution. 10 g of baking soda should be thoroughly dissolved in 0.3 liters of warm boiled water.
  • Salt liquid. Mix 300 ml of warm purified water with 5 g of unflavored sea salt. Stir until it is completely dissolved.
  • Hydrogen peroxide based solution. Mix 250 ml of water at room temperature with 10 ml of the main raw material.

Important! Despite the ease of preparation of these solutions, their use and duration of use should be agreed with a doctor. Incorrect concentration and prolonged use can lead to dehydration of teeth, increased sensitivity, as well as destruction of connective tissue and loss of dental strength.

What to do if you run out of liquid?

You can prepare the liquid for the irrigator yourself. For example, at home you can use the following recipes:

  1. Baking soda solution: 2 dessert spoons per 300 ml of water. The solution has a strong antimicrobial effect and provides complete care for enamel and gums.
  2. Table salt solution: a teaspoon per 200-250 ml of boiled water. Effectively destroys pathogenic bacteria, but is not suitable for frequent use: it weakens tooth enamel.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide solution: 3 full caps of 3% composition are dissolved in a glass of water. This is an excellent antiseptic for caries prevention.

You can also make a solution from decoctions of medicinal herbs and plants: fireweed, sea buckthorn, chamomile, etc.

In any case, the liquid prepared by yourself must be of a uniform consistency and not contain undissolved particles that could damage the device. Therefore, it is better to purchase liquids for irrigators in ready-made form.

Which liquid to choose directly depends on the dental problem that needs to be solved. There are no universal drugs that can get rid of all diseases. We recommend not to self-medicate, but to consult a dentist. The doctor will identify the problem and select the best liquid for the irrigator that can solve the problem without risk to health.

Author of the article

Where can I buy

Carefully study the composition and expiration date before purchasing.

Professional solutions for irrigators are sold by representatives of pharmaceutical companies, which, as a rule, work exclusively with dental clinics.

Household liquids are freely available. Today, they can be easily purchased in household chemical and hygiene stores, pharmacies, and also in online stores.

When purchasing liquid for an irrigator by any means, you should pay special attention to its expiration date, manufacturer and composition. This will avoid the use of low-quality products that may be produced by illegal companies.

How to clean the waterpik after use

Regardless of the frequency of use of the irrigator, it requires maintenance after each procedure. First of all, the remaining liquid is poured out of the tank to avoid the appearance and proliferation of harmful microorganisms. At the end of each use, the device is turned off, the nozzle is removed, and the remaining water or solution is removed from the container.

After this, the device must be rinsed and dried thoroughly. After use, the nozzle is washed with liquid soap, rinsed with running water and wiped dry with a clean napkin. Disinfection and cleaning of the device should not be carried out with boiling water, since its impact can damage and deform the housing.

If there is any remaining liquid, it is removed by putting the nozzle on and pointing it into the sink. The device turns on and operates for 2-3 seconds, during which all the water from the tubes comes out. The irrigator, washed and wiped dry, is left in the air until the next use.

Even the cleanest water contains impurities that gradually settle, clogging parts and mechanisms. If this happens, you need to use special means and treat the inside of the device. It is also recommended to replace nozzles in a timely manner at intervals of 3 to 6 months. Avoid dropping the device and periodically check all electrical connections.

Clinical researches

It has been clinically proven that the ASEPTA irrigator solution more effectively combats the causes of inflammation and bleeding. The use of the product increases the cleansing effect by 50%, reduces the risk of inflammation by up to 74% and increases anti-caries effectiveness by 49%.


  1. Report on clinical trials to determine/confirm the preventive properties of commercially produced personal oral hygiene products: mouth rinse "ASEPTA PARODONTAL" - Solution for irrigator." Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Head. Department of Preventive Dentistry S.B. Ulitovsky, doctor-researcher A.A. Leontiev First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlova, Department of Preventive Dentistry.
  2. Report on determining/confirming the preventive properties of commercially produced personal oral hygiene products: Asepta toothpaste used in combination with Asepta mouthwash and Asepta gum balm Head. Department of PFS Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor S.B. Ulitovsky St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlova. Faculty of Dentistry. Department of Preventive Dentistry.
  3. The role of anti-inflammatory rinse in the treatment of periodontal diseases (L.Yu. Orekhova, A.A. Leontyev, S.B. Ulitovsky) L.Yu. OREKHOVA, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof., Head of Department; A.A. LEONTIEV, dentist; S.B. ULITOVSKY, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I. P. Pavlova

How often should you apply

As already mentioned, using an irrigator is an additional method of hygienic care. The frequency of operation depends on the individual characteristics of the user and the intended purpose:

  • to prevent the formation of tartar - 1 time per day, every other day;
  • to remove smoker's plaque (as well as with excessive consumption of black tea, coffee and red wine) - daily;
  • during pregnancy - daily;
  • for problems with gums (gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease) - the frequency of use must be checked with your doctor;
  • when wearing braces or installed dentures - twice a day (it is recommended to clean braces after every meal).

Specialist clarification: if you have undergone surgery in the oral cavity (tooth extraction, gum recession, implantation, etc.), then the use of an irrigator is possible only with the permission of the surgeon.

How to care for the device and choose liquid

The length of its service life depends on compliance with the rules of care of the irrigator. It must be stored in a dry place. After use, it is necessary to clean, especially when using herbal infusions. How to do this: fill the tank halfway with boiled water (or bottled drinking water), drain it. Then thoroughly rinse the attachments that have been used and dry them with a towel. The best option is to purchase a model with the option of disinfecting the nozzles with ultraviolet light. This guarantees absolute hygienic safety and time-saving care.

Attention! The irrigator is an electrical device, so under no circumstances should you put it in water, as this can result in electrical injury (electric shock) and damage to the device.

What can be used as a working fluid:

  • boiled or bottled water;
  • water with the addition of balm intended specifically for irrigators;
  • decoction of herbs (subject to preliminary thorough filtration).

The network of dental clinics “Smile” offers services for the prevention of dental and periodontal diseases. Our specialists will carry out professional cleaning and advise you on how to use an oral irrigator. For the convenience of patients, we have a system of family and cumulative discounts.

You can contact any of the branches of our clinic in Moscow, located within walking distance from the metro:

  • Art. Alekseevskaya (VDNKh district, etc. Mira), address: st. 3rd Mytishchiskaya house 3, building 2;
  • Art. Shelepikha, address: Shelepikhinskaya embankment, address: building 34, building 1.

Prevention is the best protection against disease, don’t forget about it. Come to us for professional prevention and receive recommendations for home hygiene care. We are waiting for you every day!

Who needs an irrigator and who doesn't?

Of course, the presence of such a device would be desirable in absolutely every home, such as, for example, a good electric inhaler. After all, if a person constantly goes to the dentist with problem teeth, the doctor may suspect that they are genetically bad and advise purchasing a device for cleaning the oral cavity, which he uses in his own office.

If purchasing it for a person is one of the mandatory points in treatment, then, most likely, you will also need to buy a special cleansing solution, because ordinary water does not have medicinal properties.


And yet there is a category of people for whom an irrigator is a real salvation. These people include patients with diabetes. The nature of their illness is such that any wounds, especially those that bleed, heal very poorly and tend to fester.

These also include wounds that form on the oral mucosa due to many reasons, the simplest of which are stomatitis, a burn, or just a minor injury on the edges of freshly baked bread, for example. The irrigator will prevent their occurrence.

People with orthodontic structures in the form of braces, implants (crowns, dentures). In this case, no toothbrush can replace an irrigator - only this device can fully clean a variety of dental structures from microorganisms that settle on them. It is because of them that teeth under crowns and in place of metal braces so often deteriorate.

Those with braces are strongly advised to use an irrigator.

There are even irrigators specially designed for orthodontic structures. An irrigator is necessary for those who suffer from bad breath. This smell usually comes from food debris that is difficult to remove with a brush from hard-to-reach places. Also, people with so-called crowded teeth cannot do without it - a feature of the structure of the jaw or bite in which the teeth are tightly pressed to each other, which complicates their cleaning.

Can not use

In exceptional cases, it is not advisable to use an irrigator to clean the oral cavity, as this may aggravate the situation. These include:

  • recent surgery, after which sutures or wounds have not yet healed;
  • undergoing professional dental treatment;
  • increased bleeding of gums after a person uses an irrigator for some time;
  • when chronic dental diseases worsen, for example, gingivitis or stomatitis;
  • inability to use the device, for example, by small children who may simply swallow liquid from the nozzle.

Even after reading all of the above, you may wonder why you need an irrigator and whether this device is such a necessary thing in everyday life. Of course not. But if you want to shine with a natural smile for a long time, it’s time to think about purchasing it.

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