What to do if your tooth hurts when walking

  • Published by: Laima Jansons

Pain in a tooth (dentalgia) can be a constant ache, occur suddenly, or intensify while walking and running. In the first case, we are talking about the development of inflammatory or non-carious lesions in the oral cavity. When there are no unpleasant sensations at rest, but appear suddenly while walking or running, this indicates a hidden course of the chronic process in the periodontal tissues. When dentalgia intensifies during movement, this also indicates an acute or chronic inflammatory process of the pulp or periodontal tissue.

Such manifestations of pain are characteristic of various diseases of the oral cavity and nearby organs.

Important! To choose the right treatment option, you should identify the underlying cause of tooth pain when walking, jumping and running.

Causes of tooth pain when walking

If dentalgia occurs while moving, most likely the disease is already advanced. You need to see a doctor, take a photo and treat the damaged tooth. Pain is not always observed when a hole appears. Discomfort felt:

  • with inflammation of the gums;
  • after unsuccessful intervention;
  • due to pathologies of other organs;
  • with advanced caries.

Dentalgia is present with periodontal damage, the formation of pus in the maxillary sinuses and in soft tissues. Throbbing pain occurs when a phlegmon, granuloma or cyst forms. It is localized in the tooth cavity, in the jaw.

The appearance of toothache while walking indicates an advanced form of the pathological process. A visual examination and radiography of the jaw will help identify the cause of dentalgia.

The treatment regimen may include filling the damaged unit, taking anti-inflammatory and homeopathic medications.

A pathological sensation accompanies periodontitis, periostitis, and acute form of pulpitis.

When a person runs or walks, the feet touch the surface, and although it is hard, thanks to the shock absorption, the legs and healthy organs are not damaged, but the teeth in which the nerve becomes inflamed react with unbearable pain. With periodontal disease, the sensation is not so unpleasant.

To treat inflammation inside the tooth, broad-spectrum antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are most often used.
Surgical treatment is prescribed only if conservative therapy is ineffective.


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8 years of experience

With deep caries, hard tissues are destroyed. When an abnormal process approaches the pulp, it responds with the appearance of dentalgia.

The inflammation that develops with periodontitis usually does not cause discomfort. In the absence of therapy, the pathology enters the chronic stage. While a person is at rest, it does not manifest itself in anything. However, the very first step is accompanied by an unpleasant sensation.

With pulpitis, the nerve of the tooth becomes inflamed. The chamber often fills with pus. Over time, the pathological process fades. Dentalgia renews with movement.

Advanced periodontitis causes the formation of a cyst. In place of the deformed tooth tissues, a sac forms, which puts pressure on them when walking.

Why do my teeth hurt when I walk?

The appearance of dentalgia when walking can be associated with purulent inflammation directly in the oral cavity or in the maxillary sinus.

The cause of unpleasant sensations can be localized in the upper or lower jaw, dental pulp, or periodontal tissues. To determine the etiology, it is necessary to take an x-ray.

Photo 1: Throbbing pain, which intensifies during movement, very often indicates the accumulation of purulent exudate in the periodontal tissues. In an attempt to find a way out, it compresses the tissue, which causes throbbing pain and it always intensifies while walking with each hit of the heel. Source: flickr (Anton Pro).

Possible causes of dentalgia when walking

  • Periodontal tissue disease . These are periodontitis, abscess, phlegmon, pericoronitis, periodontitis, granuloma, cyst, periostitis.
  • Diseases of hard and soft dental tissues . This is medium and deep caries, purulent or acute pulpitis.
  • Disease of nearby tissues . This is odontogenic, traumatic, bacterial, allergic sinusitis.

Dental causes of pain when running and jumping

When running, the feet come into contact with a hard surface as often as possible, but this happens in such a way that the shock absorption does not allow injury to the limbs or other organs . If a person landed on his heels while jumping or running, this would have unpleasant consequences, and a concussion is the most harmless.

shock absorption while walking or running, .

The slightest movement, not to mention jumping, in case of inflammation of the nerve causes severe pain . Caries or periodontal inflammation respond to movement less painfully, but still unpleasantly.

Diseases that cause tooth pain when running and jumping

  • Medium or deep caries is the destruction of hard tooth tissues when they are not treated in a timely manner; the carious process comes too close to the pulp, which reacts to the irritant, which gives rise to dentalgia.
  • Pulpitis is an inflammation of the nerve of the tooth, among all dental diseases it ranks first in terms of severity of pain; in case of complications, pus accumulates in the chamber, a chronic process begins and dentalgia gradually subsides, but can again appear while running.
  • Periodontitis and periodontitis - these inflammatory diseases very often become a chronic process, since at an early stage they give little expressed pain, a person endures without consulting a doctor, but at this time the inflammation only progresses, the discomfort goes away, but when exposed to any irritant, including I hit my foot while running and the pain comes back immediately.
  • Less common causes of pain when running and jumping are granuloma and cyst . These are complications of untreated periodontitis, which initially does not cause concern due to its moderate pain and the person does not go to the dentist. In this case, granulation gradually destroys the soft tissue around the tooth and a so-called granulation sac is formed around it. As with a cyst, this sac puts pressure on the tissue, causing pain.

Accompanying illnesses

In addition to the listed dental diseases, the cause of discomfort while walking, running or jumping can be pathological processes in the maxillary sinus. In this case, pain will be felt in the upper jaw area near the molars . This symptom is very easy to confuse with dentalgia, so other typical manifestations of sinusitis should be considered.

Sinusitis can be acute or chronic, appearing as a result of poor-quality dental treatment or as a complication of acute respiratory viral infection. Of most interest is odontogenic sinusitis that occurs after root canal treatment .

When cleaning the tooth cavity, the dentist may not calculate the depth of the canal and perforation of the bottom of the maxillary sinus occurs . In addition, part of a broken instrument may remain in the cavity, or filling material may get into the maxillary sinus.

Often after this, pathological microorganisms penetrate through the tooth cavity into the sinus, causing inflammation. This is what leads to pain that intensifies while running or jumping , which is very easy to confuse with dental pain.


When the maxillary cavity becomes inflamed, a person suffers from an unpleasant sensation that occurs near the molars, which are located in the upper jaw. The pain manifests itself acutely, can be dull or aching, and pulsating occurs when pus accumulates in the periodontal tissue. The unpleasant sensation becomes even stronger while running and walking.

Caries or periodontal disease reminds you of itself with minor discomfort. Each step is accompanied by unbearable pain if the nerve in the tooth becomes inflamed. With pulpitis, it makes itself felt while jogging.

Dentalgia is usually not accompanied by a rise in temperature, does not provoke migraine symptoms, or causes vomiting.

Migraine knocked on my head...

We all know headaches. The most common type of headache is a migraine. It often appears along with toothache. More recently, scientists have proven that sometimes it is teeth, even healthy ones, that can cause severe migraines.

A headache in itself is not a disease, but it is a symptom that not everything is okay with your physical and sometimes mental state. However, in many cases, despite a thorough examination, no cause for acute headache can be found. Experts say that prolonged attacks of headaches or migraines are a sign that you need to go to the dentist, even if the teeth themselves do not bother you.

Of course, most often the cause of severe headaches, which the vast majority of people suffer from, are injuries to the temporal part of the head. But, in addition, migraine attacks can be associated with inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, in particular caries. This is due to some deformation of the teeth, causing the upper jaw to be too close to the lower jaw.

The fact is that headaches often occur due to malocclusion. And a huge number of people with crooked teeth are not even aware of their problem. When teeth are positioned incorrectly, pressure is placed on the muscles, nerves and blood vessels located nearby, causing migraine attacks.

As a result of the incorrect position, the temporomandibular joint, the movable connection of the lower jaw with the base of the skull, suffers. At the same time, researchers were able to identify a trend in which people who suffer from temporomandibular joint arthritis are also more likely to have dental problems. Their surfaces are almost constantly in contact, as a result of which severe tension arises in the chewing and facial muscles, accompanied by pain when eating food.

Typically, people experiencing these symptoms are referred to an otolaryngologist or neurologist, but they may also benefit from seeing a physical therapist and dentist. In turn, regular monitoring of the condition of teeth and timely treatment of caries can be one of the most reliable methods of preventing disorders of the temporomandibular joint, as well as most cases of practically untreatable migraine.

Be wary if your head hurts in the morning, if you experience pain behind the eyeballs, in the sinuses, in the neck and shoulders. It is necessary to visit a dentist as soon as possible. Consider having your teeth and gums examined at least twice a year.

What to do

If the painful sensation occurs suddenly, apply a cold compress to the cheek. You should not resort to heating, as the bacteria will spread over a wide area.

When dentalgia occurs, you need to:

  1. Avoid hot and cold foods and drinks.
  2. Take a remedy that will relieve pain.
  3. Clean your teeth from food particles.
  4. Rinse your mouth with a soda solution.
  5. Contact a specialist.

Discomfort when walking often occurs with sinusitis. In this case, it is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist who will prescribe medications for treatment.

What you can do yourself

If a toothache suddenly appears, you should:

  • apply a cold compress to the cheek on the sore side; heat treatment is contraindicated, as this increases blood circulation and leads to the spread of infection;
  • examine your teeth, identify possible food debris, remove them and rinse your mouth with a warm solution and soda;
  • take a pain reliever (Ketanov, Diclofenac, Solpadeine);
  • Visit your dentist as soon as possible for an x-ray.

Note! Dentists recommend using Nimesil powder to quickly relieve pain.

Photo 2: After a dental examination, the doctor will carry out professional hygiene and sanitation of the oral cavity, after which the dentist will prescribe medications. Source: flickr (Aviel Stankevitch).


It is impossible to determine the type of pathology by the nature of the unpleasant sensation that occurs when walking, since dentalgia accompanies lesions of soft and hard tissues; excruciating pain is caused by an inflamed nerve.

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Discomfort sometimes appears after unsuccessful intervention. To identify the cause of dentalgia, you need to contact a dentist. The doctor will examine the oral cavity and send the person for an x-ray.

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