Mouth pain is most often caused by infection, allergies, or injury. Sore throat is easy
Parents are stumped by the question of what the Tooth Fairy does with children's teeth (Reddit helped them)
The period when a child exchanges baby teeth for permanent ones is very exciting. Both the kids and them
Masks for sedation and anesthesia
Treatment under anesthesia using sevoran
Almost every adult whose childhood occurred at the end of the twentieth century was left with painful
Which medication is better Viferon or Viburkol
From the end of 2021 until today, the attention of the entire healthcare and global community
Baby's erupting molar
Why does a molar not grow if the baby tooth has already fallen out?
Hello dear readers. There are known cases when, after a baby tooth falls out, a child’s tooth already appears.
teething in children
Why does a child not eat anything and refuse to breastfeed when teething?
Teething in children In what order do children cut teeth? Typically this
Adentia in children
Absence of milk teeth – edentia. Second row of teeth. Do adults have baby teeth?
The most common dental diseases that a child can develop are caries and pulpitis.
Teeth straightening with aligners
Correcting the bite in children: a detailed analysis of methods for straightening teeth
In this regard, the results of a recent sociological survey we conducted are of some relevance. WITH
Snot during teething in children how many days Komarovsky
When snot appears in a baby, when other signs such as: fever, cough, red throat
The first tooth: signs and customs, why and what the godmother gives to a boy or girl
Signs about who saw the baby’s first tooth. There are a number of interpretations for
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