How to remove a baby tooth without consequences for the child’s health

Baby teeth begin to emerge from the age of six months. They fully emerge by the age of three, in the amount of 20 pieces. However, after a year or two, the child’s snow-white smile begins to change - temporary molars, incisors and canines are replaced by molars. The process begins when the child is 4 years old and continues for a couple of years.

Why can't a person grow permanent teeth straight away? There are several reasons for this:

  • a child’s jaw is not able to accommodate molars at once;
  • baby teeth give time to the molars to form;
  • The jaw is not fully formed until the age of 18.

Why is the tooth loose?

Among the reasons that can cause looseness of a tooth or a row of teeth may be the following diseases:

  • gingivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums;
  • periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth;
  • periodontal disease - systemic damage to periodontal tissue;
  • injuries and mechanical impact.

Often, loose teeth occur simultaneously with other dental lesions, such as plaque or tartar. If you notice that one or more teeth are starting to become loose, the very first step should be an urgent visit to your dentist. It is he who will determine why the tooth is loose, diagnose the disease and prescribe a course of treatment.

If you don’t know which dentist to contact, we invite you to our Dentistry clinic on Shchelkovskaya “Diamed”. We are located near the Shchelkovskaya metro station, we work seven days a week. Our team includes experienced dentists with practical examples of treating loose teeth. Make an appointment with a dentist by calling 8 or via the website by filling out the appointment form.

As a rule, in the treatment of each diagnosed disease there is a standard set of procedures that strengthen the gums and teeth.

So, with gingivitis, a general strengthening of the body’s immunity and the use of more vitamins are indicated. Treatment of periodontitis is most often accompanied by professional teeth cleaning, tartar removal, and procedures to restore normal blood circulation in the gums. Similar treatment is prescribed for periodontal disease.

It often happens that a tooth becomes loose not only due to disease, but also to the general weakened state of the body. The following factors cause this condition:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • disturbance of mineral metabolism in the body;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • arthritis;
  • psoriasis;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

However, when you discover the first signs of a loose tooth, do not rush to treat your body yourself. By choosing the wrong medications and vitamins, you can only damage your body even more. Make an appointment with a specialist doctor and follow his recommendations. If your teeth have weakened due to general malaise of the body, you can visit our multidisciplinary clinic “Diamed Shchelkovskaya”, located in our building. At the clinic, you can get advice from a therapist and undergo a set of physical procedures to strengthen your body.

How children's baby teeth are removed in the clinic

The structure of primary teeth is characterized by a number of features. Thin alveolar walls, low crowns, and lateral roots require special care, attention and skill from the doctor during the removal procedure. One wrong move and you can damage the buds of permanent teeth. For this reason, it is very important to find an experienced pediatric dentist who will not only carefully carry out the procedure for removing a baby tooth, but will also quickly find an approach to your child and treat him with care and attention.

Specialists at the Center for Modern Dentistry know how to remove a baby tooth painlessly. Modern painkillers are effective and safe for the child’s body: the child will not feel pain even with complex tooth extraction.

Loose teeth - risk group

Loose teeth often occur in older people and pregnant women. In this case, this is a concomitant feature of the physical condition. To prevent loose teeth, older people and pregnant women need to consume dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese), more fruits, vegetables and berries. Make an appointment with a specialist doctor to prescribe calcium supplements.

Smokers are at particular risk for loose teeth. Harmful toxins released when smoking greatly weaken the protective functions of the gums. According to statistics, the teeth of smokers become loose twenty-five percent more often than the teeth of non-smokers.

Have you noticed that your tooth is loose? Do you feel an unpleasant taste of blood after eating solid foods? Contact your dentist immediately! If you are in the eastern district of Moscow, come to us! Your consultation with a doctor will be free of charge.

When they start to fall out

This phenomenon can be encountered when the child turns 5-6 years old. It occurs due to the fact that the jaws begin to grow. It is completely painless for most children, due to the fact that during the growth of the radical replacement, the roots of baby teeth are reabsorbed. They become mobile and then fall out. This is ideal.

There are cases when improper formation is observed, especially of premolars, and very rarely of incisors and canines. Due to the violation, resorption does not occur on time. Careful removal is required so that they can grow healthy and even in the future.

Lasts up to 10-12 years, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Interestingly, in girls it begins earlier and proceeds much easier and faster than in boys.

What treatment to choose if a tooth is loose

If you find that your tooth is loose, do not rush into thinking that you will have to remove it. Often, the problem of loose teeth can be solved by treating the oral disease that contributed to it. But only a dentist can prescribe this treatment.

If for some reason you cannot visit the dentist just yet, then remember a number of recommendations that will protect your teeth from even further loosening:

  1. Try not to eat fruits, which can have an additional harsh effect on the tooth and gums. Such foods include nuts, seeds, carrots, and apples. Be careful when eating other soft fruits and apples to avoid damaging your teeth from the pits.
  2. Do not eat food that is too hot or too cold, and do not allow sudden changes in temperature while eating. Limit your consumption of tea and coffee, as well as alcohol.
  3. You still need to brush your teeth twice a day - morning and evening, you can use mouth rinses. Choose a toothbrush that is not too hard and be careful with the damaged tooth when brushing. Use toothpaste that strengthens your gums.

There are also several traditional remedies that will keep your teeth safe before your appointment with the dentist. Mix honey with salt in the proportion of 5-10 grams of table salt (preferably burnt) per 20 grams of honey. Wrap the resulting pulp in a piece of cloth and rub it into the gums and tooth.

If a tooth is loose, a solution of alcoholic extract of propolis is also effective (a 10-15 percent solution is required). Add 20 drops to a glass of water and rinse your mouth. The solution also protects teeth from caries.

Should I rush to delete it?

Parents are interested not only in how to correctly pull out a child’s tooth, but also when it can be done. A clear answer to the question is not recommended without medical indications. Because the rudiments have not yet fully formed. They will not erupt for a long time. The absence of at least one element of the dentition leads to the fact that the rest begin to slide, taking up free space, which leads to an incorrect bite. Those that should be in a specific place will not come out before their due date. This means that when the time comes, they simply will have nowhere to grow.

Among the dangerous consequences of this procedure:

  • the appearance of painful and unpleasant sensations during teething;
  • change in diction, habit of burring;
  • incorrect jaw structure;
  • problems with digesting food.

Therefore, it is better to refrain from deleting in advance if there is no reason for this.

Surgical intervention

Comprehensive treatment of a loose tooth is effective in the early stages of the disease. If the loosening of the tooth progresses, then another treatment is prescribed.

Most often, this is a patchwork surgical operation, during which damaged areas of periodontal tissue, which are the source of inflammation, are removed. The operation is preceded by a splinting process. Through this process, the load on the teeth is redistributed.

Tooth extraction is the most extreme method of dealing with lesions that cause looseness. The reason for tooth extraction can be severe mechanical impact or serious injury, when tooth restoration is almost impossible. Our dentists will do everything possible to preserve your natural teeth. Surgical operations in our clinic if you have a loose tooth are kept to a minimum.

Source . The article was prepared based on materials provided by orthopedic dentist, surgeon, candidate of medical sciences Konstantin Anatolyevich Prokopyev. Doctor of the highest category, work experience in the specialty since 1994. In 2010 he defended his Ph.D. Combines practical work with management of a dental clinic.

How to care after the procedure

When you pull out a baby tooth yourself, you need to stop the bleeding. To do this, a piece of bandage or gauze is moistened in an antiseptic and pressed against the hole. There is no need to press hard or try to blot all the blood. A blood clot should form. Ask your child to hold the tampon in place with his jaws for a few minutes.

After 3-5 days, the wound will heal completely; there is no need to rinse. This can lead to cleansing of the wound from the protective physiological layer and easy access for bacteria. Take antiseptic baths or simply treat with Miramistin.


  • Grasp the tooth, cover it with a sterile bandage, and pull. Keep shaking it. You can use forceps, pliers, tweezers.
  • Do not squeeze the tooth too hard to prevent it from cracking.
  • From time to time, try to pull it firmly, but without jerking, so as not to break off part of the root and cause an inflammatory process.
  • Act smoothly, rocking the tooth and periodically trying to pull it out. Jerking is unacceptable, as you can damage the gum or break the root. Then it is no longer possible to do without the help of a surgeon.

After successful extraction:

  • Place a sterile swab on the hole for half an hour.
  • Remove it without disturbing the formed clot.
  • Do not eat for three hours.
  • Monitor the condition of the gums in the injured area, rinse your mouth with vodka, potassium permanganate solution, hydrogen peroxide or other disinfectant.
  • You can use a decoction of oak bark to speed up healing and reduce pain.

To remove a tooth root you need to prepare:

  • Spitting container;
  • Antiseptics;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Gauze Swabs and pads;
  • Mirror.

These tips should not be resorted to if it is possible to turn to a professional, since root extraction is a rather serious and risky operation.

Expert opinion

Emir Romanovich Omerelli

Maxillofacial surgeon, implantologist

Experience: more than 13 years

It is impossible to remove a tooth root at home. This is a very dangerous and traumatic procedure that can lead to serious negative consequences - from damage to the oral cavity and injury to healthy teeth, to purulent processes in the socket, inflammation of bone tissue and even sepsis. The entire tooth or any part of it, including the root, must be removed by the dentist under sterile conditions, using anesthesia and special instruments.

Advantages of treatment at Dial-Dent

There is a great advantage in clear treatment planning and budgeting. The patient knows the cost of treatment in advance (and does not find out about the upcoming expenses in the middle of the journey, when it is no longer possible to suspend treatment), plans his time and finances. With clear planning, costs are reduced (for example, when installing an implant, bone or soft tissue plastic surgery can be performed immediately, rather than breaking this process into two operations, using sedation twice), time is saved (several specialists can be visited in one visit to the clinic).

Proper treatment planning is helped by the fact that the clinic is equipped with modern diagnostic equipment (including a computed tomograph) and employs all the necessary specialists.

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