Gum hyperemia: causes of redness and treatment at home

Redness of the gums is a characteristic sign of the inflammatory process. It is usually accompanied by bad breath and bleeding after eating or brushing teeth. If you experience redness, you should contact your dentist immediately, as red gums can be a sign of a serious medical condition. If treatment is not started in time, serious complications are possible, such as tooth loss or the development of an infectious disease in the throat. From the article you will learn why gums may be red and how to avoid this problem.

Reasons why increased irritation and redness of the gums occurs

Typically, redness of the gums or tissue hyperemia occurs due to one or more factors. Most often these are inflammatory diseases, but there are other reasons why the gums can turn red:

Redness is a sign of inflammation, so treatment should not be delayed.

  • general decrease in immunity;
  • improper or insufficient oral hygiene;
  • lack of microelements and vitamins;
  • smoking and frequent coffee drinking;
  • irritation from a hard toothbrush;
  • mechanical damage to the gums while brushing teeth or eating;
  • systemic diseases of the body;
  • tartar;
  • congenital and acquired disorders of the connective tissue of teeth;
  • prolonged plaque and deep dental caries.

According to statistics, characteristic redness of the gums occurs during inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. They are most often diagnosed in adults, but can also develop in childhood.

During gum disease, the gums become red and bleed regularly. Often, appointments with the dentist are delayed because patients attribute this problem to damage caused during brushing. Over time, the gums swell and acquire a loose structure. Due to the large number of pathogenic microbes in the oral cavity, an unpleasant odor appears against the background of the inflammatory process. If treatment is not started in time, the teeth begin to wobble and move easily when touched. Atrophy of gum tissue develops, which leads to loss of even healthy teeth.

Home Remedies

If you notice red dots on your child’s gums, but you are unable to see a doctor immediately, use available home treatment methods:

  1. Wipe the affected areas in your child's mouth with a fresh infusion of black tea cooled to body temperature. If the child already knows how to rinse his mouth, let him do this procedure with tea every 3-4 hours. You can also use oak bark, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers (provided that the child is not allergic to these plants).
  2. Eliminate sweets and fresh baked goods from your child’s diet, which form a breeding ground for microbes in the mouth. It is also necessary to remove from the menu pickles, smoked foods, hot and spicy dishes that irritate the mucous membrane.
  3. Preference should be given to soft, pureed foods heated/cooled to body temperature. If your child has severe mouth pain, switch him to liquid food that can be drunk through a straw until he visits the doctor.
  4. To relieve pain and burning in the mouth, you can give your child Efferalgan, Panadol, Paracetamol or any other painkiller appropriate for the child’s age.

The methods listed will slow down the spread of infection or inflammation, but they do not eliminate the need to visit the dentist.

Possible diseases in adults and children

In dentistry, there is a separate group of diseases in which red gums are observed. They are characterized by a long course and complexity of treatment, since a number of therapeutic measures are required to eliminate the problem. The most common diseases in which redness of the gums is noted.


This is inflammation on the gum. It is considered the most common among other diseases. It occurs in both children and adults. In the early stages, inflammation occurs locally - next to the diseased tooth, and then the process spreads to healthy ones. It can occur in acute or chronic forms; depending on the severity, several types are distinguished (atrophic, catarrhal, hypertrophic gingivitis and others).

As a rule, it develops against the background of insufficient oral hygiene, often due to the formation of plaque on the enamel. In addition, pathology occurs due to non-compliance with the technology for installing dentures, crowns or fillings. During this process, the gums are regularly injured by the sharp edges of the material, which leads to severe inflammation. Gingivitis is highly treatable if you see a dentist in the early stages. In advanced cases, the disease leads to the loss of one or more teeth.

Gingivitis can be triggered by smoking, diseases of the endocrine system, as well as taking certain medications.


The second most common gum disease. During periodontitis, the ligament between the tooth root and the bone is disrupted. This causes the gums to become deformed over time, resulting in a pocket where food debris accumulates that is difficult to remove without the help of a doctor. Bleeding, swelling and severe discomfort occur during chewing. The gums become very inflamed and pus forms inside, which is released when pressed. Over time, teeth begin to loosen and fall out. In acute form, it can cause severe weakness, nausea and fever. Read more about the difference between periodontitis and periodontal disease in this article.

In the early stages, it can be treated with traditional treatment – ​​sanitation of the mouth, cleaning of tooth enamel and filling. If the disease starts, surgical intervention is necessary.

Periodontal disease

This is a gum disease in which there is no inflammation. The characteristic red color of the gums in the area of ​​the neck of the teeth appears due to impaired blood supply to the tissues. Severe dystrophy occurs, the necks of the teeth are exposed, and the gaps between the teeth almost always increase. Over time, the gums change their shape and in some areas begin to rise above normal levels. Unlike periodontitis, it rarely has a clear localization - both jaws are affected simultaneously. The cause of the disease is most often systemic diseases of the body, hormonal disorders and metabolic problems.

Treatment always begins with a comprehensive diagnosis, since in the case of periodontal disease it is important to understand the cause of the pathology. After this, medications are prescribed; in severe cases, prosthetics and removal of dental plaque near the gums are required.

Associated symptoms

Red gums around the teeth are not the only manifestation of acute or chronic inflammation. Its signs also include:

  • pain of different localization,
  • bleeding gums,
  • reaction to cold and hot,
  • discomfort when chewing,
  • bad breath.

If you have any of the above problems, you should be examined by a dentist. If you ignore the alarming symptoms, the disease will progress. This can lead to loosening of teeth, formation of fistulas, development of pulpitis and loss of dental units.

Methods for treating gum hyperemia

If oral diseases occur, it is necessary to treat them urgently, and to do this, seek qualified help. Home methods and traditional medicine only remove symptoms, but do not directly fight the disease. Therapy is always prescribed only after a comprehensive diagnosis. Today, the following methods of treating inflammatory gum diseases are used:

  • hygienic cleaning . The procedure is necessary if the disease is caused by a large amount of plaque or tartar. In recent years, hardware cleaning using ultrasonic, laser or sandblasting methods has been actively used. Unlike mechanical methods, they avoid side effects;

Professional cleaning is not recommended for chronic asthma or bronchitis.

  • anti-inflammatory therapy . These are usually topical dental products in the form of a gel or ointment. They help relieve swelling and redness, and also destroy pathogenic bacteria. The most common products are Cholisal, Asepta, Kamistad gel. In advanced cases, antibiotic drugs are prescribed: Solcoseryl or Actovegin;
  • physiotherapy . They are prescribed as the main or auxiliary method of treatment. For gum diseases, hardware or manual massage, darsonvalization, vacuum therapy and electrophoresis are most often used. The main advantage of these methods is that they can be used by children and during pregnancy;
  • curettage of periodontal pockets . Recommended in case of purulent deposits in the gum structure. This is scraping of deposits under local anesthesia. In rare cases, it is carried out after preliminary dissection of the gums in order to gain access to the root of the tooth. Usually a series of procedures is carried out, since exudate tends to accumulate quickly;
  • splinting _ One of the mandatory procedures in the presence of loose teeth. Using a special removable or non-removable splint, the teeth are secured, which reduces the risk of possible consequences. Thanks to the rigid fixation, the load during chewing is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the teeth, which reduces the likelihood of adentia due to gum disease. Read more information about how to save teeth during periodontal disease in this material;

In severe cases, prosthetics of missing teeth are performed before splinting.

  • implantation _ In some situations, this is the only possible method of treating advanced forms of periodontitis and periodontal disease. The advantage of the method is that it does not require a periodontal ligament to hold the dentures. Proper installation allows you to eliminate malocclusion and normalize the condition of bone tissue by distributing the load on the implants.

If gum disease cannot be cured with such methods, surgical intervention is resorted to. In advanced cases, in order to eliminate tissue destruction, the damaged area of ​​the gum is replaced with an implant. In addition, sometimes it is necessary to install a special silicone membrane between the gum and bone tissue. This is usually a temporary measure to enhance cell regeneration.

To eliminate deep periodontal pockets during periodontitis, gingivectomy is used - excision of part of the gum where food debris, plaque and bacteria accumulate. In recent years, the flap surgical method has been actively used, which resembles curettage, but is characterized by a deeper resection.

Surgical methods are usually prescribed as an emergency measure when it is necessary to urgently eliminate the pathology. After the operation, it is necessary to visit the dentist for a long time and undergo preventive diagnostics.


Treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the oral cavity in children is carried out using products approved for use in pediatric practice.

The child may be prescribed rinses, irrigations or lotions on the affected areas using the following means:

  • Rotokan;
  • Miramistin;
  • Tantum Verde;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Furacilin;
  • Orasept;
  • Stomatidin and others.

Which drugs to use and how exactly - in the form of rinses, irrigations, applications - is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the child’s age and the characteristics of the clinical picture.

Preventing gum inflammation around teeth

Properly selected preventive measures in almost all cases can avoid numerous problems with teeth and gums. To prevent the development of the disease, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • maintain oral hygiene, use suitable toothpaste, brush and floss;
  • develop a balanced menu. In autumn and spring, take additional vitamins and mineral supplements;
  • if there are signs of bleeding and gum odor, rinse the mouth with antiseptic solutions;
  • maintain immunity and avoid infectious diseases;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Reduce the number of cups of coffee per day;
  • visit the dentist at least twice a year;
  • Use mouthwash and dental gels regularly.

Pregnant women and those who work in industries with hazardous working conditions should be especially attentive to the health of their teeth and gums. It is the teeth that are among the first to react to any changes in the body, especially intoxication and deficiency of vital elements.

At the first sign of gum or tooth disease, you should contact your dentist. Earlier treatment is always more effective and avoids possible complications.

Oral care rules

Compliance with oral care rules is an important preventative point. Dental hygiene should be instilled from an early age to avoid further serious problems. To keep your teeth healthy longer, you need to follow these rules:

  • use not only a toothbrush, but also floss. It allows you to get rid of food residues and dirt in hard-to-reach places;
  • select a brush and toothpaste depending on the condition of the teeth, age and anatomical features;
  • use mouthwash regularly;
  • refuse to eat after cleansing;
  • for bruxism (grinding teeth during sleep), wear special protective mouth guards;
  • When cleaning, pay attention to your tongue, since a huge amount of pathogenic bacteria accumulates on it;
  • Monitor your oral health and visit the dentist regularly.

It is not recommended to postpone visiting the clinic if you notice any signs of oral disease. The human mouth is an ideal environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, so even a minor problem can lead to serious complications.

Most severe gum diseases begin with gingivitis. If bleeding occurs regularly while brushing your teeth, you should immediately contact your dentist.

Treatment methods for caries in the spot stage

Since the main cause of stains is demineralization of the enamel, treatment of caries at an early stage is carried out using a conservative method without the need to drill the tooth.

Professional treatment of initial caries

After diagnosing caries in the stain stage, it is very important to carry out adequate treatment and prevent complete tooth destruction. At an appointment with a specialist, treatment of caries in the spot stage can be carried out in different ways:

  • remineralization;
  • Borovsky-Leus method;
  • gel applications;
  • fluoridation.

The essence of the treatment is to saturate the damaged areas with calcium and fluoride using special professional preparations.

In general, the treatment process in the dentist’s office is carried out in the following order:

  • professional teeth cleaning to remove plaque and stones;
  • washing and drying;
  • application of specialized preparations depending on the chosen method;
  • consultations on further dental care;
  • monitoring the further condition of the teeth;
  • preventive actions.

After treatment for “white caries,” you should contact your dentist no later than 2-3 months. The specialist will evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and the quality of the patient’s oral hygiene.

Treating white spots at home

Not only in the dental clinic is treatment of caries in the spot stage carried out; a course of therapy is also possible at home. Just first you need to consult a dentist and, if necessary, have your teeth professionally cleaned.

For home treatment you can use:

  • remineralizing gel, for example, ROCS Medical Mineral. The composition is enriched with magnesium, calcium and other microelements that penetrate tooth enamel, remove stains and restore its natural shine;
  • special toothpastes with a healing effect. ROCS Medical and Elmex cope well with such problems;
  • fluoride gel remineralizes white spots and prevents the destruction of the enamel coating of teeth.

Along with professional remedies at home, you can also use traditional medicine recipes:

  • Finely chop the pumpkin tail. Pour boiling water and leave for an hour. Rinse your mouth with the solution several times a day;
  • Chew a piece of dried calamus daily for 5-7 minutes. The number of days depends on the size of the spot.

Both in the case of medications and folk remedies, treatment of caries in the spot stage is aimed at enriching the enamel with useful elements and minerals.

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