Whitening with ZOOM 4 or Opalescence system – what to choose?

The author of the article is a dental hygienist Makarova A.V.
There is an opinion among patients that the whitening procedure is harmful and damages tooth enamel.

It's a delusion. The ZOOM-4 whitening procedure has been tested on thousands of patients and confirmed by many years of experience of our doctors. The system does not violate the integrity of tooth enamel. It discolors the pigments found in the tissues of the teeth.

There is also a myth that “the original color returns quickly.” This is not true: if there are no severe hormonal disorders in the human body (for example, diabetes), then the final color is stable for 3-5 years. In this case, it is necessary to follow the recommendations given by the doctor in the first days (7-10 days) after bleaching.

Teeth whitening with ZOOM-4 system

“Zoom” teeth whitening system was developed in the USA by Discuc Dental, a leader in professional teeth whitening in Moscow. In 2003, it was recognized as the best professional teeth whitening technology worldwide.

For today “Zoom!” – one of the most effective and reliable teeth whitening systems. Thanks to the latest cutting-edge developments, this technology is both gentle and guarantees an excellent long-term effect (from 3 years), which also depends on compliance with the doctor’s recommendations.

The technology is based on an acid-free gel, in which oxygen molecules are released under the influence of light from a special lamp. Active oxygen has the ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the tooth and eliminate even strong and persistent tooth pigmentation. The whitening gel formula itself contains amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP), which strengthens the structure of your teeth. AFC is applied to the surface of teeth and fills defects and scratches in the enamel, forming a structural component of the enamel. Thus, the permeability of tooth enamel decreases, as a result, tooth sensitivity decreases, and the risk of caries decreases. Teeth whitening Zoom-4 removes surface and internal pigmentation. The Zoom-4 system whitens teeth by 8-12 shades per hour. This is truly an excellent result!

Whitening procedure “Zoom!” It begins with a short preparation - the lips and gums are carefully covered with a protective film, leaving only the teeth exposed. In this case, the lips are protected with a photoprotector cream, a gel is applied to the teeth to reduce tooth sensitivity, and protective glasses are put on the eyes for the duration of the session.

Next, a whitening gel developed exclusively for “Zoom!” is applied to the teeth, which is activated by a specially selected light. The light and gel work together to be gentle on your teeth, eliminating dark spots and gradually giving your teeth a snow-white color. The gel is applied three times. The duration of each session is 15 minutes.

After a whitening session, fluoridation of teeth is performed in order to strengthen their structure and reduce sensitivity.

As a result, you go home with a shining snow-white smile.

However, we must not forget about following a “white” diet in the next 72 hours after whitening. This is necessary to achieve maximum results, because... In the first two days after the procedure, dentinal tubules will be more susceptible to various pigments. Patients with more sensitive teeth may experience mild tooth sensitivity. After this time, you will be able to lead your usual lifestyle.

If you want to improve the effect obtained, you can additionally use the home whitening system “Zoom!” To preserve and maintain snow-white teeth, we recommend home whitening “Zoom!” at intervals of 1-2 times a year (as agreed with the attending physician). And of course, professional hygienic cleaning every six months. In this way, you maintain the health of your gums, prevent the development of caries and prevent the deep penetration of pigments into the dentin of the tooth. The effect will last especially long if you reduce the consumption of cigarettes, tea, coffee and red wine. If you follow simple rules, you can expect fairly lasting results.


Contraindications for whitening procedures using the ZOOM 4 and Opalescence systems include:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the presence of allergic reactions to individual components of the gels;
  • age under 18 years;
  • the presence of oncological pathologies.
  • diseases of the oral cavity.

Thus, each whitening method has its fans and each technique is good in its own way. If you are still undecided, your dentist will help you choose the option that is suitable specifically for your teeth. Sign up for a consultation and feel free to ask all your questions.

Overnight home teeth whitening

One of the most effective complexes for obtaining white teeth at home is considered to be night whitening. This set of procedures requires the patient’s willingness to spend several nights in a row with a specially made mouth guard in which the gel is placed. The aligners are put on the teeth, and within a few hours the composition of the gel “works” on the beauty of our smile.

This set of measures suggests the ability to obtain a result that is seven tones lighter than the original. Sometimes, if there are crowns or fillings, the dentist will make special arrangements before at-home overnight teeth whitening. These actions must be performed, since fillings and crowns have a structure and composition that is not affected by whitening components. Patients are also very impressed by the simplicity and bright difference between the original and resulting tooth colors.

Despite the simplicity of the process, teeth whitening at home allows you to achieve good results.

Overnight at-home teeth whitening is an effective system for maintaining the results of clinical teeth whitening.

Procedure algorithm

The bleaching process consists of several sequential stages:

  • visual inspection, identification of possible contraindications, determination of the tone of the planned result according to the Vitta color scale;
  • applying a special composition to the surface of the oral mucosa that will protect the tissues from an aggressive chemical environment;
  • putting on safety glasses;
  • treatment of teeth with a disinfectant composition and subsequent drying;
  • Covering the tooth surface with whitening gel and exposing it to a Philips Zoom emitter lamp for 15 minutes. This stage is repeated up to 3 times if necessary;
  • application of a composition for remineralization to the enamel.

Expert's comment: The process uses chemicals and ultraviolet radiation, so this procedure can only be performed in a dental clinic and must be carried out by a qualified doctor. Otherwise, it may result in harm to health.

Daytime home teeth whitening

For people who are not willing to experience some discomfort from wearing aligners at night, there is a daytime teeth whitening program. The main parameters of this procedure are very similar to the program described above. The main difference between daytime teeth whitening is the schedule of procedures. Daytime wearing of aligners is shorter - an hour on the upper jaw and an hour on the lower jaw. Another condition is a feeling of pressure on your teeth. This is a guarantee of active penetration of the drug into the tooth enamel, and, as a result, the key to the high efficiency of the whitening procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages of Zoom-4

Advantages of Zoom-4 whitening:

  • Efficiency (8 tones in 45 minutes (excluding preparation))
  • No anesthesia required
  • Long-term effect (up to 5 years)
  • Gentle on enamel
  • High efficiency (even with fluorosis)
  • No risk of gum burns


  • Many contraindications
  • Possibility of increasing tooth sensitivity in people with a vulnerable enamel layer
  • Impossibility of giving whiteness to old fillings and dentures
  • High price

The power of a smile

Facts about laughter

  • 10-15 minutes of laughter burns the equivalent of a 100g chocolate bar.
  • 100 km/h - this is the speed at which air escapes from the lungs when laughing.
  • 17 minutes of laughter a day prolongs life by one year.
  • Cheerful people are 40% less likely to suffer from heart disease.
  • A person uses 17 facial muscles to smile, and 43 to frown.
  • The most smiling people live in Brazil and Cuba.
  • 69% of men consider women with an open smile attractive, preferably without makeup.

Laughter is the best medicine. Do you think this is just a figurative expression? Not at all. This is a proven fact! Laughter relieves stress and lifts your spirits, and recent research has shown that it can even fight disease.

While all social gestures of acceptance - handshakes, hugs, head nods - have multiple interpretations depending on cultural traditions in different countries, smiling is a universal sign of happiness, interpreted positively in all languages ​​of the world. A snow-white smile is a sign of not only happy people, but also successful people.

Benefits of Amazing White Whitening

The Amazing White teeth whitening system has many advantages.


  • absolute safety for the structure of dental tissues;
  • lightening effect - by 8 tones or more while maintaining the natural healthy color of teeth;
  • absence of discomfort during the procedure and after it;
  • without the use of laser and ultraviolet radiation;
  • speed of implementation - up to 15 minutes.

Moscow dental centers successfully use the modern Amazing White whitening system. Price

accessible, more about it below.

Latest Zoom 3 technologies

Technologies of previous generations Zoom 1 and Zoom 2 differed little from other photobleaching systems. They used standard gels with a hydrogen peroxide concentration of 35%. In addition, such whitening was not entirely safe for the enamel, since the acid included in the gel additionally washed minerals from the teeth and contributed to their destruction.

But several years ago, an improved modification of the whitening system was released onto the dental market - Philips Zoom 3 . It takes into account all the shortcomings of previous technologies, which makes whitening as safe and comfortable as possible for patients.

Features of the Zoom 3 system:

  • The bleaching process uses equipment and reagents from the same manufacturer, which guarantees their maximum compatibility. This is due to the fact that the gel contains components that are fully activated only in the spectrum of the “native” lamp.
  • Unlike previous generations of systems, where the use of outdated lamps could lead to a lack of whitening effect and a negative impact on the patient, the Philips Zoom whitening device has a short lifespan without replacing the ultraviolet lamp. This guarantees effectiveness and safety for patients.
  • The Zoom 3 system uses a gel with a minimum concentration of hydrogen peroxide - 25%. This allows you to achieve excellent whitening results in a mode that is gentle on the enamel.
  • Patented two-component gel storage system. One syringe contains hydrogen peroxide in an acidic environment, the other contains an alkalizing component. When applied to teeth, both parts mix, the acid is neutralized and does not destroy tooth enamel.
  • Before and after the Zoom 3 whitening procedure, teeth undergo additional treatment with the innovative Relief gel, which contains amorphous calcium phosphate. The application of such a drug helps restore the normal structure of the enamel and reduce its sensitivity to negative influences. As a preventive measure for caries, patients are recommended to additionally use Relief gel at home.

Dental care after surgery

After teeth have been given dazzling whiteness in the dentist’s office, the patient must follow some rules:

  1. For the first 7 days after whitening, avoid eating too hot or cold foods, as well as foods with a high acid content.
  2. After teeth whitening, you should minimize your consumption of coffee, strong black tea and red wine. And it’s better to quit smoking altogether.
  3. Visit your dentist regularly for professional teeth cleaning and treatment of any problems that arise.
  4. Use high-quality toothpastes, toothbrushes and flosses for regular hygiene, which will ensure complete removal of food debris and prevent the deposition of plaque, which can significantly worsen the color of the enamel.

The essence of lamp whitening

It cannot be said that in this procedure, whitening occurs thanks to the light produced by the LED lamp. The bottom line is that light is only a catalyst for a chemical reaction between the reagent and the pigments that are inside the enamel and are responsible for its color.

In order to neutralize the yellow tint, a special gel based on hydrogen peroxide is applied to the teeth. Light exposure to this substance activates oxygen, which penetrates the tooth tissue and oxidizes pigments. Thus, light rays stimulate the chemical process, making the procedure safer and faster.

The main advantage of this method is that the light from the LED lamp practically does not heat the enamel, and therefore does not harm it.

Is the procedure harmful and dangerous?

According to dentists, the Zoom technique is completely safe for human health. But you need to understand that if you repeat the session (sooner than six months after the first), then problems with the enamel will appear: its structure will change, it will lose its strength, and sensitivity may develop.

The safety and quality of the procedure directly depend on the clinic and the professionalism of its employees. Therefore, before you decide to perform whitening, you should inquire about the clinic’s reputation and reviews about it, and check for a certificate for the right to work using Zoom technology.

Important: in the absence of this document, there is a high probability of causing damage to health.

What patients say

The best confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the Zoom method are numerous positive reviews from patients. Dentists share their opinion. But due to the high cost of the procedure, it is recommended to resort to it only if it is necessary to give the enamel a completely white color.

You can share your feedback, advice and impressions about the effectiveness and necessity of teeth whitening using Zoom technology by leaving a comment on this article.

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Save the result

Hard tissues are very vulnerable in the first days after the session. For this reason, it is necessary to follow advice on further oral care, and regularly visit the dentist for timely detection and elimination of pathological processes.

During the first days, it is important not to smoke or consume foods and drinks with coloring pigments:

  • berries;
  • chocolate;
  • beets;
  • ketchup, tomato paste;
  • carrot;
  • sauces;
  • coffee;
  • juices;
  • tea.

A little later, the named products can be included in the diet, but only every time after eating you need to rinse your mouth well.

It is not advisable to eat hot foods and cold foods at the same time. This combination will negatively affect weakened enamel.

To save the result you should also:

  • observe and properly perform oral hygiene;
  • monitor the quality of enamel: carry out its fluoridation and remineralization;
  • with the permission of the dentist, to refresh the shade of the enamel, carry out the procedure with a system designed for home whitening, for example, gel and individual trays;
  • eat right.

In order for the effect of the procedure to last as long as possible, it is advisable to adhere to these restrictions and rules in the future.


Whitening using this technique is indicated in the following cases:

  • with a naturally yellow or gray shade of enamel;
  • darkening of teeth due to “long experience” of smoking;
  • with frequent consumption of drinks containing dyes;
  • change in enamel color after taking antibiotics from the tetracycline group;
  • with uneven coloration of teeth.

The teeth are fine, but what color are they?

If the dentist finds no problems with your teeth and gums, you are almost ready for whitening.

All that remains is to do professional oral hygiene to determine the natural color of the teeth hidden under hard and soft plaque.

Knowing the original color, the doctor can predict what color will turn out after bleaching.

Whitening your teeth without first brushing means agreeing in advance to a worse result.

Details of this procedure can be found in the article Why You Need Professional Dental Hygiene

It is not recommended to carry out whitening immediately after professional oral hygiene.

Short description

This technique was first used in the USA at the end of the last century. Now this method of teeth whitening is a common clinical procedure and is very popular.

The process is based on photoreactivation of a gel applied to the dental surface, the main active components of which are carbamide and hydrogen peroxides (about 25% of the total volume).

The technique allows you to very quickly change their shade, which will remain for a long time. It also provides a sustainable therapeutic effect, preventing caries and inflammatory processes, strengthens the enamel structure and reduces its sensitivity.

To activate the component composition of the gel and consolidate the result obtained, a special polymerizing Zoom lamp is used. Its radiation, heating the active substances, leads to their splitting and the release of active oxygen. It penetrates all layers of enamel and destroys pigmentation.

Important: the procedure shows good results, is safe and painless for the patient, and is psycho-emotionally comfortable.


The impact of the Zoom system on teeth has a number of advantages over other whitening technologies:

  1. Quickly obtain the desired enamel shade. Its noticeable lightening is visible after the first procedure, which cannot be achieved by resorting to home or other professional whitening.
  2. Guaranteed result - it is visible regardless of the cause of the darkening.
  3. The process is painless - even local anesthesia is not required, because the patient does not even feel discomfort.
  4. Long-lasting effect - if all recommendations are followed, the result will last up to 4-5 years.
  5. Complete safety - the technique does not have a negative destructive effect on the teeth, as is often the case with some classical technologies, and there is no irritation of the mucous membranes and tissues.
  6. A short recovery period is a period when, in order to consolidate the result, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet and give up some habits, it takes a small amount of time.

Thanks to these advantages, the technique is gaining popularity among clients of dental clinics. Many actors, politicians and singers in our country have repeatedly resorted to her help.

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