how to quickly recover from anesthesia after dental treatment
Recovery time after anesthesia in dentistry
12/05/2019 A huge number of people are afraid to visit dentists because dental treatment is usually accompanied by pain
Kopp apparatus for removing crowns from teeth
Gummy smile treatment: crown lengthening and lip repositioning
Trimming the gums from a gummy smile A gummy smile is a rather unpleasant aesthetic defect. Fix it
Bleeding disorders
​Causes of poor blood clotting, diagnosis and treatment methods
Blood clotting disorders are a group of pathological conditions characterized by malfunctions of the system.
Pathologies of wisdom tooth eruption in pictures
Elimination of extensive defects of the upper jaw with microsurgical grafts for subsequent rehabilitation of chewing function with fixed and conditionally removable orthopedic structures
[td] Osteoplasty of the maxillofacial region Osteotomy of the lower jaw Osteotomy of the upper jaw Genioplasty - plastic surgery
what is a filling
Dental filling: what is it in dentistry and what does it look like, types of dental filling
Even small children know what a dental filling is. Filling material is used to fill
We treat teeth under a microscope
Is it possible to remove and treat a tooth at the same time?
Sedation or medicated sleep in dentistry is a special method of anesthesia that involves immersion
Photo of the root canal treatment process
Unsealing canals (re-treatment of dental canals)
Canal unsealing is a dental procedure that is aimed at removing a previously installed filling. Another
When is tooth extraction with a cyst indicated?
Cyst on the gum after tooth extraction: causes of formation and treatment
Bone grafting is one of the most common dental surgeries. It is to fill the deficit
Development of periodontitis
How long can an adult keep arsenic in a tooth?
Tooth depulpation is the removal of the pulp (popularly the removal of a nerve). Pulp is
Rutdent powder for retrograde filling of root canals
Treatment of odontogenic cysts (retrograde filling)
Retrograde filling is a method of filling root canals with access through the root apex. He is shown
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