Is sick leave given for dental procedures: extraction, treatment and prosthetics of teeth?

Almost every person has dental problems. Often the tooth has to be removed. Tooth extraction is a rather traumatic procedure, after which a person feels pain, discomfort, and cannot eat normally. Some people are so unwell that they cannot even go to work or perform their work duties. Therefore, many working Russians have a logical question: is it possible to go on sick leave after tooth extraction or other complex dental interventions?

Let's figure out whether sick leave is given for dental procedures: extraction, treatment and prosthetics of teeth?

Who to contact for sick leave

The period for which sick leave is opened directly depends on the current condition of the sick person.
Poor health and the presence of symptoms of complications are grounds for the doctor to extend the treatment period. Since a dentist is a mid-level doctor, he is responsible for issuing sick leave for a maximum period of 10 days. Therapists can issue sick leave for up to 30 days.

The period of disability directly depends on the severity of the healing and recovery process and takes on average 5-7 days. During this period, it is recommended to reduce speech load.

According to their severity, operations are divided into three groups:

  • light surgical intervention, after which the patient can stand up and move independently;
  • operations of moderate severity requiring inpatient monitoring of the patient;
  • heavy operations are associated with the need for constant care of the patient by medical personnel.

Maxillofacial surgery involves minor surgical interventions.

The period for which a certificate of incapacity for work is issued

The period for which sick leave will be issued depends on the general well-being of the patient and the complexity of the procedure. The dentist has the right to issue a newsletter for no more than 5 working days. Both doctors in municipal institutions and private doctors have this right. Having a license allows employees of private clinics to issue certificates of incapacity for work on a general basis.

The type of activity of the enterprise also matters. If a person works with people, he must have a presentable appearance and constantly smile, then release from the work process is necessary. In addition to the license to operate, the clinic must have a certificate of examination of temporary disability, specified in paragraph 2 of Order No. 624n.

Sick leave for dental prosthetics

As a result, numbness in the gums and cheeks may begin to subside while still in the doctor’s office or a few hours after the procedure is completed.

At the same time, it is worth noting that in case of dental implantation under general anesthesia, numbness of the cheek should not be observed. The patient should feel all parts of the oral cavity immediately after regaining consciousness.

How many days does swelling of the jaw and face last after dental implantation?

The appearance of puffiness and swelling of the soft tissues of the face in the area where the implant is installed is normal and can persist for 2 to 5 days after the procedure. The cause of edema in this case is the inflammatory process that develops in response to tissue damage and the implantation of a foreign body into the jaw bone.

  • Poor suturing of the wound. The reason for this may be the dentist’s unscrupulous performance of his work, but in modern clinics this is extremely rare.
  • Trauma to the postoperative wound. The wound can be damaged by rough or hard food, which the patient can eat during the first 24 hours after surgery. You can also damage the sutures with a toothbrush if you brush your teeth in the area where the implant is installed immediately after the procedure.
  • Development of a purulent-inflammatory process. If during the operation the wound was infected with pyogenic microorganisms, the purulent process can “melt” the edges of the gums, as a result of which the threads simply “cut through” the flabby tissue, and the edges of the wound separate.

If the patient notices that the sutures in the wound have come apart, you should immediately consult the doctor who performed the operation.

The pain is sharp, bursting, and intensifies when touching the inflamed tissue.

  • Infection of a postoperative wound. If pathogenic microorganisms enter the wound during implant installation, the patient’s immune system will begin to react to them, which will support the development of the inflammatory process. The nature of the pain will be the same, but its duration may exceed 5 – 7 or more days. It is important to remember that if the pain does not subside 5 days after the end of the operation, you should not continue to “numb” the pain with painkillers, but you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Damage to nerve structures. This phenomenon is observed extremely rarely.

The dental implantation process lasts no more than two hours.

Thus, you have a real opportunity to instantly replace a problematic tooth with a new one, and you do not have to worry about having to go without a tooth for a long time.

Make an appointment Today there are many myths around implantology, some of them are true, others are not. Let's look at the main ones.

Which institutions do not have the right to issue sick leave?

Sometimes there are emergency situations when the operation is carried out in a hurry, and the tooth is removed not in dentistry, but in another medical institution. Let's look at the list of departments where sick leave will not be issued:

  • emergency room;
  • blood transfusion centers;
  • health care centers;
  • boarding houses and sanatoriums;
  • consumer protection agency.

Every person should approach extraction responsibly. To begin with, you should choose a qualified doctor and clinic. If rehabilitation is required after surgery, the dentist is required to provide a notice that provides temporary exemption from work. If the visit to the dentist took place as usual, then the issuance of sick leave may be refused.

When dentists give sick leave, can it be opened after the removal of a wisdom tooth? Registration procedure.

The number of unpleasant consequences after medical interventions is quite small, but it is impossible to guarantee that the dental procedures performed will not have complications. Therefore, every citizen has the right to receive sick leave in order to recover from operations. Let's consider in the article when dentists give sick leave, whether it can be taken, for example, after surgery or removal of a wisdom tooth, and how many days a certificate of incapacity for work is due if the “eight” is removed, as well as other nuances.

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How to behave in the postoperative period (what can and cannot be done after dental implantation)?


It is important to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and instructions, which will consolidate the achieved result and preserve the implants for a long time.

After dental implantation, you should regularly take measures to keep your mouth clean, which will prevent the development of complications in the postoperative period. Also, in the first days after surgery, it is important to observe a number of restrictions associated with the procedure performed.

After classical implant installation you should:

  • For several days, refrain from any stress on the operated area. You should not brush your teeth, chew food on the affected side of your jaw, or do other activities that could damage the injured area of ​​the gum. This will facilitate more complete fusion of the implant with the bone tissue, as well as faster healing of the postoperative wound.
  • Sleep with your head elevated. To do this, you can place several pillows under your head at once. In this case, there will be an outflow of blood from the tissues of the head, which will prevent the development of bleeding and will help reduce swelling.
  • Avoid rough and spicy foods. Such products can get on the affected area of ​​​​the gums and injure it, which will be accompanied by increased inflammation and pain. During the first day after surgery, you need to eat only liquid, warm (not hot or cold) food - broths, yoghurts, cereals, and so on.

3 – 5 days after installation of the implant, the patient can return to everyday life, continuing to care for his teeth and oral cavity in the same way as he did before implantation.

As for immediate or express implantation, as well as the installation of a crown or prosthesis on an already implanted implant, there are no serious restrictions. This is explained by the fact that an artificial tooth is in no way inferior in strength to a regular tooth, as a result of which it is almost impossible to damage the crown with a toothbrush, hard food particles or hot food. In this case, the patient is recommended to brush his teeth regularly (morning and evening), and also use dental floss for more complete cleaning of the spaces between the denture and adjacent teeth, which will reduce the risk of infections.

It is also worth noting that after installing the implant, you should visit the dentist for preventive purposes at least 2 times a year. During the examination, the doctor will monitor the condition of the dentures, as well as examine the patient’s other teeth, which will allow timely identification and elimination of possible diseases and areas of caries, thereby preventing their progression and the development of complications.

Within 1 week after implant installation, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with a 0.5% solution

. This is done as follows. Taking a small amount of solution into your mouth, you should rinse all areas of the oral cavity with it (

) for 15 - 20 seconds, after which the solution must be spat out. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times in a row, rinsing after each meal, as well as at night before bed.

Chlorhexidine is a disinfectant that has the ability to destroy pathogenic bacteria. Since brushing your teeth with a toothbrush is not recommended in the early postoperative period, rinsing the mouth with chlorhexidine can replace this procedure, providing reliable protection of the oral cavity from the development of infection.

After dental implantation, you can additionally take vitamin preparations, which can promote faster healing of the postoperative wound, as well as speed up the process of ingrowth of the implant into the jaw bone.

After dental implantation you can take:

  • Vitamin C. Increases the strength of blood vessels, thereby reducing the likelihood of bleeding. This vitamin is also necessary for the normal development of connective tissue in the area of ​​damaged gums and oral mucosa.
  • Vitamin D. Necessary for the normal absorption of calcium by the body, which is used in the process of restoration and growth of bone tissue.
  • B vitamins (B1, B6, B9, B12). Ensure normal tissue restoration after damage, thereby accelerating the wound healing process.
  • Vitamin E. Has an antioxidant effect, that is, it prevents excessive tissue damage at the site of inflammation, which also accelerates the healing process of a postoperative wound.

During tooth implantation, the doctor makes an incision in the gum and destroys the bone tissue of the jaw, after which he inserts a foreign object into it (

). Despite the fact that all manipulations are performed in a sterile operating room, it is impossible to completely eliminate the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the surgical wound. To prevent this from leading to the development of infectious complications, in the postoperative period the doctor can prescribe prophylactic doses of antibacterial drugs that will suppress the development of infection in the early stages.

The choice of antibiotic, as well as the duration and frequency of its use, depend on the nature of the operation, as well as the general condition of the patient. If the patient is relatively healthy and the operation was minimally traumatic, antibiotics will need to be taken for 3 to 4 days. If during the operation there was extensive damage to the tissues of the oral cavity, and also if the patient has a predisposition to the development of infectious complications (for example, with AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, with diabetes, etc.), the duration of use of antibiotics can be 5 - 7 days.

Absolutely all patients who have undergone dental implantation will require pain relief in the postoperative period. This is due to the fact that after termination

) an inflammatory process will begin to develop in the damaged tissues, which will be accompanied by severe pain.

To reduce pain in the postoperative period, it is recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The mechanism of their action is that they inhibit the inflammatory process in the lesion, thereby reducing the sensitivity of the nerve endings located there and reducing the severity of pain.

For pain relief in the postoperative period you can take:

  • Ibuprofen - 200 - 800 mg orally every 6 - 8 hours (depending on the severity of the pain syndrome and the effectiveness of the treatment).
  • Paracetamol - 500 mg orally every 6 hours.
  • Ketorolac – 10 mg orally 4 times a day.
  • Nimesil (in powder form) – 100 mg orally 3 – 4 times a day.

It is important to note that these drugs can only be used for 5 to 7 days without a doctor’s prescription.

If a classic dental implantation is performed, after direct implantation of the implant into the bone tissue, you should refrain from eating or drinking liquids for at least 2 hours. The fact is that to insert the implant into the bone, you need to make an incision in the gum. After the procedure is completed, the damaged mucous membrane is sutured, but it takes some time for it to fully heal.

If you start eating immediately after suturing the gums, this may lead to the sutures coming apart and opening the wound, which will require a second visit to a specialist. Moreover, through an open wound, food particles and pathogenic microorganisms can enter the tissue and blood, which can cause the development of infectious complications.

If the patient undergoes basal implantation, express implantation or crown installation at the second stage of classical implantation, he can eat food within an hour after the end of the procedure. At the same time, it is not recommended to eat until the effect of local anesthesia (pain medication used during surgery) has completely worn off.

It is also important to note that if general anesthesia was used during the operation, as well as if the patient was put into medicinal sleep, he should not eat for at least 3 to 4 hours after the end of the procedure. The fact is that due to the effect of the drugs introduced into the body, the patient may begin to vomit.

It is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages for at least 3 to 5 days after implant installation, as well as after immediate dental implantation, as this can lead to the development of complications. The fact is that any alcoholic drink contains ethanol (

). When entering the bloodstream, it causes dilation of the blood vessels of the skin and mucous membranes, which is accompanied by the influx of a large amount of blood to them. Dilatation of the vessels of the oral mucosa in the area of ​​the gum incision can provoke the development of bleeding, as a result of which the patient will have to return to the dentist.

Moreover, ethanol can react with painkillers used during surgery (which are completely eliminated from the body only after a few days). This can lead to the development of allergic reactions, as well as depression of the central nervous system, as a result of which the patient may require urgent medical attention or even hospitalization.

Smoking after dental implantation is not recommended, as this can disrupt the healing process of the postoperative wound and implantation of the implant into the bone.

Grounds for extension and possible deadlines

Based on Order of the Ministry of Health N 624n, the extension of the certificate of incapacity for work is carried out after examining the patient by a doctor and recording data on the state of health in the patient’s card. Patient complaints that are not confirmed by examination are not sufficient grounds for extending the treatment period. A dentist may issue a bulletin for a maximum period not exceeding 10 days.

During one patient visit, the extension of sick leave, if necessary, is carried out for a period of no more than 3 days. If the patient has not recovered during this period, a visit to a therapist will be required to further extend the treatment period.

All nuances of obtaining and extending temporary certificates of incapacity for work are regulated by law. Each employee, when officially opening a ballot, is protected by law from unlawful actions of management. The duration of recovery depends on individual factors, the speed of healing and the complexity of the intervention.

Do they open clinics in dentistry and for how many days?

Five cases in which sick leave is opened:

  • problematic molar removal, during which the doctor is forced to drill into bone tissue or remove part of the gum;
  • medical error that led to unpleasant consequences;
  • allergic reactions to drugs used in treatment;
  • infection of the tissue around the tooth, which began before the operation;
  • feeling unwell after the procedures.

The very fact of dental intervention is not a reason for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work. The grounds for receiving sick leave are the occurrence of complications after manipulation.

Regardless of the duration of the procedure, after the removal of a wisdom tooth (“eight”), the patient is given several days for recovery and the opportunity to visit a doctor to monitor the dynamics of healing. This period is spent following the doctor’s recommendations for caring for the injured area.

In addition, during this period, complications after surgery may appear, on the basis of which the patient receives sick leave. The duration of sick leave is from 5 days (prescribed by a dentist, up to 30 days prescribed by a therapist).

After prosthetics, a BC may also be issued, but only in some cases when serious complications are present. In addition to issuing a sick leave certificate based on complications that have arisen, a sick leave certificate can be issued to a patient who has simultaneously had three or more implants installed with or without bone tissue augmentation.

The duration of sick leave ranges from 3 to 10 days.

In case of toothache and the need to visit the dentist, leave from work is not granted. Standard dental treatment situations are also not grounds for issuing sick leave to a patient. The exception is the occurrence of complications after procedures.

When a certificate of incapacity for work is not issued

If the patient planned a trip to the dentist in advance and the removal process went smoothly. The effect of anesthesia will end within an hour after administration, and the person will be able to go to work the next day.

The issuance of sick leave will be refused if the operation was completed without complications. Moreover, if a person had an ordinary tooth removed, and not a wisdom tooth, then complications arise in especially extreme cases. Basically, this could be a medical error or an allergic reaction.

In Russia, many people work unofficially. Consequently, the employer does not make contributions to the pension fund and tax authorities. Such “working” citizens are not entitled to a certificate of incapacity for work and the dentist does not have the right to issue a certificate.

Temperature An increase in body temperature to 37 - 37.5 degrees during the first two days after surgery is normal. This is explained by the development of the inflammatory reaction and the effect of inflammatory mediators on the thermoregulation center located in the brain.

You should not purposefully fight such a temperature, as this can only cause harm to the body (for example, adverse reactions associated with the use of large doses of antipyretic medications may develop). At the same time, it is important to remember that a long-term (over 3-4 days or more) increase in temperature to 37-37.5 degrees, as well as a sharp increase to 38-39 degrees or more most often indicates the presence of an infectious complication ( infections in the postoperative wound).

The document on forced suspension of work is issued on an official form approved by the Ministry of Health and certified by the seal of the medical institution (Orders of the Ministry of Health No. 347n and No. 624n).

Only staff specialists in licensed medical institutions (public and private) are authorized to issue sick leave. Neither emergency doctors, nor blood transfusion stations, nor hospital reception workers have the right to issue a document on a citizen’s incapacity.

The Ministry of Labor has updated the procedure for calculating length of service for assigning benefits

The Ministry of Labor has developed an order establishing updated rules for calculating length of service.

Changes were required due to the advent of electronic work books. It will be possible to confirm the length of service for calculating benefits not only with a regular work book or employment contract, but also with information about work activity generated by employers electronically in accordance with Art. 66.1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the document brings the procedure for calculating and confirming insurance experience in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the law on persuance in the compulsory insurance system

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 09.09.2020 No. 585n “On approval of the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period to determine the amount of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth”

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