Periodontist and his role in the treatment of oral diseases

Every person must monitor their oral health very carefully, otherwise serious problems may arise not only with teeth and gums, but also with other organs of our body. If you begin to worry about your gums and their condition, then you need to contact a periodontist in a timely manner. What kind of doctor is this and what diseases does he deal with? These are questions the answers to which will be discussed in this article.

Who is a periodontist?

A periodontist is a highly qualified specialist involved in the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases - the soft periodontal tissues that provide teeth with reliable fixation in the jaw.

The periodontist, as a highly specialized doctor, must have in-depth knowledge of the methods of treating various types of soft tissue diseases. In his practice, he uses antibiotics, special dental equipment, resuscitation agents and drugs to treat gums.


This is an inflammatory disease of periodontal tissue that causes destruction of bone tissue and tooth ligaments. It begins with inflammation of the gums: periodontal pockets appear, the gums peel off from the teeth, exposing the neck of the tooth.

The main symptoms are the same as for gingivitis. At the initial stage, only a doctor can distinguish one disease from another.

As the disease progresses, the jaw bone surrounding the tooth is destroyed. Teeth lose stability, become loose, and eventually may fall out completely.

With pronounced tooth mobility, most often the doctor is powerless. In such cases, an effective solution would be tooth extraction followed by prosthetics.

When do you need to urgently visit a periodontist?

All of the above signs of pathologies are a good reason to make an appointment with a dentist. In these cases, self-medication is strictly prohibited, since treatment should be aimed at eliminating not the signs, but the causes of the disease. And only a professional specialist can identify them and prescribe effective therapy.

The main signs of the need for examination by a periodontist include:

  • bleeding gums;
  • the first signals of the onset of the inflammatory process;
  • painful sensations in the gums;
  • release of fluid when pressing on the gums;
  • noticeable loosening of teeth;
  • the appearance of periodontal pockets in the periodontal areas;
  • peeling of soft tissues and their subsidence;
  • exposure of the dental neck;
  • putrid taste and bad breath that does not go away even after brushing or rinsing;
  • suppuration;
  • change in the angle of inclination of the teeth.

All of the above signs indicate dangerous changes that require immediate medical attention.


The main field of activity of this doctor: treatment and prevention of caries and its complications. What manipulations does:

  • treatment of caries;
  • endodontics (work in root canals) for pulpitis, periodontitis;
  • root canal retreatment;
  • chipped fillings, tooth walls;
  • carrying out treatment using a microscope (treatment of caries, work in canals);
  • providing assistance for acute toothache.

The therapist also conducts a thorough examination and can refer the patient to related specialists if he notices any pathology.

What stages does an appointment with a periodontist include?

Treatment in the periodontist’s office can be divided into 3 main stages:

  1. Elementary. This stage includes a visual examination of the oral cavity and the necessary diagnostics. If the pathology is not serious and manifests itself only as mild inflammation, then the doctor can only prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and special hygiene.
  2. Surgical. Actually the treatment itself, the methods of which differ and depend on the type of disease. It is necessary to wash the formed pockets in the periodontium with special solutions and remove subgingival deposits, if any. In difficult situations, the periodontist resorts to surgical methods.
  3. Prophylactic. The specialist talks about prevention methods at home and prescribes a follow-up appointment for maintenance therapy.

What does he specialize in?

Dentistry is a fairly extensive branch of medicine, which includes the study of the structure of teeth, diseases of the entire oral cavity, and the border parts of the neck and face. It is divided into several branches, each of which solves different problems: aesthetic dentistry, surgical dentistry, orthodontics, periodontology.

A periodontist studies the structure of the soft tissues of the oral cavity, treats them and prevents diseases. That is, despite the fact that he is a dentist, he very rarely deals with the teeth themselves. His area of ​​specialization extends to the complex of tissues that surround the tooth and ensure its location in the jaw sockets (alveoli). This entire complex is called periodontium, which is where the name of the specialist comes from.


  • What does he specialize in?
  • What diseases does it treat?
  • When to visit a periodontist
  • How does the treatment work?
  • Preventive measures

In most cases, tooth loss occurs from gum disease. Unfortunately, most patients turn to the doctor at a time when it is no longer possible to save the tooth. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the condition of your oral cavity and visit a specialist for prevention. Often inflammatory, infectious, and progressive gum diseases are caused by improper hygiene measures. For example, infrequent brushing of teeth, which causes some food to stagnate in the interdental cavities. This leads to caries, inflammation of soft tissues, suppuration of pockets in the alveoli, and tooth loss.

But even if all hygiene standards are observed, periodontal damage can occur. A person constantly has hundreds of thousands of bacteria in his mouth; they create a colorless sticky coating on the enamel. A too soft toothbrush or improper brushing leaves some of this plaque, which over time forms tartar, which in turn also causes diseases of the soft tissues in the mouth.

Children also face such problems; the reason for this is often the lack of hygiene measures at all or improper brushing of teeth. Also, provoking factors for periodontal disease can be an improperly placed crown, removable dentures, frequent stress, lack of vitamins and minerals, and weakened immunity. Due to the fact that some types of pathologies occur and progress very quickly, it is worth visiting a periodontist for a preventive examination, and if a disease is detected, do not delay treatment.

Advice from periodontists

In order to preserve the health of your gums, you need to use dental services twice a year and scrupulously follow the rules of hygiene.

Advice from doctors on oral care:

  1. Hygiene procedures must be carried out daily, morning and evening, without any exceptions. This is the main guarantee of periodontal health.
  2. During the day, after each meal, rinse your mouth; if you don’t have a special mouthwash on hand, you can use plain water. Any remaining food particles between the teeth must be removed using dental floss.
  3. The toothbrush should be chosen correctly; it should have a rounded end and medium-hard bristles, which will prevent damage to the gums during brushing.
  4. The toothbrush should be changed quite often, at least once every 4 months, otherwise it becomes an ideal place for the accumulation of dangerous bacteria.
  5. The choice of toothpaste should also be taken seriously, since it is its composition that determines how effective the cleansing of all components of the oral cavity will be. There are special pastes containing useful components and additives that will help eliminate problems with soft tissues.

What diseases does it treat?

Normal redness or inflammation of the gums, which patients often do not pay attention to, may only be the first stage in the development of more serious problems. Periodontology covers all pathological changes in the tissues that surround the teeth. This includes the gums, bone tissue surrounding the tooth, and connective tissue. Untimely treatment of the affected periodontal tissue turns the problem from an aesthetic one into a rather serious pathology.


This disease occurs most often, appears suddenly and can develop into more severe illnesses. But gingivitis itself is classified as a mild disease. It manifests itself in the form of gum inflammation, redness, and swelling. This phenomenon is often accompanied by minor bleeding during brushing teeth, eating, sometimes without exposure to external factors. The cause of this disease is bacteria, plaque on the teeth, and mechanical damage to the periodontium.

Fixing this problem is quite simple; the doctor usually prescribes the use of dental floss, medicated toothpaste, and recommends a suitable toothbrush. From time to time, the patient needs to get rid of tartar from a specialist. That is, the main rule for the treatment and prevention of such a disease is thorough cleansing of the oral cavity. Gingivitis does not lead to loss of soft tissue, tooth or bone element, but can progress if left untreated.


Failure to promptly contact a periodontist for gingivitis can lead to the development of periodontitis. This disease is also accompanied by inflammation of the gums, but in a more severe form. Soft tissues change color, becoming redder, and bleed. Also, the gum separates from the tooth, and infected cavities appear in the spaces between the teeth, which are called “periodontal pockets.”

Bacteria in the mouth produce toxins that gradually worsen the disease. All these changes are responded to by the immune system, which begins to fight pathogens; this may be accompanied by an increase in temperature (not always), a feeling of aching in the jaw, and soft tissue pain. Due to such symptoms, patients consult a doctor at this stage of the disease.

Often, a visit to a periodontist with this disease can no longer save the affected teeth. The progression of the disease destroys not only the soft tissue, but also the bone surrounding the tooth. Symptoms of periodontitis in the last stages include loosening of the teeth (in this case, the doctor removes it), discharge of pus from the pockets, or loss of the tooth.

Also considered is childhood (prepubertal) periodontitis, which affects both baby teeth and permanent teeth. But its cause is said to be a malfunction of the immune system, so after examination by a periodontist, treatment is carried out by another doctor, and the therapy itself consists of restoring strong immunity.

Periodontal disease

Experts are still studying this disease. In appearance, it is similar to periodontitis, but has a different character. Unlike the previous disease, this is not accompanied by inflammation. The gums can sink lower, exposing the neck of the tooth, so this disease is often confused with periodontitis. However, unlike the latter, with periodontal disease no pockets appear, no pus is secreted, and the teeth do not become loose (only in advanced forms).

The reasons for this problem have not yet been precisely clarified; heredity plays an important role. Periodontal disease is often accompanied by diabetes mellitus, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and atherosclerosis. The most common symptom of the disease is itching in the gum area. If you have such problems, you should consult a doctor immediately, since any changes in the oral cavity can progress into more complex diseases. Blood poisoning increases the risk of stroke, causes breathing problems, and heart and vascular disease.

Where can you go in Ivanteevka if you have gum disease?

If you need the help of a periodontist, you can contact the Sanident dental clinic, one of the best in Ivanteyevka, as confirmed by reviews from our satisfied patients. We employ only professionals with extensive experience who use modern treatment methods, the best equipment and reliable drugs. With us you can quickly and inexpensively restore health to your teeth and gums.

Complex dentistry "Sanident" is located at the following addresses:

  • Ivanteevka, st. Novoselki, 4 (Ivanteevka railway station);
  • Shchelkovo, st. Central, 80 (railway station Voronok).
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