How many primary and permanent teeth should a child aged 5-12 years have?
When does a child's molars come out? The eruption of molars in a child is one of the
Does the pacifier affect the child’s bite, what is the relationship?
The appearance of malocclusion increases after three years of age, and among five-year-olds with a pacifier there is crossbite
The dentist spoke about dental treatment for children under sedation
“If you’re being capricious, I’ll take you to the dentist and he’ll show you!” - many remember these
Parotid fistula: what is the danger of an additional canal in the ear
When a child complains of acute pain in the ear, cries and is capricious - this
What is stomatitis and what types exist?
Advice from Dr. Komarovsky about stomatitis in children
5.7. Stomatitis Stomatitis very often has no connection with acute respiratory infections. At the same
timing of tooth loss
Baby teeth have fallen out and permanent teeth are not growing. What's the matter?
Timing of loss of baby teeth The baby bite is formed during the period of active growth of the jaws. Due
Plates for straightening teeth in children
Trainers for teeth straightening: description, varieties, tips for use
Many orthodontists consider childhood to be the most suitable age for correcting the position of teething and just beginning
The dentist is not a scary beast
Presentation “Dental care” presentation for the lesson (senior group) on the topic
Daily dental and oral care is an important part of dental health. How to do it right
Why does bone tissue decrease in the absence of teeth? So, let's talk a little about the causes of bone loss.
What to do if there are no rudiments of permanent teeth, and baby fangs have not fallen out
The presence of milk teeth in adults cannot be attributed to the realm of fantasy or humor. This phenomenon
Kalgel fights inflammation better
Kalgel or Cholisal - which is better to choose (comparison of drugs, instructions for use for children, reviews)
From about six months of age, the baby's first teeth begin to erupt - the front row, the bottom
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