How to treat a child’s teeth: show children a thematic video

It is highly advisable to preserve baby teeth in children until they are naturally replaced by permanent ones at about the age of 6-7 years. This replacement continues until adolescence. It is worth noting that the condition of baby teeth subsequently affects the health and beauty of permanent ones, and how even they will be depends on this.

Many children are afraid to have their teeth treated. And there are quite a few videos on the Internet that you can show them so that they take a trip to the dentist calmly and do not perceive it as torture.

  • 2 When should caries be treated?
  • 3 Fear of the dentist and watching videos
  • 4 How to choose a doctor for your child
  • 5 What a doctor should have
  • 6 Why do you need to treat baby teeth?
  • 7 Treatment methods in different clinics

How to treat baby teeth

When a child has problems with his baby teeth, parents do not always decide to take them seriously. Many parents believe that such treatment is not necessary at all , since very soon the baby teeth will fall out and the permanent ones will grow.

But you can’t ignore your child’s dental problems. For example, if you see that baby teeth fall out too early, this may subsequently cause problems with the eruption of permanent teeth, and the jaw may not develop correctly.

And if a child has caries and is not treated, then the infection can soon enter the gastrointestinal tract and provoke a number of diseases.

Various oral diseases in children appear for the following reasons:

  • the presence of pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity;
  • if the diet contains too many complex carbohydrates, especially those consumed after lunch. The most harmful to tooth enamel are confectionery and dairy products;
  • poor or insufficient oral hygiene.

Profession dossier

"Dentistry" - Greek. “mouth” + “science” is a branch of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of teeth, the oral cavity, border areas of the face and neck, and the prevention of dental diseases.

"Dentist" - lat. "tooth", from the French word "dentiste". Dentist is a broader concept that includes dentists, dentists, paramedics, and technicians.

Meta-profession: doctor.

Profession: dentist.


Dentist-therapist – responsible for general treatment,

Orthodontist – straightens teeth,

Orthopedic dentist – creates dentures,

Dentist surgeon – operates jaws, removes teeth,

Dental hygienist – removes plaque, polishes enamel,

Periodontist – deals with gums,

Pediatric dentist – works with children, taking into account their characteristics.

International Dentist Day is celebrated on February 9th.

The most important professionally important qualities:

  • perfect coordination of movements;
  • developed fine motor skills;
  • empathy and communication skills: the ability to find a common language with the patient;
  • good physical well-being (work on your feet).


Archaeological scientists have found the remains of ancient people who lived 9,000 years ago, in whose teeth perfect holes were made during life.
This suggests the existence of an analogue of the drill and the level of development of this branch of medicine. It has been confirmed that 3500 thousand years ago in Egypt, teeth were filled.

During the Middle Ages, tooth extraction was carried out by... hairdressers (we will tell this story in detail in the description of the profession “Hairdresser”).

In Russia, Peter I first introduced the position of “dentist” and actively contributed to the development of the profession.

The first drill was created ~200 years ago. The patient had to turn the pedals himself so that the dentist could drill the tooth.

There are about one hundred thousand dentists in Russia - that is, one person per 1.5 thousand inhabitants. It is believed that almost 90% of the population has dental problems.

The concept of “old age,” so often attributed in the novels of past centuries to people 30-40 years old, very often coincided with the absence of teeth. There are no teeth - and the person is perceived as an “old man” or “old woman”. Indeed, in a person without teeth, at any age, facial deformation occurs and sharp “senile” wrinkles appear.

A certain dentist named Albert Southwick hoped that electricity could help his patients as a pain reliever. But as a result of the experiments, it was possible to create only the electric chair, which was later used to execute criminals (in fact, not entirely true, Southwick only suggested the use of electricity for executions to the senator, and Thomas Edison did the rest).

There are scientists who convincingly prove the harm from daily brushing of teeth, which destroys the protective layer. Yes, they recognize the harm from pieces of decomposing food stuck in the teeth, but if humanity had not scraped off the protective layer since childhood, the harm caused would have been less noticeable. Scientists are still arguing about this, but let's not forget that behind the teeth-brushing advocates is an industry with a turnover of hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

Once a remarkable man, physicist, Richard Feynman, reflecting on the rituals that people perform without thinking at all about their benefits or meaning, offered the following image: “As the Earth rotates in its orbit, there is a boundary between light and darkness. And along this border all people perform the same ritual: chick-chick-chick-chick-chick-chick-chick-chick! (they brush their teeth). Just like in the Middle Ages, where there were a bunch of other rituals. Try to imagine this endless line of toothbrushes encircling the Earth...”

When should caries be treated?

There are a number of factors that indicate the need for treatment of caries in children, among them the following:

  • the presence of an infection that provokes chronic exacerbation of various diseases;
  • If caries is not treated at the first stage, the child may lose a tooth, and this can cause problems with chewing. The gastrointestinal tract becomes more vulnerable;
  • If baby teeth are in poor condition, then the rudiments of permanent teeth may die.

Parents should be aware that every effort should be made to ensure that all affected primary teeth are saved.


The peculiarity of the treatment of primary teeth in children is that it should be carried out immediately after the discovery of caries or the appearance of uncomfortable symptoms. In children, the tooth enamel is much thinner than in adults, so the usual superficial form of the disease in them can transform into pulpitis in a few days.

In addition, milk elements are not as sensitive to pathogenic agents as adult teeth. Therefore, most often, caries in young children can be detected only in advanced stages, when an extensive carious cavity forms or the child begins to complain of discomfort when consuming sweet foods.

How to choose a doctor for your child

A child's first visit to the dentist is a very important event that should be taken very seriously. It is imperative to find a doctor who gets along well with children and to whom the child will go with great pleasure. This will determine whether he will have a fear of dentists in the future.

It is recommended that you spare no expense for the first time and take your child to a paid clinic .
In such institutions, treatment is accompanied by a friendly attitude from the staff; children are often shown cartoons and given toys to play with.

Why do you need a pediatric dentist?

Pediatric dentistry has its own specific features related to the anatomical structure and physiology of the child’s jaw. Only a person with a certificate in pediatric dentistry knows these fundamental nuances at an ideal level.

He has knowledge of therapy, pediatrics, pharmacology, and understands the pathogenetic principles of the appearance of dental pathologies depending on the age of the child. A children's doctor, in addition to professional skills, must have communication skills to communicate with children, be a good psychologist, and take into account the emotional and behavioral characteristics of his patients.

Why does a child need a pediatric dentist?

  1. The oral cavity in children is characterized by morphological differences from the adult jaw.
  2. Children's dental diseases have a specific course, on which treatment tactics depend.
  3. The technology for treating inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (caries, pulpitis, periodontitis) in children is fundamentally different from adults.
  4. Traumatic injuries to the teeth and jaw have their own characteristics.
  5. Anesthesia for pediatric patients is different from that for adult patients.
  6. Children need an individual psychological approach.

What should a doctor have?

The pediatrician you choose must have all the required instruments on hand, as well as anesthesia material to ensure successful treatment.
It happens that the baby is too afraid, or the required amount of treatment is too large. Local anesthetics are often used for treatment, which is agreed upon with the parents in advance. About half an hour before the procedure, the child may be prescribed special medications - this is called premedication. They can enhance anesthesia or sedate.

Treatment is recommended to begin in the early stages of caries. You should not put off the problem until “later”, otherwise the condition will worsen. When it comes to children's teeth, the following is required:

  • patience in adults;
  • high professionalism of the doctor;
  • psychological preparation on the part of parents.

Summary of educational activities for children of the senior group “We have a dentist visiting us”

Municipal preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 3 “Firefly”

Municipal formation urban district Lyubertsy

Organized educational activities to form a holistic picture of the world on the topic:

So that your teeth don't hurt. Profession dentist.

Prepared and carried out

Golovanova Yu.V.

Lyubertsy 2019

So that your teeth don't hurt. Profession dentist.

Goal: continue to develop a caring attitude towards your body.


— introduce the rules of dental care;

- give information about the toothbrush as an item of personal hygiene;

- teach teeth brushing techniques;

- cultivate a desire to take care of your teeth;

- consolidate children’s ideas about the work of adults, expand children’s understanding of the profession of a pediatrician,

introduce the dental profession
Progress of the lesson.

Today we will talk about the profession of a doctor, but first we will remember other professions. Let's name them.

Now let's select the items necessary for people of these professions. (Children's answers)

Today we will talk about the medical profession.

— Do you know the name of a pediatrician? (Pediatrician)

- If you have a cold or are sick, do you go? (To the children's clinic)

- What do doctors do? How do they help children?

— What do you call a doctor who treats children? (Pediatrician)

— Do you need to behave in a doctor’s office? (Calmly)

— What questions does the doctor ask the patient? (What are you complaining about, that it hurts)

— How does he examine a patient? (Listens, looks at the throat, feels the stomach)

— The doctor listens with a device called? (Phonendoscope)

— Does it help the doctor in his work? (Nurse)

- Should there be a doctor? (Kind, attentive, courteous)

A children's doctor is called a pediatrician. Do you know what they call a doctor who treats teeth? (Dentist)

Conversation with the dentist.

The dentist appears and greets the children.

- Do you recognize me, children? Yes! I am a doctor. What am I treating? And they call me a doctor - a dentist. Let's remember this word. And my office is called...... Yes, dental. We visited your kindergarten to check your children's teeth.

Let's get to know each other first.

- And so that you are not afraid of the doctor, and boldly turn to him, I want to give you the fairy tale “About Bad Teeth”, dear kids.

Sit comfortably and be attentive, the fairy tale begins.

«The Tale of Bad Teeth


Once upon a time there were teeth. They lived and did not lose heart in the mouth of the girl Lena. At first they lived well, they were white, beautiful and healthy. They just didn’t rejoice for very long. They got a bad owner, she was just dirty. She almost never cleaned them. Lena was not at all friendly with water and soap. And the teeth were sad and offended by the girl. A sad life began for them and they fell ill from resentment.

“We heard,” said the front teeth, “if the owner does not brush his teeth, then they may be offended and leave him forever.”

- Like this? - Lena didn’t believe it.

- Where to go? How am I going to eat candy? What will I eat the apples with? It can not be so!

And Lena ran to her old, wise grandmother. Grandmother was old and knew a lot of things.

“Grandma,” the girl asked, “is it true that teeth can be offended and leave me?”

“Of course it’s true,” said the grandmother. — Teeth always get offended if you don’t brush them. They begin to hurt and fall out.

- Fall out? - Lena was surprised, - how is that?

- And so: they jump out of the mouth and run to look for another owner.

The girl thought for a moment, and then asked her grandmother:

- Grandma, what about me? After all, I can’t live without teeth

“Then you need to make peace with them.”

- Yes Yes! - the teeth screamed, - let's make peace, come on! Cleanse us and we won’t be offended by you anymore. Just don’t forget, we love to wash both morning and evening.

“Okay,” Lena was happy.

Since then they no longer quarreled and lived in friendship.

Dentist: Did you like the fairy tale, children, and can you live in peace with your teeth? And to prevent this from happening to you, children, you need to have your teeth checked by the dentist.

Do you know what causes teeth to spoil?

(Teeth deteriorate if you chew hard foods (the enamel cracks), eat a lot of sweets, consume hot food or drinks first, and then immediately cold ones (or vice versa), if you do not brush your teeth regularly and do not rinse them after each meal.

Dentist. Now I will show you how cracks form on teeth. Take the mirrors that are on the tables and carefully examine your teeth. On top they are covered with a white solid substance - enamel. Although it is tough, it can still crack. (Demonstrates how the enamel in the mug has deteriorated.) Therefore, you need to be very careful not to hit something hard with your teeth, and not to gnaw hard objects.

Now take a piece of black bread and chew it thoroughly. Look at your mouth in the mirror. What do you see on the teeth? (Leftover food). If they are not removed, they will begin to rot and destroy teeth!

Take toothpicks and try to carefully remove these residues. How else can you do this? (Rinse your mouth after eating, brush your teeth).

Dentist. Smile, kids! You have very beautiful, healthy teeth. I see that you take care of them and look after them correctly, so I will write down the conclusion on the card - the teeth are healthy.

Dentist: Tell me honestly, do you like candy?

All children love candy. But you need to eat less of them. And when you eat it, rinse your teeth with water.

Educator: - You can also drink herbal tea even twice a day.

- And also, children, we need to use medicines, but not those that are sold in the pharmacy, but those that grow around us. Look, children, what tree is this leaf from?

Children. From oak.

Dentist: So, children, oak bark (shows) is very good for teeth; they grind it, make tea and rinse the gums.

- I’ll tell you another secret: your teeth will become strong, white, white if you bathe them in milk.

The doctor looks at his watch and says: dear children, my working day is already over. And it's time for me to return home. And you children, promise me that as soon as your tooth hurts, you will definitely turn to me for help. Bye for now.

Doctors help both adults and children,

Like the kindest people in the world.

Doctors ease the suffering around,

Tell them THANK YOU for this my friend!

Game “Good and bad”

Pictures that show something good for teeth - put a blue circle, something harmful - red.

(Vegetables and fruits are good for teeth, they cleanse teeth of germs)

(Gnawing nuts is harmful, you can break a tooth)

— Cottage cheese is healthy to eat, dairy products are very healthy, they contain vitamins that are good for teeth)

Game "Extra Item"

- Name the extra item in this row (An extra hair dryer, the hairdresser needs it. And syringes, a phonendoscope and pills are needed by the doctor)

- Name the extra items in this row. (An extra frying pan, the cook needs it. The doctor needs drops, a heating pad, and a thermometer)

- Name an extra item (The extra item is a key, the locksmith needs it. Medicines, a first aid kit, a hammer are needed by the doctor)

Guys, what did we do today? What new did you learn? What was the most interesting?

-Well done! We got acquainted with the profession of a dentist and consolidated our knowledge of the work of a doctor.

Why do you need to treat baby teeth?

As already mentioned, many parents do not pay enough attention to the problems with their child’s baby teeth. But this is wrong, the reasons are:

  • if a damaged baby tooth is removed too early, the neighboring ones will begin to shift, as a result of which the permanent ones will grow crookedly and an incorrect bite will appear;
  • when teeth are destroyed to the point of “stumps”, the tongue rests against the palate when speaking, which causes problems with diction, which will be difficult to correct later;
  • if the rudiment of a permanent tooth erupts with a tooth affected by caries, it can grow affected;
  • missing teeth can cause problems with chewing and digestion, and sometimes problems with the gastrointestinal tract appear.

Lesson reflection

The teacher asks what was most remembered during the lesson, what seemed most interesting and significant. What new questions have arisen, how the information received can affect the future plans of schoolchildren (for high school students).

How to brush your teeth

Do not apply a lot of toothpaste to the brush (especially toothpastes with fluoride). Too much foam gets in the way.

Move the brush from the gums to the edges of the teeth. Do not move the brush across your teeth - this will knock plaque into the interdental space. Use circular motions or brush up and down.

Don't forget to brush your teeth from the gum line, the teeth in the back of your mouth, the inside of your teeth, and your chewing surfaces. Caries occurs due to inattentive cleaning of chewing surfaces.

Allow three minutes to clean.

What are the responsibilities of a pediatric dentist?

A dentist in a children's office examines the supragingival and subgingival structures of the teeth, oral mucosa, periodontal tissue, bones, jaw joints, salivary glands, tongue, and submandibular lymph nodes. The competence of a pediatric dentist includes:

  • taking anamnesis;

  • examination of the oral cavity using dental mirrors;

  • identification of defects in crowns, rows, and dental anomalies;
  • referral for x-ray examination;
  • drawing up a treatment program;
  • carrying out planned sanitation (treatment, filling, cleaning, etc.);
  • fissure sealing;
  • exercises control over the formation of permanent teeth and bite;
  • administration of drugs, anesthetics;
  • provision of emergency dental care;
  • carrying out clinical examination of children with dental and periodontal pathologies;
  • referring children (if necessary) to an orthodontist and other specialists;
  • interaction with doctors of other specialties, providing them with advisory assistance;
  • prescribing therapeutic treatment at home.

The pediatric dentist will teach the child the rules and methods of personal oral hygiene, and explain to the child the need to perform it twice a day.

The Tale of the Doctor and Masha

Once upon a time there lived an ordinary girl, Masha, very similar to all the other children, girls and boys. Masha was eating a nut one day and suddenly her tooth ached. This has never happened to Masha before. But the tooth started hurting and stopped, and Mashina’s mother only got upset and said that she definitely needed to see a doctor. Masha and her mother came to the doctor, as soon as they entered the office, Masha screamed: “Oh, I know, you are an uncle doctor in a white coat, you will treat me, I don’t like doctors!” “Well, I didn’t intend to treat anyone yet, I’ll just take a look,” the doctor answered and asked Masha to open her mouth. Indeed, he just looked and said: “Well, the tooth needs to be treated.” “I don’t want to treat anything,” Masha shouted in fear, “I’m afraid to treat!” I just won’t eat nuts anymore, just soft bread! But the doctor looked into her eyes and quietly calmly answered: “And if I tell you in detail how and what we will treat, and you understand that it is not painful and not scary, then maybe you will agree?” “No,” Masha said insistently. – What if I tell you that doctors are all a little bit wizards? We have magic pills, magic ointments and powders. For example, I will give your mother a magic pill of courage. If you are afraid to undergo treatment, your mother will give it to you and the fear will go away. – Is there really such a pill? – asked Masha.

A fairy tale about a bad tooth

Once upon a time there lived a little tooth. It appeared quite recently and was a small sprout, the size of a claw. And they called it milky. Although he was small and cute, he was so stubborn and nervous that no one wanted to be his friend. “I don’t want to be dairy, but I want to be indigenous,” the kid was capricious. He really didn't like that name. “You will when you grow up,” his brothers and sisters persuaded him. “And now I want to be big, right away,” he squealed. Why are you so restless? - the elders marveled, looking at the baby. Everything has its time. On top of everything else, no sooner was the baby born than he fell in love with sweets, especially candy. But he didn’t refuse cookies and gingerbread either. Mine, mine,” he shouted with all his might, trying to try as many sweet and tasty things as possible. The adult teeth just shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment and turned away from the sweet tooth. “But you can’t have so many sweets at once,” a neighbor couldn’t stand it one day. But the baby didn’t listen, just “crunch” and “crunch.” How many times can you rip me off with brooms? – he grumbled, looking at the toothbrush. But the brush seemed to swallow its tongue and continued to roll over the teeth with its rough surface. “Don’t touch me, leave me alone,” came the long, whiny echo. … And suddenly. One day, the baby woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t fall asleep. “I have a headache,” he thought, closing his eyes. Oh no. It was as if a sharp needle had pricked the baby somewhere inside. “Oh,” he cried out from unexpected pain. And as soon as the baby opened his eyes, he simply couldn’t believe how big a black hole had grown overnight. But she wasn’t there just yesterday,” the kid tried to remember. And the hole, by the way, grew bigger and bigger each time, not paying any attention to the baby. Let me take another tasty pill. Oh, no, that’s wrong,” the kid stopped short, “not a pill, but a piece of candy—maybe it will make you feel better.” And then he reached for the sweets. But, having eaten the candy, he also managed to grab three gingerbread cookies and cookies. “He’s really a glutton,” the baby ate, watching his brothers and sisters sleep. I'm not a glutton, not at all. And then he felt that an invisible needle was stuck into him again. But I didn’t eat the needle, where did it come from? – the baby didn’t have time to think when he suddenly felt incredible pain in the hole. And the baby whined as hard as he could. Everyone woke up from his roar, from the smallest to the old grandfather. And they began to calm him, poor thing, and persuade him. As soon as the toothache subsided, every single tooth, including the sleep-deprived baby, went to the clinic. Some for prevention, and some for treatment. After the treatment, the baby became so healthy, so cheerful that even his pale cheeks turned red and rounded. A light appeared in his eyes, and he felt the happiest. And, most importantly, he realized that one should not eat too many sweets. And now he had so many friends that he was surprised himself!

Author: Vyacheslav Lapshinin

Useful tips for parents

How to prepare a child for the first preventive examination at the dentist and set him up in a positive way? First, you need to talk to him and it is better if the conversation is with a family member who himself is not afraid of treatment at the dentist. So, child psychologists offer the following advice in this regard:

  • try to talk about going to the dentist as an interesting event, but at the same time ordinary and completely natural,
  • During the conversation, call the child's doctor by name. For example, you can say: “This is Viktor Petrovich, he wants to see what beautiful teeth you have,”
  • it is better to conduct the conversation within 1-2 days maximum - this way the child will not have time to start worrying or hear enough “horror stories” from peers,
  • Make an appointment in the morning so that your child does not have a reason to worry all day about the upcoming visit. In addition, young children are usually calmer in the morning,
  • One parent is sufficient to accompany the child to the clinic. Bring your baby's favorite book or toy with you. While waiting, he can be distracted by reading, looking at pictures or, for example, playing a game.

Before going on a hike, it is also advisable that the child is well-rested and does not have colds or other diseases. If this happens on the day of your planned visit to a specialist, then it is better to postpone the visit until better times.

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