Pros and cons of external braces - are they a thing of the past?

In order to make an informed decision regarding the installation of braces, it is worth knowing what benefits they provide and what harm they can cause. It is also important to become familiar with the factors that increase the risk of complications.

The most popular and effective solution to the problem of a deformed jaw or dentition is the installation of braces. There is no doubt that the system will produce results; the success of such a procedure has been tested for years. However, many people think that such a design works wonders. In fact, in order to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time, it is very important to correctly follow the specialist’s recommendations and regularly visit the doctor.

Like any method of treatment, this one also has a lot of positive effects, but it can also cause harm.

Pros and cons of braces according to doctors' reviews

Real reviews from doctors about the pros and cons of braces boil down to the fact that the main advantage of these devices is their ability to correct even the most complex malocclusions, unlike other orthodontic devices, and the disadvantage is the difficulty of care and aesthetic qualities (with the exception of certain types of braces) . In addition, experts do not advise choosing braces based on numerous tables on the Internet, which compare treatment periods for different types of braces and prices for these designs. Why?

Firstly, every patient must understand that the degree of impact on the teeth and the duration of the correction process are the same for all braces. This is due to the natural mechanism of tooth movement. Secondly, the following can be said about the cost of braces. There are clinics that offer expensive sapphire braces for the price of ceramic ones. And it's not a joke. It’s just that the cost of orthodontic structures and services for their use depends on the pricing policy of dentistry, and not on the quality of braces or the qualifications of the doctor. Therefore, in our article we will, of course, talk about approximate prices for this or that type of braces, but, basically, we will evaluate bracket systems according to the following criteria:

  • aesthetics;
  • reliability;
  • comfort of wearing;
  • ease of care.

Interesting fact!

According to rumors, scientists at Oxford University are working on creating magnetic braces. They say that the principle of their operation will be based on the creation of a constant magnetic field using two miniature generators, which will act on the iron contained in the teeth and effectively correct the bite without the need to wear any structures.

Causes of complications

The following factors can provoke demineralization of enamel during bite correction with braces:

  • Poor hygiene.
    Food particles constantly accumulate around the braces, in which chains of mucopolysaccharides gradually form. These substances make the structure of food plaque viscous, and it easily adheres to the tooth surface. Such deposits become an ideal environment for the colonization of bacteria, including cariogenic microbes.
  • Eating large amounts of simple carbohydrates.
    Disaccharides and monosaccharides, which are part of many products, activate carious processes, adversely affecting the health of the enamel. The demineralization process is triggered due to a malfunction in the PH balance, triggered by the breakdown of carbohydrates by various types of sugar. The resulting lactic acid helps remove calcium from the enamel.
  • The use of low-quality adhesive during the installation process.
    If the orthodontist applies the adhesive layer unevenly or if there is an insufficient amount of fluoride in its composition, then the protective functions of the film are significantly weakened. At the places where braces are attached, gaps form, allowing access for pathogens to enter.
  • Pregnancy.
    Dentists do not recommend installing braces during pregnancy. The restriction is due to the constant supply of useful microelements by the woman’s body to the child. During this period, fixed braces can trigger the process of appearance of chalky stains on the protective layer of the teeth.


Not everyone develops negative manifestations. They can also be facilitated by weakened body defenses. Therefore, during the period of orthodontic correction, it is very important to pay special attention to strengthening the immune system.

Type of braces

Ligature braces

  • the elasticity of the ligatures ensures more comfortable wearing of braces.
  • affordable price.
  • It is necessary to change the ligatures regularly (about once a month), as they stretch while wearing braces.
  • a more complex hygiene procedure due to the presence of ligatures.

Braces without ligatures

  • There is no need to replace ligatures, so you can visit the doctor less often.
  • Easier oral care routine.
  • are more expensive than ligature braces.

Myth No. 1. Correcting an overbite is very painful.

This is greatly exaggerated. Most patients who wear braces note that they felt some discomfort for the first 2-3 days after installation/activation. The level of this discomfort is individual and depends on the person’s pain sensitivity threshold. In the vast majority of patients, the intensity of pain is minimal. Some sensitivity when eating at first is normal, choose something softer to reduce the stress.

In the vast majority of patients, the intensity of pain when wearing braces is minimal.

Ceramic braces - pros and cons

These orthodontic systems are made from dental ceramics. Having analyzed the pros and cons of non-ligature and ligature ceramic braces, we can conclude that such brace systems represent good value for money, allowing you to solve any bite problems at an affordable price, which in Moscow clinics is about 30,000 rubles for the design itself. one row of teeth. In this case, diagnostics, installation and removal of the system will have to be paid additionally.

What examinations need to be completed before installation?

If you definitely decide to become the owner of a Hollywood smile, before starting orthodontic treatment you will have to undergo a preliminary diagnosis, which includes an initial examination of the oral cavity and drawing up a photo protocol. Then impressions are taken, from which a plaster model is made - a copy of the patient’s teeth, necessary for making accurate calculations. The doctor measures the size of the teeth and determines in which plane a particular patient has a deficiency or, conversely, a surplus of space. Computer diagnostics are required; a lateral view of the head is taken, which allows one to see the true size of the jaws and their position in relation to the facial skeleton.

“We need to understand that when we examine patients, there are always soft tissues, there are muscles that can camouflage the pathology. This lateral projection image allows us to fully identify the problem and choose the appropriate treatment tactics,” noted Evgenia Belousova.

Also, in some cases, a CT scan is required. Such an in-depth examination is necessary if the orthodontist has doubts about the health or configuration of the roots of the teeth. In addition, CT allows you to see unerupted teeth or thin biotype, that is, thin bone tissue, which is extremely important because when teeth move, they must remain within the bone.

Thus, a standard examination includes photographs, casts, computer examination and drawing up a photo protocol.

Photo from the personal archive of Evgenia Belousova / Evgenia Belousova

Sapphire braces - pros and cons

These are transparent braces made from artificial sapphire, which really do not spoil the patient’s appearance, but look like a stylish accessory. As for the pros and cons of sapphire braces, their main advantage is considered to be high aesthetics, and a significant disadvantage is the price, since most often they cost much more than ceramic ones. However, there are cheaper options for sapphire designs combined with metal or ceramic. Thus, the cost of braces made entirely of sapphire starts in Moscow clinics from 70,000 rubles per design for one row of teeth.


How does the oval of the face change after braces?

The face after braces becomes more symmetrical and proportional. This is a consequence of correcting the bite. For example, if a patient’s teeth do not close together and the face appears elongated, then after correction with braces the cosmetic defect is eliminated. Most often, after such treatment, the cheekbones become more expressive and the cheeks become sunken.

Is it possible not to wear retainers after braces?

Can. However, the consequences of such a decision are difficult to predict. The teeth will again try to return to their previous position. And then, 1-2 years of correction with braces will be useless.

Do braces make your lips look bigger?

Visually, yes, because there is a bracket arch under the lip. However, after removing the structure, the effect of lip augmentation disappears.

Do teeth fall out from braces?

No, they don't fall out. And information about this is just rumors that have no basis.

Type of braces


  • completely invisible.
  • as durable as metal systems.
  • are more expensive than ceramic braces.
  • They are more difficult to maintain than labial systems, which are attached to the outside of the teeth.
  • significantly affect diction.

Of course, the above pros and cons of braces will play an important role in shaping your preferences regarding one or another type of these orthodontic structures. However, we will tell you a secret: the best braces for each patient will be those that will help him solve his particular bite problems. Therefore, an experienced and knowledgeable orthodontist will help you choose the right bracket system after examining and diagnosing your teeth.

Features of caring for braces

In order to minimize the possible risks of damage to the teeth and the braces themselves, it is necessary to adjust the diet in terms of eliminating products with a viscous consistency that can stick to the teeth and can complicate care, provoking the development of caries:

  • sweet bakery products;
  • confectionery products, sweets;
  • chips, snacks, sweet sticks.

Solid food should be crushed to avoid increased stress on the structures when biting. It is recommended to completely avoid sugary carbonated drinks in order to prevent tooth demineralization.

In terms of hygiene, there is a standard list of care rules taking into account the types of braces installed:

  • You need to brush your teeth regularly and be sure to do so after every meal;
  • use special tactics for cleaning braces, since these are the critical areas;
  • It is recommended to undergo professional cleaning once every two to three months;
  • use special hygiene products: floss, orthodontic brushes, irrigators.

Using all of the above recommendations eliminates any possible harm from the use of braces and is guaranteed to preserve the health, attractiveness and flawlessness of your teeth.

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