Pain under the jaw on the right (left): what could it be?
Pain under the jaw: what causes unpleasant symptoms and how to eliminate them If it hurts under
Your doctor may recommend taking medications to strengthen your immune system.
Oral care rules or how to properly brush your teeth after tooth extraction
A high-quality and rapid wound healing process after tooth extraction depends not only on professionalism
Temperature after dental treatment: when is it normal and when is it not?
Tooth extraction is a surgical intervention accompanied by a violation of tissue integrity. In other words, the dental surgeon is forced
Gum extension - Smile Line Dentistry
How to restore gum bone tissue - folk remedies
Contents: When you need to augment your gums Restoration methods Materials for correction Augmentation during recession 4.1.
Tooth hurts after treatment of pulpitis - causes and methods of treatment
Sometimes the pain that occurs after recently treated pulpitis is a natural phenomenon, but it may be
Tooth extraction: indications, alternatives, consequences
Tooth extraction is carried out plannedly, as well as for emergency indications. Main indications for planned removal
pain after wisdom tooth removal
Pain after wisdom tooth removal: causes and how to get rid of it?
Types of removal Causes of complications How long does the pain last What is the pain associated with? My jaw hurts. It hurts.
Premedication in dentistry
The importance of premedication in dentistry for children and adults
Is going to the dentist really stressful for you? Fear and anxiety, muscle and psycho-emotional tension
Photo of gum extension after implantation
Flap surgery on the gums for the treatment of periodontitis
Flap surgery is an innovative method of treating periodontitis through surgery. This solution
Ketorol for toothache
Instructions for use KETOROL
Ketorol for toothache is one of the most powerful drugs that can relieve you
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