Causes of bitterness in the throat and mouth, diagnosis and treatment methods

Bitterness in the mouth may indicate problems with the digestive system. Severe or persistent bitterness in the mouth is a reason to consult a doctor.

From time to time you may experience an unpleasant bitter taste in your mouth. As a rule, this is due to a sudden release of bile into the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, some bile may enter the esophagus and cause a bitter sensation in the mouth.

. Often a bitter taste in the mouth is felt in the morning, since bile can enter the stomach during sleep (especially if you sleep on your left side and dinner included fatty foods).

Bile is a secretion produced by the liver and is necessary for digesting food. The bile duct carries bile from the liver to the gallbladder, which acts as a storage reservoir. During the active digestive phase, bile from the gallbladder enters the duodenum. Some substances have choleretic properties, that is, they increase the production of bile. Eating foods with choleretic properties (for example, pine nuts) can provoke a sharp increase in the flow of bile into the intestines and, as a result, the appearance of bitterness in the mouth. Some medications have the same effect - both medical preparations and traditional medicine (St. John's wort, sea buckthorn oil, etc.).

However, bitterness in the mouth should not be ignored

. Its appearance indicates that not everything is in order with the digestive system. For example, a bitter taste may appear after eating fatty (heavy) foods. Fatty foods stimulate bile secretion. Normally, the secreted bile should not enter the stomach and esophagus, but should be released exactly as much as is necessary for the digestive process in the intestines. The appearance of bitterness indicates that this is not the case. And we need to figure out what caused this. If bitterness in the mouth occurs frequently or persists for a long time, then it is better not to delay a visit to the doctor.

Causes of bitterness in the mouth

Bitterness in the mouth can be a symptom of various diseases.

Most often it is caused by diseases of the organs responsible for the production and movement of bile in the body, such as chronic cholecystitis

(inflammation of the gallbladder),
(in this case, the formation of stones interferes with the proper outflow of bile),
biliary dyskinesia
(impaired motility). Sometimes patients who previously had a bitter taste in the mouth due to cholelithiasis or inflammation of the gallbladder, and who had a cholecystectomy (surgery to remove the gallbladder), are surprised by the return of the symptom. But a bitter taste in the mouth can occur even in the absence of a gallbladder, because bile is still produced and can enter the stomach, and from it into the esophagus. If a person has had their gallbladder removed but has not changed their eating habits, the return of digestive problems and a bitter taste in the mouth is very likely

Bitterness in the mouth can occur with various disorders of the digestive system, for example with chronic gastritis

chronic pancreatitis
Liver diseases can lead to changes in the composition of saliva, which may also result in a bitter taste in the mouth.

Another group of reasons for the feeling of bitterness in the mouth is diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, inflammation of the tongue). A bitter taste can also be a reaction to dentures if they were chosen incorrectly (the individual intolerance of the material from which they are made was not taken into account).

Sometimes bitterness in the mouth is caused by other reasons: toxicosis (in pregnant women), acute poisoning, cancer.

Reasons for the development of a pathological condition outside of food intake

The causes of a bitter taste in the mouth and throat are multiple. Among the most common factors are the following:

Thyroid diseases

A rather rare cause, bitterness in the throat only occurs with long-term and uncorrected hyperthyroidism with medication.

This is a condition in which the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormones in the bloodstream sharply increases.

The disease manifests itself as a feeling of coma and burning in the thyroid gland (in the projection of the organ), pain of a different kind, a decrease in body weight to minimal values ​​​​in a short period of time, an increase in temperature to subfebrile levels, a change in the relief of the neck (the so-called goiter).

Bitterness in the throat is due to the same factor. High concentrations of T3, T4, TSH entail increased work of the adrenal glands.

A large amount of catecholamines and hormones of the adrenal cortex are released: adrenaline, dopamine, norepinephrine, cortisol.

They provoke spasm of the bile ducts. Bile is released into the stomach and from there into the esophagus. Since the substance is bitter, a sensation of the same name occurs in the throat.

Oral disease

Of different nature. There are plenty of options. Possible glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), stomatitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, caries.

Finally, the cause of troubles may lie in a bad filling, incorrect or poor-quality prosthetics, oxidation of crowns and other implants.

As practice shows, the feeling of bitterness in such a situation spreads not only to the throat, but also to the oral cavity.

As in the first case, diseases are most often accompanied by several symptoms: pain in the dental and periodontal area, bad breath due to the spread of pathogenic microorganisms, disorders of chewing, swallowing, and articulation.

Parasitic infestations

Parasites can provoke the development of bitterness in the mouth due to stenosis of the bile ducts. The most common cause of discomfort and bitter taste is Giardia.

These are the simplest flagellated microorganisms that develop in the intestines. In the long term, they disrupt the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

Over time, Giardia penetrates the liver (acting as liver flukes), blocking the ducts of the gallbladder and liver, causing obstructive jaundice. This is extremely dangerous and bitterness is only the lesser of the evils.

Symptoms of parasitic infestation by Giardia are bad breath, pathological weight loss in the minimal or medium term, vitamin deficiency, which is manifested by anemic signs, as well as various syndromes.

Hair may fall out, teeth may crumble, but even that is not all. Pathological structures of the described kind increase the likelihood of cancer and can penetrate other organs and systems.

Allergic reactions

Especially local ones. It is not known for certain why bitterness in the mouth accompanies allergies (especially of the third and fourth types), but this is recorded in 15-18% of cases (according to various estimates).

At the local level, swelling of the throat occurs, and symptoms of breathing problems develop (shortness of breath, suffocation, apnea at night). There may be a feeling of itching and burning in the throat.

Careful diagnosis is required to differentiate the diagnosis. Dangerous conditions such as Quincke's edema and an attack of bronchial asthma are possible. In extreme cases, anaphylactic shock occurs.

The reasons are most often nutritional (related to the intake of allergenic foods). Over time, with helminthic infestations, it is possible to develop hypersensitization of the body and, as a result, induced allergies.

Gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases

Gastritis is an inflammation of the epithelial tissue of the stomach (the mucous membrane of the organ is primarily affected). It requires urgent diagnosis, as it increases the risk of ulcers, stomach cancer and other dangerous conditions.

The pathological process develops due to poor nutrition, less often helminthic infestations. Possible autoimmune factors, such as Crohn's disease or allergic reactions (again to food).

As the pathology develops, excessive production of gastric juice occurs and its acidity increases (most often). As a result, irritation of the walls of the organ occurs.

So-called dyspeptic phenomena are observed.

Including heartburn (a burning sensation behind the sternum due to the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus), belching of rotten eggs (due to increased production of hydrogen sulfide).

The pathology is also manifested by pain in the epigastric region and discomfort when eating. These painful symptoms are far from fully described, but are the most common.

Diarrhea and secondary colitis are also possible. The feeling of bitterness in the throat is provoked by the reflux of gastric juice into the initial parts of the digestive tract.

Reflux esophagitis

Also called GERD. It is characterized by increased danger, since it manifests itself mainly at night, when the patient is in a horizontal position.

The key mechanism for the development of the disease is the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus and oral cavity. Including juice and undigested food particles.

This is an extremely dangerous symptom, since it is fraught with aspiration and asphyxia (reflux of food and juice into the lower respiratory tract).

Possible death. The principle of treatment for both described diseases is generally identical.

Other pathologies of the stomach and intestines, including colitis and enteritis, are accompanied by characteristic manifestations, such as flatulence (increased gas formation in the intestines), diarrhea (diarrhea), and constipation. Symptoms such as nausea caused by reflex causes and vomiting are possible.


Various genesis. Including toxic, alcoholic, infectious. It develops as a result of exposure to negative external factors on the liver: alcohol and drugs, especially hepatotoxic ones.

Manifestations of hepatitis make themselves felt only when the digestive structure cannot cope with the load (the regenerative abilities of the organ are extremely high).

There is intense pain in the right hypochondrium, discomfort, a feeling of fullness, bitterness in the throat and mouth with a taste of iron, diarrhea, constipation, discoloration of stool (it becomes the color of clay or sand).

Treatment is required immediately, since disruption of the organ is fraught with cirrhosis or, at a minimum, liver failure.

Gallbladder diseases

First of all, cholecystitis. This is an inflammation of the organ, which occurs more often than is commonly believed.

As practice shows, the bitter taste in the throat and mouth is caused by spasm of the bile ducts, and intensifies in the morning, after waking up, when the stomach is completely empty.

The disease is accompanied by severe pain in the stomach, cutting, dagger-like in nature, until the person eats. This is a pathognomonic (typical) sign of cholecystitis.

Intense diarrhea several times a day is also possible. Tenesmus (false urge to have a bowel movement, usually painful). As a rule, even the patient himself can trace a clear correlation between pain and food intake. The main factor in the development of the disease is nutritional (associated with poor nutrition).


Not associated with pathologies. The effects of nicotine, hot smoke and harmful substances on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and oropharynx. Quitting the consumption of tobacco products allows you to normalize the condition and get rid of negative manifestations.

Additional symptoms of bitterness in the mouth

Bitterness in the mouth may be accompanied by additional symptoms. If heaviness or pain is felt in the right side, this may indicate liver or gallbladder disease. If bitterness in the mouth is accompanied by nausea, heartburn, and belching, then the cause may be stomach diseases. If the cause is diseases of the oral cavity, then the feeling of bitterness may be accompanied by bad breath.

Causes related to food intake

The causes of bitterness in the throat are not limited to the above-mentioned factors. A similar sensation is possible only after eating. It is caused by the intake of overly spicy, salty, fatty, fried foods.

Such products cause spasm of the bile ducts, inflammation of the liver and gallbladder. Hence the bitterness, pain, and discomfort in the stomach.

It is also possible that the stomach is involved in the process. It needs to be dealt with separately, under the supervision of a competent specialist. Bitterness in the throat after eating can be removed only by adjusting your own diet.

Independent reasons

Bitterness in the mouth can appear not only due to pathological processes, but also after exposure to external irritants or an aggressive environment.

Substance poisoning

Poisoning can be from heavy metals, poisonous gases, substances or medications. Substances enter the body through food, inhalation of contaminated air, or contact with exposed areas of the body. If possible, they should be washed off, gastric lavage performed, or leave the site of contamination. At the first symptoms of poisoning, you should immediately seek medical help.

Long-term medication use

When taken over a long period of time or in overdose, medications often cause side effects. Before use, you need to study the instructions and monitor any changes in the body.

If you experience bitterness or sore throat, intestinal discomfort or other symptoms, you should consult a specialist.

Drugs that cause bitterness or sore throat:

  • antibiotics;
  • antihistamines;
  • hypotensive;
  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • corticosteroids;
  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • and others.


After smoking cigarettes, an unpleasant smell and taste remains in the mouth. If there are no pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, then bitterness and acidity in the throat may be left by some additive in the tobacco composition. To check, you need to change the brand of cigarettes and monitor the appearance of symptoms. If the bitterness remains as before, you need to seek advice from a specialist.


You can often hear from people about “a person’s gall,” that is, his anger and hatred of others. And this is no coincidence. With severe stress, negative emotions, hatred, the production of bile in the liver and its release into the intestines increases. Spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestine appear, blocking the exit of bile from the bladder or tract. Heaviness appears in the right hypochondrium and bitterness in the mouth. If pathologies of the biliary tract are present, symptoms may develop, as with cholelithiasis or hepatitis.


Unfortunately, despite numerous warnings from the Ministry of Health, there are still a lot of people who smoke in Russia. Over many years of addiction, they become accustomed not only to the dubious taste of tobacco, but also to the symptoms accompanying its use - a feeling of bitterness, cough, dry mouth. The complete disappearance of dry mouth in a smoking patient is almost impossible - constant inhalation of hot smoke dries out the mucous membrane and leads to the formation of dense lumps of mucus, making swallowing and breathing difficult. If the patient is not ready to give up a bad habit, but wants to get rid of an unpleasant symptom, tissue mineral therapy is carried out - the oral mucosa is moisturized and cleansed, accumulated sputum and mucus are dissolved and disinfected by medication, after which the patient experiences relief and is relieved for a while from a constant feeling of dryness in the throat.

Dry throat due to bacterial infections

One of the most common causes of dry throat. Infectious diseases accompanied by fever, cough, runny nose and other unpleasant symptoms most often cause a feeling of dry mouth due to damage to the soft tissues of the oral mucosa. In this case, it is unnecessary to fight dry mouth - you need to eliminate the cause of the disease, not its symptoms. By focusing on fighting the infection with antibiotics and other medications, you will not only increase the body's resistance level, but also get rid of all unpleasant symptoms in one go.

What examinations need to be completed

Diagnosis is carried out by a variety of specialists. First of all, you need to contact a therapist (or pediatrician, if we are talking about a child). He will carry out routine diagnostic measures and give the necessary referrals to specialized specialists.

And here various options are already possible. There are many doctors whose competence is the treatment of bitterness in the throat.

From otolaryngologists to gastroenterologists and even allergists-immunologists. To avoid confusion, you need to go to a therapist.

The minimum program includes the following studies:

  • Anamnesis collection. The doctor collects information about the nature of the diseases suffered and the presence of chronic pathological processes.
  • Oral questioning of the patient. It is important to identify all the complaints that the patient has and record them in writing.
  • X-ray of the abdominal organs. Overview.
  • Contrast radiography of the stomach.
  • FGDS. An endoscopic examination that allows you to evaluate the condition of the stomach and esophagus.
  • General blood analysis. Especially often it demonstrates a picture of the inflammatory process (leukocytosis, ESR). Helminth infections and allergies are accompanied by eosinophilia.
  • Dental examination (assessment of the condition of the oral cavity).

Other activities are carried out at the discretion of the specialist, depending on the situation.

Disease prevention

Despite the fact that dry throat itself is not an independent disease (it is just a symptom), it can and should be avoided by promptly implementing a set of preventive measures to maintain the health of the oral mucosa. You can do this as follows:

  • Do not neglect daily oral hygiene. When brushing your teeth and gargling, a person easily gets rid of many pathogenic bacteria, which can cause complications and even an infectious disease if not treated properly.
  • Monitor the condition of the throat mucosa. If you observe the first signs of dryness or pain, immediately consult your doctor.
  • Avoid unhealthy habits, particularly smoking. Stay outdoors more often; if you need to stay indoors for a long time with dry air, use a humidifier.
  • Gargle regularly.
  • Conduct herbal medicine at home - prepare plant decoctions and natural teas. They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the oral cavity, relieving a person of dry throat even in the bud of the disease.


Pharyngitis is an infectious disease that is accompanied by severe damage to the oral mucosa and lymph nodes. Rarely occurs alone - most often pharyngitis is accompanied by acute inflammatory processes. A patient suffering from pharyngitis is faced not only with a dry throat, but also with an unpleasant soreness and tickling, a sensation of a foreign element in the nasopharynx, as well as a general feeling of fatigue and malaise. Most often, to eliminate the unpleasant consequences of pharyngitis, they resort to complex treatment - simultaneously with the use of medications, the patient is prescribed mineral therapy to normalize the condition of the mucous membrane in the pharynx, which is supplemented by herbal medicine (the use of medicinal herbs and infusions to irrigate the affected area of ​​the pharynx).

Provoking factors

For the first time, bitterness in the throat can appear at any age, even without previous symptoms and pathologies. This usually occurs after eating certain foods or on an empty stomach.

The symptom is often associated with the consumption of fatty fried foods, alcohol or medications.

It also happens that there may be no reasons at all, and bitterness appears regardless of a person’s actions. In the first case, the appearance of unpleasant sensations indicates temporary natural and self-healing digestive disorders. In the second, about a serious pathological process that affects the performance of the endocrine, nervous and digestive systems.

For what reasons do taste sensations change?

Some disorders of the body and diseases of individual organs and systems will cause bitterness in the throat as a primary or secondary symptom. At the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice.

Improper functioning of the gallbladder

Disruption of the gallbladder and ducts leads to uneven release of bile into the duodenum. Some pathologies cause spasms of the ducts, and the accumulation of large quantities in the bladder. As soon as the smooth muscles of the ducts relax, a huge amount of bile is released into the duodenum. A small part of it enters the stomach and esophagus, and a bitter taste appears in the mouth. Sometimes, this turns into vomiting, a mixture of bile and gastric juice.

Dyskinesia of the gallbladder - has the same symptoms, but with greater stagnation of bile and pain in the right hypochondrium. With dysfunction, bile is not completely released and gradually stagnates in the bladder. Long-term stagnation leads to increased concentration and development of inflammatory processes and cholelithiasis. Violation of the diet for diseases of the gallbladder and consumption of fatty, fried and smoked foods leads to similar manifestations.

A bend in the neck of the gallbladder develops in the womb and causes pain and inflammation throughout the child’s life. Sometimes it occurs after injuries and pathological processes in the abdominal cavity.

Dysbacteriosis and helminthiasis

Dysbacteriosis – occurs in people with fungal and bacterial infections of the intestines, after severe infectious diseases and treatment with antibiotics. It manifests itself as bitterness, turning into acid in the throat, dyspeptic symptoms, bloating and discomfort in the intestines.

Helminth infections are parasites that live in the duodenum, small intestine or body tissues, sometimes blocking or penetrating the bile ducts. They cause symptoms of cholelithiasis or hepatitis with symptoms characteristic of helminthiasis. Depending on the type of helminths, the symptoms characteristic of each of them will differ.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Cholecystitis is a violation of the motor functions of the biliary tract. Occurs due to:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • bacterial lesions;
  • injuries;
  • neoplasms.

The patient feels pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, colic and belching with a bitter taste. Symptoms appear after eating fatty, spicy or fried foods.

Reflux esophagitis - manifested by heartburn, frequent belching, changes in taste, discomfort in the left and right hypochondrium. In combination with diseases of the gallbladder, reflux of the contents of the stomach and duodenum into the esophagus occurs. An unpleasant aftertaste appears after eating, ranging from acidity to bitterness in the mouth.

Hepatitis - occurs of viral and traumatic origin. At the beginning of the disease, heaviness appears in the right hypochondrium, bloating, pain and discomfort after eating. Subsequently, the skin becomes yellow, body temperature rises, bitterness appears in the mouth and severe pain in the liver and duodenum. The color of feces and urine changes. If treatment is not sought in time, death is possible.

Neoplasms - depending on their location, can affect the functioning of the liver and biliary tract.

Duodenostasis is a disruption of the motility of the duodenum, leading to poor passage of food mass, blocking the intestinal lumen. Bile is thrown into the stomach and esophagus, due to the impossibility of its movement naturally to the large intestine.

Oral diseases

This includes all inflammatory processes of infectious and non-infectious origin in the oral cavity, diseases of the teeth and nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Chronic rhinitis and infectious diseases of the nasopharynx are manifested by a burning sensation in the throat, turning into a bitter taste. Taste sensations change, more often in the morning or during exacerbations of diseases.

Dental diseases – after treatment of diseases of the gums and teeth, sometimes a sore throat or bitterness in the mouth appears. This can happen after using low-quality drugs or filling materials.

Development of non-pathogenic microflora - the oral cavity is considered one of the most polluted places in the human body. Any bacteria and microorganisms can develop here, without even causing harm to humans. Often people with poor hygiene develop an unpleasant taste and odor from their breath in the morning. Depending on the type of bacteria, it can be sour, bitter, with a rotten or iron taste.


Long-term stagnation of bile in the gallbladder leads to the formation of large and small stones. Stones block the ducts and cause inflammation of the gallbladder. Symptoms of hepatitis and severe pain appear. If a chronic disease worsens or ducts are blocked by stones, immediate medical treatment is required.

Poor nutrition

Consumption of products with a large percentage of chemical components, sweeteners, taste regulators and flavorings leads to changes in the taste sensations of the receptors in the mouth. Violating the diet or eating fatty, fried foods causes dyspeptic syndrome with bitterness in the mouth and heaviness in the stomach.

Other prerequisites

Drug treatment of thyroid disease often causes symptoms of burning and bitterness in the mouth, without pathological changes in the intestines. Long-term use of hormonal drugs leads to toxic damage to the endocrine system and the appearance of similar symptoms.

Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland - leads to frequent releases of adrenaline into the blood, spasms of the smooth muscles of the esophagus and stomach. Together with diseases of the biliary tract, bile discharges into the esophagus occur. The patient feels a lump and bitterness in the throat, pain in the right hypochondrium and stomach.

Diabetes mellitus is an excess of glucose levels in the blood, leading to deterioration in the functioning of all organs and systems. Leading symptoms may be:

  • General weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Bitterness in the throat.
  • Unquenchable thirst.

The appearance of bitterness in the mouth is a sign of advanced polyneuropathy and electrolyte imbalance.

Pregnancy - many pregnant women noticed that when the level of hormones failed and the intestines were disrupted, the contents of the stomach were refluxed and a bitter taste appeared in the mouth. In most cases, this occurs at night during sleep, after eating fatty foods.

During the last trimester of pregnancy, the uterus puts pressure on the abdominal organs, which can cause similar symptoms. It happens that pregnant women are too sensitive to normal changes in the body. From time to time they may feel bitterness in their mouth, even if there is none there. These manifestations are most often temporary and disappear after childbirth.

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