Everything about the dentist profession: history, description, pros and cons, specialties, training

It is worth keeping in mind that a therapist usually receives one permanent job due to the wide profile of his specialty. He has enough clients and wages to provide a good income.

Surgeons, orthodontists and other specialized specialists are often forced to work in several places so that the influx of clients remains more or less stable.

In addition, wages depend on the location of the clinic - in a large city or in a rural settlement.

Employment also differs in public and private clinics. For example, if a surgeon values ​​gaining experience more than earning money, then it makes sense to get a job in a free public clinic. In public clinics, dentists work almost literally “on an assembly line.” But the wages there are very low.

Private clinics offer good pay, but everything depends on marketing and the solvency of clients. If marketers and managers perform their duties correctly, then doctors of a private clinic constantly earn good money.


His area of ​​expertise is general medicine. He determines the diagnosis at the initial appointment, writes out a referral for x-rays, prepares patients for prosthetics, and draws up a treatment plan. Works with the most common problems:

  • treats caries;
  • restores teeth;
  • depulpates (removes nerves, if indicated).

The therapist works with the following diseases:

  • nerve inflammation;
  • gingivitis;
  • tartar;
  • caries;
  • periodontitis;
  • pulpitis;
  • flux.

The average salary of a therapist in a commercial clinic in the Kyiv region is UAH 15,000 per month. Income varies depending on the month - before the New Year, summer holidays and September 1, the flow of clients grows, and with them the funds received.

The salary increases if you have a resident diploma and work experience of more than 5 years. A scientific degree allows you to apply for promotion. Read about scientific degrees in the article “Postgraduate Education”.

Prospects for the profession

The dentist profession is in demand and prestigious. Earnings are quite high, so the very opportunity to receive that kind of money is already a good prospect. In the future, you can develop and get the position of chief physician, become the owner of your own clinic or a private school of dentistry.

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Orthopedic dentist

He restores teeth and jaws and does prosthetics. Eliminates injuries and pathologies of periodontium, teeth, pulp, creates a correct bite. The area of ​​responsibility of the orthopedist includes teeth, gums, as well as the tongue, lips, jaws, and oral mucosa.

Diseases within the competence of an orthopedist:

  • caries;
  • periodontitis;
  • pulpitis;
  • dental injuries;
  • erosion.

The average salary is above 40,000 UAH per month.

Advantages and disadvantages

As in any profession, it is not the subject that matters, how much dentists earn, but the positive and negative nuances.

The positive aspects of working as a dentist include:

  • qualifications are in demand in all countries of the world;
  • high profit payment;
  • normal working hours;
  • Private practice is possible when you have a lot of experience.

There are also negative indicators that should not be forgotten. The negative aspects include:

  • greater responsibility for the patient;
  • high cost of training;
  • possible stressful situations at work;
  • competition;
  • expensive equipment and tools;
  • the need to constantly improve skills;
  • working with different people.

Dentistry is a kind of art that has always been considered a prestigious profession. Therefore, every year students enter universities for this specialty in order to learn and then work and receive high wages.


Changes the bite with the help of braces and plates (the orthopedist forms the bite differently), and also changes the location of uneven or crooked teeth, and removes the gaps between them.

The competence of an orthodontist includes:

  • malocclusion;
  • uneven teeth.

The salary of an orthodontist is 10,000 - 20,000 UAH and higher, depending on the place of work and clients. One of the peculiarities of an orthodontist’s work is working in several clinics, because clients require his services less often than the services of other dentists.

It is believed that orthodontics is one of the most difficult areas in dental education.

Where to study

You can get a dental diploma in almost every regional center of the Russian Federation. The following higher education institutions are recognized as the most prestigious:

  1. Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A. I. Evdokimova.
  2. St. Petersburg State Pediatric University.
  3. First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.
  4. North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova.
  5. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN).

These universities, like many others, will allow you to obtain all the necessary knowledge for successful employment as a dentist.


Periodontists work with gum disease and treat the periodontium, the tissue that surrounds and holds teeth in the bone.

Diseases treated by a periodontist:

  • tartar and plaque;
  • bleeding gums;
  • bad breath;
  • tooth mobility;
  • stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis.

As a rule, there are practically no advertisements on the labor market for periodontists. Therapists generally perform the same duties, and employers are looking for them, preferring to hire generalists on a full-time basis.

Qualities of a specialist

Dentists need the following special qualities:

  1. Organizational skills, including maintaining accurate records of patient care, are important in medical, business settings.
  2. Communication skills to communicate with patients and colleagues.
  3. Attention to details. Dentists must pay attention to detail to ensure that patients receive appropriate treatment and medications. They should pay attention to the space, shape, and color of the teeth. For example, they may need to accurately match the false tooth to the patient's other teeth.
  4. Dexterity will help you work with tools and materials.
  5. Leadership skills. Some specialists work in their own practice, which requires them to manage and supervise staff.
  6. Patience helps you work for long periods of time with clients who need attention. Children and patients with dental fears may require a lot of patience.
  7. Physical endurance to perform physical tasks such as bending over patients for prolonged periods.
  8. Skills in assessing symptoms and choosing treatment methods.

Dental surgeon

He removes teeth, performs operations, treats inflammation, tumors, defects of teeth and jaws. Deals with diseases:

  • alveolitis;
  • ankylosis, arthritis, dislocation of the temporomandibular joint;
  • dislocation and fracture of a tooth;
  • glossalgia and glossitis;
  • dental defects;
  • infective endocarditis;
  • jaw cysts;
  • xerostomia;
  • perimaxillary abscess, etc.

A dental surgeon receives from 10,000 to 50,000 UAH per month. In general, surgeons earn less than other specialists.

How does one usually build a career?

A career can be built in two directions:

  • Practical. A dental intern develops into a full-time doctor. Then, gaining experience and demonstrating your development, you can grow to the head of the department and deputy head physician. The peak of the career is the position of chief physician.
  • Theoretical. This is a scientific activity. To do this, upon graduation, you should apply to graduate school. Then you should defend your candidate's and doctoral dissertations. This will help you open a private school, which will be the peak of your career.

Maxillofacial surgeon

Deals with diseases of the skeleton of the face and neck, jaws, as well as problems in the oral cavity. His areas of expertise include:

  • salivary glands and temporomandibular joint;
  • difficult teething;
  • odontogenic inflammation;
  • oral tumors;
  • periodontitis;
  • injuries of the facial skeleton;
  • tissue injuries of the face and neck.

Job Responsibilities

Even at the institute, immediately after admission, the student is prepared for future work and clearly delineates what will become his vocation.

Job responsibilities of a dentist include:

  • carrying out diagnostics and providing all types of dental services to the patient;
  • treatment of teeth, oral cavity and maxillofacial area;
  • preparation of dental and orthopedic instruments and their correct use for their intended purpose, adhering to safety precautions;
  • collection of biomaterial for analysis;
  • carrying out prevention, diagnosis and treatment of all types of caries;
  • correct removal, prosthetics and installation of fillings;
  • registration of medical documentation established by law;
  • compliance with job instructions.

These are mandatory items that require strict implementation.

Pediatric dentist

Treats children 1-14 years old. Assess the condition of teeth, gums and other organs, monitor teething, and correct oral hygiene.


  • caries;
  • malocclusion;
  • improper functioning of the chewing apparatus.

The average salary is about 5,000 - 15,000 UAH. Features of the profession - you need to be a good child psychologist. This area is more complicated than adult dentistry: other diseases, other treatment methods.

Who is this profession suitable for?

This profession is suitable for people with well-developed coordination of movements, in particular fine motor skills of the hands. Good long-term memory and 100% vision are important. The slightest inaccuracy and the patient may lose a tooth or experience severe pain.


This profession is in very high demand.

Useful tips

Once you have successfully chosen the specialist that suits you, it makes sense to follow certain recommendations:

  • Before your first appointment, ask your friends or relatives for feedback. Their good or bad experiences can save you from trouble.
  • The best option is to see the whole family at one dentist. Then he will be able to understand the problems typical for the whole family and give individual advice.
  • If you are facing long and expensive treatment, it is better to keep financial records. It will be useful to you in case of attempted fraud or when the cost of treatment is reimbursed by the insurance company.
  • Follow all the dentist's requirements during treatment. By not following the rules prescribed by the dentist, you risk ruining the result of the entire treatment.

The video provides additional information on the topic of the article.


  • https://fulledu.ru/articles/610_stomatolog.html
  • https://profitworks.com.ua/professii/meditsina/stomatolog
  • https://www.profguide.io/professions/stomatolog.html
  • https://youstom.com/kliniki/kak-vybrat-horoshuju-stomatologiju.html
  • https://vugistomat.com/info/kak-vybrat-stomatologicheskuyu-kliniku.html
  • https://zubovv.ru/lechenie/zubyi/kak-vyibrat-stomatologa.html
  • https://www.vash-dentist.ru/lechenie/zubyi/kak-vyibrat-stomatologa.html

Ground floor office or clinic

First of all, when choosing a specialist, you should pay special attention to where the office is located. Today, private doctors allow themselves to occupy semi-basement or basement premises.

But in such conditions there is no good ventilation, and humidity levels are important for the safety of dental materials. Creating optimal conditions in the basement is quite difficult.

Daylight is also important for a dental office. There is practically no daylight entering the main room. Using only lamps does not allow for high-quality treatment, teeth whitening or prosthetics.

A specialist will not be able to select the color of veneers, dentures or fillings qualitatively, since the comparison of shades must be carried out under different lighting conditions (lamp and daylight).

In addition, the basements contain cramped and stuffy offices and small reception areas. This does not allow for all necessary equipment to be accommodated.

The room should be comfortable, clean, bright and spacious enough. A designer interior is not necessary for dentistry, but the doctor’s workplace must be equipped in the best possible way.

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