Should sick leave be given when a tooth is extracted?

Diseases of teeth and gums are a very common phenomenon among people of different age groups, including employed citizens. Many people are in no hurry to visit a doctor due to lack of free time or fear of pain.

This leads to serious complications that have to be promptly eliminated. To undergo treatment, a person is forced to be absent from work for some time. In this case, the question arises whether sick leave is issued for dental problems.

Is the bulletin required when visiting a dentist?

Modern dentistry is well developed, so in most cases there are no unpleasant consequences after operations.
Still, it cannot be guaranteed that tooth extraction will take place without problems, so doctors advise obtaining a certificate of incapacity for work in order to rest peacefully after the operation. But it is not always possible to draw up a document. 5 cases when a ballot is issued:

  1. Problems arise with molar removal. The doctor has to drill into the bone tissue or partially remove the gum. Such operations are often performed when the tooth has not fully erupted.
  2. A medical error has been made. Even an experienced doctor can make a mistake, which will lead to unpleasant consequences.
  3. The patient developed an allergic reaction to the drug. Often a person does not realize that he is intolerant to certain components of the medicine. Therefore, there is a reaction in the form of malaise or swelling. Sometimes hospital treatment may be required.
  4. Before the operation began, an infectious infection of the tissue around the tooth occurred. Do not delay visiting the dental clinic. Soft tissues are damaged while the tooth grows. This fact leads to infection occurring. You may need emergency medical attention.

Sick leave for tooth extraction is necessary for emergency surgery because the dentist did not provide the necessary preparation. After the removal of a wisdom tooth, a bulletin is issued for the entire period of inpatient treatment.

  1. The person does not feel well after the procedures, so a sick leave is required upon removal. Adverse consequences occur if hygiene is not maintained after removal.

An unfavorable consequence of the operation is a rise in temperature, swelling of the cheeks or gums. These reasons are enough for the dentist to give you a sick leave.

So, the reasons listed are enough to answer positively the question, is sick leave given for tooth extraction? The operation itself is not a reason to exempt a person from going to work. If complications arise, sick leave is issued.

Grounds for extension and possible deadlines

Based on Order of the Ministry of Health N 624n, the extension of the certificate of incapacity for work is carried out after examining the patient by a doctor and recording data on the state of health in the patient’s card. Patient complaints that are not confirmed by examination are not sufficient grounds for extending the treatment period. A dentist may issue a bulletin for a maximum period not exceeding 10 days .

During one patient visit, the extension of sick leave, if necessary, is carried out for a period of no more than 3 days. If the patient has not recovered during this period, a visit to a therapist will be required to further extend the treatment period.

All nuances of obtaining and extending temporary certificates of incapacity for work are regulated by law. Each employee, when officially opening a ballot, is protected by law from unlawful actions of management. The duration of recovery depends on individual factors, the speed of healing and the complexity of the intervention.

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Duration for which the document is opened

The patient's health status affects the timing of document opening. If a person does not feel well after surgery, the rest period is extended after visiting the doctor. Dentists are mid-level medical specialists, and therefore have the right to issue a bulletin for five days. Therapists issue documents on incapacity for work for a period of ten to thirty days.

Important! Often the newsletter is issued by a general practitioner instead of a dentist. For this reason, in the “diagnosis” column there is no indication of surgery to remove a wisdom tooth.

The employer is being disingenuous if he says that only doctors at a state clinic can be released from work. The certificate can be issued by specialists from a private clinic. The main thing is that the organization has a license to provide medical services and conduct an examination of temporary disability (clause 2 of Order No. 624n).

Therefore, you can have a tooth removed in any clinic where it is convenient.

What affects the duration of a certificate of incapacity for work?

The period for which sick leave is opened directly depends on the current condition of the sick person . Poor health and the presence of symptoms of complications are grounds for the doctor to extend the treatment period.

Since a dentist is a mid-level doctor, he is responsible for issuing sick leave for a maximum period of 10 days. Therapists can issue sick leave for up to 30 days.

Important ! Some employers claim that only a doctor from a public hospital can issue sick leave. It is not true. Based on clause 2 of Order No. 624n, every practicing doctor in a clinic licensed to provide this type of service has the right to issue certificates of temporary disability.

The period of disability directly depends on the severity of the healing and recovery process and takes on average 5-7 days. During this period, it is recommended to reduce speech load.

How to get a newsletter

To obtain the document you need to see a doctor. You need to have your passport with you. The forms are made on special paper with special watermarks. This precaution allows you to protect against document forgery. The document form was approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development (Order No. 347n).

Only a clinic that has a license for medical activities has the right to issue a newsletter. Blood transfusion stations and emergency doctors do not have the right to issue documents of incapacity for work.

If a person sees a doctor on a working day, it is better to ask for a newsletter to be issued from the next day so that there are no problems with payment.

How to get a medical certificate from a dentist?

The dentist gives a sick leave certificate if complications arise after surgery . Often, the services of not only a dentist, but also other specialists may be needed to assist the patient. The operation itself is not a reason to vote. A person is released from work only when his health deteriorates after the operation and they issue the necessary document.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development approved the procedure for processing documents on disability in Order No. 624n. In this situation, the sick leave code is 01. If a person feels unwell after the procedures, the dentist will issue a sick leave. In other cases, you need to contact a therapist.

In January 2013, the following procedure for paying sick leave was established::

  • payment is made for each day of the newsletter;
  • the first 3 days are paid by the employer, and the rest of the period by the social fund. insurance;
  • The amount of payment depends on the employee’s length of service and salary.


  1. A sick leave certificate for the removal of a wisdom tooth can be issued by a dentist or general practitioner.
  2. A dentist can take a leave of absence from work for five days, and a general practitioner can take a leave of absence for up to thirty days.
  3. In most cases, work release is issued by a therapist.
  4. For sick leave, special paper with watermarks is used.
  5. Payment for a certificate of incapacity for work depends on two years’ earnings and length of service.
  6. You can ask for a certificate at a private or public hospital. The main thing is that the clinic has a license to provide medical services.

Issuance of sick leave after wisdom tooth extraction and other dental procedures

The procedure for registering sick leave due to tooth extraction or for other reasons related to dentistry is no different from registering sick leave for any other illness.

However, there are still some nuances.

When applying for sick leave, they are guided by the developed form of the certificate of incapacity for work and the relevant legislative acts

The procedure for registering sick leave is regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • Article 183 of the Labor Code. According to this article, during an illness, an employee may not go to work and not perform his job duties, without losing his salary and seniority. In addition, he can also receive additional social guarantees during his illness
  • Federal Law No. 255 dated December 29, 2006. The article spells out the responsibilities that must be fulfilled by employers and employees of the enterprise, employees of the Social Insurance Fund and medical institutions regarding the issuance of sick leave.
  • Order of the Ministry of Health No. 624n dated June 29, 2011. It provides legal regulation of the general procedure for issuing sick leave and standards that determine the period when an employee is considered temporarily disabled and may be on sick leave
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 375 of June 15, 2007. It sets out the general procedure for calculating payments for the period when the employee was on sick leave. We are talking about persons participating in the social insurance system
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 347n dated April 26, 2011. The document spells out the form of sick leave that doctors prescribe to patients, the rules for their execution and other nuances of document management of this kind.

Healing after surgery

The most common causes of unpleasant symptoms after having to pull out a figure eight are the following disorders:

  • complex or traumatic removal of the figure eight (sick leave is given);
  • contamination of the socket of the removed organ;
  • non-compliance with the dentist’s recommendations, poor healing;
  • after poor-quality treatment, roots or fragments remain;
  • infection, blood clot prolapse.

Alveolitis is a common cause of complex traumatic removal, after which a sick leave is given.

This can happen when the organ is not completely removed, when the crown and roots had to be pulled out in parts.

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In the early stages, if inflammation is detected in a timely manner, dentists can deal with the disease relatively quickly. The early stage of flux is characterized by the absence of an abscess. In this case, high-quality antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs will help cope with inflammation without surgical intervention.

Everything is much more complicated when surgical manipulations are necessary. Swelling after the intervention not only does not go away, but can also become noticeably larger.

This is a normal reaction of the body to surgery. Within three days, this symptom should go away. In the first days after removal, it is also necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and show up for an appointment so that he can assess the consequences of the operation and exclude the occurrence of complications.

To do this, the patient is given several days of rest from work.

Usually, if a person has toothache and needs to see a doctor, he is not given leave from work.

  • When the gums are very sore and swelling is present, you can use Metrogyl Denta gel, which is used for complex therapy of alveolitis. This drug relieves inflammation and pain, destroys pathological microorganisms. Dental gel can be used for prophylactic purposes immediately after the procedure;
  • When there is a headache and a fever, adults can take Coldrex and Theraflu; children can only be given special syrups indicated for a certain age.

It is better to completely remove drugs such as Aspirin and Analgin from the home medicine cabinet and replace them with Ibuprofen, Panadol, and Paracetamol tablets.

The article explains whether sick leave is given when a tooth is removed, and explains the nuances of filling out the ballot.

Who issues, when and how?

Upon admission to the hospital, the patient presents the main documents: insurance policy and passport. The attending physician will need the latter to open a sick leave.

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The following specialists have the right to open a sick leave:

  • doctors of institutions licensed to carry out their activities;
  • paramedics, dentists and dentists of medical institutions;
  • Research Institute doctors
  • After the intervention, the person remains in the hospital for a certain period of time for recovery, and the document indicates the date of his stay until discharge.

    How to choose a doctor?

    Before treating your teeth, be sure to find out all the possible information about the clinic and the qualifications of the dentist, as well as the availability of the necessary medications and equipment.

    All manipulation of your teeth should be performed by a dentist with experience in surgical interventions - ideally a specialist in oral and maxillofacial dental surgery.

    Cost also plays an important role - check the price and possible changes in the final amount in case of unforeseen complications. If they refused to provide you with the above information, this is a reason to seriously think about whether you should contact such a clinic and trust pseudo-doctors.

    New in filling out certificates of incapacity for work

    New details have been added to the section on filling out sick leave.

    1. If social insurance pays temporary disability benefits directly to the employee, you only need to fill out the line “At the expense of the employer.” The lines “At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund” and “Total accrued” are left empty.
    2. The information that the employer fills out in the electronic sick leave must be certified by two signatures - the chief accountant and the manager. If the duties of the chief accountant are assumed by the manager, one of his signatures is sufficient.
    3. Calculations of sick leave benefits must be stored electronically or in paper form. They must be signed electronically or with handwritten signatures of the chief accountant and manager. If the position of chief accountant is not provided, only the manager signs the calculations.

    In what cases is sick leave given and in what cases is it not?

    Expert opinion

    Polyakov Pyotr Borisovich

    Lawyer with 6 years of experience. Specialization: civil law. More than 3 years of experience in drafting contracts.

    If a person feels unwell after the procedure, then the dentist prescribes sick leave for him. In other cases, you can contact your local therapist to obtain release from work.

    Dentists issue sick leave certificates if a person temporarily loses his ability to work, the reasons may be as follows:

    • carrying out a complex operation, after which a rehabilitation period is necessary;
    • Complications arose after the procedure.

    Often sick leave is issued to pregnant women. Dental surgery is stressful for the body. Women carrying a child may react more acutely to these manipulations and the drugs used.

    They need rest to recover after the procedure. Thanks to the development of dental technology, most procedures today are performed painlessly, and recovery is fairly quick. Therefore, most often a visit to the dentist does not require a certificate of incapacity for work.

    Typically, people turn to dentists with the following problems:

    • severe toothache;
    • flux;
    • the need to remove the bone unit of the jaw.

    Many patients have a question whether the doctor can give an exemption from work in the presence of such dental problems. The decision is made by the doctor based on the severity of the patient’s condition.

    Severe toothache

    Toothache causes considerable discomfort. It greatly reduces performance. This unpleasant sensation can accompany many dental problems.

    Common causes of discomfort:

    • advanced caries;
    • inflammation of the gums, nerve;
    • eruption of wisdom teeth.

    Most often, unpleasant sensations appear against the background of carious lesions. In addition to severe pain, the patient may experience fainting conditions and a rise in temperature.

    In this case, the person cannot work normally, so he is issued a certificate of temporary incapacity for work. Dentists strive to save a damaged tooth.

    But there are times when it is necessary to pull out the bone element of the jaw. Many patients ask whether sick leave is given after tooth extraction. It is difficult to give a definite answer. It all depends on the patient’s well-being and the success of the manipulation.

    Flux is a purulent inflammation of the periosteum near the tooth root, which causes a lump to form. The condition is quite dangerous. Depending on the form of development, this disease can be acute or chronic. According to the type of course, purulent and bacterial forms of pathology are distinguished. The main reason for the development of flux is infection.

    This is important to know: Is sick leave paid under an employment contract?

    Also, a purulent-inflammatory process can be a consequence of the following conditions:

    • untreated caries;
    • injury to the gums and teeth;
    • angina;
    • furunculosis;
    • neglect of oral hygiene;
    • spread of the pathogen from other infected areas through the lymph or bloodstream.

    Flux manifests itself with the following unpleasant symptoms:

    • redness of the gums. Occurs due to inflammation of soft tissues;
    • soreness of the affected tooth. Unpleasant sensations are pronounced. The pain can radiate to the jaw, head, neck. When chewing, pressing, or putting pressure on the tooth, the discomfort increases;
    • severe swelling;
    • increase in body temperature. This leads to headache, weakness, aches, nausea;
    • enlargement of lymph nodes located near the affected tooth.

    All these symptoms greatly reduce performance. Therefore, there is no doubt about whether sick leave is given for flux. This condition requires urgent treatment. At an early stage, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. But as a rule, people go to the doctor if they have an advanced condition.

    In severe cases, surgery is necessary. If the patient feels unwell due to flux, he is at risk of developing sepsis, then the dentist writes him a certificate of temporary incapacity for work.

    Expert opinion

    Polyakov Pyotr Borisovich

    Lawyer with 6 years of experience. Specialization: civil law. More than 3 years of experience in drafting contracts.

    After opening the abscess, a person may develop a fever. Therefore, the doctor must monitor the patient for at least three days.

    This will help prevent the spread of infection in time.

    Removal of a tooth

    Tooth extraction is a common dental procedure. It is performed in the presence of discomfort, severe destruction of the bone unit of the jaw, and also before carrying out some orthodontic manipulations. In most cases, tooth extraction is an elective procedure.

    Many dental clinics are open not only on weekdays, but also on weekends. Therefore, a person can sign up for surgery on Saturday in order to have a couple of days to recover. But there are cases when the procedure needs to be carried out quickly.

    Indications for urgent tooth extraction:

    • the presence of a cyst at the root apex;
    • longitudinal tooth fracture;
    • the bone element of the jaw became the cause of odontogenic osteomyelitis;
    • the tooth is a source of infection and inflammation;
    • transverse crown fracture.

    The tooth extraction operation itself is considered simple. Therefore, it is not a reason for issuing a temporary disability bulletin. Exemption from work may be issued if the patient’s well-being worsens after the procedure.

    The dentist writes out a sick leave after tooth extraction in the following cases:

    • complications occurred after the operation (severe bleeding, hyperthermia due to infection);
    • tooth extraction was difficult. The doctor had to prepare the bone tissue and cut out part of the gum. Such manipulations are carried out when the tooth has not fully erupted. Most often, problems arise with the removal of the last molars. After a major operation, a person experiences severe pain. The patient needs time to recover;
    • a medical error was committed, which entailed a number of serious consequences;
    • The patient developed a severe allergic reaction to the anesthesia. Most people do not even realize that they are intolerant to a particular drug. Not all dentists do a selection of painkillers and a drug allergy test before surgery.

    How long does the postoperative period last?

    After the operation to remove the figure eight, after 10 minutes you need to remove the cotton swab applied by the doctor so as not to cause an infection. During the first three days, you should strictly follow your dentist's instructions. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to lie down in bed - you can go about your daily activities, but adjusted for medical recommendations. After 2-3 days, as a rule, the doctor prescribes a preventive examination to examine the wound and understand how it is healing.

    Recovery time is different for everyone - it depends on a number of factors. For example, on the patient’s age, the body’s ability to regenerate and many others. The question of how long the period after surgery lasts is individual.

    Indications for document preparation

    Sick leave for tooth extraction is issued for the following reasons:

    • Removal with complications, for example, during additional surgical procedures;
    • The appearance of allergies to painkillers;
    • Infectious processes in the gum area before surgery;
    • The need to stay in a hospital setting;
    • The appearance of complications after the surgeon’s actions;
    • Malaise accompanied by fever.

    In this case, the period of release from work or study may be one day or more.

    Sick leave for dental prosthetics

    It is necessary for the normal absorption of calcium by the body, which is used in the process of restoration and growth of bone tissue.
    B vitamins (B1, B6, B9, B12). Ensure normal tissue restoration after damage, thereby accelerating the wound healing process. We recommend reading: Application for withdrawal from welfare

    Vitamin E. Has an antioxidant effect, that is, it prevents excessive tissue damage at the site of inflammation, which also accelerates the healing process of a postoperative wound.

    Why are antibiotics prescribed after dental implantation? During tooth implantation, the doctor makes an incision in the gum and destroys the bone tissue of the jaw, after which he inserts a foreign object (implant) into it. The duration of sick leave includes the prosthetic procedure itself plus moving time, if necessary.

    In this case, the exemption sheet is issued directly by a specialized medical organization engaged in the manufacture and installation of prostheses. If dental prosthetics is performed on an outpatient basis, and hospitalization is not provided, then a document “due to illness” is not issued. Obviously, the release document will not be issued even when the private medical institution chosen by the patient is limited in such rights for one reason or another.

    So, if an accident occurs or an illness strikes, obtaining an official document exempting you from work will only require the presentation of a passport.

    The duration of treatment for each specific case is determined by law.

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